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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 8

|    KUMMA                   15-jul-2002                 Bug 2446067: in call to CREATE_ORGANIZATION and UPDATE_ORGANIZATION ,
|                            converted the NEW_INSTITUTION_CD to upper.
|                            In call to IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES_PKG.INSERT_ROW if the local_ind and os_ind are null
|                            then put the default value of 'N'. In call to IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES_PKG.UPDATE_ROW if
|                            local_ind and os_ind are null then substitute them with database older values
|                            OI_LOCAL_INSTITUTION_IND and OI_OS_IND
|    pkpatel                 31-JUL-2002                 Bug No: 2461744
|                                                        Removed the UPPER check for INSTITUTION_CD
|    pkpatel                 25-OCT-2002                 Bug No: 2613704
|                                                        Replaced column inst_priority_code_id with inst_priority_cd  in igs_pe_hz_parties_pkg
|    npalanis                27-OCT-2002                 Bug No: 2613704
|                                                        Modified create_alternate_id
|    pkpatel                  2-DEC-2002                 Bug No: 2599109
|                                                        Added column birth_city, birth_country in the call to TBH igs_pe_hz_parties_pkg
|    ssawhney                30-APR-2003                 V2API - OVN implementation , create/update_institution procs modified
|    vrathi                  28-MAY-2003                 Bug No: 2961982 Replaced update_row with add_row
|    ssaleem                 25-SEP-2003                 IGS.L patch the following changes are made
|                                                        1. Logging mechanism introduced, FND_FILE.PUT_LINE replaced with methods
|                                                           in FND_LOG package
|							 2. Cursors that used variables in the SELECT statements were replaced with
|							    cursor parameters. Respective changes have been made in the places where
|							    the cursors are opened
|							 3. In the import process, it is made sure that NULL values does not replace
|							    existing values in the table. NULL check has been added while calling
|                                                           IGS_OR_GEN_012_PKG.UPDATE_ORGANIZATION and igs_pe_hz_parties_pkg.ADD_row
|  mmkumar                   18-Jul-2005                 modified calls to igs_pe_hz_parties insert_row and add row

PROCEDURE create_institution (
    p_inst_rec IN IGS_OR_INST_INT%ROWTYPE,
    p_instcode OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    p_errind  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    p_error_code OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    p_error_text OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

  Created By :samaresh
  Date Created By : 17-JUL-2001
  Purpose : This Procedure creates a New Institution
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  SMVK      05-Feb-2002   Added Fund Authorization to
                  IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES_PKG.INSERT_ROW calls
                  as per enhancement bug no.2191470.
  kumma         14-JUN-2002       Uncommented the call to message IGS_OR_INST_CRT_FAIL,
                  IGS_OR_AUTOGEN_FAIL, 2410165
  kumma         26-JUN-2002       Passed NULL for values INSITUTION_CD AND OU_START_DT
                  Inside call to IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES_PKG.INSERT_ROW AND UPDATE_ROW, Bug 2425349
  kumma         28-jun-2002   set the error indicator to 'Y' inside exception handling code
  kumma         15-JUL-2002       In call to CREATE_ORGANIZATION converted the NEW_INSTITUTION_CD to upper.
                  In call to IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES_PKG.INSERT_ROW if the local_ind and os_ind are null
                  then put the default value of 'N'. Bug 2446067
  pkpatel       31-JUL-2002    Bug No: 2461744
                               Removed the UPPER check for INSTITUTION_CD
  pkpatel       25-OCT-2002    Bug No: 2613704
                               Replaced column inst_priority_code_id with inst_priority_cd  in igs_pe_hz_parties_pkg
  ssawhney      30-APR-2003    V2API - OVN implementation.
  skpandey      27-SEP-2005    Bug: 3663505
                               Description: Added ATTRIBUTES 21 TO 24 to store additional information in IGS_OR_GEN_012_PKG call
   l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 81

     SELECT party_number
     FROM hz_parties
     WHERE party_id = cp_party_id;
Line: 150

                  IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES_PKG.INSERT_ROW (
                   x_rowid                    => l_rowid,
                   x_mode                     => 'R',
                   x_party_id                 => l_party_id,
                   x_deceased_ind             => NULL,
                   x_archive_exclusion_ind    => NULL,
                   x_archive_dt               => NULL,
                   x_purge_exclusion_ind      => NULL,
                   x_purge_dt                 => NULL,
                   x_oracle_username          => NULL,
                   x_proof_of_ins             => NULL,
                   x_proof_of_immu            => NULL,
                   x_level_of_qual            => NULL,
                   x_military_service_reg     => NULL,
                   x_veteran              => NULL,
                       x_institution_cd           => NULL,
                       x_oi_local_institution_ind => NVL(p_inst_rec.LOCAL_INSTITUTION_IND,'N'),
                       x_oi_os_ind                => NVL(p_inst_rec.OS_IND,'N'),
                       x_oi_govt_institution_cd   => p_inst_rec.GOVT_INSTITUTION_CD,
                       x_oi_inst_control_type     => p_inst_rec.INST_CONTROL_TYPE,
                       x_oi_institution_type      => p_inst_rec.INSTITUTION_TYPE,
                       x_oi_institution_status    => p_inst_rec.INSTITUTION_STATUS,
                       x_ou_start_dt              => NULL,
                       x_ou_end_dt                => NULL,
                       x_ou_member_type           => NULL,
                       x_ou_org_status            => NULL,
                       x_ou_org_type              => NULL,
                       x_inst_org_ind             => 'I',
                   x_inst_priority_cd    => p_inst_rec.INST_PRIORITY_CD,
                   x_inst_eps_code            => p_inst_rec.EPS_CODE,
                   x_inst_phone_country_code  => p_inst_rec.PHONE_COUNTRY,
                   x_inst_phone_area_code     => p_inst_rec.PHONE_AREA,
                   x_inst_phone_number        => p_inst_rec.PHONE_NUMBER,
                   x_adv_studies_classes      => p_inst_rec.ADV_STUDIES_CLASSES,
                   x_honors_classes           => p_inst_rec.HONORS_CLASSES,
                   x_class_size               => p_inst_rec.CLASS_SIZE,
                   x_sec_school_location_id   => p_inst_rec.SEC_SCHOOL_LOCATION_ID,
                   x_percent_plan_higher_edu  => p_inst_rec.PERCENT_PLAN_HIGHER_EDU,
                   x_fund_authorization       => NULL,
                   x_birth_city               => NULL,
                   x_birth_country            => NULL,
		   x_oss_org_unit_cd	      => p_instcode	--mmkumar, party number change
Line: 263

      x_rowid => l_rowid,
      x_crosswalk_id => l_crswalk_id,
      x_institution_code => p_inst_code,
      x_institution_name => p_inst_name
Line: 303

    SELECT 'Y'
    WHERE ALT_ID_TYPE = cp_data_src AND
          ALT_ID_VALUE = cp_data_val;
Line: 319

         x_rowid => l_rowid,
         x_crosswalk_dtl_id => l_crswalkdtl_id,
         x_crosswalk_id => p_crwlkid,
         x_alt_id_type => p_datasrc,
         x_alt_id_value => p_dataval,
         x_mode => 'R');
Line: 356

                                  Modified the logic to insert the alternate id. It will create a new alternate ID
								  if there is no ACTIVE alternate id present.
  kumma           16-jul-2002     changed the cursor c_partyid to put upper on cp_instcd,2446067
  pkpatel         31-JUL-2002     Bug No: 2461744
                                  Removed the UPPER check for INSTITUTION_CD
  npalanis        27-OCT-2002     Bug No: 2613704
                                  Added the parameter p_error_code and added the check for overlap of alternate ID

  CURSOR c_exists (cp_alt_id_type igs_or_org_alt_ids.org_alternate_id_type%TYPE,
                   cp_alt_id_val VARCHAR2,
		   cp_instcd igs_or_org_alt_ids.org_structure_id%TYPE,
		   cp_structure_type igs_or_org_alt_ids.org_structure_type%TYPE,
		   cp_end_date VARCHAR2) IS
    SELECT org_alternate_id
    FROM igs_or_org_alt_ids
    WHERE org_alternate_id_type = cp_alt_id_type
    AND   org_structure_id   =  cp_instcd
    AND   org_structure_type =  cp_structure_type
	AND   ( SYSDATE BETWEEN start_date AND NVL(end_date,TO_DATE(cp_end_date,'YYYY/MM/DD')) );
Line: 379

    SELECT hp.party_id
    FROM HZ_PARTIES hp, igs_pe_hz_parties ihp
    WHERE ihp.oss_org_unit_cd = cp_instcd and
          ihp.party_id = hp.party_id;
Line: 400

            x_rowid => l_rowid,
            x_org_structure_id => p_instcd,
            x_org_structure_type => 'INSTITUTE',
            x_org_alternate_id_type => p_altidtype,
            x_org_alternate_id => p_altidval,
            x_start_date => SYSDATE,
            x_end_date => NULL,
            x_mode => 'R');
Line: 435

PROCEDURE update_institution(
    p_instcd IN VARCHAR2,
    p_errind OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    p_error_code OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    p_error_text OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 )
  Created By :samaresh
  Date Created By : 17-JUL-2001
  Purpose : This Procedure Updates an Institution Record
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  SMVK      05-Feb-2002   Added Fund Authorization to
                  IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES_PKG.UPDATE_ROW calls
                  as per enhancement bug no.2191470.
  kumma         14-JUN-2002       Uncommented the call to message IGS_OR_INST_UPD_FAIL, 2410165
  kumma         15-JUL-2002       In call to UPDATE_ORGANIZATION ,
                  converted the INSTITUTION_CD to upper.
                  In call to IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES_PKG.UPDATE_ROW if the local_ind and os_ind are null
                  then substituted them witholder values of database. Bug 2446067
  pkpatel         31-JUL-2002     Bug No: 2461744
                                  Removed the UPPER check for INSTITUTION_CD
  pkpatel       25-OCT-2002    Bug No: 2613704
                               Replaced column inst_priority_code_id with inst_priority_cd  in igs_pe_hz_parties_pkg
  ssawhney      30-APR-2003    V2API - OVN implementation.
  vrathi        28-MAY-2003    Bug No: 2961982 Replaced update_row with add_row
  ssaleem       26-SEP-2003    NULL check has been added while calling
                               IGS_OR_GEN_012_PKG.UPDATE_ORGANIZATION and igs_pe_hz_parties_pkg.ADD_row,
			       it is made sure that NULL values does not replace
 			       existing values in the table.
  skpandey      27-SEP-2005    Bug: 3663505
                               Description: Added ATTRIBUTES 21 TO 24 to store additional information in IGS_OR_GEN_012_PKG call
    CURSOR c_partyid (cp_instcd VARCHAR2) IS
      SELECT hp.*
      FROM HZ_PARTIES HP, igs_pe_hz_parties ihp
      WHERE ihp.oss_org_unit_cd  = cp_instcd and
            hp.party_id = ihp.party_id;
Line: 477

      SELECT rowid ,PP.*
      WHERE party_id = cp_partyid;
Line: 497

        p_party_id             => l_party_rec.party_id,
        p_institution_cd       => p_instcd,
        p_name                 => NVL(p_instrec.NAME,l_party_rec.party_name),
        p_status               => l_party_rec.status,
        p_last_update          => l_party_rec.last_update_date,
        p_attribute_category   => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY, l_party_rec.attribute_category),
        p_attribute1           => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE1,l_party_rec.attribute1),
        p_attribute2           => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE2,l_party_rec.attribute2),
        p_attribute3           => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE3,l_party_rec.attribute3),
        p_attribute4           => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE4,l_party_rec.attribute4),
        p_attribute5           => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE5,l_party_rec.attribute5),
        p_attribute6           => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE6,l_party_rec.attribute6),
        p_attribute7           => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE7,l_party_rec.attribute7),
        p_attribute8           => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE8,l_party_rec.attribute8),
        p_attribute9           => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE9,l_party_rec.attribute9),
        p_attribute10          => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE10,l_party_rec.attribute10),
        p_attribute11          => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE11,l_party_rec.attribute11),
        p_attribute12          => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE12,l_party_rec.attribute12),
        p_attribute13          => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE13,l_party_rec.attribute13),
        p_attribute14          => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE14,l_party_rec.attribute14),
        p_attribute15          => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE15,l_party_rec.attribute15),
        p_attribute16          => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE16,l_party_rec.attribute16),
        p_attribute17          => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE17,l_party_rec.attribute17),
        p_attribute18          => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE18,l_party_rec.attribute18),
        p_attribute19          => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE19,l_party_rec.attribute19),
        p_attribute20          => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE20,l_party_rec.attribute20),
        p_return_status        => l_return_status,
        p_msg_data             => l_msg_data,
	p_object_version_number => l_ovn,
        p_attribute21          => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE21,l_party_rec.attribute21),
        p_attribute22          => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE22,l_party_rec.attribute22),
        p_attribute23          => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE23,l_party_rec.attribute23),
        p_attribute24          => NVL(p_instrec.ATTRIBUTE24,l_party_rec.attribute24)
Line: 539

		                          FND_MESSAGE.Get || '-' || l_msg_data ,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,IGS_OR_INST_IMP_001.g_request_id);
Line: 610

            FND_MESSAGE.Set_Token('NAME','IMP_OR_INSTITUTION.Update Institution');
Line: 612

Line: 620

END update_institution;
Line: 622

PROCEDURE update_crosswalk_master (
    p_cwlkid IN NUMBER,
    p_instcd IN VARCHAR2,
    p_errind OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
  Created By :samaresh
  Date Created By : 17-JUL-2001
  Purpose : This Procedure Updates a record in the Crosswalk Master
    with the Institution Code
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  kumma           16-JUL-2002     changed the institution_cd to upper,2446067
  pkpatel         31-JUL-2002     Bug No: 2461744
                                  Removed the UPPER check for INSTITUTION_CD
    CURSOR c_getrow (cp_cwlkid NUMBER) IS
      SELECT rowid ,ORC.*
      WHERE crosswalk_id = cp_cwlkid;
Line: 651

    IGS_OR_CWLK_PKG.update_row (
      x_rowid      => l_getrow_rec.rowid,
      x_crosswalk_id  => p_cwlkid,
      x_institution_code => p_instcd,
      x_institution_name  => l_getrow_rec.institution_name,
      x_mode        => 'R' );
Line: 663

            FND_MESSAGE.Set_Token('NAME','IMP_OR_INSTITUTION.Update Crosswalk Master');
Line: 665

Line: 669

END update_crosswalk_master;