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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 110

  INSERT INTO hri.hri_debug
Line: 128

Line: 242

   SELECT start_date
        , end_date
     FROM bis_hr_months_v
    WHERE id = p_c_time_level_value_id
   SELECT start_date
        , end_date
     FROM bis_hr_bimonths_v
    WHERE id = p_c_time_level_value_id
   SELECT start_date
        , end_date
     FROM bis_hr_quarters_v
    WHERE id = p_c_time_level_value_id
   SELECT start_date
        , end_date
     FROM bis_hr_semiyears_v
    WHERE id = p_c_time_level_value_id
   SELECT start_date
        , end_date
     FROM bis_hr_years_v
    WHERE id = p_c_time_level_value_id;
Line: 317

   SELECT pm.measure_id
        , pm.measure_short_name
     FROM bisbv_performance_measures pm
        , bisbv_target_levels tl
    WHERE pm.measure_id = tl.measure_id
      AND tl.target_level_id = p_target_level_id;
Line: 327

     FROM bisfv_target_levels
    WHERE target_level_id = p_target_level_id;
Line: 334

     FROM bisfv_targets trg
    WHERE trg.target_id = p_target_id;
Line: 343

   SELECT lookup_code
     FROM hr_lookups
      AND lookup_code = p_c_bmt;
Line: 354

   SELECT wfr.orig_system_id
        , rsp.application_id
     FROM wf_roles           wfr
        , fnd_responsibility rsp
    WHERE wfr.orig_system_id = rsp.responsibility_id
      AND wfr.name = p_c_role_name
      AND wfr.orig_system like 'FND_RESP%';
Line: 786

 SELECT version_name
   FROM ota_activity_versions
  WHERE activity_version_id = p_activity_version_id;
Line: 825

  SELECT b.security_group_id
    FROM per_business_groups b
       , hr_all_organization_units o
   where o.business_group_id = b.business_group_id
     AND o.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 882

   SELECT  1
     FROM  per_org_structure_elements ose
     WHERE ose.org_structure_version_id     = p_org_structure_version_id
      AND (ose.organization_id_child        = p_organization_id
            or ose.organization_id_parent   = p_organization_id
          ) ;
Line: 1092

   SELECT formula_id
     FROM ff_formulas_f
    WHERE ( (p_c_business_group_id IS null
              AND business_group_id IS null )
           p_c_business_group_id = business_group_id
      AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN
            effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
      AND formula_name = p_c_formula_name;
Line: 1184

  SELECT business_group_id
    FROM hr_all_organization_units
   WHERE sysdate
          BETWEEN date_from
              AND nvl(date_to, hr_general.end_of_time)
     AND organization_id = p_c_org_id;
Line: 1506

 SELECT asg.assignment_id
      , asg.effective_end_date
   FROM per_all_assignments_f asg
      , per_assignment_status_types ast
  WHERE p_c_period_start_date-1 between
           asg.effective_start_date and
    AND asg.assignment_type           = 'E'
    AND asg.organization_id           = p_c_organization_id
    AND asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
    AND ast.per_system_status         = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
  	 (SELECT null
	    FROM per_all_assignments_f asg2,
 		     per_assignment_status_types ast2
	   WHERE p_c_period_end_date between
                     asg2.effective_start_date and
           AND asg2.assignment_type           = 'E'
           AND asg2.assignment_id             = asg.assignment_id
           AND asg2.assignment_status_type_id = ast2.assignment_status_type_id
           AND ast2.per_system_status         = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
           AND asg2.organization_id           = p_c_organization_id);
Line: 2135

    SELECT asg.assignment_id
         , asg.effective_start_date
      FROM per_all_assignments_f asg
         , per_assignment_status_types ast
     WHERE ( (p_c_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_name = 'JOB CATEGORY'
               AND   asg.job_id IN (SELECT jei.job_id
                                      FROM per_job_extra_info jei
                                     WHERE jei.jei_information1 = p_c_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_id)
             (p_c_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_name = 'JOB'
              asg.job_id = to_number(p_c_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_id) )
             (p_c_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_name = 'TOTAL JOBS')
       AND ( (p_c_actual_rec.dim1_level_value_name = 'LOCATION'
              asg.location_id = to_number(p_c_actual_rec.dim3_level_value_id))
            p_c_actual_rec.dim1_level_value_name = 'TOTAL GEOGRAPHY'
       AND asg.business_group_id = p_c_business_group_id
       AND asg.organization_id = to_number(p_c_actual_rec.org_level_value_id)
       AND asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
       AND ast.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
       AND asg.assignment_type = 'E' -- Bug 2357061
       AND p_c_period_end_date BETWEEN
            asg.effective_start_date AND
       /* Commented out because of the method in HRMNPSUM used to calc TOTAL
           (SELECT null
              FROM per_all_assignments_f asg2
                 , per_assignment_status_types ast2
             WHERE p_c_period_start_date-1 BETWEEN
                     asg2.effective_start_date AND
               AND asg2.assignment_id             = asg.assignment_id
               AND asg2.assignment_status_type_id = ast2.assignment_status_type_id
               AND ast2.per_system_status         = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
               AND asg2.organization_id           = p_c_actual_rec.org_level_value_id
Line: 2264

   SELECT sum(bval.value) budget_value
     FROM per_budget_values	bval
        , per_budget_elements	be
        , per_budget_versions	bver
        , per_time_periods	tp
  	    , per_budgets_v		bud
     where	bud.unit                = p_target_rec.unit_of_measure
       AND  bud.business_group_id	= l_business_group_id
       AND	bud.budget_id		    = p_budget_id
       AND	bud.budget_id		    = bver.budget_id
       AND  trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN
              bver.date_FROM AND nvl( bver.date_to, SYSDATE+1 )
       AND	be.budget_version_id	= bver.budget_version_id
       AND	be.budget_element_id	= bval.budget_element_id
       AND	tp.time_period_id	    = bval.time_period_id
       AND 	be.organization_id      = p_target_rec.org_level_value_id
       AND  ((p_target_rec.dim2_level_short_name = 'JOB CATEGORY'
       AND   be.job_id IN (SELECT jei.job_id
                             FROM per_job_extra_info jei
                            WHERE jei.jei_information1 = p_target_rec.dim2_level_value_id))
       OR    (p_target_rec.dim2_level_short_name = 'JOB'
               AND  be.job_id = p_target_rec.dim2_level_value_id)
       OR    (p_target_rec.dim2_level_short_name = 'TOTAL JOBS'))
               AND	tp.start_date = p_target_rec.period_start_date
       AND	tp.END_date   = p_target_rec.period_END_date;
Line: 2640

 SELECT  v.budget_measurement_value
      ,  v.vacancy_id
   FROM  per_vacancies v
  WHERE  ( (p_c_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_name = 'JOB CATEGORY'
             AND  v.job_id IN
                 (SELECT jei.job_id
                  FROM per_job_extra_info jei
                  WHERE jei.jei_information1
                      = p_c_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_id)
           (p_c_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_name = 'JOB'
             AND v.job_id = to_number(p_c_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_id)
           (p_c_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_name = 'TOTAL JOBS')
    AND  ( (p_c_actual_rec.dim1_level_value_name = 'LOCATION'
             AND v.location_id = to_number(p_c_actual_rec.dim1_level_value_id)
           (p_c_actual_rec.dim1_level_value_name = 'TOTAL GEOGRAPHY')
    AND v.budget_measurement_type = p_c_bmtype
    AND v.status = 'CLOSED'  --Closed vacancy, bug 2449031
    AND v.date_to BETWEEN
           p_c_period_start_date AND p_c_period_end_date
    AND v.organization_id = p_actual_rec.org_level_value_id;
Line: 2674

 SELECT a.assignment_id
      , a.vacancy_id
      , a.effective_start_date
   FROM per_all_assignments_f a
  WHERE (a.assignment_id, a.effective_start_date) IN
          (SELECT b.assignment_id,min(b.effective_start_date)
             FROM per_all_assignments_f b
            WHERE b.assignment_type = 'E'
              AND b.vacancy_id = p_vacancy_id
           GROUP BY b.assignment_id);
Line: 3151

 SELECT asg.assignment_id
      , asg.organization_id
      , evt.duration
      , evt.duration_units
      , ver.version_name
      , evt.title
      , dbk.successful_attendance_flag
   FROM per_assignments_f        asg
      , ota_booking_status_types bst
      , ota_activity_versions    ver
      , ota_events               evt
      , ota_delegate_bookings    dbk
  WHERE dbk.delegate_assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
    AND evt.course_start_date BETWEEN
           asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date
    AND dbk.booking_status_type_id = bst.booking_status_type_id
    AND bst.type = 'A'  -- Attended
    AND dbk.event_id = evt.event_id
    AND asg.assignment_type = 'E'
    AND evt.event_type = 'SCHEDULED'
    AND evt.activity_version_id = ver.activity_version_id
    AND nvl(evt.event_status, 'X') <> 'C' /*Not Cancelled*/
    /* Time Dim */
    AND evt.course_end_date < trunc(sysdate)
    AND evt.course_end_date BETWEEN
          p_c_period_start_date AND
    /* Org Dim*/
    AND asg.organization_id = p_c_actual_rec.org_level_value_id
    /* Dim 1  Location*/
    AND (  (p_c_actual_rec.dim1_level_value_name = 'LOCATION'
        AND asg.location_id = p_c_actual_rec.dim1_level_value_id)
      OR   (p_c_actual_rec.dim1_level_value_name = 'TOTAL GEOGRAPHY')
    /* Dim 2 Job or Job Category*/
    AND (  (p_c_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_name = 'TOTAL JOBS')
       OR  (p_c_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_name = 'JOB CATEGORY'
        AND asg.job_id IN (SELECT jei.job_id
                             FROM per_job_extra_info jei
                            WHERE jei.jei_information1 = p_c_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_id))
      OR   (p_c_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_name = 'JOB'
       AND  asg.job_id = p_c_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_id)
    /* Dim 3 Activity Version */
    AND (  (p_c_actual_rec.dim3_level_value_name = 'ACTIVITY VERSION'
        AND evt.activity_version_id = p_c_actual_rec.dim3_level_value_id)
      OR   (p_c_actual_rec.dim3_level_value_name = 'TOTAL ACTIVITY VERSIONS')
Line: 3395

  l_user_selection_tbl       bis_INDICATOR_REGION_PUB.indicator_Region_Tbl_Type;
Line: 3422

  pl('Retreive User Selections');
Line: 3426

    ( p_api_version                  => 1.0
     ,p_Target_Level_Rec             => l_Target_Level_Rec
     ,x_indicator_Region_Tbl         => l_user_selection_Tbl
     ,x_return_status                => l_return_status
     ,x_msg_count                    => l_msg_count
     ,x_msg_data                     => l_msg_data
     ,x_error_Tbl                    => l_error_tbl
Line: 3464

  pl('Count of user selections ', to_char(l_user_selection_Tbl.COUNT));
Line: 3468

  FOR i IN 1..l_user_selection_Tbl.count LOOP

    l_actual_rec.target_level_id           := l_user_selection_tbl(i).target_level_id;
Line: 3471

    l_actual_rec.target_level_short_name   := l_user_selection_tbl(i).target_level_short_name;
Line: 3472

    l_actual_rec.Responsibility_id         := l_user_selection_tbl(i).Responsibility_id;
Line: 3473

    l_actual_rec.Responsibility_short_name := l_user_selection_tbl(i).Responsibility_short_name;
Line: 3474

    l_actual_rec.Responsibility_name       := l_user_selection_tbl(i).Responsibility_name;
Line: 3475

    l_actual_rec.target_level_id           := l_user_selection_tbl(i).target_level_id;
Line: 3476

    l_actual_rec.org_level_value_id        := l_user_selection_tbl(i).org_level_value_id;
Line: 3477

    l_actual_rec.dim1_level_value_id       := l_user_selection_tbl(i).dim1_level_value_id;
Line: 3478

    l_actual_rec.dim2_level_value_id       := l_user_selection_tbl(i).dim2_level_value_id;
Line: 3479

    l_actual_rec.dim3_level_value_id       := l_user_selection_tbl(i).dim3_level_value_id;
Line: 3480

    l_actual_rec.dim4_level_value_id       := l_user_selection_tbl(i).dim4_level_value_id;
Line: 3481

    l_actual_rec.dim5_level_value_id       := l_user_selection_tbl(i).dim5_level_value_id;