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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 54

                    This would be called from jai_rcv_rgm_claims_pkg incase of VAT NOCLAIM selected by user for a receipt line incase
                    DELIVER/RTR or related CORRECTs happened

10  10/05/2005   Vijay Shankar for Bug#4346453. Version: 116.1
                 Code is modified due to the Impact of Receiving Transactions DFF Elimination

              * High Dependancy for future Versions of this object *

11 08-Jun-2005  Version 116.2 jai_rcv_del_rtr -Object is Modified to refer to New DB Entity names in place of Old DB Entity Names
		as required for CASE COMPLAINCE.

12. 13-Jun-2005    File Version: 116.3
                  Ramananda for bug#4428980. Removal of SQL LITERALs is done

13. 7-Jul-2005     File Version: 116.4
                  rchandan for bug#4473022. Modified the object as part of SLA impact uptake.
		  While calling jai_rcv_accounting_pkg.process_transaction apropriate values are passed for
		  reference parameters instead of NULL.

14. 01/11/2006       SACSETHI for bug 5228046, File version 120.3
                 Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523 (Additional CVD Enhancement).
                 This bug has datamodel and spec changes.

15.	27/Apr/2007		CSahoo for bug#5989740, File Version 120.4
									Forward Porting of 11i bug#5907436
									handling secondary and higher education cess
									added the sh cess types.

16.  20-Nov-2008   Bug 7581494 : Porting Bug 6905807 from 120.2.12000000.5 to 12.1 Branch
                                 Bug 6681800 not yet ported to 12.1

IN60105D2 + 3496408
IN60106   + 4239736 + 4245089 + 4346453

16.  28-NOV-2007    Added by Jia Li for India tax inclusive
17.  19-Mar-2008    Modified by Jia Li for Bug#6877290
                 Fixed: Modified procedure get_tax_amount_breakup,
                       change modvat_amount and non_modvat_amount calculate position,
                       moved tax_amount calculate into inclusive_flag clause

  PROCEDURE process_transaction
      p_transaction_id                IN            NUMBER,
      p_simulate                      IN            VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.35 Cbabu  DEFAULT 'N',
      p_codepath                      IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
      p_process_message OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
      p_process_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
      -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4068823. RECEIPTS DELUG
      p_process_special_source        IN            VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
      p_process_special_amount        IN            NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
  ) is

    /* Cursor Definitions */
    CURSOR c_trx(cp_transaction_id IN NUMBER) IS
    SELECT *
    WHERE transaction_id = cp_transaction_id;
Line: 118

    SELECT quantity, unit_of_measure, source_doc_unit_of_measure, source_doc_quantity
    from   rcv_transactions
    where  transaction_id = cp_transaction_id;
Line: 123

    SELECT *
    FROM   rcv_transactions
    where  transaction_id = cp_transaction_id;
Line: 131

       and selected process_enabled_flag in the cursor.  */
    SELECT process_enabled_flag
    FROM   mtl_parameters
    WHERE  Organization_id =  cp_organization_id;
Line: 182

    SELECT 'jai_rcv_deliver_rtr_pkg-'||p_transaction_id INTO lv_temp FROM DUAL;
Line: 587

        p_transaction_id        => p_transaction_id,
        p_attribute1            => jai_rcv_deliver_rtr_pkg.cenvat_costed_flag,
        p_attribute2            => lv_cenvat_costed_flag
Line: 686

                rtl.tax_amount * (NVL(jtc.mod_cr_percentage, 0)/100)
                * decode(nvl(rtl.currency, jai_rcv_trx_processing_pkg.gv_func_curr), jai_rcv_trx_processing_pkg.gv_func_curr, 1, p_currency_conversion_rate)
              ) tax_amount,
          FROM   JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES rtl,
                 JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL jtc
          WHERE  jtc.tax_id = rtl.tax_id
                 AND  shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
                 AND  upper(rtl.tax_type) NOT IN ( 'EXCISE', 'ADDL. EXCISE',
		                                   'OTHER EXCISE', 'CVD','TDS', 'MODVAT RECOVERY',
               					   jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd , -- Date 01/11/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
						    jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,   -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#4068823 EDUCATION CESS
						    jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess) -- added by csahoo for bug#5989740
                 -- following condition added by Vijay Shankar for Bug#4068823. Service Tax Enhancement
                 -- this is added to Stop Recovery Service Tax Accounting, as this will be done during RECEIVE trx or
                 -- during Payables Invoice/Payment depending on transaction parameters
                 AND  rtl.tax_type NOT IN (select attribute_code from JAI_RGM_REGISTRATIONS aa, JAI_RGM_DEFINITIONS bb
                                           where  aa.regime_id = bb.regime_id
                                           /* vat_regime is included in the following clause by Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089). VAT Impl. */
                                           and    bb.regime_code IN (jai_constants.service_regime, jai_constants.vat_regime)
                                           and    aa.registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_tax_types )
                 AND  NVL(rtl.modvat_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
          GROUP BY jtc.tax_account_id

        p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(4, p_codepath); /* 4 */
Line: 869

      select item_trading_flag,organization_type,excise_in_trading,item_excisable
      where  transaction_id = cp_transaction_id;
Line: 891

          nvl(rtl.tax_amount, 0)        tax_amount,
          nvl(rtl.modvat_flag, 'N')     modvat_flag,
          nvl(jtc.inclusive_tax_flag, 'N') inclusive_tax_flag, -- Added by Jia Li for India tax inclusive on 2007/11/28
          nvl(rtl.currency, 'INR')      currency,
          nvl(jtc.mod_cr_percentage, 0) mod_cr_percentage
          JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES rtl,
          JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL jtc
          shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
          AND jtc.tax_id = rtl.tax_id


      p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(2, p_codepath); /* 2*/
Line: 1122

   Only JAI_RCV_JOURNAL_ENTRIES is recorded with above entries But RCV_TRANSACTIONS will be updated only

    lv_accounting_type            := 'REGULAR';
Line: 1201

       and also rcv_transactions would be updated */
    /* Credit Inventory Receiving Account */
    p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(8, p_codepath); /* 8 */
Line: 1240

     and also rcv_transactions would be updated */

    p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(11, p_codepath); /* 11 */
Line: 1628

       and also MMTT would be updated */

    /* Inventory Receiving Account */
    p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(7, p_codepath); /* 7 */
Line: 1663

       and also MMTT would be updated */

    p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(9, p_codepath); /* 9 */
Line: 1923

    SELECT receiving_account_id
    FROM   rcv_parameters
    WHERE  organization_id = cp_organization_id;
Line: 1972

    SELECT  costing_group_id
    FROM    pjm_project_parameters
    WHERE  project_id in
          (select project_id
           from  po_distributions_all
           where  po_distribution_id =cp_po_distribution_id
Line: 1982

    SELECT material_account
    FROM   cst_cost_group_accounts
    WHERE  cost_group_id = cp_cost_group_id;
Line: 1988

    SELECT material_account
    FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
    WHERE organization_id        = cp_organization_id
    AND secondary_inventory_name = cp_subinventory;
Line: 2076

    SELECT expense_account
    FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
    WHERE organization_id        = cp_organization_id
    AND secondary_inventory_name = cp_subinventory_code;
Line: 2082

    SELECT code_combination_id
    FROM   po_distributions_all
    WHERE  po_distribution_id = cp_po_distribution_id;
Line: 2087

    SELECT code_combination_id
    FROM po_distributions_all
    WHERE line_location_id = cp_po_line_location_id
    AND creation_date IN
    (SELECT max(creation_date)
     FROM po_distributions_all
     WHERE line_location_id = cp_po_line_location_id
Line: 2097

    SELECT expense_account
    FROM mtl_system_items
    WHERE organization_id   = cp_organization_id
    AND   inventory_item_id = cp_item_id;
Line: 2185

    SELECT purchase_price_var_account
    FROM mtl_parameters
    WHERE organization_id = cp_organization_id;
Line: 2241

    SELECT  nvl(unclaim_cenvat_flag, jai_constants.no)        unclaim_cenvat_flag,
            nvl(non_bonded_delivery_flag, jai_constants.no)   non_bonded_delivery_flag,
            nvl(cenvat_claimed_amt, 0)                        cenvat_claimed_amt
    WHERE transaction_id = cp_transaction_id;
Line: 2248

    SELECT *
    WHERE  transaction_id = cp_transaction_id;