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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

  g_last_updated_by number := 1;
Line: 41

  function isEntDataModified(p_creationDateIn in date, p_lastUpdateDateIn in date) return varchar2 is
    if p_creationDateIn = p_lastUpdateDateIn then
      return ame_util.booleanFalse;
Line: 83

     select application_id
       from ame_calling_apps
       where transaction_type_id = c_txn_type_id
         and  sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 89

    select count(*)
      from ame_calling_apps
      where transaction_type_id = c_txn_type_id
    --    and isSeedUser(last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
Line: 93

        and isEntDataModified(creation_date,last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanTrue;
Line: 96

    select ent.object_version_number
      from ame_calling_Apps  ent
     where ent.application_id = g_ent_appl_id
       and (ent.fnd_application_id <> g_fnd_application_id
            or ent.application_name <> l_seed_apl_name)
       and sysdate between ent.start_date and nvl(ent.end_Date,sysdate)
      -- and isSeedUser(ent.last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue
       and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
Line: 119

       ame_trans_type_api. update_ame_transaction_type
          (p_application_name           => l_appl_name
          ,p_application_id             => l_application_id
          ,p_object_version_number      => l_ovn
          ,p_start_date                 => l_start_date
          ,p_end_date                   => l_end_Date
Line: 126

       update ame_calling_apps_tl
          set created_by = getSeedUser
             ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
        where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
          and language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 131

       Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Updated the existing transaction type');
Line: 140

    Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The existing transaction type has been deleted');
Line: 158

   update ame_calling_apps
      set created_by = getSeedUser
          ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
     where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
       and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 164

   update ame_calling_apps_tl
      set created_by = getSeedUser
         ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
     where application_id = g_ent_appl_id;
Line: 169

   update ame_item_class_usages
      set created_by = getSeedUser
          ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
    where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
      and item_class_id =
          (select item_class_id
             from ame_item_classes
            where name = ame_util.headerItemClassName
              and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate))
      and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 180

   update ame_attribute_usages
      set created_by = getSeedUser
          ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
    where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
      and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 193

procedure updateConfigVars is
 l_count number;
Line: 202

    select count(*)
     from ame_config_vars
     where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
       and variable_name = c_var_name
       and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 209

    select ent.object_version_number
      from ame_config_vars ent
     where ent.application_id = g_ent_appl_id
       and ent.variable_name = c_var_name
       and ent.variable_value <> c_var_value
       and sysdate between ent.start_Date and nvl(ent.end_Date,sysdate)
       and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
Line: 221

    l_proc_name := 'updateConfigVars';
Line: 235

            (p_application_id            => g_ent_appl_id
            ,p_variable_name             => l_config_varname
            ,p_variable_value            => g_seed_config_usg(i).variable_value
            ,p_object_version_number     => l_ovn
            ,p_start_date                => l_start_date
            ,p_end_date                  => l_end_Date
Line: 243

        update ame_config_vars
           set created_by = getSeedUser
               ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
         where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
           and variable_name = g_seed_config_usg(i).variable_name
           and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 253

          if isSeedUser(g_seed_config_usg(i).last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then
            l_ovn := upd_rec.object_version_number;
Line: 255

            logMessage(l_proc_name,'The Config Var is updated');
Line: 258

                (p_application_id            => g_ent_appl_id
                ,p_variable_name             => g_seed_config_usg(i).variable_name
                ,p_variable_value            => g_seed_config_usg(i).variable_value
                ,p_object_version_number     => l_ovn
                ,p_start_date                => l_start_date
                ,p_end_date                  => l_end_Date
Line: 266

            update ame_config_vars
               set created_by = getSeedUser
                  ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
             where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
               and variable_name = g_seed_config_usg(i).variable_name
               and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 278

      Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Error updateConfigVars:'||sqlerrm);
Line: 281

end updateConfigVars;
Line: 283

procedure updateItemClassUsage is
 l_item_class_id number;
Line: 293

    select count(*)
      from ame_item_class_usages
     where item_class_id = c_item_class_id
       and application_id = g_ent_appl_id
       and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate);
Line: 300

     select  ent.object_version_number
       from ame_item_class_usages ent
           ,ame_item_class_usages seed
        where ent.item_class_id = c_item_class_id
          and seed.item_class_id = c_item_class_id
          and seed.application_id = g_seed_appl_id
          and ent.application_id = g_ent_appl_id
          and (ent.item_id_query <> seed.item_id_query or
               ent.item_class_order_number <> seed.item_class_order_number or
               ent.item_class_par_mode <> seed.item_class_par_mode or
               ent.item_class_sublist_mode <> seed.item_class_sublist_mode)
          and sysdate between ent.start_date and nvl(ent.end_Date,sysdate)
          and sysdate between seed.start_date and nvl(seed.end_date,sysdate)
          and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
Line: 320

   l_proc_name := 'updateItemClassUsage';
Line: 331

          if isSeedUser(g_seed_ic_usg(i).last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then
          l_ovn := upd_rec.object_version_number;
Line: 335

          (p_application_id              => g_ent_appl_id
          ,p_item_class_id               => l_item_class_id
          ,p_item_id_query               => g_seed_ic_usg(i).item_id_query
          ,p_item_class_order_number     => g_seed_ic_usg(i).item_class_order_number
          ,p_item_class_par_mode         => g_seed_ic_usg(i).item_class_par_mode
          ,p_item_class_sublist_mode     => g_seed_ic_usg(i).item_class_sublist_mode
          ,p_object_version_number       => l_ovn
          ,p_start_date                  => l_start_date
          ,p_end_date                    => l_end_date
Line: 346

         update ame_item_class_usages
            set created_by = getSeedUser
                ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
          where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
            and item_class_id = l_item_class_id
            and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 369

       update ame_item_class_usages
          set created_by = getSeedUser
              ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
        where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
          and item_class_id = l_item_class_id
          and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 379

      Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Error in updateItemClassUsage:'||sqlerrm);
Line: 382

end updateItemClassUsage;
Line: 384

procedure updateMandAtrUsages is
l_attribute_name varchar2(50);
Line: 392

    select *
      from ame_attribute_usages
     where attribute_id = c_attr_id
       and (is_static <> c_is_static or nvl(query_string,'PRASAD') <> nvl(c_query_string,'PRASAD') or
       nvl(value_set_id,-1) <> NVL(c_value_set_id,-1))
       and application_id = g_ent_appl_id
       and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate)
       and isEntDataModified(creation_date,last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
Line: 402

  l_proc_name := 'updateMandAtrUsages';
Line: 413

             (p_attribute_id               => g_seed_mand_attr_usg(i).attribute_id
             ,p_application_id             => g_ent_appl_id
             ,p_is_static                  => g_seed_mand_attr_usg(i).is_static
             ,p_query_string               => g_seed_mand_attr_usg(i).query_string
             ,p_value_set_id               => g_seed_mand_attr_usg(i).value_set_id
             ,p_object_version_number      => l_ovn
             ,p_start_date                 => l_start_Date
             ,p_end_date                   => l_end_Date
Line: 424

      update ame_attribute_usages
         set created_by = getSeedUser
             ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
       where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
         and attribute_id = g_seed_mand_attr_usg(i).attribute_id
         and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 435

    Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Error in updateMandAtrUsages:'||sqlerrm);
Line: 438

end updateMandAtrUsages;
Line: 450

     select count(*)
       from ame_attribute_usages
       where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
       and attribute_id = c_atr_id
       and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 458

     select ent.object_version_number
       from ame_attribute_usages ent
       where ent.attribute_id = c_atr_id
         and ent.application_id = g_ent_appl_id
         and (ent.is_static <> c_is_static or nvl(ent.query_string,'PRASAD') <> nvl(c_query_string,'PRASAD'))
         and sysdate between ent.start_date and nvl(ent.end_Date,sysdate)
         and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
Line: 468

Line: 481

        if isSeedUser(g_seed_attr_usg(i).last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then
          logMessage(l_proc_name,'Updating the attribute usage for : ' || l_attribute_id);
Line: 485

            (p_attribute_id                  => l_attribute_id
            ,p_application_id                => g_ent_appl_id
            ,p_is_static                     => g_seed_attr_usg(i).is_static
            ,p_query_string                  => g_seed_attr_usg(i).query_string
            ,p_value_set_id                  => g_seed_attr_usg(i).value_set_id
            ,p_object_version_number         => l_ovn
            ,p_start_date                    => l_start_date
            ,p_end_date                      => l_end_Date
Line: 496

          update ame_attribute_usages
            set created_by = getSeedUser
                ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
          where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
            and attribute_id = l_attribute_id
            and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 520

        update ame_attribute_usages
          set created_by = getSeedUser
              ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
        where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
          and attribute_id = l_attribute_id
          and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 536

procedure updateActionTypeConfig is
  l_proc_name varchar2(100);
Line: 545

    select count(*)
      from ame_action_Type_config
      where sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate)
       and application_id = g_ent_appl_id
       and action_type_id = c_action_type_id;
Line: 553

    select ent.object_version_number
      from ame_action_type_config ent
        where ent.application_id = g_ent_appl_id
        and c_act_type_id = ent.action_type_id
        and (nvl(ent.voting_regime,'AA') <> nvl(c_voting_regime,'AA')
            or nvl(ent.chain_ordering_mode,'AA') <> nvl(c_chain_ordering_mode,'AA')
            or nvl(ent.order_number,-1) <> nvl(c_order_number,-1))
        and sysdate between ent.start_Date and nvl(ent.end_Date,sysdate)
        and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse ;
Line: 563

  l_proc_name := 'updateActionTypeConfig';
Line: 577

       if isSeedUser(g_seed_act_config(i).last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then
         Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Updating the action type configuration for:'||l_action_type_id);
Line: 581

          (p_action_type_id             => l_action_type_id,
           p_application_id             => g_ent_appl_id,
           p_voting_regime              => g_seed_act_config(i).voting_regime,
           p_chain_ordering_mode        => g_seed_act_config(i).chain_ordering_mode,
           p_order_number               => g_seed_act_config(i).order_number,
           p_object_version_number      => l_ovn,
           p_start_date                 => l_start_date,
           p_end_date                   => l_end_Date
Line: 591

         update ame_action_type_config
            set created_by = getSeedUser
               ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
          where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
            and action_type_id = l_action_type_id
            and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 612

      update ame_action_type_config
         set created_by = getSeedUser
            ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
       where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
         and action_type_id = l_action_type_id
         and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 622

   Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Error in updateActionTypeConfig:'||sqlerrm);
Line: 625

end updateActionTypeConfig;
Line: 634

   select count(*)
     from ame_approval_group_config
     where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
       and approval_Group_id = c_ent_grp_id
       and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 642

  select ent.object_version_number
    from ame_approval_group_config ent
    where ent.application_id = g_ent_appl_id
      and ent.approval_Group_id = c_ent_grp_id
      and (c_voting_regime <> ent.voting_regime
           or c_order_number <> ent.order_number)
      and sysdate between ent.start_date and nvl(ent.end_Date,sysdate)
      and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
Line: 660

      if isSeedUser(g_seed_group_data(i).config_last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then
      l_ovn := upd_Rec.object_version_number;
Line: 664

             p_approval_group_id     => p_ent_grp_id
            ,p_application_id        => g_ent_appl_id
            ,p_voting_regime         => g_seed_group_data(i).voting_regime
            ,p_order_number          => g_seed_group_data(i).order_number
            ,p_object_version_number  => l_ovn
            ,p_start_date             => l_start_date
            ,p_end_date               => l_end_date
Line: 674

      update ame_approval_group_config
         set created_by = getSeedUser
            ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
       where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
         and approval_group_id = p_ent_grp_id
         and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 695

      update ame_approval_group_config
         set created_by = getSeedUser
            ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
       where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
         and approval_group_id = p_ent_grp_id
         and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 718

   select approval_Group_id
    from ame_approval_Groups
    where name = c_name_in
     and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 723

  cursor getGrpUpdate(c_current_grp_id in number,c_query_string in varchar2) is
    select ent.object_version_number
      from ame_approval_groups ent
      where ent.approval_group_id = c_current_grp_id
        and c_query_string <> ent.query_string
        and sysdate between ent.start_date and nvl(ent.end_Date,sysdate)
        and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
Line: 751

      update ame_approval_groups
         set created_by = getSeedUser
            ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
       where approval_group_id = l_current_grp_id
         and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 757

      update ame_approval_groups_tl
         set created_by = getSeedUser
            ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
       where approval_group_id = l_current_grp_id;
Line: 765

      for upd_rec in getGrpUpdate(c_current_grp_id => l_current_grp_id
                                 ,c_query_string => g_seed_group_data(groupIndex).query_string) loop
      if isSeedUser(g_seed_group_data(groupIndex).group_last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then
      l_ovn := upd_rec.object_version_number;
Line: 771

             (p_approval_group_id        => l_current_grp_id
             ,p_is_static                => g_seed_group_data(groupIndex).is_static
             ,p_query_string             => g_seed_group_data(groupIndex).query_string
             ,p_object_version_number    => l_ovn
             ,p_start_date               => l_start_date
             ,p_end_date                 => l_end_date
Line: 779

      update ame_approval_groups
         set created_by = getSeedUser
            ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
       where approval_group_id = l_current_grp_id
         and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 785

      update ame_approval_groups_tl
         set created_by = getSeedUser
            ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
       where approval_group_id = l_current_grp_id
         and language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 801

procedure updateGroupsConfig is
  l_name varchar2(100);
Line: 806

    select agp.approval_group_id
      from ame_approval_group_config agc
          ,ame_approval_Groups agp
      where agc.application_id = g_seed_appl_id
        and agc.approval_Group_id = agp.approval_group_id
        and sysdate between agp.start_date and nvl(agp.end_Date,sysdate)
        and sysdate between agc.start_date and nvl(agc.end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 815

  l_proc_name := 'updateGroupsConfig';
Line: 823

     Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Error in updateGroupsConfig:'||sqlerrm);
Line: 826

end updateGroupsConfig;
Line: 834

      select parameter
        from ame_actions ac
            , ame_action_types act
        where ac.action_type_id = act.action_type_id
          and ac.action_id = c_action_id
          and sysdate between ac.start_date and nvl(ac.end_Date,sysdate)
          and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_Date,sysdate)
          and act.name in
             ame_util.postApprovalTypeName );
Line: 848

    select action_id
      from ame_actions
     where parameter =
       (select to_char(approval_Group_id)
          from ame_approval_Groups
          where name = c_name
          and sysdate between start_Date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate))
     and action_type_id = c_action_type_id
     and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 910

  select 'Y'
   from ame_action_types act
       ,ame_actions ac
       ,ame_action_type_usages actu
   where ac.action_id = c_action_id
     and actu.rule_type = c_rule_type
     and act.action_type_id = ac.action_Type_id
     and actu.action_type_id = act.action_type_id
     and sysdate between ac.start_date and nvl(ac.end_Date,sysdate)
     and sysdate between actu.start_date and nvl(actu.end_Date,sysdate)
     and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 927

Line: 939

Line: 1005

    update ame_rules
       set created_by = getSeedUser
          ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
     where rule_id = l_current_rule_id;
Line: 1010

    update ame_rules_tl
       set created_by = getSeedUser
          ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
     where rule_id = l_current_rule_id;
Line: 1016

    update ame_rules
       set start_date = sysdate
     where rule_id = l_current_rule_id
       and rule_strt_date_chd = 'Y';
Line: 1021

    update ame_rule_usages
       set start_date = sysdate
     where rule_id = l_current_rule_id
       and item_id = g_ent_appl_id
       and rule_strt_date_chd = 'Y';
Line: 1027

    update ame_action_usages
       set start_date = sysdate
     where rule_id = l_current_rule_id
       and rule_strt_date_chd = 'Y';
Line: 1032

    update ame_condition_usages
       set start_date = sysdate
     where rule_id = l_current_rule_id
       and rule_strt_date_chd = 'Y';
Line: 1037

    update ame_rule_usages
       set created_by = getSeedUser
          ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
     where rule_id = l_current_rule_id
       and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 1043

    update ame_action_usages
       set created_by = getSeedUser
          ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
     where rule_id = l_current_rule_id
       and action_id = l_action_id;
Line: 1049

    update ame_condition_usages
       set created_by = getSeedUser
          ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
     where rule_id = l_current_rule_id
       and condition_id = l_conditionid;
Line: 1066

        update ame_condition_usages
           set created_by = getSeedUser
              ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
          where rule_id = l_current_rule_id
           and condition_id = l_cond_list(i)
           and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate);
Line: 1085

     update ame_action_usages
        set created_by = getSeedUser
           ,last_updated_by = getSeedUser
       where rule_id = l_current_rule_id
        and action_id = l_action_id
        and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate);
Line: 1113

   select count(*)
    from ame_rules ar
         ,ame_rule_usages aru
    where ar.rule_id = aru.rule_id
      and ar.description = c_rule_name
      and aru.item_id = g_ent_appl_id
      and ((sysdate between ar.start_date
     and nvl(ar.end_date + 1/86400,sysdate)) or
     (sysdate < ar.start_date and
     ar.start_date < nvl(ar.end_date, ar.start_date + 1/86400)))
      and ((sysdate between aru.start_date
     and nvl(aru.end_date + 1/86400,sysdate)) or
     (sysdate < aru.start_date and
     aru.start_date < nvl(aru.end_date, aru.start_date + 1/86400)));
Line: 1129

   select count(*)
    from ame_rules ar
         ,ame_rule_usages aru
    where ar.rule_id = aru.rule_id
      and ar.description = c_rule_name
      and aru.item_id = g_ent_appl_id
      and (sysdate > aru.end_Date or sysdate > ar.end_Date);
Line: 1160

procedure updateRuleUsg is
 l_rule_name varchar2(500);
Line: 1168

   select ar.rule_id
     from ame_rules ar
          ,ame_rule_usages aru
    where ar.rule_id = aru.rule_id
     and aru.item_id = g_seed_appl_id
     and ((sysdate between ar.start_date
     and nvl(ar.end_date + 1/86400,sysdate)) or
     (sysdate < ar.start_date and
     ar.start_date < nvl(ar.end_date, ar.start_date + 1/86400)))
      and ((sysdate between aru.start_date
     and nvl(aru.end_date + 1/86400,sysdate)) or
     (sysdate < aru.start_date and
     aru.start_date < nvl(aru.end_date, aru.start_date + 1/86400)));
Line: 1184

    select count(*)
      from ame_rule_usages aru, ame_rules ar
      where ar.description = c_rule_name
        and aru.rule_id = ar.rule_id
        and aru.item_id = g_ent_appl_id
        and ((sysdate between ar.start_date
     and nvl(ar.end_date + 1/86400,sysdate)) or
     (sysdate < ar.start_date and
     ar.start_date < nvl(ar.end_date, ar.start_date + 1/86400)))
      and ((sysdate between aru.start_date
     and nvl(aru.end_date + 1/86400,sysdate)) or
     (sysdate < aru.start_date and
     aru.start_date < nvl(aru.end_date, aru.start_date + 1/86400)));
Line: 1198

  l_proc_name := 'updateRuleUsg';
Line: 1220

   Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Error in updateRuleUsg:'||sqlerrm);
Line: 1223

end updateRuleUsg;
Line: 1234

   select variable_value,object_version_number
     from ame_config_vars
     where variable_name = ame_util.allowAllApproverTypesConfigVar
      and application_id = c_appl_id
      and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate);
Line: 1245

   select *
     from ame_calling_apps
    where transaction_type_id = g_seed_txntype
      and fnd_application_id = g_fnd_application_id
      and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 1267

                  (p_application_id            => g_seed_appl_id
                  ,p_variable_name             => ame_util.allowAllApproverTypesConfigVar
                  ,p_variable_value            => 'yes'
                  ,p_object_version_number     => l_ovn
                  ,p_start_date                => l_start_date
                  ,p_end_date                  => l_end_Date
Line: 1275

           update ame_config_vars
              set last_updated_by = getSeedUser
             where application_id = g_seed_appl_id
               and variable_name = ame_util.allowAllApproverTypesConfigVar
               and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate);
Line: 1280

           Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Updated the SSHR default configuration variable to yes');
Line: 1286

   select *
    from ame_Config_vars seed
   where application_id = g_seed_appl_id
     and sysdate between start_Date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 1295

    select  seed.*
      from ame_attribute_usages seed
          ,ame_attributes atr
     where seed.attribute_id = atr.attribute_id
        and exists
            (select null
               from ame_mandatory_attributes
              where attribute_id = atr.attribute_id
                and action_type_id = -1
                and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate))
        and seed.application_id = g_seed_appl_id
        and sysdate between seed.start_Date and nvl(seed.end_Date,sysdate)
        and sysdate between atr.start_date and nvl(atr.end_Date,sysdate)
        and isSeedUser(seed.last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue;
Line: 1314

     select atu.*
      from  ame_attributes atr
           ,ame_attribute_usages atu
      where atr.attribute_id = atu.attribute_id
        and atu.application_id = g_seed_appl_id
        and sysdate between atr.start_Date and nvl(atr.end_Date,sysdate)
        and sysdate between atu.start_date and nvl(atu.end_Date,sysdate)
        and not exists
           (select null
              from ame_mandatory_attributes
              where attribute_id = atr.attribute_id
                and action_type_id = -1
                and sysdate between start_Date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate));
Line: 1332

  select *
   from ame_action_type_config
  where sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate)
    and application_id = g_seed_appl_id;
Line: 1341

    select  voting_regime
           ,groups.last_updated_by group_last_updated_by
           ,config.last_updated_by config_last_updated_by
           ,groups.creation_date group_creation_date
           ,config.creation_date config_creation_date
      from ame_approval_Groups groups
          ,ame_approval_group_config config
      where application_id = g_seed_appl_id
        and groups.approval_group_id = config.approval_group_id
       and sysdate between groups.start_date and nvl(groups.end_Date,sysdate)
       and sysdate between config.start_date and nvl(config.end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 1363

   select *
     from ame_item_class_usages
    where application_id = g_seed_appl_id
      and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
Line: 1372

      select ar.rule_id
            ,aru.start_date usage_start_date
            ,aru.end_date usage_end_date
       from ame_rules ar
            ,ame_rule_usages aru
       where aru.item_id = g_seed_appl_id
         and ar.rule_id = aru.rule_id
         and ((sysdate between ar.start_date
               and nvl(ar.end_date + 1/86400,sysdate)) or
     (sysdate < ar.start_date and
     ar.start_date < nvl(ar.end_date, ar.start_date + 1/86400)))
      and ((sysdate between aru.start_date
     and nvl(aru.end_date + 1/86400,sysdate)) or
     (sysdate < aru.start_date and
     aru.start_date < nvl(aru.end_date, aru.start_date + 1/86400)))
     order by aru.rule_id;
Line: 1400

      select acu.*
       from ame_rules ar
            ,ame_rule_usages aru
            ,ame_action_usages acu
       where aru.item_id = g_seed_appl_id
         and acu.rule_id = ar.rule_id
         and ar.rule_id = aru.rule_id
         and ((sysdate between ar.start_date
               and nvl(ar.end_date + 1/86400,sysdate)) or
     (sysdate < ar.start_date and
     ar.start_date < nvl(ar.end_date, ar.start_date + 1/86400)))
      and ((sysdate between aru.start_date
     and nvl(aru.end_date + 1/86400,sysdate)) or
     (sysdate < aru.start_date and
     aru.start_date < nvl(aru.end_date, aru.start_date + 1/86400)))
     and ((sysdate between acu.start_date and nvl(acu.end_Date+1/86400,sysdate)) or
              (sysdate < acu.start_date and acu.start_date < nvl(acu.end_Date,acu.start_date+1/86400)))
     order by acu.rule_id;
Line: 1423

      select acu.*
       from ame_rules ar
            ,ame_rule_usages aru
            ,ame_condition_usages acu
       where aru.item_id = g_seed_appl_id
         and acu.rule_id = ar.rule_id
         and ar.rule_id = aru.rule_id
         and ((sysdate between ar.start_date
               and nvl(ar.end_date + 1/86400,sysdate)) or
     (sysdate < ar.start_date and
     ar.start_date < nvl(ar.end_date, ar.start_date + 1/86400)))
      and ((sysdate between aru.start_date
     and nvl(aru.end_date + 1/86400,sysdate)) or
     (sysdate < aru.start_date and
     aru.start_date < nvl(aru.end_date, aru.start_date + 1/86400)))
     and ((sysdate between acu.start_date and nvl(acu.end_Date+1/86400,sysdate)) or
              (sysdate < acu.start_date and acu.start_date < nvl(acu.end_Date,acu.start_date+1/86400)))
     order by acu.rule_id;
Line: 1472

Line: 1473

Line: 1475

Line: 1476

Line: 1477

Line: 1494

    select transaction_type_id
      from ame_calling_apps
      where application_id = c_applIdIn
        and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate);
Line: 1501

   select enterprise_name
     from per_enterprises_vl
     where enterprise_id = c_enterpriseId;
Line: 1523

   Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Seed Transaction type selected:'||g_seed_txntype);
Line: 1555

     '  FROM ame_conditions ' ||
     ' WHERE condition_id = :1 ' ||
     '   AND (sysdate + 1/64000) between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate)';
Line: 1560

     'SELECT sa_session.row_label(''HR_ENTERPRISE_POLICY'') ' ||
     '  FROM dual ';
Line: 1583

     'SELECT sa_session.row_label(''HR_ENTERPRISE_POLICY'') ' ||
     '  FROM dual ';