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Line 836: from ame_actions ac

832: l_proc_name varchar2(100);
833: cursor getGrpActionParam(c_action_id in number) is
834: select parameter
835: ,ac.action_type_id
836: from ame_actions ac
837: , ame_action_types act
838: where ac.action_type_id = act.action_type_id
839: and ac.action_id = c_action_id
840: and sysdate between ac.start_date and nvl(ac.end_Date,sysdate)

Line 849: from ame_actions

845: ame_util.postApprovalTypeName );
846: --
847: cursor getEntAction(c_name in varchar2,c_action_type_id number) is
848: select action_id
849: from ame_actions
850: where parameter =
851: (select to_char(approval_Group_id)
852: from ame_approval_Groups
853: where name = c_name

Line 912: ,ame_actions ac

909: cursor chkCorrectAction(c_action_id in number,c_rule_type in number) is
910: select 'Y'
911: from ame_action_types act
912: ,ame_actions ac
913: ,ame_action_type_usages actu
914: where ac.action_id = c_action_id
915: and actu.rule_type = c_rule_type
916: and act.action_type_id = ac.action_Type_id