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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 20

 | PUBLIC PROCEDURE update_amount_in_dispute
 |      ----------------------------------------
 |      This procedure calls entity handlers to update the amount_in_dispute
 |      on the given transaction's payment schedule and inserts a note
 |      on the transaction
 | CALLED FROM PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS (local to this package body)
 | CALLS PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS (local to this package body)
 |      p_customer_trx_id    IN    Transaction whose dispute amount is changed
 |      p_claim_number       IN    Number of claim
 |      p_amount             IN    Amount of adjustment to dispute amount
 |      p_init_msg_list      IN    API message stack initialize flag
 |      x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY
 |      x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY
 |      x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY
 | Date          Author            Description of Changes
 | 12-OCT-2001   jbeckett          Created
PG_DEBUG varchar2(1) := NVL(FND_PROFILE.value('AFLOG_ENABLED'), 'N');
Line: 52

PROCEDURE update_amount_in_dispute(
                p_customer_trx_id IN  NUMBER,
                p_claim_number    IN  VARCHAR2,
                p_amount          IN  NUMBER,
                p_init_msg_list   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
                x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                x_msg_count       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                x_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

   l_ps_rec                     ar_payment_schedules%ROWTYPE;
Line: 70

                                            := 'update_amount_in_dispute';
Line: 76

Line: 80

    SAVEPOINT	Update_amount_In_Dispute;
Line: 90

       arp_standard.debug('update_amount_in_dispute: ' || ' p_customer_trx_id :' || p_customer_trx_id);
Line: 91

       arp_standard.debug('update_amount_in_dispute: ' || ' p_claim_number :' || p_claim_number);
Line: 92

       arp_standard.debug('update_amount_in_dispute: ' || ' p_amount :' || p_amount);
Line: 99

      SELECT applied_payment_schedule_id
           , secondary_application_ref_id
      INTO   l_payment_schedule_id
           , l_claim_id
      FROM   ar_receivable_applications
      WHERE  applied_customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id
      AND    application_ref_num = p_claim_number
      AND    application_ref_type = 'CLAIM'
      AND    display = 'Y'
      AND    ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 117

  | 2) Update payment schedule record                      |

    IF (l_payment_schedule_id > 0) THEN
       IF (ARPT_SQL_FUNC_UTIL.get_claim_amount(l_claim_id) = 0) THEN
         l_active_claim_flag := 'N';
Line: 133

     SELECT amount_in_dispute
     INTO   l_amount_in_dispute
     FROM   ar_payment_schedules
     WHERE  payment_schedule_id = l_payment_schedule_id;
Line: 145

        arp_standard.debug('update_amount_in_dispute: ' || 'New amount in dispute = '||l_ps_rec.amount_in_dispute);
Line: 146

        arp_standard.debug('update_amount_in_dispute: ' || 'New dispute date = '||l_ps_rec.dispute_date);
Line: 149

       (p_ps_rec => l_ps_rec,
        p_ps_id  => l_payment_schedule_id);
Line: 161

                 (x_customer_call_id          =>  NULL,
                  x_customer_call_topic_id    =>  NULL,
                  x_action_id                 =>  NULL,
                  x_customer_trx_id           =>  p_customer_trx_id,
                  x_note_type                 =>  'MAINTAIN',
                  x_text                      =>  l_note_text,
                  x_note_id                   =>  l_note_id);
Line: 172

Line: 177

                ROLLBACK TO Update_Amount_In_Dispute;
Line: 185

                   arp_standard.debug('update_amount_in_dispute: ' || 'Unexpected error '||sqlerrm||
                ' at arp_deduction_cover.update_amount_in_dispute()+');
Line: 188

                ROLLBACK TO Update_Amount_In_Dispute;
Line: 198

                     arp_util.debug('update_amount_in_dispute: ' || '20001 error '||
                    ' at arp_deduction_cover.update_amount_in_dispute()+');
Line: 204

                    arp_util.debug('update_amount_in_dispute: ' || 'Unexpected error '||sqlerrm||
                   ' at arp_deduction_cover.update_amount_in_dispute()+');
Line: 217

               ROLLBACK TO Update_Amount_In_Dispute;
Line: 223

END update_amount_in_dispute;
Line: 366

      SELECT receivables_trx_id
      INTO   l_receivables_trx_id
      FROM   ar_receivables_trx
      WHERE  receivables_trx_id = p_receivables_trx_id
      AND    NVL(status,'A') = 'A'
                                AND NVL(end_date_active,trunc(SYSDATE))
      AND    type = 'WRITEOFF';
Line: 501

  /* Bug 2821139 - under no circumstances should AR update claims when
     they are settled from TM */

  IF l_claim_applied = 'Y' THEN
    AR_Receipt_API_PUB.unapply_other_account    (
      p_api_version                  =>  1.0,
      p_init_msg_list                =>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
      x_return_status                =>  l_return_status,
      x_msg_count                    =>  l_msg_count,
      x_msg_data                     =>  l_msg_data,
      p_receivable_application_id    =>  l_application_id,
      p_cash_receipt_id              =>  p_cash_receipt_id,
      p_cancel_claim_flag            => 'N',
      p_called_from		     =>  'TRADE_MANAGEMENT');
Line: 523

       arp_standard.debug('create_receipt_writeoff: ' || 'Before Inserting Claim Application (+)');
Line: 526

  /* Bug 2821139 - under no circumstances should AR update claims when
     they are settled from TM */

    ar_receipt_api_pub.apply_other_account    (
      p_api_version                  =>  1.0,
      p_init_msg_list                =>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
      x_return_status                =>  l_return_status,
      x_msg_count                    =>  l_msg_count,
      x_msg_data                     =>  l_msg_data,
      p_receivable_application_id    =>  l_receivable_application_id,
      p_cash_receipt_id              =>  p_cash_receipt_id,
      p_amount_applied               =>  l_balance,
      p_receivables_trx_id           =>  l_claim_receivables_trx_id,
      p_apply_date		     =>  l_apply_date,
      p_apply_gl_date	             =>  l_default_gl_date,  -- bug 2615618
      p_applied_payment_schedule_id  =>  -4,
      p_ussgl_transaction_code       =>  p_ussgl_transaction_code,
      p_application_ref_type         =>  'CLAIM',
      p_application_ref_id           =>  l_application_ref_id,
      p_application_ref_num          =>  l_new_claim_num,
      p_secondary_application_ref_id =>  l_new_claim_id,
      p_attribute_rec                =>  l_attribute_rec,
      p_global_attribute_rec         =>  l_global_attribute_rec,
      p_comments                     =>  l_comments,
      p_application_ref_reason       =>  l_application_ref_reason,
      p_customer_reference           =>  l_customer_reference,
      p_called_from		     =>  'TRADE_MANAGEMENT');
Line: 562

       arp_standard.debug('create_receipt_writeoff: ' || 'After Inserting Claim Application (-)');
Line: 770

	select receivable_application_id from ar_receivable_applications_all
               	where cash_receipt_id = p_cash_rcpt_id
                and applied_customer_trx_id = p_ctx_id
                and status = 'APP'
		and reversal_gl_date IS NULL
        order by amount_applied desc;
Line: 780

    SELECT sum(rec.amount_applied) amt_applied,
	   sum(rec.earned_discount_taken) earned_discount_taken,
	   sum(rec.unearned_discount_taken) unearned_discount_taken
    FROM ar_receivable_applications rec
    ,    ar_payment_schedules pay
    WHERE rec.applied_payment_schedule_id = pay.payment_schedule_id
    AND rec.cash_receipt_id = cv_cash_receipt_id
    AND pay.customer_trx_id = cv_customer_trx_id
    AND rec.application_ref_type = 'CLAIM'
    AND rec.display = 'Y'
    AND rec.secondary_application_ref_id = cv_claim_id;
Line: 834

      SELECT ps.payment_schedule_id
           , ps.invoice_currency_code
           , ps.terms_sequence_number
      INTO   l_applied_ps_id
           , l_trx_currency_code
           , l_installment
      FROM   ar_payment_schedules ps,
             ar_receivable_applications ra
      WHERE  ps.payment_schedule_id = ra.applied_payment_schedule_id
      AND    ra.application_ref_type = 'CLAIM'
      AND    ra.secondary_application_ref_id = p_claim_id
      AND    ra.cash_receipt_id =  p_cash_receipt_id
      AND    ra.status = 'APP'
      AND    ps.customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id
      AND    ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 930

    UPDATE ar_adjustments
    SET    associated_cash_receipt_id = associated_cash_receipt_id * -1
    WHERE  associated_cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id
    AND    payment_schedule_id = l_applied_ps_id;
Line: 956

  /* Bug 2821139 - under no circumstances should AR update claims when
     they are settled from TM */

  IF l_claim_applied = 'Y' THEN
    IF p_customer_trx_id IS NOT NULL
      FOR rec_app_id IN get_app_ids(p_cash_receipt_id, p_customer_trx_id) LOOP
      		p_api_version                  =>  1.0,
      		p_init_msg_list                =>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
      		x_return_status                =>  l_return_status,
      		x_msg_count                    =>  l_msg_count,
      		x_msg_data                     =>  l_msg_data,
      		p_called_from	      	       =>  'TRADE_MANAGEMENT',
      		p_cancel_claim_flag            =>  'N',
		p_receivable_application_id    =>  rec_app_id.receivable_application_id);
Line: 999

    UPDATE ar_adjustments
    SET    associated_cash_receipt_id = associated_cash_receipt_id * -1
    WHERE  associated_cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id * -1
    AND    payment_schedule_id = l_applied_ps_id;
Line: 1008

     arp_standard.debug('split_claim_reapplication: ' || 'Before Inserting Claim Application (+)');
Line: 1013

    /* Bug 2821139 - under no circumstances should AR update claims when
       they are settled from TM */
    l_claim_id := p_claim_id;
Line: 1072

           UPDATE ar_payment_schedules
           SET    active_claim_flag = 'N'
           WHERE  payment_schedule_id = l_applied_ps_id;
Line: 1094

     arp_standard.debug('split_claim_reapplication: ' || 'After Inserting Claim Application (-)');
Line: 1205

    SELECT   cr.receipt_number
           , cr.receipt_date
           , crh.gl_date
           , cr.pay_from_customer
	   , cr.currency_code
           , ps.payment_schedule_id
      INTO   x_receipt_number
           , x_receipt_date
           , x_cr_gl_date
           , x_customer_id
	   , x_currency_code
           , x_cr_payment_schedule_id
      FROM   ar_cash_receipts cr
           , ar_payment_schedules ps
           , ar_cash_receipt_history crh
      WHERE  cr.cash_receipt_id = crh.cash_receipt_id(+)
      AND    crh.first_posted_record_flag(+) = 'Y'
      AND    cr.cash_receipt_id = ps.cash_receipt_id(+)
      AND    cr.cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id;
Line: 1321

           , app.apply_date
           , app.gl_date
           , app.amount_applied
           , app.trans_to_receipt_rate
           , app.earned_discount_taken
           , app.unearned_discount_taken
           , app.application_ref_num
           , app.application_ref_reason
	   , app.receivables_trx_id
	   , app.comments
           , app.customer_reference
           , app.attribute_category
           , app.attribute1
           , app.attribute2
           , app.attribute3
           , app.attribute4
           , app.attribute5
           , app.attribute6
           , app.attribute7
           , app.attribute8
           , app.attribute9
           , app.attribute10
           , app.attribute11
           , app.attribute12
           , app.attribute13
           , app.attribute14
           , app.attribute15
           , app.global_attribute_category
           , app.global_attribute1
           , app.global_attribute2
           , app.global_attribute3
           , app.global_attribute4
           , app.global_attribute5
           , app.global_attribute6
           , app.global_attribute7
           , app.global_attribute8
           , app.global_attribute9
           , app.global_attribute10
           , app.global_attribute11
           , app.global_attribute12
           , app.global_attribute13
           , app.global_attribute14
           , app.global_attribute15
           , app.global_attribute16
           , app.global_attribute17
           , app.global_attribute18
           , app.global_attribute19
           , app.global_attribute20
           , x_apply_date
           , x_app_gl_date
           , x_amount_applied
           , x_trans_to_receipt_rate
           , x_discount_earned
           , x_discount_unearned
           , x_application_ref_num
           , x_application_ref_reason
	   , x_receivables_trx_id
	   , x_comments
	   , x_customer_reference
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute_category
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute1
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute2
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute3
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute4
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute5
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute6
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute7
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute8
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute9
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute10
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute11
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute12
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute13
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute14
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute15
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute_category
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute1
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute2
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute3
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute4
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute5
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute6
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute7
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute8
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute9
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute10
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute11
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute12
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute13
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute14
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute15
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute16
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute17
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute18
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute19
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute20
      FROM   ar_receivable_applications app
      WHERE  app.secondary_application_ref_id = p_claim_id
      AND    app.applied_payment_schedule_id + 0 = p_applied_ps_id
      AND    app.application_ref_type = 'CLAIM'
      AND    app.display = 'Y'
      AND    app.status = DECODE(p_applied_ps_id,-4,'OTHER ACC','APP')
      AND    app.cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id
      AND    ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 1432

           , app.apply_date
           , app.gl_date
           , app.amount_applied
           , app.trans_to_receipt_rate
           , app.earned_discount_taken
           , app.unearned_discount_taken
           , app.application_ref_num
           , app.application_ref_reason
	   , app.receivables_trx_id
	   , app.comments
           , app.customer_reference
           , app.attribute_category
           , app.attribute1
           , app.attribute2
           , app.attribute3
           , app.attribute4
           , app.attribute5
           , app.attribute6
           , app.attribute7
           , app.attribute8
           , app.attribute9
           , app.attribute10
           , app.attribute11
           , app.attribute12
           , app.attribute13
           , app.attribute14
           , app.attribute15
           , app.global_attribute_category
           , app.global_attribute1
           , app.global_attribute2
           , app.global_attribute3
           , app.global_attribute4
           , app.global_attribute5
           , app.global_attribute6
           , app.global_attribute7
           , app.global_attribute8
           , app.global_attribute9
           , app.global_attribute10
           , app.global_attribute11
           , app.global_attribute12
           , app.global_attribute13
           , app.global_attribute14
           , app.global_attribute15
           , app.global_attribute16
           , app.global_attribute17
           , app.global_attribute18
           , app.global_attribute19
           , app.global_attribute20
           , x_apply_date
           , x_app_gl_date
           , x_amount_applied
           , x_trans_to_receipt_rate
           , x_discount_earned
           , x_discount_unearned
           , x_application_ref_num
           , x_application_ref_reason
	   , x_receivables_trx_id
	   , x_comments
	   , x_customer_reference
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute_category
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute1
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute2
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute3
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute4
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute5
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute6
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute7
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute8
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute9
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute10
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute11
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute12
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute13
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute14
           , x_attribute_rec.attribute15
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute_category
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute1
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute2
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute3
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute4
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute5
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute6
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute7
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute8
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute9
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute10
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute11
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute12
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute13
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute14
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute15
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute16
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute17
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute18
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute19
           , x_global_attribute_rec.global_attribute20
      FROM   ar_receivable_applications app
      WHERE  app.secondary_application_ref_id = p_claim_id
      AND    app.applied_payment_schedule_id + 0 = p_applied_ps_id
      AND    app.application_ref_type = 'CLAIM'
      AND    app.status = DECODE(p_applied_ps_id,-4,'OTHER ACC','APP')
      AND    app.cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id
      AND    ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 1612

    l_query := ' select claim_number '||
               ' from ozf_ar_deductions_v '||
               ' where claim_id = :claim_id '||
               ' and receipt_id = :receipt_id '||
               ' and currency_code = :currency_code ';
Line: 1742

  SELECT SUM(NVL(ra.amount_applied,0))
  INTO   l_unapplied_total
  FROM   ar_receivable_applications ra
  WHERE  ra.cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id
  AND    ra.status = 'UNAPP'
  AND    NVL(ra.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y';