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Line 252: | GMICUOM.icuomcv which is the OPM |

248: | 26-OCT-97 R Chellam Created |
249: | 20-NOV-97 R Chellam Modified to deal only with PPOs |
250: | 06/NOV/98 Tony Ricci removed call to GML_PO_SYNCH. |
251: | cpg_conv_duom and replaced with |
252: | GMICUOM.icuomcv which is the OPM |
253: | standard uom conversion |
254: | 28-JAN-99 T.Ricci check dualum_ind before calling |
255: | GMICUOM.icuomcv and remove nvl on |
256: | item_um2 before insert to |

Line 255: | GMICUOM.icuomcv and remove nvl on |

251: | cpg_conv_duom and replaced with |
252: | GMICUOM.icuomcv which is the OPM |
253: | standard uom conversion |
254: | 28-JAN-99 T.Ricci check dualum_ind before calling |
255: | GMICUOM.icuomcv and remove nvl on |
256: | item_um2 before insert to |
257: | po_rels_schBUG#809339 |
258: | 15-MAY-2001 PKU Bug 1776328 - Contract dates for BPO|
259: | are same on OPM and APPS side |

Line 596: GMICUOM.icuomcv

594: /* 11/6/1998 T. Ricci added*/
595: IF v_item_dualum_ind > 0 THEN
596: GMICUOM.icuomcv
597: (v_item_id,0,
598: int_rec.order_qty1,
599: int_rec.order_um1,
600: v_item_um2,