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Line 269: hr_lookups hrl

265: into p_org_name,
266: p_org_type
267: from hr_all_organization_units_tl orgtl,
268: hr_all_organization_units org,
269: hr_lookups hrl
270: where org.organization_id = p_organization_id
271: and org.organization_id = orgtl.organization_id
272: and hrl.lookup_type (+) = 'ORG_TYPE'
273: and hrl.lookup_code (+) = org.type

Line 793: v_meaning hr_lookups.meaning%type;

789: (p_lookup_type varchar2,
790: p_lookup_code varchar2) return varchar2
791: --
792: AS
793: v_meaning hr_lookups.meaning%type;
794: --
795: begin
796: --
797: hr_utility.trace('Entered hr_reports.get_lookup_meaning');

Line 803: from hr_lookups hrl

799: begin
800: hr_utility.set_location('hr_reports.get_lookup_meaning',5);
801: select hrl.meaning
802: into v_meaning
803: from hr_lookups hrl
804: where hrl.lookup_type = p_lookup_type
805: and hrl.lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
806: exception
807: when no_data_found then null;