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Line 193: FROM po_line_locations

189: CURSOR opm_fetch_quantity IS
190: SELECT line_location_id,
191: quantity,
192: ship_to_organization_id
193: FROM po_line_locations
194: WHERE po_line_id = X_po_line_id
195: AND nvl(cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
196: AND unit_meas_lookup_code <> X_unit_meas_lookup_code
197: AND shipment_type in ('STANDARD','PLANNED')

Line 284: UPDATE po_line_locations

280: /* Bug 1916593, Commenting the Cancel Flag condition, so that the
281: canceled shipments can also be updated. Pl. refer the bug for further
282: info */
284: UPDATE po_line_locations
285: SET price_override = X_unit_price,
286: calculate_tax_flag = 'Y',
287: approved_flag = decode(approved_flag, NULL, 'N', 'N','N','R'),
288: last_update_date = sysdate,

Line 343: UPDATE po_line_locations

340: /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
341: also needs to be updated.*/
343: UPDATE po_line_locations
344: SET secondary_quantity = l_shipment_sec_quantity,
345: last_update_date = X_last_update_date,
346: last_updated_by = X_last_updated_by,
347: last_update_login = X_last_update_login

Line 369: UPDATE po_line_locations

366: /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
367: also needs to be updated.*/
369: UPDATE po_line_locations
370: SET unit_meas_lookup_code = X_unit_meas_lookup_code,
371: last_update_date = sysdate,
372: last_updated_by = X_last_updated_by,
373: last_update_login = X_last_update_login

Line 400: FROM po_line_locations pll

396: -- status is checked in the below sql, so that updation not occur for finally closed shipment.
397: X_progress := '040';
398: SELECT count(pll.po_line_id)
399: INTO X_num_of_shipments
400: FROM po_line_locations pll
401: WHERE pll.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
402: AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'there are encumbered or cancelled or drop shipments'
403: FROM po_line_locations pll2
404: WHERE pll2.po_line_id = X_po_line_id

Line 403: FROM po_line_locations pll2

399: INTO X_num_of_shipments
400: FROM po_line_locations pll
401: WHERE pll.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
402: AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'there are encumbered or cancelled or drop shipments'
403: FROM po_line_locations pll2
404: WHERE pll2.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
405: AND pll2.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD','PLANNED')
406: AND ( nvl(pll2.encumbered_flag, 'N') <> 'N'
407: OR nvl(pll2.cancel_flag,'N') <> 'N'

Line 427: FROM po_line_locations pll

423: SELECT secondary_quantity,
424: ship_to_organization_id
425: INTO X_secondary_quantity_ship,
426: X_ship_org_id
427: FROM po_line_locations pll
428: WHERE pll.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
429: AND pll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD','PLANNED')
430: AND nvl(pll.cancel_flag,'N') <> 'Y';

Line 484: UPDATE po_line_locations

481: /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
482: also needs to be updated.*/
484: UPDATE po_line_locations
485: SET amount = X_amount_db,
486: calculate_tax_flag = 'Y',
487: last_update_date = sysdate,
488: last_updated_by = X_last_updated_by,

Line 512: UPDATE po_line_locations

509: /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
510: also needs to be updated.*/
512: UPDATE po_line_locations
513: SET quantity = X_quantity,
514: -- start of 1548597 --PB Bug# 3274039 changed the variable to X_secondary_quantity_ship_new
515: secondary_quantity = decode(secondary_quantity,null,null,X_secondary_quantity_ship_new),
516: -- end of 1548597

Line 591: FROM po_line_locations pll

588: SELECT count(pll.po_line_id), max(days_late_receipt_allowed)
589: INTO X_num_of_shipments,
590: X_days_late_receipt_allowed
591: FROM po_line_locations pll
592: WHERE pll.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
593: AND nvl(pll.cancel_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
594: AND pll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD','PLANNED');

Line 617: UPDATE po_line_locations

614: /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
615: also needs to be updated.*/
617: UPDATE po_line_locations
618: SET promised_date = p_promised_date,
619: need_by_date = p_need_by_date,
620: last_accept_date = decode(p_promised_date,NULL,NULL,
621: p_promised_date+nvl(X_days_late_receipt_allowed,0)),