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1 PACKAGE fnd_crypto AS
2 /* $Header: AFSOCTKS.pls 120.2 2005/09/24 00:11:26 jnurthen noship $ */
4     -- Hash Functions
5     HASH_MD5           CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER      :=     2;
7     -- MAC Functions
8     HMAC_MD5           CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER      :=     1;
9     HMAC_CRC           CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER      :=     4;
11     -- Block Ciphers
12     DES_CBC_PKCS5      CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER      :=  4353;
13     DES3_CBC_PKCS5     CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER      :=  4355;
15     -- Encoding Formats
16     ENCODE_B64         CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER      :=     1;  -- Base 64
17     ENCODE_URL         CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER      :=     2;  -- URL 64
18     ENCODE_ORC         CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER      :=     3;  -- URL 64 drop bits
20     -- Conversion formats
21     CONVERT_ICX_STYLE  CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER      :=     1;  -- icx.CRC style
27     ----------------------------- EXCEPTIONS ----------------------------------
28     -- Invalid Cipher Suite
29     InvalidCipherSuite EXCEPTION;
30     PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(InvalidCipherSuite, -28827);
33     ---------------------- FUNCTIONS AND PROCEDURES ------------------------
35     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
36     --
37     -- NAME:  Encrypt
38     --
39     -- DESCRIPTION:
40     --
41     --   Encrypt plain text data using stream or block cipher with user
42     --   supplied key and optional iv.
43     --
44     -- PARAMETERS
45     --
46     --   plaintext   - Plaintext data to be encrypted
47     --   crypto_type - Stream or block cipher type plus modifiers
48     --   key         - Key to be used for encryption
49     --   iv          - Optional IV for block ciphers.  Default all zeros.
50     --
51     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
52     FUNCTION Encrypt (plaintext   IN RAW,
53                       crypto_type IN PLS_INTEGER  DEFAULT DES3_CBC_PKCS5,
54                       key         IN RAW,
55                       iv          IN RAW          DEFAULT NULL)
56       RETURN RAW;
59     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
60     --
61     -- NAME:  Decrypt
62     --
63     -- DESCRIPTION:
64     --
65     --   Decrypt crypt text data using stream or block cipher with user
66     --   supplied key and optional iv.
67     --
68     -- PARAMETERS
69     --
70     --   cryptext    - Crypt text data to be decrypted
71     --   crypto_type - Stream or block cipher type plus modifiers
72     --   key         - Key to be used for encryption
73     --   iv          - Optional IV for block ciphers.  Default all zeros.
74     --
75     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
76     FUNCTION Decrypt (cryptext    IN RAW,
77                       crypto_type IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT DES3_CBC_PKCS5,
78                       key         IN RAW,
79                       iv          IN RAW          DEFAULT NULL)
80       RETURN RAW;
83     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
84     --
85     -- NAME:  EncryptNum
86     --
87     -- DESCRIPTION:
88     --
89     --   Encrypt number with DES_CBC.  Number is converted to binary form
90     --   (hexify then RAW), padded with leading ZEROs, encrypted and
91     --   encoded with URL-Safe Base64.
92     --
93     -- PARAMETERS
94     --
95     --   num - Number to be encrypted
96     --   key - Key to be used for encryption
97     --   iv  - Optional IV for block ciphers.  Default all zeros.
98     --
99     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
100     FUNCTION EncryptNum(num       IN NUMBER,
101                         key       IN RAW,
102                         iv        IN RAW         DEFAULT NULL)
103       RETURN VARCHAR2;
106     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
107     --
108     -- NAME:  DecryptNum
109     --
110     -- DESCRIPTION:
111     --
112     --   Decrypt Varchar2 to number with DES_CBC.  Varchar2 is decoded,
113     --   decrypted, hexified and converted to a number.
114     --
115     -- PARAMETERS
116     --
117     --   cryptext - Data to be decrypted into a number.
118     --   key      - Key to be used for decryption
119     --   iv       - Optional IV for block ciphers.  Default all zeros.
120     --
121     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
122     FUNCTION DecryptNum(cryptext  IN VARCHAR2,
123                         key       IN RAW,
124                         iv        IN RAW         DEFAULT NULL)
125       RETURN NUMBER;
128     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
129     --
130     -- NAME:  Hash
131     --
132     -- DESCRIPTION:
133     --
134     --   Hash source data by cryptographic hash type.
135     --
136     -- PARAMETERS
137     --
138     --   source    - Source data to be hashed
139     --   hash_type - Hash algorithm to be used
140     --
141     -- USAGE NOTES:
142     --   SHA-1 (HASH_SH1) is recommended.  Consider encoding returned
143     --   raw value to hex or base64 prior to storage.
144     --
145     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
146     FUNCTION Hash (source    IN RAW,
147                    hash_type IN PLS_INTEGER default HASH_MD5)
148       RETURN RAW;
151     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
152     --
153     -- NAME:  Mac
154     --
155     -- DESCRIPTION:
156     --
157     --   Message Authentication Code algorithms provide keyed message
158     --   protection.
159     --
160     -- PARAMETERS
161     --
162     --   source   - Source data to be mac-ed
163     --   mac_type - Mac algorithm to be used
164     --   key      - Key to be used for mac
165     --
166     -- USAGE NOTES:
167     --   Callers should consider encoding returned raw value to hex or
168     --   base64 prior to storage.
169     --
170     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
171     FUNCTION Mac (source   IN RAW,
172                   mac_type IN PLS_INTEGER default HMAC_MD5,
173                   key      IN RAW)
174       RETURN RAW;
177     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
178     --
179     -- NAME:  RandomBytes
180     --
181     -- DESCRIPTION:
182     --
183     --   Returns a raw value containing a pseudo-random sequence of
184     --   bytes.
185     --
186     -- PARAMETERS
187     --
188     --   number_bytes - Number of pseudo-random bytes to be generated.
189     --
190     -- USAGE NOTES:
191     --   number_bytes should not exceed maximum RAW length.
192     --
193     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
194     FUNCTION RandomBytes (number_bytes IN POSITIVE)
195       RETURN RAW;
198     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
199     --
200     -- NAME:  RandomNumber
201     --
202     -- DESCRIPTION:
203     --
204     --   Returns a random NUMBER, 16 bytes.
205     --
206     -- PARAMETERS
207     --
208     --  None.
209     --
210     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
211     FUNCTION RandomNumber
212       RETURN NUMBER;
214     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
215     --
216     -- NAME:  SmallRandomNumber
217     --
218     -- DESCRIPTION:
219     --
220     --   Returns a small random NUMBER, 4 bytes.
221     --
222     -- PARAMETERS
223     --
224     --  None.
225     --
226     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
227     FUNCTION SmallRandomNumber
228       RETURN NUMBER;
230     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
231     --
232     -- NAME:  Encode
233     --
234     -- DESCRIPTION:
235     --
236     --   Encodes a RAW into specified format (ENCODE_*).
237     --
238     -- PARAMETERS
239     --
240     --   source   - Source data to be endoded.
241     --   fmt_type - Encoding type for raw to varchar2.
242     --
243     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
244     FUNCTION Encode (source   IN RAW,
245                      fmt_type IN PLS_INTEGER)
246       RETURN VARCHAR2;
249     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
250     --
251     -- NAME:  Decode
252     --
253     -- DESCRIPTION:
254     --
255     --   Decodes a VARCHAR2 into RAW using the specified format (ENCODE_*).
256     --
257     -- PARAMETERS
258     --
259     --   source   - Source data to be endoded.
260     --   fmt_type - Encoding type for varchar2 to raw.
261     --
262     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
263     FUNCTION Decode (source   IN VARCHAR2,
264                      fmt_type IN PLS_INTEGER)
265       RETURN RAW;
267     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
268     --
269     -- NAME:  RandomString
270     --
271     -- DESCRIPTION:
272     --
273     --   Returns a random VARCHAR2, of a length len, made up of
274     --   user-secified characters.
275     --   If using the output of this function to generate passwords it is the caller's
276     --   responsisilbity to ensure that the generated password conforms to any password
277     --   rules. This routine merely generates a random fixed length string from an input mask.
278     --
279     --   If sublen is specified then a second mask sublen_msk is used for the first sublen
280     --   characters of len. This is useful when an object has rules such as the 1st character
281     --   of the generated string must be non-numeric.
282     --
283     --   Sublen_msk defaults to A-Z
284     --   msk defaults to A-Z,0-9
285     --
286     -- PARAMETERS
287     --
288     --  len - Length of the String - up to 1000
289     --  msk (optional) - The type of mask (masks can be found in FND_CRYPTO_CONSTANTS).
290     --  sublen (optional)   - The number of initial characters to use sublen_msk below.
291     --  sublen_msk (optional) - An optional mask for the sublen
292     --
294     --  Throws VALUE_ERROR if
295     --     len is > than 1000
296     --     sublen > len
297     --     msk is null or sublen_msk is null
298     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
300 function RandomString(len IN INTEGER,
302                       sublen IN INTEGER default 0,
303                       sublen_msk IN VARCHAR2 default FND_CRYPTO_CONSTANTS.ALPHABETIC_UPPER_MASK)
304  return VARCHAR2;
307 END fnd_crypto;