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Line 54: lv_cr_reversal_category ar_cash_receipts_all.reversal_category%type;

50: function get_financial_document_type(pn_trx_id in number,pn_trx_type_id in number, pv_source in varchar2 , pv_entity_code in varchar2) return varchar2 as
51: /* This function will fetch Financial Document type to solve the bug 5550600*/
52: lv_fin_doc_type varchar2(20);
53: lv_sl_trx_type ce_statement_lines.trx_type%type;
54: lv_cr_reversal_category ar_cash_receipts_all.reversal_category%type;
55: begin
56: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, '**Input Params:** ');
57: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, '1. Trx_id: '||pn_trx_id);
58: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, '2. Trx_type_id: '||pn_trx_type_id);

Line 75: from ar_cash_receipts_all cr

71: where crh.cash_receipt_id = pn_trx_id
72: and crh.cash_receipt_history_id = sr.reference_id
73: and sr.statement_line_id = sl.statement_line_id;
74: select cr.reversal_category into lv_cr_reversal_category
75: from ar_cash_receipts_all cr
76: where cr.cash_receipt_id = pn_trx_id
77: and cr.type = 'MISC';
78: if lv_sl_trx_type in ('CREDIT','MISC_CREDIT') then
79: if lv_cr_reversal_category = 'REV' then