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Line 17: -- (2) Create a record in WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY

13: -- Group API in order to generate routing responses for a
14: -- given set of delivery Ids. This API implements the
15: -- following logic:
16: -- (1) Validate each delivery.
17: -- (2) Create a record in WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY
18: -- (3) Raise a business event for each delivery Id
19: -- (4) Log a message to indicate to the user whether the
20: -- operation was successful or not.
21: --


75: --
76: l_SuccDels := l_SuccDels + 1;
77: --
78: -- Delivery is valid, so proceed to create a record
80: --
81: CreateTxnHistory(p_delId => p_deliveryIdTab(i),
82: x_TxnId => l_TxnId,
83: x_RespNum => l_RespNum,

Line 208: -- p_TxnId - transaction_id from wsh_inbound_txn_history that serves

204: -- Pre-reqs : None
205: --
206: -- Parameters
207: -- p_delivId - delivery ID for which the business event should be raised
208: -- p_TxnId - transaction_id from wsh_inbound_txn_history that serves
209: -- as the item key for the business event.
210: -- p_DelName - Delivery Name
211: -- p_RespNum - Routing response Number. This maps to receipt_number from
212: -- wsh_inbound_txn_history

Line 212: -- wsh_inbound_txn_history

208: -- p_TxnId - transaction_id from wsh_inbound_txn_history that serves
209: -- as the item key for the business event.
210: -- p_DelName - Delivery Name
211: -- p_RespNum - Routing response Number. This maps to receipt_number from
212: -- wsh_inbound_txn_history
213: -- x_RetSts - Return status from this API.
214: --
215: -- Purpose : This is a API that raises a business event to trigger
216: -- the routing response WF process. The following logic

Line 358: -- from wsh_inbound_txn_history

354: --
355: -- Parameters
356: -- itemtype - represents the WF item type. In this case, it is FTERRESP
357: -- itemKey - identifies the unique item Key. In this case, it is the transaction_id
358: -- from wsh_inbound_txn_history
359: -- actid - Standard WF attribute to represent the activity ID inside the process
360: -- funcmode - Standard WF attribute representing the function execution mode
361: -- resultout - Standard WF attribute that represents the return status of this API
362: --

Line 423: FROM wsh_inbound_txn_history wth

419: -- Given a routing request Id, get the routing request number
420: --
421: CURSOR c_RoutReqNum(p_routreqId IN NUMBER) IS
422: SELECT receipt_number
423: FROM wsh_inbound_txn_history wth
424: WHERE wth.transaction_id = p_routreqId
425: AND wth.transaction_type = 'ROUTING_REQUEST';
426: --
427: -- Get the pickup stop Id, trip Id

Line 581: FROM wsh_inbound_txn_history

577: -- and bump it up by 1
578: --
579: SELECT MAX(revision_number)
580: INTO l_revNum
581: FROM wsh_inbound_txn_history
582: WHERE shipment_header_id = l_deliveryId
583: AND transaction_type = 'ROUTING_RESPONSE'
584: AND status = 'GENERATED';
585: --

Line 796: -- from wsh_inbound_txn_history

792: --
793: -- Parameters
794: -- itemtype - represents the WF item type. In this case, it is FTERRESP
795: -- itemKey - identifies the unique item Key. In this case, it is the transaction_id
796: -- from wsh_inbound_txn_history
797: -- actid - Standard WF attribute to represent the activity ID inside the process
798: -- funcmode - Standard WF attribute representing the fuction execution mode.
799: -- resultout - Standard WF attribute that represents the return status of this API
800: --


800: --
801: -- Purpose : This is the API that is called as part of the actual routing response WF.
802: -- Control would be transferred to this API after the actual notification
803: -- has been fired. This API in turn calls procedure UpdateTxnHistory to
805: --
806: -- Version : 1.0
807: --
808: PROCEDURE PostNotification(itemtype IN VARCHAR2,

Line 1063: FROM wsh_inbound_txn_history

1059: AND hz.end_date >= sysdate;
1060: --
1061: CURSOR c_GetTxnId(p_delId NUMBER) IS
1062: SELECT transaction_id
1063: FROM wsh_inbound_txn_history
1064: WHERE shipment_header_id = p_delId
1065: AND transaction_type = 'ROUTING_RESPONSE'
1066: ORDER BY revision_number DESC;
1067: --

Line 1276: -- x_TxnId - transaction_id from WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY

1272: --
1273: -- Parameters
1274: -- p_delId - represents the delivery Id for which the routing response
1275: -- is being generated.
1276: -- x_TxnId - transaction_id from WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY
1277: -- x_RespNum - routing response number
1278: -- x_DelName - Delivery Name
1279: -- x_Status - Return status of this API.
1280: --

Line 1281: -- Purpose : This API is used to create a record in WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY

1277: -- x_RespNum - routing response number
1278: -- x_DelName - Delivery Name
1279: -- x_Status - Return status of this API.
1280: --
1281: -- Purpose : This API is used to create a record in WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY
1282: -- to indicate that the routing response WF was triggered successfully.
1283: --
1284: -- Version : 1.0
1285: --

Line 1294: l_txnHistoryRec WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY_PKG.ib_txn_history_rec_type;

1290: x_Status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
1291: --
1292: l_receiptNum NUMBER;
1293: l_txnId NUMBER;
1294: l_txnHistoryRec WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY_PKG.ib_txn_history_rec_type;
1295: l_Status VARCHAR2(10);
1296: l_revNum NUMBER;
1297: l_numWarnings NUMBER;
1298: l_numErrors NUMBER;

Line 1313: FROM wsh_inbound_txn_history

1309: WHERE delivery_id = p_delId;
1310: --
1311: CURSOR c_ResponseNum IS
1312: SELECT receipt_number
1313: FROM wsh_inbound_txn_history
1314: WHERE shipment_header_id = p_delId
1315: ORDER BY receipt_date DESC;
1316: --
1317: BEGIN

Line 1364: -- Set the values of the WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY record structure

1360: wsh_debug_sv.log(l_moduleName, 'Org ID', l_orgId);
1361: wsh_debug_sv.log(l_moduleName, 'Vendor ID', l_vendorId);
1362: END IF;
1363: --
1364: -- Set the values of the WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY record structure
1365: --
1366: l_txnHistoryRec.receipt_number := l_receiptNum;
1367: l_txnHistoryRec.revision_number := NULL;
1368: l_txnHistoryRec.shipment_number := l_delivName;

Line 1392: WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY_PKG.create_txn_history(p_txn_history_rec => l_txnHistoryRec,

1388: END IF;
1389: --
1390: -- Call the table handler to create a record
1391: --
1392: WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY_PKG.create_txn_history(p_txn_history_rec => l_txnHistoryRec,
1393: x_txn_id => l_txnId,
1394: x_return_status => l_Status);
1395: --
1396: WSH_UTIL_CORE.api_post_call(p_return_status => l_Status,

Line 1456: -- p_TxnId - transaction_id from WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY

1452: --
1453: -- Parameters
1454: -- p_delId - represents the delivery Id for which the routing response
1455: -- is being generated.
1456: -- p_TxnId - transaction_id from WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY
1457: -- p_RevNum - routing response revision number
1458: -- x_Status - Return status of this API.
1459: --
1460: -- Purpose : This API is used to update the record in WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY

Line 1460: -- Purpose : This API is used to update the record in WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY

1456: -- p_TxnId - transaction_id from WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY
1457: -- p_RevNum - routing response revision number
1458: -- x_Status - Return status of this API.
1459: --
1460: -- Purpose : This API is used to update the record in WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY
1461: -- for this delivery to indicate that the routing response WF
1462: -- completed successfully. Also, an update to WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES
1463: -- is performed to set the routing_response_id.
1464: --

Line 1473: l_txnHistoryRec WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY_PKG.ib_txn_history_rec_type;

1469: p_RevNum IN NUMBER,
1470: x_Status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
1471: --
1472: l_Status VARCHAR2(10);
1473: l_txnHistoryRec WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY_PKG.ib_txn_history_rec_type;
1474: l_numWarnings NUMBER;
1475: l_numErrors NUMBER;
1476: l_Date DATE := SYSDATE;
1477: --

Line 1529: WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY_PKG.update_txn_history(p_txn_history_rec => l_txnHistoryRec,

1525: END IF;
1526: --
1527: -- Call table handler to update existing record
1528: --
1529: WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY_PKG.update_txn_history(p_txn_history_rec => l_txnHistoryRec,
1530: x_return_status => l_Status);
1531: --
1532: wsh_util_core.api_post_call(p_return_status => l_Status,
1533: x_num_warnings => l_numWarnings,

Line 2101: -- from wsh_inbound_txn_history

2097: --
2098: -- Parameters
2099: -- itemtype - represents the WF item type. Here it is FTERRESP
2100: -- itemKey - identifies the unique item Key. Here it is the transaction_id
2101: -- from wsh_inbound_txn_history
2102: -- actid - Standard WF attribute to represent the activity ID inside the process
2103: -- funcmode - Standard WF attribute representing the fuction execution mode.
2104: -- resultout - Standard WF attribute that represents the return status of this API
2105: --

Line 2262: -- last_update_date from WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY, this API

2258: -- changed since the time the routing response was generated.
2259: -- This API calls the PO integration group API that checks the
2260: -- last_update_date on all the tables related to the routing
2261: -- response and if any of the dates is greater than the
2262: -- last_update_date from WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY, this API
2263: -- returns Y, else it returns N.
2264: --
2265: -- Version : 1.0
2266: --