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2 /* $Header: iemmginboxb.pls 120.3 2006/09/01 22:28:06 rtripath noship $*/
5 PROCEDURE runInbox (p_api_version_number    IN   NUMBER,
6                     p_init_msg_list         IN   VARCHAR2,
7                     p_commit                IN   VARCHAR2,
8                     p_email_account_id      IN   NUMBER,
9                     p_agent_Account_id      IN   NUMBER,
10                     p_inb_migration_id      IN   NUMBER,
11                     p_outb_migration_id     IN   NUMBER,
12 				            p_type                  IN   VARCHAR2, --'I' or 'O'
13 				            p_rerun                 IN   VARCHAR2, --'Y'/'N'
14                     x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
15                     x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
16                     x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
17                     )
18   IS
19   l_api_name               VARCHAR2(255);
20   l_api_version_number     NUMBER;
21   l_rt_media_item_id       NUMBER;
22   l_rt_interaction_id      NUMBER;
23   l_agent_account_id       NUMBER;
24   l_resource_id            NUMBER;
25   l_folder_name            VARCHAR2(255);
26   l_msg_uid                NUMBER;
27   l_outb_rt_media_item_id  NUMBER;
28   l_outb_agent_account_id  NUMBER;
29   l_outb_folder_name       VARCHAR2(255);
30   l_outb_msg_uid           NUMBER;
31   l_dblink                 VARCHAR2(128);
32   l_reply_to_str           VARCHAR2(240);
33   l_cc_str           VARCHAR2(240);
34   l_bcc_str           VARCHAR2(240);
35   l_sequence               NUMBER;
36   l_userid                 NUMBER;
37   l_loginid                NUMBER;
38   l_mig_status_inb         VARCHAR2(1);
39   l_mig_status_outb        VARCHAR2(1);
40   l_mig_status             VARCHAR2(1);
41   l_err_msg                VARCHAR2(1000);
42   mdts                     IEM_POST_MDTS%ROWTYPE;
44 --    select a.message_id, a.email_account_id, a.rfc822_message_id, a.sender_name,
45 --      a.to_address, a.sent_date, a.subject, a.ih_media_item_id, a.message_size,
46 --      a.source_message_id
48   -- Cursor for p_rerun == 'N'
49   Cursor acq_cur IS
50     select a.*
51     from iem_post_mdts a, iem_agent_accounts b
52     where a.email_account_id = p_email_account_id and a.agent_id =
53       b.resource_id and b.agent_account_id = p_agent_account_id and
54 	 a.email_account_id = b.email_account_id;
56   -- Cursor for p_rerun == 'Y' and p_type == 'I'
57   Cursor acq_inb_re_cur IS
58     select a.*
59       from iem_post_mdts a, iem_agent_accounts b
60       where a.email_account_id = p_email_account_id and a.agent_id =
61       b.resource_id and b.agent_account_id = p_agent_account_id and
62 	    a.email_account_id = b.email_account_id
63       and a.message_id not in (select message_id from iem_migration_store_temp
64       where migration_id = p_inb_migration_id and message_type = 'I'
65       and mig_status = 'R');
67   -- Cursor for p_rerun == 'Y' and p_type == 'O'
68   Cursor acq_outb_re_cur IS
69     select a.*
70       from iem_post_mdts a, iem_agent_accounts b
71       where a.email_account_id = p_email_account_id and a.agent_id =
72       b.resource_id and b.agent_account_id = p_agent_account_id and
73 	    a.email_account_id = b.email_account_id
74       and a.message_id not in (select message_id from iem_migration_store_temp
75       where migration_id = p_inb_migration_id and message_type = 'O'
76       and mig_status = 'R');
78   l_userid := NVL(to_number(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('USER_ID')), -1);
79   l_loginid := NVL(to_number(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('LOGIN_ID')), -1);
81 -- Standard Start of API savepoint
82   SAVEPOINT runInbox_pvt;
84 -- Initialize variables
85   l_api_name           :='runInbox';
86   l_api_version_number :=1.0;
89 -- Standard call to check for call compatibility.
90   IF NOT FND_API.Compatible_API_Call (l_api_version_number,
91                                        1.0,
92                                        l_api_name,
93                                        G_PKG_NAME)
94   THEN
96   END IF;
98 -- Initialize message list if p_init_msg_list is set to TRUE.
99   IF FND_API.to_Boolean( p_init_msg_list )
100   THEN
101         FND_MSG_PUB.initialize;
102   END IF;
104 -- Initialize API return status to SUCCESS
105   x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
107 -----------------------Code------------------------
108 if (p_rerun = 'N') then
109   OPEN acq_cur;
110   LOOP
111     FETCH acq_cur INTO mdts;
112     EXIT WHEN acq_cur%NOTFOUND;
113     l_err_msg := null;
114 	  begin
115       begin
116          l_rt_interaction_id := -1;
117          select rtm.rt_media_item_id, rtm.rt_interaction_id,
118              rtm.agent_account_id, rtm.resource_id, rtm.folder_name,
119              rtm.folder_uid
120              into l_rt_media_item_id, l_rt_interaction_id, l_agent_account_id,
121              l_resource_id, l_folder_name, l_msg_uid
122              from iem_rt_media_items rtm, iem_rt_interactions rti
123              where rtm.message_id = mdts.message_id and rtm.email_type ='I'
124              and rtm.rt_interaction_id = rti.rt_interaction_id
125              and rti.expire = 'N';
126       exception
127              when others then
128                l_err_msg := substr('Error in query iem_rt_media_items and iem_rt_interactions'||SQLERRM, 1000);
129       end;
130 	    if (p_type = 'I') then
131          begin -- inbound message
132            begin
133              select a.db_link into l_dblink
134                from iem_db_connections a, iem_email_accounts b
135                where a.db_server_id=b.db_Server_id
136                and b.email_account_id = mdts.email_account_id and a.is_admin='A';
137            exception
138              when others then
139                l_err_msg := substr(l_err_msg ||'Error in query iem_db_connection and iem_email_accounts'||SQLERRM, 1000);
140            end;
142            begin
143              execute immediate 'select reply_to_str, cc_str, bcc_str from '
144                ||'OM_HEADER@'||l_dblink||' where msg_id = mdts.source_message_id'
145                into l_reply_to_str, l_cc_str, l_bcc_str;
146            exception
147              when others then
148                l_err_msg := substr(l_err_msg || 'Error in query iem_db_connection and iem_email_accounts'||SQLERRM, 1000);
149            end;
151            if (l_err_msg is null) then
152              l_mig_status := 'R';
153            else
154              l_mig_status := 'E';
155            end if;
156            select IEM_MIGRATION_STORE_TEMP_S1.nextval into l_sequence from DUAL;
157            insert into IEM_MIGRATION_STORE_TEMP (
158              mail_id, message_id, migration_id, message_type, email_account_id,
159              agent_account_id, resource_id, folder_name, rt_media_item_id,
160              msg_uid, rfc822_message_id, from_str, to_str, reply_to_str,
161              cc_str, bcc_str, sent_date, subject, ih_media_item_id,
162              message_size, created_by, creation_date, last_update_date,
163              last_updated_by, last_update_login, mig_status, error_text)
164            values (
165              l_sequence, mdts.message_id, p_inb_migration_id, 'I', mdts.email_account_id,
166              l_agent_account_id, l_resource_id, l_folder_name,
167              l_rt_media_item_id, l_msg_uid, mdts.rfc822_message_id,
168              mdts.sender_name, mdts.to_address, l_reply_to_str, l_cc_str,
169              l_bcc_str, to_char(mdts.sent_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), mdts.subject,
170              mdts.ih_media_item_id, mdts.message_size,
171              l_userid, sysdate, sysdate, l_userid, l_loginid, l_mig_status, l_err_msg
172              );
173          end; -- inbound
174 	  else -- type 'O'
175        begin  -- check for draft
176          begin
177            select rtm.rt_media_item_id, rtm.agent_account_id, rtm.folder_name,
178              rtm.folder_uid into l_outb_rt_media_item_id,
179              l_outb_agent_account_id, l_outb_folder_name, l_outb_msg_uid
180            from iem_rt_media_items rtm, iem_msg_parts part
181            where rtm.rt_interaction_id = l_rt_interaction_id
182              and rtm.email_type = 'O' and rtm.folder_uid > 0
183              and rtm.folder_name = 'Drafts'
184              and part.ref_key = rtm.rt_media_item_id
185              and part.part_type = 'HEADERS'
186              and part.delete_flag <> 'Y';
187          exception
188            when NO_DATA_FOUND then
189              l_outb_rt_media_item_id := -1;
190            when others then
191              l_err_msg := substr(l_err_msg ||'Error in query draft' || SQLERRM, 1000);
192          end;
194          if ( l_outb_rt_media_item_id > 0 ) then
195            if (l_err_msg is null) then
196              l_mig_status := 'R';
197            else
198              l_mig_status := 'E';
199            end if;
200            begin
201              select IEM_MIGRATION_STORE_TEMP_S1.nextval into l_sequence from DUAL;
202              insert into IEM_MIGRATION_STORE_TEMP (
203                mail_id, message_id, migration_id, message_type, email_account_id,
204                agent_account_id, resource_id, folder_name,
205                rt_media_item_id, msg_uid, created_by, creation_date,
206                last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login, mig_status, error_text)
207              values (
208                l_sequence, mdts.message_id, p_outb_migration_id, 'D', mdts.email_account_id,
209                l_outb_agent_account_id, l_resource_id, l_outb_folder_name,
210                l_outb_rt_media_item_id, l_outb_msg_uid,
211                l_userid, sysdate, sysdate, l_userid, l_loginid, l_mig_status, l_err_msg
212                );
213            end;
214          end if;  -- draft exists
215        end;  -- check for draft
216 	   end if; -- type
217    end;
218   END LOOP;
219   CLOSE acq_cur;
220 else
221   if (p_type = 'I') then
222     OPEN acq_inb_re_cur;
223     LOOP
224          FETCH acq_inb_re_cur INTO mdts;
225          EXIT WHEN acq_inb_re_cur%NOTFOUND;
226          l_err_msg := null;
227          begin -- inbound message
228            begin
229              select rtm.rt_media_item_id, rtm.rt_interaction_id,
230                rtm.agent_account_id, rtm.resource_id, rtm.folder_name,
231                rtm.folder_uid
232              into l_rt_media_item_id, l_rt_interaction_id, l_agent_account_id,
233                l_resource_id, l_folder_name, l_msg_uid
234              from iem_rt_media_items rtm, iem_rt_interactions rti
235              where rtm.message_id = mdts.message_id and rtm.email_type ='I'
236                and rtm.rt_interaction_id = rti.rt_interaction_id
237                and rti.expire = 'N';
238            exception
239              when others then
240                l_err_msg := substr('Error in query iem_rt_media_items and iem_rt_interactions'||SQLERRM, 1000);
241            end;
243            begin
244              select a.db_link into l_dblink
245                from iem_db_connections a, iem_email_accounts b
246                where a.db_server_id=b.db_Server_id
247                and b.email_account_id = mdts.email_account_id and a.is_admin='A';
248            exception
249              when others then
250                l_err_msg := substr(l_err_msg ||'Error in query iem_db_connection and iem_email_accounts'||SQLERRM, 1000);
251            end;
253            begin
254              execute immediate 'select reply_to_str, cc_str, bcc_str from '
255                ||'OM_HEADER@'||l_dblink||' where msg_id = mdts.source_message_id'
256                into l_reply_to_str, l_cc_str, l_bcc_str;
257            exception
258              when others then
259                l_err_msg := substr(l_err_msg || 'Error in query iem_db_connection and iem_email_accounts'||SQLERRM, 1000);
260            end;
262            if (l_err_msg is null) then
263              l_mig_status := 'R';
264            else
265              l_mig_status := 'E';
266            end if;
267            select IEM_MIGRATION_STORE_TEMP_S1.nextval into l_sequence from DUAL;
268            insert into IEM_MIGRATION_STORE_TEMP (
269              mail_id, message_id, migration_id, message_type, email_account_id,
270              agent_account_id, resource_id, folder_name, rt_media_item_id,
271              msg_uid, rfc822_message_id, from_str, to_str, reply_to_str,
272              cc_str, bcc_str, sent_date, subject, ih_media_item_id,
273              message_size, created_by, creation_date, last_update_date,
274              last_updated_by, last_update_login, mig_status, error_text)
275            values (
276              l_sequence, mdts.message_id, p_inb_migration_id, 'I', mdts.email_account_id,
277              l_agent_account_id, l_resource_id, l_folder_name,
278              l_rt_media_item_id, l_msg_uid, mdts.rfc822_message_id,
279              mdts.sender_name, mdts.to_address, l_reply_to_str, l_cc_str,
280              l_bcc_str,to_char(mdts.sent_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), mdts.subject,
281              mdts.ih_media_item_id, mdts.message_size,
282              l_userid, sysdate, sysdate, l_userid, l_loginid, l_mig_status, l_err_msg
283              );
284            delete from IEM_MIGRATION_STORE_TEMP where migration_id = p_inb_migration_id
285              and message_id = mdts.message_id and message_type = 'I'
286              and mig_status <> 'R' and mail_id <> l_sequence;
287          end; -- inbound
288      END LOOP;
289      CLOSE acq_inb_re_cur;
290   else
291     OPEN acq_outb_re_cur;
292     LOOP
293        FETCH acq_outb_re_cur INTO mdts;
294        EXIT WHEN acq_outb_re_cur%NOTFOUND;
295        begin  -- check for draft
296          begin
297            l_err_msg := null;
298            select rtm.rt_media_item_id, rtm.agent_account_id, rtm.folder_name,
299              rtm.folder_uid into l_outb_rt_media_item_id,
300              l_outb_agent_account_id, l_outb_folder_name, l_outb_msg_uid
301            from iem_rt_media_items rtm, iem_msg_parts part
302            where rtm.rt_interaction_id = l_rt_interaction_id
303              and rtm.email_type = 'O' and rtm.folder_uid > 0
304              and rtm.folder_name = 'Drafts'
305              and part.ref_key = rtm.rt_media_item_id
306              and part.part_type = 'HEADERS'
307              and part.delete_flag <> 'Y';
308          exception
309            when NO_DATA_FOUND then
310              l_outb_rt_media_item_id := -1;
311            when others then
312              l_err_msg := substr('Error in query draft' || SQLERRM, 1000);
313          end;
315          if ( l_outb_rt_media_item_id > 0 ) then
316            if (l_err_msg is null) then
317              l_mig_status := 'R';
318            else
319              l_mig_status := 'E';
320            end if;
321            begin
322              select IEM_MIGRATION_STORE_TEMP_S1.nextval into l_sequence from DUAL;
323              insert into IEM_MIGRATION_STORE_TEMP (
324                mail_id, message_id, migration_id, message_type, email_account_id,
325                agent_account_id, resource_id, folder_name,
326                rt_media_item_id, msg_uid, created_by, creation_date,
327                last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login, mig_status, error_text)
328              values (
329                l_sequence, mdts.message_id, p_outb_migration_id, 'D', mdts.email_account_id,
330                l_outb_agent_account_id, l_resource_id, l_outb_folder_name,
331                l_outb_rt_media_item_id, l_outb_msg_uid,
332                l_userid, sysdate, sysdate, l_userid, l_loginid, l_mig_status, l_err_msg
333                );
334              delete from IEM_MIGRATION_STORE_TEMP where migration_id = p_outb_migration_id
335                and message_id = mdts.message_id and message_type = 'O'
336                and mig_status <> 'R' and mail_id <> l_sequence;
337            end;
338          end if;  -- draft exists
339        end;  -- check for draft
340     END LOOP;
341     CLOSE acq_outb_re_cur;
342   end if; -- rerun draft
343 end if; -- check rerun
345 -------------------End Code------------------------
346 -- Standard Check Of p_commit.
347 	IF FND_API.To_Boolean(p_commit) THEN
349 	END IF;
350 -- Standard callto get message count and if count is 1, get message info.
351   FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(p_encoded => FND_API.G_TRUE,
352                             p_count =>  x_msg_count,
353                             p_data  =>  x_msg_data
354 	);
357           ROLLBACK TO runInbox_pvt;
358           x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR ;
359           FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(
360                   p_encoded => FND_API.G_TRUE,
361                   p_count => x_msg_count,
362                   p_data => x_msg_data);
364           ROLLBACK TO runInbox_pvt;
365           x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
367           THEN
368               FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg (G_PKG_NAME , l_api_name);
369           END IF;
370           FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get( p_encoded => FND_API.G_TRUE,
371                                      p_count => x_msg_count,
372                                      p_data   => x_msg_data);
374 End runInbox;