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1 package okl_fa_amounts_pvt AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: OKLRAAMS.pls 115.1 2002/12/23 07:32:58 avsingh noship $ */
4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 --start of comments
6 -- Description : This api takes the asset id and book type code as inputs and
7 --               returns the Oracle fixed asset amounts in contract currency
8 -- IN Parameters : p_asset_id - asset id
9 --                 p_book_type_code - book_type code
10 -- OUT Parameters :
11 --                 x_cost                 FA current cost
12 --                 x_adj_cost             FA adjusted cost
13 --                 x_original_cost        FA original cost
14 --                 x_salvage_value        FA salvage value
15 --                 x_recoverable_cost     FA recoverable cost
16 --                 x_adj_recoverable_cost FA adjusted recoverable cost
17 --End of comments
18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 Procedure convert_fa_amounts
20                   (p_api_version          IN  NUMBER,
21                    p_init_msg_list        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
22                    x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
23                    x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
24                    x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
25                    p_asset_id             IN  NUMBER,
26                    p_book_type_code       IN  VARCHAR2,
27                    x_cost                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
28                    x_adj_cost             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
29                    x_original_cost        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
30                    x_salvage_value        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
31                    x_recoverable_cost     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
32                    x_adj_recoverable_cost OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
33 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 --start of comments
35 -- Description : This api takes the OKL finacial asset line id as input and
36 --               returns the Oracle fixed asset CORP BOOK amounts in contract currency
37 -- IN Parameters : p_fin_asset_id - Financial asset line id. (OKL fin asset top
38 --                                  line id
39 -- OUT Parameters :
40 --                 x_cost                 FA current cost
41 --                 x_adj_cost             FA adjusted cost
42 --                 x_original_cost        FA original cost
43 --                 x_salvage_value        FA salvage value
44 --                 x_recoverable_cost     FA recoverable cost
45 --                 x_adj_recoverable_cost FA adjusted recoverable cost
46 --End of comments
47 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 Procedure convert_fa_amounts
49                   (p_api_version          IN  NUMBER,
50                    p_init_msg_list        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
51                    x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
52                    x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
53                    x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
54                    p_fin_ast_id           IN  NUMBER,
55                    x_cost                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
56                    x_adj_cost             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
57                    x_original_cost        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
58                    x_salvage_value        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
59                    x_recoverable_cost     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
60                    x_adj_recoverable_cost OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
61 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 --start of comments
63 -- Description : This api takes the OKL finacial asset line id, asset cost and salvage value in
64 --               contract currency as input and
65 --               returns cost and salvage value amounts in functional currency
66 -- IN Parameters : p_fin_asset_id    - Financial asset line id. (OKL fin asset top
67 --                                     line id
68 --                 p_k_cost          - contract cost in contract currency
69 --                 p_k_salvage_value - contract salvage value in contract currency
70 -- OUT Parameters :
71 --                 x_fa_cost                 FA current cost in functional currency
72 --                 x_fa_salvage_value        FA salvage value in functional currency
73 --End of comments
74 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 Procedure convert_okl_amounts
76                    (p_api_version          IN  NUMBER,
77                     p_init_msg_list        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
78                     x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
79                     x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
80                     x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
81                     p_fin_ast_id           IN  NUMBER,
82                     p_okl_cost               IN  NUMBER Default Null,
83                     p_okl_salvage_value      IN  NUMBER Default Null,
84                     x_fa_cost              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
85                     x_fa_salvage_value     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
86 end okl_fa_amounts_pvt;