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APPS.OE_UPG_SO dependencies on SO_LINES_ALL

Line 591: so_lines_all sla,

587: decode(sla.item_type_code,'CONFIG',sld.shippable_flag,'N'))) shippable_flag
588: /* If you make changes to shippable flag in the above line, make it also on */
589: /* shipped_quantity decode */
590: from
591: so_lines_all sla,
592: so_line_attributes slattr,
593: oe_upgrade_wsh_iface sld
594: where
595: sla.line_id = slattr.line_id (+) and

Line 601: (select NE.line_id from so_lines_all NE

597: decode(sla.item_type_code,'SERVICE',
598: nvl(sla.service_parent_line_id,0),sla.line_id) = sld.line_id(+) and
599: sla.line_type_code <> 'PARENT' and
600: not exists
601: (select NE.line_id from so_lines_all NE
602: where NE.line_Id = sla.service_parent_line_id
603: and NE.line_type_code = 'PARENT') /* Standalone service not upgraded */
604: order by
605: sla.ship_set_number,

Line 1193: from so_lines_all

1190: if v_reference_line_id is not null then
1191: begin
1192: select header_id into v_reference_header_id
1193: from so_lines_all
1194: where line_id = v_reference_line_id;
1195: exception
1196: when others then
1197: null;

Line 1236: from so_lines_all

1232: begin
1233: Select item_type_code, ato_flag,option_flag
1234: into r_original_item_type_code,
1235: r_ato_flag,r_option_flag
1236: from so_lines_all
1237: where line_id = mol.link_to_line_id;
1238: exception
1239: when others then
1240: null;

Line 3732: so_lines_all

3728: line_number,
3729: inventory_item_id,
3730: unit_code
3731: from
3732: so_lines_all
3733: where line_type_code = 'PARENT'
3734: and item_type_code in ('KIT','MODEL','STANDARD')
3735: and parent_line_id is null -- To filter out option lines
3736: and parent_line_id is null -- To filter out option lines

Line 3738: (select shipment_schedule_line_id from so_lines_all

3734: and item_type_code in ('KIT','MODEL','STANDARD')
3735: and parent_line_id is null -- To filter out option lines
3736: and parent_line_id is null -- To filter out option lines
3737: and line_id in
3738: (select shipment_schedule_line_id from so_lines_all
3739: where line_id in
3740: (select old_line_id from oe_upgrade_log_v
3741: where new_line_id in
3742: (select line_id from oe_order_lines_all

Line 3752: (select new_line_id from oe_upgrade_log oul, so_lines_all sla

3748: line_id,
3749: line_number
3750: from oe_order_lines_all oola
3751: where line_id in
3752: (select new_line_id from oe_upgrade_log oul, so_lines_all sla
3753: where oul.old_line_id = sla.line_id
3754: and sla.shipment_schedule_line_id = v_line_id)
3755: and item_type_code in ('KIT','MODEL','STANDARD')
3756: order by line_id;

Line 3766: so_lines_all sla

3762: line_number,
3763: inventory_item_id,
3764: unit_code
3765: from
3766: so_lines_all sla
3767: where sla.line_type_code = 'REGULAR'
3768: AND item_type_code in ('KIT','MODEL','STANDARD')
3769: and parent_line_id is null -- To filter out options (included on Leena's instn.)
3770: and parent_line_id is null -- To filter out options (included on Leena's instn.)

Line 4001: so_lines_all sla1,

3997: select oul2.new_line_id into v_new_line_id
3998: from
3999: oe_upgrade_log_v oul1,
4000: oe_upgrade_log_v oul2,
4001: so_lines_all sla1,
4002: so_lines_all sla2
4003: where oul1.new_line_id = c2.line_id
4004: and oul1.old_line_id = sla1.line_id
4005: and nvl(sla1.service_parent_line_id,0) = nvl(sla2.line_id,0)

Line 4002: so_lines_all sla2

3998: from
3999: oe_upgrade_log_v oul1,
4000: oe_upgrade_log_v oul2,
4001: so_lines_all sla1,
4002: so_lines_all sla2
4003: where oul1.new_line_id = c2.line_id
4004: and oul1.old_line_id = sla1.line_id
4005: and nvl(sla1.service_parent_line_id,0) = nvl(sla2.line_id,0)
4006: and sla2.line_id = oul2.old_line_id