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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 6

  PROCEDURE security_update IS
  --Created by  : Varun Puri
  --Date created: 12-FEB-2002
  -- 1. Removes the orphan DCF menus and their associated menu entries
  --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
  --Change History: (who, when, what: NO CREATION RECORDS HERE!)
  --Who    When    What

  l_entry_sequence    fnd_menu_entries.entry_sequence%TYPE;
Line: 26

    SELECT menu_id,
    FROM fnd_menu_entries
    WHERE sub_menu_id = cp_sub_menu_id;
Line: 32

    SELECT fm.menu_id menu_id
    FROM fnd_menus fm
    WHERE fm.menu_name like 'DCF_%' AND
          SELECT 1 FROM fnd_menu_entries
          WHERE menu_id = fm.menu_id );
Line: 48

        fnd_menu_entries_pkg.delete_row(x_menu_id        => l_menu_id,
                                         x_entry_sequence => l_entry_sequence);
Line: 54

      fnd_menus_pkg.delete_row(x_menu_id => mrec.menu_id);
Line: 69

  END security_update;
Line: 152

FUNCTION get_multiselect_count(p_param_str VARCHAR2,
                               p_multi_sep VARCHAR2 default '~~') RETURN NUMBER IS
  l_param_str_len NUMBER;
Line: 164

    return 1+get_multiselect_count(SUBSTR(p_param_str,l_sep_pos+l_multi_sep_len),p_multi_sep);
Line: 167

END get_multiselect_count;
Line: 179

FUNCTION get_multiselect_value(p_param_str VARCHAR2,
                               pos         NUMBER,
                               p_multi_sep VARCHAR2 default '~~') RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
  l_param_str_len NUMBER;
Line: 190

  l_count := get_multiselect_count(p_param_str, p_multi_sep);
Line: 209

END get_multiselect_value;
Line: 218

      select * from ak_regions_vl
       where region_code = source_region_code;
Line: 222

      select * from ak_region_items_vl
       where region_code = source_region_code;
Line: 247

      jtfb_ak_regions_pkg.insert_row (
           x_rowid                        => l_rowid
         , x_region_application_id        => l_region_rec.region_application_id
         , x_region_code                  => target_region_code
         , x_database_object_name         => l_region_rec.database_object_name
         , x_region_style                 => l_region_rec.region_style
         , x_num_columns                  => l_region_rec.num_columns
         , x_icx_custom_call              => l_region_rec.icx_custom_call
         , x_name                         => target_region_code
         , x_description                  => l_region_rec.description
         , x_region_defaulting_api_pkg    => l_region_rec.region_defaulting_api_pkg
         , x_region_defaulting_api_proc   => l_region_rec.region_defaulting_api_proc
         , x_region_validation_api_pkg    => l_region_rec.region_validation_api_pkg
         , x_region_validation_api_proc   => l_region_rec.region_validation_api_proc
         , x_appl_module_object_type      => null
         , x_num_rows_display             => l_region_rec.num_rows_display
         , x_region_object_type           => l_region_rec.region_object_type
         , x_image_file_name              => l_region_rec.image_file_name
         , x_isform_flag                  => l_region_rec.isform_flag
         , x_help_target                  => l_region_rec.help_target
         , x_style_sheet_filename         => l_region_rec.style_sheet_filename
         , x_version                      => l_region_rec.version
         , x_applicationmodule_usage_name => l_region_rec.applicationmodule_usage_name
         , x_add_indexed_children         => l_region_rec.add_indexed_children
         , x_stateful_flag                => l_region_rec.stateful_flag
         , x_function_name                => target_region_code || '_' ||
         , x_children_view_usage_name     => l_region_rec.children_view_usage_name
         , x_creation_date                => l_region_rec.creation_date
         , x_created_by                   => l_region_rec.created_by
         , x_last_update_date             => l_region_rec.last_update_date
         , x_last_updated_by              => l_region_rec.last_updated_by
         , x_last_update_login            => l_region_rec.last_update_login
         , x_attribute_category           => l_region_rec.attribute_category
         , x_attribute1                   => l_region_rec.attribute1
         , x_attribute2                   => l_region_rec.attribute2
         , x_attribute3                   => l_region_rec.attribute3
         , x_attribute4                   => l_region_rec.attribute4
         , x_attribute5                   => l_region_rec.attribute5
         , x_attribute6                   => l_region_rec.attribute6
         , x_attribute7                   => l_region_rec.attribute7
         , x_attribute8                   => l_region_rec.attribute8
         , x_attribute9                   => l_region_rec.attribute9
         , x_attribute10                  => l_region_rec.attribute10
         , x_attribute11                  => l_region_rec.attribute11
         , x_attribute12                  => l_region_rec.attribute12
         , x_attribute13                  => l_region_rec.attribute13
         , x_attribute14                  => l_region_rec.attribute14
         , x_attribute15                  => l_region_rec.attribute15
Line: 302

         jtfb_ak_region_items_pkg.insert_row (
              x_rowid                        => l_rowid
            , x_region_application_id        => l_rec.region_application_id
            , x_region_code                  => target_region_code
            , x_attribute_application_id     => l_rec.attribute_application_id
            , x_attribute_code               => l_rec.attribute_code
            , x_display_sequence             => l_rec.display_sequence
            , x_node_display_flag            => l_rec.node_display_flag
            , x_node_query_flag              => l_rec.node_query_flag
            , x_attribute_label_length       => l_rec.attribute_label_length
            , x_bold                         => l_rec.bold
            , x_italic                       => l_rec.italic
            , x_vertical_alignment           => l_rec.vertical_alignment
            , x_horizontal_alignment         => l_rec.horizontal_alignment
            , x_item_style                   => l_rec.item_style
            , x_object_attribute_flag        => l_rec.object_attribute_flag
            , x_attribute_label_long         => l_rec.attribute_label_long
            , x_description                  => l_rec.description
            , x_security_code                => l_rec.security_code
            , x_update_flag                  => l_rec.update_flag
            , x_required_flag                => l_rec.required_flag
            , x_display_value_length         => l_rec.display_value_length
            , x_lov_region_application_id    => l_rec.lov_region_application_id
            , x_lov_region_code              => l_rec.lov_region_code
            , x_lov_foreign_key_name         => l_rec.lov_foreign_key_name
            , x_lov_attribute_application_id => l_rec.lov_attribute_application_id
            , x_lov_attribute_code           => l_rec.lov_attribute_code
            , x_lov_default_flag             => l_rec.lov_default_flag
            , x_region_defaulting_api_pkg    => l_rec.region_defaulting_api_pkg
            , x_region_defaulting_api_proc   => l_rec.region_defaulting_api_proc
            , x_region_validation_api_pkg    => l_rec.region_validation_api_pkg
            , x_region_validation_api_proc   => l_rec.region_validation_api_proc
            , x_order_sequence               => l_rec.order_sequence
            , x_order_direction              => l_rec.order_direction
            , x_default_value_varchar2       => l_rec.default_value_varchar2
            , x_default_value_number         => l_rec.default_value_number
            , x_default_value_date           => l_rec.default_value_date
            , x_item_name                    => l_rec.item_name
            , x_display_height               => l_rec.display_height
            , x_submit                       => l_rec.submit
            , x_encrypt                      => l_rec.encrypt
            , x_view_usage_name              => l_rec.view_usage_name
            , x_view_attribute_name          => l_rec.view_attribute_name
            , x_css_class_name               => l_rec.css_class_name
            , x_css_label_class_name         => l_rec.css_label_class_name
            , x_url                          => l_rec.url
            , x_poplist_viewobject           => l_rec.poplist_viewobject
            , x_poplist_display_attribute    => l_rec.poplist_display_attribute
            , x_poplist_value_attribute      => l_rec.poplist_value_attribute
            , x_image_file_name              => l_rec.image_file_name
            , x_nested_region_code           => l_rec.nested_region_code
            , x_nested_region_appl_id        => null
            , x_menu_name                    => l_rec.menu_name
            , x_flexfield_name               => l_rec.flexfield_name
            , x_flexfield_application_id     => l_rec.flexfield_application_id
            , x_tabular_function_code        => l_rec.tabular_function_code
            , x_tip_type                     => l_rec.tip_type
            , x_tip_message_name             => l_rec.tip_message_name
            , x_tip_message_application_id   => l_rec.tip_message_application_id
            , x_flex_segment_list            => l_rec.flex_segment_list
            , x_entity_id                    => l_rec.entity_id
            , x_anchor                       => l_rec.anchor
            , x_poplist_view_usage_name      => l_rec.poplist_view_usage_name
            , x_sortby_view_attribute_name   => l_rec.sortby_view_attribute_name
            , x_creation_date                => l_rec.creation_date
            , x_created_by                   => l_rec.created_by
            , x_last_update_date             => l_rec.last_update_date
            , x_last_updated_by              => l_rec.last_updated_by
            , x_last_update_login            => l_rec.last_update_login
            , x_attribute_category           => l_rec.attribute_category
            , x_attribute1                   => l_rec.attribute1
            , x_attribute2                   => l_rec.attribute2
            , x_attribute3                   => l_rec.attribute3
            , x_attribute4                   => l_rec.attribute4
            , x_attribute5                   => l_rec.attribute5
            , x_attribute6                   => l_rec.attribute6
            , x_attribute7                   => l_rec.attribute7
            , x_attribute8                   => l_rec.attribute8
            , x_attribute9                   => l_rec.attribute9
            , x_attribute10                  => l_rec.attribute10
            , x_attribute11                  => l_rec.attribute11
            , x_attribute12                  => l_rec.attribute12
            , x_attribute13                  => l_rec.attribute13
            , x_attribute14                  => l_rec.attribute14
            , x_attribute15                  => l_rec.attribute15
Line: 408

      select rit.rowid
             , rit.region_code
             , rit.attribute_code
             , rit.lov_region_application_id
             , rit.attribute7
             , rit.lov_region_code
             , rit.attribute8
             , rit.lov_foreign_key_name
             , rit.attribute9
             , rit.lov_attribute_code
             , rit.attribute10
             , rit.flex_segment_list
        from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn
       where rgn.attribute_category in
               ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH', 'GRAPH_REPORT')
         and rit.region_code = rgn.region_code
         and rit.region_application_id = rgn.region_application_id
         and rit.attribute_category = 'PARAMETER'
         for update nowait;
Line: 446

      update ak_region_items
         set lov_region_application_id = null
             , attribute7              = nvl(attribute7, rec.lov_region_application_id)
             , lov_region_code         = null
             , attribute8              = nvl(attribute8, rec.lov_region_code)
             , lov_foreign_key_name    = null
             , attribute9              = nvl(attribute9, rec.lov_foreign_key_name)
             , lov_attribute_code      = null
             , attribute10             = nvl(attribute10, rec.lov_attribute_code)
             , flex_segment_list       = l_flex_segment_list
       where rowid = rec.rowid;
Line: 491

      select rit.rowid
             , rit.region_code
             , rit.attribute_code
             , rit.lov_region_application_id
             , rit.display_sequence
        from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn
       where rgn.attribute_category in
               ('GRAPH', 'GRAPH_REPORT')
         and rit.region_code = rgn.region_code
         and rit.region_application_id = rgn.region_application_id
         and rit.attribute_category = l_attribute_category
         and rit.display_sequence in (1, 2, 3, 4)
       order by rit.region_code, rit.display_sequence
         for update nowait;
Line: 507

      select nvl((max(display_sequence) + 1), l_min_sequence) new_sequence
        from ak_region_items
       where region_code = c_region_code
         and attribute_category = l_attribute_category
         and display_sequence between l_min_sequence and l_max_sequence;
Line: 541

      update ak_region_items
         set display_sequence = sequence_rec.new_sequence
       where rowid = rec.rowid;
Line: 584

procedure Multiselect_Upgrade is

   l_attribute_category  constant
      ak_region_items.attribute_category%type := 'PARAMETER';
Line: 588

   l_item_style  constant ak_region_items.item_style%type := 'MULTI_SELECT';
Line: 593

      select rit.rowid
             , rit.attribute_code
        from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn
       where rgn.attribute_category in
               ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH', 'GRAPH_REPORT')
         and rit.region_code = rgn.region_code
         and rit.region_application_id = rgn.region_application_id
         and rit.attribute_category = l_attribute_category
         and rit.item_style = l_item_style
         for update nowait;
Line: 605

      select att.rowid
             , att.attribute_code
        from ak_region_items rit, ak_regions rgn, ak_attributes att
       where att.item_style = l_item_style
         and rit.attribute_code = att.attribute_code
         and rit.attribute_application_id = rit.attribute_application_id
         and rit.attribute_category = l_attribute_category
         and rgn.region_code = rit.region_code
         and rgn.region_application_id = rit.region_application_id
         and rgn.attribute_category in
               ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH', 'GRAPH_REPORT')
         for update nowait;
Line: 622

   savepoint Multiselect_Upgrade;
Line: 627

      update ak_region_items
         set item_style = l_new_item_style
       where rowid = rit_rec.rowid;
Line: 636

      update ak_attributes
         set item_style = l_new_item_style
       where rowid = att_rec.rowid;
Line: 653

      rollback to Multiselect_Upgrade;
Line: 659

      rollback to Multiselect_Upgrade;
Line: 661

end Multiselect_Upgrade;
Line: 667

      select ar.created_by
             , ar.last_updated_by
             , ar.last_update_login
        from ak_regions ar
       where ar.attribute_category in ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH'
                 , 'GRAPH_REPORT', 'POPLIST')
         for update of
             , ar.last_updated_by
             , ar.last_update_login
Line: 680

      select art.created_by
             , art.last_updated_by
             , art.last_update_login
        from ak_regions_tl art, ak_regions ar
       where ar.attribute_category in ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH'
                 , 'GRAPH_REPORT', 'POPLIST')
         and art.region_code = ar.region_code
         and art.region_application_id = ar.region_application_id
         for update of
             , art.last_updated_by
             , art.last_update_login
Line: 695

      select ara.created_by
             , ara.last_updated_by
             , ara.last_update_login
        from ak_region_items ara
             , ak_regions ar
       where ar.attribute_category in ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH'
                 , 'GRAPH_REPORT', 'POPLIST')
         and ara.region_code = ar.region_code
         and ara.region_application_id = ar.region_application_id
         for update of
             , ara.last_updated_by
             , ara.last_update_login
Line: 711

      select arat.created_by
             , arat.last_updated_by
             , arat.last_update_login
        from ak_region_items_tl arat
             , ak_region_items ara
             , ak_regions ar
       where ar.attribute_category in ('BIN', 'REPORT', 'GRAPH'
                 , 'GRAPH_REPORT', 'POPLIST')
         and ara.region_code = ar.region_code
         and ara.region_application_id = ar.region_application_id
         and arat.region_code = ara.region_code
         and arat.region_application_id = ara.region_application_id
         and arat.attribute_code = ara.attribute_code
         and arat.attribute_application_id = ara.attribute_application_id
         for update of
             , arat.last_updated_by
             , arat.last_update_login
Line: 732

   l_last_updated_by    ak_regions.last_updated_by%type;
Line: 733

   l_last_update_login  ak_regions.last_update_login%type;
Line: 743

   l_last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 744

   l_last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
Line: 751

      update ak_regions
         set created_by = l_created_by
             , last_updated_by = l_last_updated_by
             , last_update_login = l_last_update_login
       where current of c_regions;
Line: 764

      update ak_regions_tl
         set created_by = l_created_by
             , last_updated_by = l_last_updated_by
             , last_update_login = l_last_update_login
       where current of c_regions_tl;
Line: 777

      update ak_region_items
         set created_by = l_created_by
             , last_updated_by = l_last_updated_by
             , last_update_login = l_last_update_login
       where current of c_region_items;
Line: 790

      update ak_region_items_tl
         set created_by = l_created_by
             , last_updated_by = l_last_updated_by
             , last_update_login = l_last_update_login
       where current of c_region_items_tl;