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2 /* $Header: GMDPSTSB.pls 120.6.12000000.2 2007/02/19 19:14:38 rajreddy ship $ */
4   --Bug 3222090, NSRIVAST 20-FEB-2004, BEGIN
5   --Forward declaration.
6   FUNCTION set_debug_flag RETURN VARCHAR2;
7   l_debug VARCHAR2(1) := set_debug_flag;
9   FUNCTION set_debug_flag RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
10   l_debug VARCHAR2(1):= 'N';
11   BEGIN
13      l_debug := 'Y';
14    END IF;
15    RETURN l_debug;
16   END set_debug_flag;
17   --Bug 3222090, NSRIVAST 20-FEB-2004, END
19   /*###############################################################
20   # NAME
21   #	Validate Operation
23   #	proc Validate_operation
25   #     Validates operation if all the resources are attached to
26   #     every activity.
27   ###############################################################*/
28   PROCEDURE validate_operation(oprn_id IN NUMBER,
29                                x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)IS
31     CURSOR Cur_get_activities(poprn_id NUMBER) IS
32       SELECT activity
33       FROM   gmd_operation_activities a
34       WHERE  NOT EXISTS (select 'X' from gmd_operation_resources r
35                          where a.oprn_line_id = r.oprn_line_id)
36       AND    a.oprn_id = poprn_id;
38     x_count NUMBER;
39     x_temp_rec Cur_get_activities%ROWTYPE;
40     x_activity LONG;
41     x_o_res_act_cnt NUMBER := 0;
42   BEGIN
43     x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
44     FOR oprn_rec IN Cur_get_activities(oprn_id) LOOP
45       x_o_res_act_cnt := x_o_res_act_cnt + 1;
46       X_activity := x_activity||oprn_rec.activity||', ';
47     END LOOP;
48     IF (x_o_res_act_cnt > 0) THEN
50       FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('ACTIVITY',x_activity);
51       FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
52       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
53     END IF;
54   END validate_operation;
56   /* =============================================================== */
57   /* Procedure:                                                      */
58   /*   modify_status                                                 */
59   /*                                                                 */
60   /* DESCRIPTION:                                                    */
61   /*                                                                 */
62   /* API returns (x_return_code) = 'S' if the update of status code  */
63   /* is successful.                                                  */
64   /*                                                                 */
65   /* History :                                                       */
66   /* Shyam   07/29/2002   Initial implementation                     */
67   /* Shyam   05/30/03     Bug 2985443 Cannot change formula status   */
68   /*                      to approved for general use or Lab use for */
69   /*                      formulas created with total output qty =0  */
70   /* Jeff Baird  02/11/2004  Changed gmd_api_pub to gmd_api_grp.     */
71   /* Kalyani 07/03/2006   Bug 5347418 Fetched recipe_use and checked */
72   /*                      if items are costing enabled if recipe use */
73   /*                      is for costing.                            */
74   /* kalyani 08/23/2006   Bug 5394532 Added code for substitution    */
75   /* kalyani 09/19/2006   Bug 5534373 Removed code to check if       */
76   /*                      product is GME enabled                     */
77   /* =============================================================== */
78   PROCEDURE modify_status
79   ( p_api_version       IN         NUMBER    := 1
80   , p_init_msg_list     IN         BOOLEAN   := TRUE
81   , p_entity_name       IN         VARCHAR2
82   , p_entity_id         IN         NUMBER    := NULL
83   , p_entity_no         IN         VARCHAR2  := NULL
84   , p_entity_version    IN         NUMBER    := NULL
85   , p_to_status         IN         VARCHAR2
86   , p_ignore_flag       IN 	   BOOLEAN   := FALSE
87   , x_message_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
88   , x_message_list      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
89   , x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
90   ) IS
92   /* Local variable section */
93   l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'MODIFY_STATUS';
94   l_mesg_count	       NUMBER;
95   l_mesg_data	       VARCHAR2(2000);
96   l_return_status      VARCHAR2(1);
97   l_entity_id          NUMBER;
98   l_entity_no          VARCHAR2(32);
99   l_entity_version     NUMBER;
100   l_entity_name        VARCHAR2(100);
101   l_entity_value       NUMBER;
102   l_form_id	       NUMBER;
103   l_org_id	       NUMBER;
104   l_prod_exec_enabled  VARCHAR2(1);
106   l_from_status        gmd_status_b.status_code%TYPE;
107   l_from_status_type   gmd_status_b.status_type%TYPE;
108   l_from_status_desc   gmd_status.description%TYPE;
109   l_to_status_type     gmd_status_b.status_type%TYPE;
110   l_to_status_desc     gmd_status.description%TYPE;
112   l_target_status      gmd_status_next.target_status%TYPE;
113   l_rework_status      gmd_status_next.rework_status%TYPE;
114   l_pending_status     gmd_status_next.pending_status%TYPE;
115   l_mesg_text          VARCHAR2(1000);
117   l_eSignature_status  VARCHAR2(10);
118   l_check_vr           NUMBER;
119   l_toq                NUMBER;
120   l_expr_items_found   NUMBER;
122   l_table_name         VARCHAR2(30);
124   l_recipe_use         NUMBER; -- Bug 5347418
126   /* Cursor section */
128   -- Checks if there is a target status for current status */
129   CURSOR validate_To_status(vStatus_to   VARCHAR2
130                            ,vStatus_from VARCHAR2) IS
131     SELECT a.status_type, a.description, b.target_status
132     FROM   gmd_status a, gmd_status_next b
133     WHERE  a.status_code = vStatus_from
134     AND    b.target_status = vStatus_to
135     AND    a.status_code = b.current_status;
137   CURSOR get_To_status_details(vStatus_to VARCHAR2) IS
138     SELECT status_type, description
139     FROM   gmd_status
140     WHERE  status_code = vStatus_to;
142   -- Gets the recipe details and its current status code
143   CURSOR get_curr_recipe_status(vRecipe_id  NUMBER
144                                ,vRecipe_no  VARCHAR2
145                                ,vRecipe_vers NUMBER) IS
146     SELECT recipe_id, recipe_no, recipe_version, recipe_status
147     FROM   gmd_recipes_b
148     WHERE  ((vRecipe_no IS NULL AND vRecipe_vers IS NULL) AND
149             (recipe_id = vRecipe_id)) OR
150            ((vRecipe_id IS NULL) AND
151             (recipe_no = vRecipe_no AND recipe_version = vRecipe_vers));
153   -- Gets the formula details and its current status code
154   CURSOR get_curr_formula_status(vformula_id  NUMBER
155                                ,vformula_no  VARCHAR2
156                                ,vformula_vers NUMBER) IS
157     SELECT formula_id, formula_no, formula_vers, formula_status
158     FROM   fm_form_mst_b
159     WHERE  ((vformula_no IS NULL AND vformula_vers IS NULL) AND
160             (formula_id = vformula_id)) OR
161            ((vformula_id IS NULL) AND
162             (formula_no = vformula_no AND formula_vers = vformula_vers));
164   -- Gets the routing details and its current status code
165   CURSOR get_curr_routing_status(vrouting_id  NUMBER
166                                 ,vrouting_no  VARCHAR2
167                                 ,vrouting_vers NUMBER) IS
168     SELECT routing_id, routing_no, routing_vers, routing_status
169     FROM   gmd_routings_b
170     WHERE  ((vrouting_no IS NULL AND vrouting_vers IS NULL) AND
171             (routing_id = vrouting_id)) OR
172            ((vrouting_id IS NULL) AND
173             (routing_no = vrouting_no AND routing_vers = vrouting_vers));
175   -- Gets the operation details and its current status code
176   CURSOR get_curr_operation_status(voperation_id  NUMBER
177                                   ,voperation_no  VARCHAR2
178                                   ,voperation_vers NUMBER) IS
179     SELECT oprn_id, oprn_no, oprn_vers, operation_status
180     FROM   gmd_operations_b
181     WHERE  ((voperation_no IS NULL AND voperation_vers IS NULL) AND
182             (oprn_id = voperation_id)) OR
183            ((voperation_id IS NULL) AND
184             (oprn_no = voperation_no AND oprn_vers = voperation_vers));
186   -- Gets the validity rule details and its current status code
187   -- Bug 5347418 added recipe_use
188   CURSOR get_curr_vr_status(vVR_id  NUMBER) IS
189     SELECT recipe_validity_rule_id, validity_rule_status, recipe_use
190     FROM   gmd_recipe_validity_rules
191     WHERE  recipe_validity_rule_id = vVR_id;
193   -- Bug 5394532
194   -- Gets the substitution details and its current status code
195   CURSOR get_curr_subst_status(vSubs_id  NUMBER
196                                ,vSubs_no  VARCHAR2
197                                ,vSubs_vers NUMBER) IS
198     SELECT substitution_id, substitution_name, substitution_version, substitution_status
199     FROM   gmd_item_substitution_hdr_b
200     WHERE  ((vSubs_no IS NULL AND vSubs_vers IS NULL) AND
201             (substitution_id = vSubs_id)) OR
202            ((vSubs_id IS NULL) AND
203             (substitution_name = vSubs_no AND substitution_version = vSubs_vers));
205   -- Gets the formula associated with the val rule
206   CURSOR get_vr_dets(vVR_id  NUMBER) IS
207     SELECT r.formula_id, vr.organization_id
208     FROM   gmd_recipes r, gmd_recipe_validity_rules vr
209     WHERE  r.recipe_id = vr.recipe_id
210       AND  vr.recipe_validity_rule_id = vVR_id;
212     -- Recipe being changed to ON-HOLD - check for less than ON-HOLD and FROZEN
213     Cursor check_val_rules_800(vEntity_id NUMBER) IS
214      SELECT 1 from sys.dual
215      WHERE EXISTS (
216      		  SELECT recipe_validity_rule_id
217      		  FROM gmd_status s, gmd_recipe_validity_rules  v
218      		  WHERE recipe_id = vEntity_id
219                     AND v.validity_rule_status = s.status_code
220                     AND (to_number(s.status_type) < to_number('800')
221                         OR s.status_type = '900') );
223     -- Recipe being FROZEN - check for less than ON-HOLD (as on-hold stays on-hold )
224     Cursor check_val_rules_900(vEntity_id NUMBER) IS
225      SELECT 1 from sys.dual
226      WHERE EXISTS (
227      		  SELECT recipe_validity_rule_id
228      		  FROM gmd_status s, gmd_recipe_validity_rules  v
229      		  WHERE recipe_id = vEntity_id
230                     AND v.validity_rule_status = s.status_code
231                     AND to_number(s.status_type) < to_number('800') );
233     -- Recipe being OBSOLETED - thus check for less than obsolete
234     Cursor check_val_rules_1000(vEntity_id NUMBER) IS
235      SELECT 1 from sys.dual
236      WHERE EXISTS (
237      		  SELECT recipe_validity_rule_id
238      		  FROM gmd_status s, gmd_recipe_validity_rules  v
239      		  WHERE recipe_id = vEntity_id
240                     AND v.validity_rule_status = s.status_code
241                     AND to_number(s.status_type) < to_number('1000') );
243     Cursor get_fm_toq(vEntity_id NUMBER) IS
244       SELECT SUM(qty)
245       FROM fm_matl_dtl
246       WHERE formula_id = vEntity_id
247       AND   line_type IN (1,2);
250   -- Bug 4499534. Cursor to chk if product is process enabled
251   CURSOR Cur_chk_prod_exec_enabled (V_val_rule_id NUMBER) IS
252      -- Get process ececution enabled setting for the val rule orgn
253      -- (Local val rules)
254      SELECT i.process_execution_enabled_flag
255      FROM   mtl_system_items i, gmd_recipe_validity_rules v
256      WHERE  v.recipe_validity_rule_id = V_val_rule_id
257        AND  i.inventory_item_id	= v.inventory_item_id
258        AND  i.organization_id = v.organization_id
259        AND  v.organization_id IS NOT NULL
260      UNION
261      -- Get process ececution enabled setting for the recipe owning orgn
262      -- for Global recipes  (Global val rules)
263      SELECT i.process_execution_enabled_flag
264      FROM   mtl_system_items i, gmd_recipe_validity_rules v, gmd_recipes_b re
265      WHERE  v.recipe_validity_rule_id = V_val_rule_id
266        AND  i.inventory_item_id	= v.inventory_item_id
267        AND  v.recipe_id = re.recipe_id
268        AND  i.organization_id = re.owner_organization_id
269        AND  v.organization_id IS NULL;
271    CURSOR Cur_experimental_items(V_form_id NUMBER) IS
272 	SELECT COUNT(f.inventory_item_id)
273 	  FROM fm_matl_dtl f, mtl_system_items i
274 	 WHERE f.formula_id = V_form_id
275 	   AND f.inventory_item_id = i.inventory_item_id
276 	   AND f.organization_id = i.organization_id
277 	   AND i.eng_item_flag = 'Y';
279     /* Define Exceptions */
280     setup_failure                    EXCEPTION;
281     status_update_failure            EXCEPTION;
282     invalid_version                  EXCEPTION;
284       -- defining internal functions
285     FUNCTION get_status_meaning(P_status_code IN VARCHAR2)  RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
286       CURSOR Cur_get IS
287         SELECT meaning
288         FROM   gmd_status
289         WHERE  status_code = P_status_code;
291         l_meaning  gmd_status.meaning%TYPE;
292     BEGIN
293       OPEN Cur_get;
294       FETCH Cur_get INTO l_meaning;
295       CLOSE Cur_get;
297       Return l_meaning;
298     END get_status_meaning;
300   BEGIN
302     SAVEPOINT modify_status;
304     IF l_debug = 'Y' THEN
305        gmd_debug.put_line('Begin of modify_status() ');
306     END IF;
308     /* Set the return status to success initially */
309     x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
311     /* Initialize message list and count if needed */
312     IF p_init_msg_list THEN
313        fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
314     END IF;
316     /* Initialize the setup fields */
317     IF NOT gmd_api_grp.setup_done THEN
318        gmd_api_grp.setup_done := gmd_api_grp.setup;
319     END IF;
320     IF NOT gmd_api_grp.setup_done THEN
321        RAISE setup_failure;
322     END IF;
324     /* Make sure we have call compatibility */
325     IF NOT FND_API.compatible_api_call ( GMD_STATUS_PUB.m_api_version
326                                         ,p_api_version
327                                         ,l_api_name
328                                         ,GMD_STATUS_PUB.m_pkg_name) THEN
329        x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
330        RAISE invalid_version;
331     END IF;
333     /* Get the TO status type and description */
334     OPEN get_To_status_details(P_to_status);
335     FETCH get_To_status_details INTO l_to_status_type, l_to_status_desc;
336       IF get_To_status_details%NOTFOUND THEN
339          FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
340          x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
341          CLOSE get_To_status_details;
342          RAISE status_update_failure;
343       END IF;
344     CLOSE get_To_status_details;
346     /* If the P_entity_id value is not passed - then verify if the users have
347        passed in the entity_no and entity_version */
348     IF (UPPER(P_entity_name) like '%RECIPE%') THEN
349         l_entity_name := 'RECIPE';
350         OPEN get_curr_recipe_status(p_entity_id
351                                    ,P_entity_no
352                                    ,p_entity_version);
353         FETCH get_curr_recipe_status INTO l_entity_id, l_entity_no,
354                                           l_entity_version, l_from_status;
355           IF get_curr_recipe_status%NOTFOUND THEN
356              FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME ('GMD', 'GMD_MISSING');
357              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('MISSING', l_entity_name);
358              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('ID',P_entity_id);
359              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('NO',P_entity_no);
360              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('VERS',P_entity_version);
361              FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
362              x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
363              CLOSE get_curr_recipe_status;
364              RAISE status_update_failure;
365           END IF;
366         CLOSE get_curr_recipe_status;
367     ELSIF (UPPER(P_entity_name) like '%FORMULA%') THEN
368         l_entity_name := 'FORMULA';
369         OPEN get_curr_formula_status(p_entity_id
370                                    ,P_entity_no
371                                    ,p_entity_version);
372         FETCH get_curr_formula_status INTO l_entity_id, l_entity_no,
373                                           l_entity_version, l_from_status;
374           IF get_curr_formula_status%NOTFOUND THEN
375              FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME ('GMD', 'GMD_MISSING');
376              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('MISSING', l_entity_name);
377              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('ID',P_entity_id);
378              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('NO',P_entity_no);
379              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('VERS',P_entity_version);
380              FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
381              x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
382              CLOSE get_curr_formula_status;
383              RAISE status_update_failure;
384           END IF;
385         CLOSE get_curr_formula_status;
387         -- Bug 2985443 Cannot change of the formula status to approved for general
388         -- use or Lab use for formulas created with a total output qty of zero
389         IF (l_to_status_type IN (400,700)) THEN
391            IF l_debug = 'Y' THEN
392               gmd_debug.put_line('For TOQ - P_entity_id  is '||l_entity_id);
393            END IF;
395            OPEN  get_fm_toq(l_Entity_id);
396            FETCH get_fm_toq INTO l_toq;
397            CLOSE get_fm_toq;
399            IF l_debug = 'Y' THEN
400               gmd_debug.put_line('TOQ value is '||l_toq);
401            END IF;
403            IF (l_toq = 0) THEN
405              FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
406              x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
407              RAISE status_update_failure;
408            END IF;
410 	   -- Sriram - Bug 5035818
411 	   -- If formula To Status is apfgu, chk for experimental items
412 	   IF l_to_status_type = 700 THEN
413 	   	OPEN Cur_experimental_items(p_entity_id);
414 		FETCH Cur_experimental_items INTO l_expr_items_found;
415 		CLOSE Cur_experimental_items;
416 		IF l_expr_items_found > 0 THEN
419 			x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
420 			RAISE status_update_failure;
421 		END IF;
422 	   END IF;
424         END IF;
426     ELSIF (UPPER(P_entity_name) like '%ROUTING%') THEN
427         l_entity_name := 'ROUTING';
428         OPEN get_curr_routing_status(p_entity_id
429                                    ,P_entity_no
430                                    ,p_entity_version);
431         FETCH get_curr_routing_status INTO l_entity_id, l_entity_no,
432                                           l_entity_version, l_from_status;
433           IF get_curr_routing_status%NOTFOUND THEN
434              FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME ('GMD', 'GMD_MISSING');
435              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('MISSING', l_entity_name);
436              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('ID',P_entity_id);
437              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('NO',P_entity_no);
438              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('VERS',P_entity_version);
439              FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
440              x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
441              CLOSE get_curr_routing_status;
442              RAISE status_update_failure;
443           END IF;
444         CLOSE get_curr_routing_status;
445     ELSIF (UPPER(P_entity_name) like '%OPERATION%') THEN
446         l_entity_name := 'OPERATION';
447         OPEN get_curr_operation_status(p_entity_id
448                                       ,P_entity_no
449                                       ,p_entity_version);
450         FETCH get_curr_operation_status INTO l_entity_id, l_entity_no,
451                                              l_entity_version, l_from_status;
452           IF get_curr_operation_status%NOTFOUND THEN
453              FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME ('GMD', 'GMD_MISSING');
454              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('MISSING', l_entity_name);
455              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('ID',P_entity_id);
456              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('NO',P_entity_no);
457              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('VERS',P_entity_version);
458              FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
459              x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
460              CLOSE get_curr_operation_status;
461              RAISE status_update_failure;
462           END IF;
463         CLOSE get_curr_operation_status;
465         /* For each Operation, check if its activities, and
466            check if there at least one resource attached to the activities.
467            If none of the activities for this operation have
468            at least one resource then we prevent the change of
469            status for this operation to 700 or 400. */
470         IF (to_number(l_to_status_type) IN (400,700)) THEN
471             validate_operation(l_entity_id, x_return_status);
472             IF l_debug = 'Y' THEN
473                gmd_debug.put_line('The return status after calling val operation is '||
474                    x_return_status);
475             END IF;
476             IF (x_return_status = FND_API.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
477                RAISE status_update_failure;
478             END IF;
479         END IF;
480     ELSIF (UPPER(P_entity_name) like '%VALIDITY%') THEN
481         l_entity_name := 'VALIDITY';
482         OPEN get_curr_vr_status(p_entity_id);
483 	-- Bug 53487418 added l_recipe_use
484 	FETCH get_curr_vr_status INTO l_entity_id, l_from_status, l_recipe_use;
485           IF get_curr_vr_status%NOTFOUND THEN
486              FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME ('GMI', 'GMI_MISSING');
488              FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
489              x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
490              CLOSE get_curr_vr_status;
491              RAISE status_update_failure;
492           END IF;
493         CLOSE get_curr_vr_status;
494 	IF (TO_NUMBER(l_to_status_type) IN (400,700)) THEN
495                 -- Bug# 5331823 Added the validation for Approved for Lab Use also
497 		-- Get formula id associated with the Val rule
498 		OPEN get_vr_dets(p_entity_id);
499 		FETCH get_vr_dets INTO l_form_id, l_org_id;
500 		CLOSE get_vr_dets;
502 		-- If not global val rule, chk if formula items are production enabled in
503 		-- validity rule orgn
504 		IF l_org_id IS NOT NULL THEN
505 		   -- Bug 5347418 Validate for prod or costing based on recipe_use
506 		   IF l_recipe_use IN (0,1) THEN
507 			GMD_API_GRP.check_item_exists(	p_formula_id	   => l_form_id,
508 							x_return_status	   => l_return_status,
509 							p_organization_id  => l_org_id,
510 							p_production_check => TRUE);
512 			IF l_return_status <> FND_API.g_ret_sts_success THEN
513 				FND_MSG_PUB.GET	(p_msg_index     => 1,
514 						 p_data		 => l_mesg_data,
515 						 p_encoded	 => 'F',
516 						 p_msg_index_out => l_mesg_count);
517 				--FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
518 				x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
519 				RAISE status_update_failure;
520 			END IF;
521 	          ELSIF l_recipe_use = 2 THEN
522                         GMD_API_GRP.check_item_exists(	p_formula_id	   => l_form_id,
523 							x_return_status	   => l_return_status,
524 							p_organization_id  => l_org_id,
525 							p_costing_check => TRUE);
527 			IF l_return_status <> FND_API.g_ret_sts_success THEN
528 				FND_MSG_PUB.GET	(p_msg_index     => 1,
529 						 p_data		 => l_mesg_data,
530 						 p_encoded	 => 'F',
531 						 p_msg_index_out => l_mesg_count);
532 				--FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
533 				x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
534 				RAISE status_update_failure;
535 			END IF;
536 		  END IF;
538 		END IF;
540 		-- Bug 4499534. Chk if product is process execution enabled
541 		-- Bug 5534376/5534373 Removed code added for 4499534 as the above code
542 		-- for check_item_exists check for it.
543 	END IF;
544     -- Bug 5394532
545     ELSIF (UPPER(P_entity_name) like '%SUBSTITUTION%') THEN
546         l_entity_name := 'SUBSTITUTION';
547         OPEN get_curr_subst_status(p_entity_id
548                                    ,P_entity_no
549                                    ,p_entity_version);
550         FETCH get_curr_subst_status INTO l_entity_id, l_entity_no,
551                                           l_entity_version, l_from_status;
552           IF get_curr_subst_status%NOTFOUND THEN
553              FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME ('GMD', 'GMD_MISSING');
554              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('MISSING', l_entity_name);
555              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('ID',P_entity_id);
556              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('NO',P_entity_no);
557              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('VERS',P_entity_version);
558              FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
559              x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
560              CLOSE get_curr_subst_status;
561              RAISE status_update_failure;
562           END IF;
563         CLOSE get_curr_subst_status;
564     ELSE -- not able to recognize the entity name
566         FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('ENTITY_NAME', P_entity_name);
567         FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
568         x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
569         RAISE status_update_failure;
570     END IF;
572     IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
573        gmd_debug.put_line('The entity details are Entity_name = '||l_entity_name
574            ||', Entity Id = '||l_entity_id||', Entity no is '||l_entity_no
575            ||', Entity version is '||l_entity_version
576            ||' and its status is '||l_from_status);
578        gmd_debug.put_line('About to verify if the To status is valid '||
579         'the From status is '||l_from_status||' and To status is '||P_to_status);
580     END IF;
583     /* Validate if this Entity can be modified by this user */
584     IF NOT GMD_API_GRP.Check_orgn_access(Entity     => P_entity_name
585                                         ,Entity_id  => l_entity_id) THEN
586        RAISE status_update_failure;
587     END IF;
589    /* Verify if P_to_status is valid for the current status code */
590    IF (P_to_status <> l_from_status) THEN
591       OPEN validate_To_status(P_to_status ,l_from_status);
592       FETCH validate_To_status INTO l_from_status_type, l_from_status_desc, l_target_status;
593         IF validate_To_status%NOTFOUND THEN
595            FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('TO_STATUS', l_to_status_desc);
596            FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
597            x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
598            CLOSE validate_To_status;
599            RAISE status_update_failure;
600         END IF;
601       CLOSE validate_To_status;
602    ELSE
604      FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN ('NAME', P_entity_name);
605      FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
606      RETURN;
607    END IF;
609    IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
610       gmd_debug.put_line('From status type  = '||l_from_status_type
611           ||', From Status desc  = '||l_from_status_desc
612           ||' and target status = '||l_target_status);
613    END IF;
615    /* Check parent status */
616    -- Check if entity is already in use before putting it on hold
617    -- or obsoleting it.
618    IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
619       gmd_debug.put_line('Checking the Parent status dependency for '||l_entity_name);
620    END IF;
621    IF (to_number(l_to_status_type) IN (800, 1000)) THEN
622       IF (NOT gmd_status_code.check_parent_status(l_entity_name
623 	  				         ,l_entity_id)) THEN
624         SELECT DECODE(l_entity_name,
625                       'FORMULA','GMD_FORMULA_INUSE',
626                       'RECIPE','GMD_RECIPE_BTCH_DEP',
627                       'OPERATION','GMD_OPERATION_INUSE',
628                       'ROUTING','GMD_ROUTING_INUSE',
629                       'VALIDITY','GMD_VR_BTCH_DEP') INTO l_mesg_text
630         FROM sys.dual;
632         IF l_entity_name IN ('FORMULA','OPERATION','ROUTING') THEN
633           FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMD',l_mesg_text);
634           FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
635           x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
636           RAISE status_update_failure;
637         ELSIF l_entity_name IN ('RECIPE','VALIDITY') THEN
638           IF NOT P_ignore_flag THEN
639              FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMD',l_mesg_text);
640              FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
641              x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
642              RAISE status_update_failure;
643           END IF; -- p_ignore_flag is false
644         END IF; -- entity type check
645       END IF; -- Checking parent status
646    END IF;
648    IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
649       gmd_debug.put_line('Checking the Dependent status, From status = '||l_from_status
650       ||' To Status '||p_to_status);
651    END IF;
653    /* Check Dependent Status */
654    SELECT DECODE(l_entity_name,
655                  'FORMULA',1,
656                  'RECIPE',3,
657                  'OPERATION',2,
658                  'ROUTING',4,
659                  'VALIDITY',5) INTO l_entity_value
660      FROM sys.dual;
663               (l_entity_value,
664                l_entity_id,
665                l_from_status,
666                P_to_status) ) THEN
667       /* if function from stored package returns FALSE, then
668       * dependent entities do not have proper status, and this
669       * entity's status cannot be changed.  Ex. routing has at
670       * least one operation which is not approved.  The function
671       * returns TRUE if entity does not have dependents (formula,
672       * operation) or if to_status does not require the check
673       * (frozen, on-hold, obsolete, some version of New). */
675       FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
676       x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
677       RAISE status_update_failure;
678    ELSE
680      IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
681       gmd_debug.put_line('Dependent status are valid, about to check if recipes'||
682       ' have any VRs , The from status type = '||l_from_status_type);
683      END IF;
685       -- Only when entity is 'RECIPE'
686       IF (l_entity_name = 'RECIPE') THEN
687         IF (to_number(l_to_status_type) = 800) THEN
688           OPEN check_val_rules_800(l_entity_id) ;
689           FETCH check_val_rules_800 into l_check_vr ;
690           CLOSE check_val_rules_800 ;
691         ELSIF (to_number(l_to_status_type) = 900 ) THEN
692           OPEN check_val_rules_900(l_entity_id) ;
693           FETCH check_val_rules_900 into l_check_vr ;
694           CLOSE check_val_rules_900 ;
695         ELSIF (to_number(l_to_status_type) = 1000) THEN
696           IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
697              gmd_debug.put_line('about to derive l_chk_vr, l_entity_id is '||l_entity_id);
698           END IF;
699           OPEN check_val_rules_1000(l_entity_id) ;
700           FETCH check_val_rules_1000 into l_check_vr ;
701           CLOSE check_val_rules_1000 ;
702         END IF ;
704         IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
705           gmd_debug.put_line('Dependent status are valid and check VR = '||l_check_vr);
706         END IF;
708         IF l_check_vr = 1 THEN
709           /*ERES Implementation - If approvals are required for the */
710           /*status change of the validity rules then the user has to */
711           /*do them manually */
712           IF GMD_ERES_UTILS.check_recipe_validity_eres (p_recipe_id => l_entity_id
713                                                        ,p_to_status => P_to_status) THEN
715             FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('STATUS', l_to_status_desc);
716             FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
717             x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
718             RAISE status_update_failure;
719           END IF;
721           /* Check if the VR for this recipe needs to be updated */
722           IF (p_ignore_flag) THEN
723              -- Now update the VR according to recipe status change
724              IF (to_number(l_to_status_type) = 800) THEN
725                -- Change status to ON-HOLD for less than ON-HOLD
726                UPDATE gmd_recipe_validity_rules
727                SET validity_rule_status = P_to_status
728                WHERE recipe_id = l_entity_id
729                AND  (to_number(validity_rule_status) < to_number('800') OR
730                      to_number(validity_rule_status) between 900 and 999);
731              ELSIF (to_number(l_to_status_type) = 900) THEN
732                UPDATE gmd_recipe_validity_rules
733                SET validity_rule_status = P_to_status
734                WHERE recipe_id = l_entity_id
735                AND  to_number(validity_rule_status) < to_number('800') ;
736              ELSIF (to_number(l_to_status_type) = 1000) THEN
737                IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
738                  gmd_debug.put_line('Ignore flag was true and we are about update VR ');
739                END IF;
740                UPDATE gmd_recipe_validity_rules
741                SET validity_rule_status = P_to_status
742                WHERE recipe_id = l_entity_id
743                AND  to_number(validity_rule_status) < to_number('1000') ;
744              END IF;
745           ELSE
747             FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('TO_STATUS',P_to_status);
748             FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
749             x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_error;
750             RAISE status_update_failure;
751           END IF; /* if feedback is OK */
752         END IF ; /* if validity rules exists , l_check_vr=1 */
753       END IF; /* IF (l_entity_name = 'RECIPE') */
754    END IF; /* Check Dependent Status */
756    IF (x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) THEN
757       IF (l_from_status <> P_to_status) THEN
758          IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
759            gmd_debug.put_line('About to get the pending and rework status ');
760          END IF;
761           /* Added the following code as part of ERES Implementation */
762           l_pending_status := GMD_STATUS_CODE.get_pending_status
763                               (p_from_status => l_from_status
764                               ,p_to_status => P_to_status);
766           l_rework_status := GMD_STATUS_CODE.get_rework_status
767                              (p_from_status => l_from_status
768                              ,p_to_status => P_to_status);
770           IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
771             gmd_debug.put_line('Pending and Rework status is  '||l_pending_status
772                      ||' and '||l_rework_status);
774             gmd_debug.put_line('About to impement ERES for '||l_entity_name||
775                      ' Entity id is '||l_entity_id||' the To status is '||P_to_status||
776                      ' the entity no is '||l_entity_no||' the version is '||l_entity_version);
777           END IF;
779           IF (l_entity_name = 'FORMULA') THEN
781             GMD_ERES_UTILS.update_formula_status
782               (p_formula_id => l_entity_id
783               ,p_from_status => l_from_status
784               ,p_to_status => P_to_status
785               ,p_pending_status => l_pending_status
786               ,p_rework_status => l_rework_status
787               ,p_object_name => l_entity_no
788               ,p_object_version => l_entity_version
789               ,p_called_from_form  => 'T'
790               ,x_return_status => l_eSignature_status);
792           ELSIF (l_entity_name = 'RECIPE') THEN
794             IF l_debug = 'Y' THEN
795               gmd_debug.put_line('In GMD Status Pub - About call ERES Util for update Recipe ');
796             END IF;
798             GMD_ERES_UTILS.update_recipe_status
799               (p_recipe_id => l_entity_id
800               ,p_from_status => l_from_status
801               ,p_to_status => P_to_status
802               ,p_pending_status => l_pending_status
803               ,p_rework_status => l_rework_status
804               ,p_object_name => l_entity_no
805               ,p_object_version => l_entity_version
806               ,p_called_from_form  => 'T'
807               ,x_return_status => l_eSignature_status);
809             IF l_debug = 'Y' THEN
810               gmd_debug.put_line('In GMD Status Pub - After call ERES Util for update Recipe ');
811             END IF;
813           ELSIF(l_entity_name = 'OPERATION') THEN
815             GMD_ERES_UTILS.update_operation_status
816               (p_oprn_id => l_entity_id
817               ,p_from_status => l_from_status
818               ,p_to_status => P_to_status
819               ,p_pending_status => l_pending_status
820               ,p_rework_status => l_rework_status
821               ,p_object_name => l_entity_no
822               ,p_object_version => l_entity_version
823               ,p_called_from_form  => 'T'
824               ,x_return_status => l_eSignature_status);
826           ELSIF(l_entity_name = 'ROUTING') THEN
828             GMD_ERES_UTILS.update_routing_status
829               (p_routing_id => l_entity_id
830               ,p_from_status => l_from_status
831               ,p_to_status => P_to_status
832               ,p_pending_status => l_pending_status
833               ,p_rework_status => l_rework_status
834               ,p_object_name => l_entity_no
835               ,p_object_version => l_entity_version
836               ,p_called_from_form  => 'T'
837               ,x_return_status => l_eSignature_status);
839           ELSIF(l_entity_name = 'VALIDITY') THEN
841             GMD_ERES_UTILS.update_validity_rule_status
842               ( p_validity_rule_id  => l_entity_id
843                ,p_from_status	     => l_from_status
844 	       ,p_to_status	     => P_to_status
845 	       ,p_pending_status    => l_pending_status
846 	       ,p_rework_status     => l_rework_status
847 	       ,p_called_from_form  => 'T'
848 	       ,x_return_status     => l_eSignature_status);
849 	  -- Bug 5394532
850 	  ELSIF (l_entity_name = 'SUBSTITUTION') THEN
852             IF l_debug = 'Y' THEN
853               gmd_debug.put_line('In GMD Status Pub - About call ERES Util for update substitution ');
854             END IF;
856             GMD_ERES_UTILS.update_substitution_status
857               (p_substitution_id => l_entity_id
858               ,p_from_status => l_from_status
859               ,p_to_status => P_to_status
860               ,p_pending_status => l_pending_status
861               ,p_rework_status => l_rework_status
862               ,p_called_from_form  => 'T'
863               ,x_return_status => l_eSignature_status);
865             IF l_debug = 'Y' THEN
866               gmd_debug.put_line('In GMD Status Pub - After call ERES Util for update substitution ');
867             END IF;
868           END IF;
870           IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
871             gmd_debug.put_line('After ERES implementation');
872           END IF;
874           IF (l_eSignature_status IN ('S','P') ) THEN
875             x_return_status := l_eSignature_status;
876             -- Commit your changes
877             Commit;
879             IF (x_return_status = 'P') THEN
880               fnd_message.set_name('GMD','GMD_CONC_PEND_STATUS');
882               fnd_message.set_token('OBJECT_TYPE',l_entity_name );
883               fnd_message.set_token('OBJECT_NAME',l_entity_no );
884               fnd_message.set_token('OBJECT_VERSION',l_entity_version);
885               fnd_message.set_token('FROM_STATUS',get_status_meaning(l_from_status) );
886               fnd_message.set_token('TO_STATUS',get_status_meaning(P_to_status) );
887               fnd_message.set_token('PENDING_STATUS',get_status_meaning(l_pending_status) );
888             END IF;
890           ELSE
891             x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
892             RAISE status_update_failure;
893           END IF;
895       END IF; --IF (l_from_status <> P_to_status)
896    END IF;
898    fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
899        p_count => x_message_count
900       ,p_encoded => FND_API.g_false
901       ,p_data => x_message_list);
903     IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
904       gmd_debug.put_line('Status was updated successfullly');
905     END IF;
907     IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
908        gmd_debug.put_line('Completed '||l_api_name ||' at '
909                  ||to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
910     END IF;
913     WHEN status_update_failure OR invalid_version THEN
914          ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT modify_status;
915          IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
916            gmd_debug.put_line (m_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||':'||'API not complete');
917          END IF;
918          fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
919             p_count => x_message_count
920            ,p_encoded => FND_API.g_false
921            ,p_data => x_message_list);
922          x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
923    WHEN setup_failure THEN
924    	ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT modify_status;
925         x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
926         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
927             p_count => x_message_count
928            ,p_encoded => FND_API.g_false
929            ,p_data => x_message_list);
930    WHEN app_exception.record_lock_exception THEN
931         ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT modify_status;
932         x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
934         IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
935           gmd_debug.put_line ('In locked exception section ');
936         END IF;
937         SELECT DECODE(P_entity_name,
938                      'FORMULA','FM_FORM_MST_B',
939                      'RECIPE','GMD_RECIPES_B',
940                      'OPERATION','GMD_OPERATIONS_B',
941                      'ROUTING','GMD_ROUTINGS_B',
942                      'VALIDITY','GMD_RECIPE_VALIDITY_RULES') INTO l_table_name
943         FROM sys.dual;
944         gmd_api_grp.log_message('GMD_RECORD_LOCKED',
945                                 'TABLE_NAME',l_table_name,
946                                 'KEY',NVL(p_entity_id, l_entity_id)
947                                 );
948         -- Bug #3437582 (JKB) Changed gmd_api_pub to gmd_api_grp above.
949         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
950             p_count => x_message_count
951            ,p_encoded => FND_API.g_false
952            ,p_data => x_message_list);
954          ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT modify_status;
955          fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg (gmd_status_pub.m_pkg_name, l_api_name);
956          IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
957             gmd_debug.put_line (m_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||':'||'When others exception:'||SQLERRM);
958          END IF;
959          fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (
960             p_count   => x_message_count
961            ,p_encoded => FND_API.g_false
962            ,p_data    => x_message_list);
963          x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
964   END Modify_status;