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1 PACKAGE BODY msc_budget_details AS
2 /* $Header: MSCBDDTB.pls 115.7 2004/05/07 18:47:07 rvrao noship $  */
3 PROCEDURE populate_budget_details(
4                      p_plan_id     IN number,
5                      p_date        IN date,
6                      p_item        in number,
7                      p_query_id    in number,
8                      p_organization_id in number,
9                      p_sr_instance_id in number,
10                      p_budget_value in number,
11                      p_tot_inv      in number,
12                      p_violation_level in number, -- 1 plan, 2 org, 3 cat
13                      p_category_name    in varchar2 default null) is
16 cursor get_mbid_date_c(p_bucket_type number)is  -- get the date to use in msc_bis_inv_details
17 select max(detail_date)
18 from msc_bis_inv_detail
19 where detail_date <= p_date
20 and   plan_id = p_plan_id
21 and   nvl(period_type, -1)  = 1
22 and   organization_id = p_organization_id
23 and   sr_instance_id  = p_sr_instance_id
24 and   nvl(detail_level,3) = nvl(p_bucket_type, 3);
26 cursor get_bucket_dates is
27 select bkt_start_date, bkt_end_date, decode(bucket_type,2,1,3,3)
28 from msc_plan_buckets
29 where plan_id = p_plan_id
30 and   p_date between bkt_start_date and bkt_end_date;
32 cursor bis_inv_details_plan_c(l_tot_inv number,  -- get the values from mbid
33                          l_date         date,
34                          l_bucket_type  number) is
35 select bid.inventory_item_id,
36        bid.inventory_value,
37        bid.inventory_value/l_tot_inv
38 from  msc_bis_inv_detail bid ,
39       msc_system_items   item
40 where nvl(bid.period_type,-1)=1
41 and   bid.detail_date = l_date
42 and   bid.plan_id = p_plan_id
43 and   nvl(bid.detail_level,3) = nvl(l_bucket_type,3)
44 and   bid.plan_id = item.plan_id
45 and   bid.sr_instance_id = item.sr_instance_id
46 and   bid.organization_id = item.organization_id
47 and   bid.inventory_item_id = item.inventory_item_id
48 and   item.budget_constrained =1;
50 cursor bis_inv_details_org_c(l_tot_inv number,
51                              l_date    date,
52                              l_bucket_type number,
53                              l_organization_id number,
54                              l_sr_instance_id number) is
55 select bid.inventory_item_id,
56        bid.inventory_value,
57        bid.inventory_value/l_tot_inv
58 from  msc_bis_inv_detail bid,
59       msc_system_items item
60 where nvl(bid.period_type,-1)=1
61 and   bid.detail_date = l_date
62 and   bid.plan_id = p_plan_id
63 and   bid.organization_id=l_organization_id
64 and   bid.sr_instance_id =l_sr_instance_id
65 and   nvl(bid.detail_level,3) = nvl(l_bucket_type,3)
66 and   bid.plan_id = item.plan_id
67 and   bid.sr_instance_id = item.sr_instance_id
68 and   bid.organization_id = item.organization_id
69 and   bid.inventory_item_id = item.inventory_item_id
70 and   item.budget_constrained =1;
73 cursor bis_inv_details_cat_c(l_tot_inv number,
74                              l_date    date,
75                              l_bucket_type number,
76                              l_cat_name varchar2) is
77 select bid.inventory_item_id,
78        bid.inventory_value,
79        bid.inventory_value/l_tot_inv
80 from  msc_bis_inv_detail bid,
81       msc_item_categories mic,
82       msc_system_items item
83 where nvl(bid.period_type,-1)=1
84 and   bid.detail_date = l_date
85 and   bid.plan_id = p_plan_id
86 and   nvl(bid.detail_level,3) = nvl(l_bucket_type,3)
87 and   mic.inventory_item_id= bid.inventory_item_id
88 and   mic.sr_instance_id = bid.sr_instance_id
89 and   mic.organization_id= bid.organization_id
90 and   mic.category_name = l_cat_name
91 and   bid.plan_id = item.plan_id
92 and   bid.sr_instance_id = item.sr_instance_id
93 and   bid.organization_id = item.organization_id
94 and   bid.inventory_item_id = item.inventory_item_id
95 and   item.budget_constrained =1;
97 cursor ss_date_c(l_inventory_item_id1 number,  -- get the date to use in msc_safety_stocks
98                  l_organization_id1 number,
99                  l_sr_instance_id1 number,
100                  l_plan_id1 number,
101                  l_detail_date1 date) is
102 select max(period_start_date)
103 from msc_safety_stocks
104 where period_start_date <= l_detail_date1
105 and   inventory_item_id  = l_inventory_item_id1
106 and   organization_id    = l_organization_id1
107 and   sr_instance_id     = l_sr_instance_id1
108 and   plan_id            = l_plan_id1;
111 cursor safety_stocks_c (l_inventory_item_id number,  -- get the values from msc_safety_stocks
112                         l_organization_id number,
113                         l_sr_instance_id number,
114                         l_plan_id number,
115                         l_period_start_date date) is
116 select target_safety_stock, safety_stock_quantity
117 from msc_safety_stocks
118 where inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
119 and   organization_id= l_organization_id
120 and   sr_instance_id = l_sr_instance_id
121 and   plan_id = l_plan_id
122 and   period_start_date = l_period_start_date;
125 l_inv_item number;
126 l_achieved_sl number;
127 l_target_sl number;
128 l_target_ss number;
129 l_achieved_ss number;
130 l_ss_date date;
132 l_inv_value number;
134 l_detail_date date;
135 l_start_date date;
136 l_end_date date;
137 l_item_name varchar2(10);
139 l_bucket_type number; -- bucket type  plan_buckets   bis_inv_detail
140                       --  week            2             1
141                       --  period          3             null
143 plan_level number := 1;
144 org_level number  := 2;
146 begin
148 delete msc_form_query;
150 open get_bucket_dates;
151 fetch get_bucket_dates into l_start_date , l_end_date, l_bucket_type;
152 close get_bucket_dates;
154 open  get_mbid_date_c(l_bucket_type);
155 fetch get_mbid_date_c into l_detail_date;
156 close get_mbid_date_c;
159 dbms_output.put_line('date is ' || l_detail_date);
160 if p_violation_level = plan_level then
161 dbms_output.put_line('level is ' || p_violation_level || ' plan_level ');
162 open bis_inv_details_plan_c(p_tot_inv,
163                        l_detail_date,
164                        l_bucket_type);
165 elsif p_violation_level =  org_level  then
166 open bis_inv_details_org_c(p_tot_inv,
167                        l_detail_date,
168                        l_bucket_type,
169                        p_organization_id,
170                        p_sr_instance_id );
172 else
173 open bis_inv_details_cat_c(p_tot_inv,
174                        l_detail_date,
175                        l_bucket_type,
176                        p_category_name);
178 end if;
180 loop
181 if p_violation_level = plan_level then
182 fetch bis_inv_details_plan_c into
183       l_inv_item,
184       l_inv_value,
185       l_percent_inv_value;
186       exit when bis_inv_details_plan_c%notfound;
187 elsif p_violation_level = org_level then
188 fetch bis_inv_details_org_c into
189       l_inv_item,
190       l_inv_value,
191       l_percent_inv_value;
192       exit when bis_inv_details_org_c%notfound;
193 else -- cat_level
194 fetch bis_inv_details_cat_c into
195       l_inv_item,
196       l_inv_value,
197       l_percent_inv_value;
198       exit when bis_inv_details_cat_c%notfound;
199 end if;
200 dbms_output.put_line('item is ' || l_inv_item ||
201                      ' inv val ' || l_inv_value ||
202                      ' percetn inv valu '  || l_percent_inv_value);
203       -- get item name
204       l_item_name := substr(msc_get_name.item_name(l_inv_item, null, null, null),1,10);
205       -- get achieved service level
206       l_achieved_sl :=  Msc_Get_Bis_Values.get_service_level(p_plan_id,
207                      p_sr_instance_id,
208                      p_organization_id,
209                      l_inv_item,
210                      l_start_date,
211                      l_end_date);
213       -- get target service level
214       l_target_sl   := Msc_Get_Bis_Values.service_target(p_plan_id ,
215                      p_sr_instance_id ,
216                      p_organization_id ,
217                      l_inv_item);
219       open ss_date_c(l_inv_item,
220                         p_organization_id,
221                         p_sr_instance_id,
222                         p_plan_id,
223                         p_date);
224       fetch ss_date_c into l_ss_date;
225       close ss_date_c;
226       -- get achieved and target safety stocks
227       open safety_stocks_c(l_inv_item,
228                         p_organization_id,
229                         p_sr_instance_id,
230                         p_plan_id,
231                         l_ss_date);
232       fetch safety_stocks_c into l_target_ss, l_achieved_ss;
233       close safety_stocks_c;
236       insert into msc_form_query
237       (query_id,
238        number1,  --item
239        number2,  --budget value
240        number3,  --inv value
241        number4,  --%total value
242        number5,  --target sl
243        number6,  --achieved sl
244        number7,  --target ss
245        number8,  --achieved ss
246        number9,  -- org
247        number10,  -- inst
248        date1 ,   --detail_date
249        char1,    --item_name
250        char2,    -- bucket type
251        last_update_date,
252        last_updated_by,
253        creation_date,
254        created_by)
255        values
256        (p_query_id,
257         l_inv_item,
258         p_budget_value,
259         round(l_inv_value,0),
260         round(l_percent_inv_value * 100,2),
261         l_target_sl,
262         l_achieved_sl,
263         l_target_ss,
264         l_achieved_ss,
265         p_organization_id,
266         p_sr_instance_id,
267         l_detail_date,
268         l_item_name,
269         decode(l_bucket_type,1,'Week','Period'),
270         sysdate,
271         -1,
272         sysdate,
273         -1);
275 end loop;
276 if p_violation_level = plan_level then
277 close bis_inv_details_plan_c;
278 elsif p_violation_level = org_level then
279 close bis_inv_details_org_c;
280 else
281 close bis_inv_details_cat_c;
282 end if;
283 exception
284     when no_data_found
285       then null;
286     when others then
287       raise_application_error(-20000,sqlerrm);
288 END populate_budget_details;
289 end msc_budget_details;