48: Modified the object to remove literals from DML statements and CURSORS.
50: 8. 08-Jul-2005 Sanjikum for Bug#4482462
51: 1) In the procedure - generate_tds_invoices, removed the column payment_method_lookup_code
52: from cursors - c_po_vendor_sites_all, c_po_vendors
53: 2) In the procedure generate_tds_invoices, commented the if condition of payment_method_lookup_code
54: 3) In the procedure generate_tds_invoices, commented the value of parameter - p_payment_method_lookup_code
55: while calling procedure - jai_ap_utils_pkg.insert_ap_inv_interface
106: In generate_tds_invoices procedure:
107: Added the WHO columns in the 'insert into JAI_AP_TDS_INVOICES' statement
109: 15. 19-Aug-2005 Ramananda for bug#4562793. File Version 120.6
110: 1) Moved the Cursor - c_ja_in_tax_codes, up from below the cursor c_po_vendor_sites_all
111: 2) Changed the parameters being passed to cursor - c_po_vendors and c_po_vendor_sites_all
112: 3) In the procedure maintain_thhold_grps, while updating the table - jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps,
113: changed the update for column - current_threshold_slab_id
107: Added the WHO columns in the 'insert into JAI_AP_TDS_INVOICES' statement
109: 15. 19-Aug-2005 Ramananda for bug#4562793. File Version 120.6
110: 1) Moved the Cursor - c_ja_in_tax_codes, up from below the cursor c_po_vendor_sites_all
111: 2) Changed the parameters being passed to cursor - c_po_vendors and c_po_vendor_sites_all
112: 3) In the procedure maintain_thhold_grps, while updating the table - jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps,
113: changed the update for column - current_threshold_slab_id
115: Dependency Due to this Bug
484: cursor c_get_vendor_pan_tan(p_vendor_id number , p_vendor_site_id number) is
485: select c.pan_no pan_no,
486: d.org_tan_num tan_no
487: from po_vendors a,
488: po_vendor_sites_all b,
490: jai_ap_tds_org_tan_v d --rchandan for bug#4323338
491: where a.vendor_id = b.vendor_id
492: and b.vendor_id = c.vendor_id
1232: payment_method_code -- Bug 7109056
1233: from ap_invoices_all
1234: where invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
1236: cursor c_po_vendor_sites_all(cp_vendor_id number, cp_vendor_site_id number) is
1237: select terms_id,
1238: --payment_method_lookup_code, --commented by Sanjikum for Bug#4482462
1239: pay_group_lookup_code
1240: from po_vendor_sites_all
1236: cursor c_po_vendor_sites_all(cp_vendor_id number, cp_vendor_site_id number) is
1237: select terms_id,
1238: --payment_method_lookup_code, --commented by Sanjikum for Bug#4482462
1239: pay_group_lookup_code
1240: from po_vendor_sites_all
1241: where vendor_id = cp_vendor_id
1242: and vendor_site_id = cp_vendor_site_id;
1244: cursor c_po_vendors(cp_vendor_id number) is
1276: where invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
1278: r_ap_invoices_all c_ap_invoices_all%rowtype;
1279: r_ja_in_tax_codes c_ja_in_tax_codes%rowtype;
1280: r_po_vendor_sites_all c_po_vendor_sites_all%rowtype;
1281: r_po_vendors c_po_vendors%rowtype;
1282: r_gl_sets_of_books c_gl_sets_of_books%rowtype;
1283: r_ap_payment_schedules_all c_ap_payment_schedules_all%rowtype;
1362: fetch c_ap_invoices_all into r_ap_invoices_all;
1363: close c_ap_invoices_all;
1365: /*
1366: || moved this up from the under the cursor - c_po_vendor_sites_all by Ramananda for Bug#4562793
1367: */
1368: open c_ja_in_tax_codes(pn_tax_id);
1369: fetch c_ja_in_tax_codes into r_ja_in_tax_codes;
1370: close c_ja_in_tax_codes;
1377: fetch c_po_vendors into r_po_vendors;
1378: close c_po_vendors;
1380: /*
1381: || open c_po_vendor_sites_all(r_ap_invoices_all.vendor_id, r_ap_invoices_all.vendor_site_id);
1382: || Commented the above and added the below by sanjikum for Bug#4562793
1383: */
1384: open c_po_vendor_sites_all(r_ja_in_tax_codes.vendor_id, r_ja_in_tax_codes.vendor_site_id);
1385: fetch c_po_vendor_sites_all into r_po_vendor_sites_all;
1380: /*
1381: || open c_po_vendor_sites_all(r_ap_invoices_all.vendor_id, r_ap_invoices_all.vendor_site_id);
1382: || Commented the above and added the below by sanjikum for Bug#4562793
1383: */
1384: open c_po_vendor_sites_all(r_ja_in_tax_codes.vendor_id, r_ja_in_tax_codes.vendor_site_id);
1385: fetch c_po_vendor_sites_all into r_po_vendor_sites_all;
1386: close c_po_vendor_sites_all;
1388: open c_gl_sets_of_books(r_ap_invoices_all.set_of_books_id);
1381: || open c_po_vendor_sites_all(r_ap_invoices_all.vendor_id, r_ap_invoices_all.vendor_site_id);
1382: || Commented the above and added the below by sanjikum for Bug#4562793
1383: */
1384: open c_po_vendor_sites_all(r_ja_in_tax_codes.vendor_id, r_ja_in_tax_codes.vendor_site_id);
1385: fetch c_po_vendor_sites_all into r_po_vendor_sites_all;
1386: close c_po_vendor_sites_all;
1388: open c_gl_sets_of_books(r_ap_invoices_all.set_of_books_id);
1389: fetch c_gl_sets_of_books into r_gl_sets_of_books;
1382: || Commented the above and added the below by sanjikum for Bug#4562793
1383: */
1384: open c_po_vendor_sites_all(r_ja_in_tax_codes.vendor_id, r_ja_in_tax_codes.vendor_site_id);
1385: fetch c_po_vendor_sites_all into r_po_vendor_sites_all;
1386: close c_po_vendor_sites_all;
1388: open c_gl_sets_of_books(r_ap_invoices_all.set_of_books_id);
1389: fetch c_gl_sets_of_books into r_gl_sets_of_books;
1390: close c_gl_sets_of_books;
1390: close c_gl_sets_of_books;
1393: /* Get the payment details from the vendor site */
1394: ln_terms_id := r_po_vendor_sites_all.terms_id;
1395: -- lv_payment_method_lookup_code := r_po_vendor_sites_all.payment_method_lookup_code;--commented by Sanjikum for Bug#4482462
1396: lv_pay_group_lookup_code := r_po_vendor_sites_all.pay_group_lookup_code;
1393: /* Get the payment details from the vendor site */
1394: ln_terms_id := r_po_vendor_sites_all.terms_id;
1395: -- lv_payment_method_lookup_code := r_po_vendor_sites_all.payment_method_lookup_code;--commented by Sanjikum for Bug#4482462
1396: lv_pay_group_lookup_code := r_po_vendor_sites_all.pay_group_lookup_code;
1399: if (
1393: /* Get the payment details from the vendor site */
1394: ln_terms_id := r_po_vendor_sites_all.terms_id;
1395: -- lv_payment_method_lookup_code := r_po_vendor_sites_all.payment_method_lookup_code;--commented by Sanjikum for Bug#4482462
1396: lv_pay_group_lookup_code := r_po_vendor_sites_all.pay_group_lookup_code;
1399: if (
1400: ln_terms_id is null or