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Line 534: FROM hz_cust_accounts c,

530: /* modified for tca uptake */
531: /* fixed bug 1544201: removed customer_prospect_code */
532: SELECT c.cust_account_id
533: INTO l_selected_id
534: FROM hz_cust_accounts c,
535: hz_customer_profiles cp,
536: hz_parties party
537: WHERE c.cust_account_id = cp.cust_account_id (+) and
538: cp.site_use_id is null and

Line 549: FROM hz_cust_accounts cust_acct,

545: /* modified for tca uptake */
546: /* fixed bug 1544201: removed customer_prospect_code */
547: SELECT cust_acct.cust_account_id
548: INTO l_selected_id
549: FROM hz_cust_accounts cust_acct,
550: hz_customer_profiles cp,
551: hz_parties party
552: WHERE cust_acct.cust_account_id = cp.cust_account_id (+)
553: and cust_acct.party_id = party.party_id(+)

Line 741: p_customer_id IN hz_cust_accounts.cust_account_id%TYPE,

737: END Add_Site_Use_To_Cache;
739: /* modified for tca uptake */
740: FUNCTION Find_Site_Use_In_Cache(
741: p_customer_id IN hz_cust_accounts.cust_account_id%TYPE,
742: p_location IN hz_cust_site_uses.site_use_id%TYPE,
743: p_site_use_code IN hz_cust_site_uses.site_use_code%TYPE,
745: ) RETURN hz_cust_site_uses.site_use_id%TYPE IS

Line 1754: p_customer_number IN hz_cust_accounts.account_number%TYPE,

1750: PROCEDURE Default_cash_ids(
1751: p_usr_currency_code IN fnd_currencies_vl.name%TYPE,
1752: p_usr_exchange_rate_type IN gl_daily_conversion_types.user_conversion_type%TYPE,
1753: p_customer_name IN hz_parties.party_name%TYPE,
1754: p_customer_number IN hz_cust_accounts.account_number%TYPE,
1755: p_location IN hz_cust_site_uses.location%type,
1756: p_receipt_method_name IN OUT NOCOPY ar_receipt_methods.name%TYPE,
1757: /* 6612301 */
1758: p_customer_bank_account_name IN iby_ext_bank_accounts_v.bank_account_name%TYPE,

Line 2362: hz_cust_accounts c

2358: INTO l_grace_days
2359: FROM
2360: hz_customer_profiles cust,
2361: hz_customer_profiles site,
2362: hz_cust_accounts c
2363: WHERE
2364: c.cust_account_id = p_customer_id
2365: AND cust.cust_account_id = c.cust_account_id
2366: AND cust.site_use_id IS NULL

Line 3551: , hz_cust_accounts cust

3547: , ra_cust_trx_types ctt
3548: , hz_cust_site_uses su
3549: , ra_batch_sources bs
3550: , ar_lookups lu
3551: , hz_cust_accounts cust
3552: , ra_terms t
3553: , ar_payment_schedules ps
3554: , ar_cons_inv ci
3555: WHERE

Line 3648: , hz_cust_accounts cst

3644: , ra_cust_trx_types ctt
3645: , hz_cust_site_uses su
3646: , ra_batch_sources bs
3647: , ar_lookups lu
3648: , hz_cust_accounts cst
3649: , ra_terms t
3650: , ar_payment_schedules ps
3651: , ar_cons_inv ci
3652: WHERE

Line 3683: hz_cust_accounts acc

3679: FROM dual
3680: UNION
3681: SELECT rel.related_cust_account_id
3682: FROM ar_paying_relationships_v rel,
3683: hz_cust_accounts acc
3684: WHERE rel.party_id = acc.party_id
3685: AND acc.cust_account_id = p_cr_customer_id
3686: AND p_cr_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
3687: AND effective_end_date

Line 3858: hz_cust_accounts acc

3854: FROM dual
3855: UNION
3856: SELECT rel.related_cust_account_id
3857: FROM ar_paying_relationships_v rel,
3858: hz_cust_accounts acc
3859: WHERE rel.party_id = acc.party_id
3860: AND acc.cust_account_id = p_cr_customer_id
3861: AND p_cr_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
3862: AND effective_end_date

Line 6598: hz_cust_accounts cust_acct,

6594: l_sel_stmt := '
6595: SELECT ps.customer_id,
6596: ps.customer_site_use_id
6597: FROM hz_cust_site_uses su,
6598: hz_cust_accounts cust_acct,
6599: ra_cust_trx_types ctt,
6600: ar_payment_schedules ps
6601: WHERE su.site_use_id = ps.customer_site_use_id
6602: and cust_acct.cust_account_id = ps.customer_id

Line 7929: l_cust_acct_id hz_cust_accounts.cust_account_id%TYPE;

7925: IS
7926: l_trxn_attributes_rec iby_disbursement_comp_pub.trxn_attributes_rec_type;
7927: l_legal_entity_id ar_cash_receipts.legal_entity_id%TYPE;
7928: l_org_id ar_cash_receipts.org_id%TYPE;
7929: l_cust_acct_id hz_cust_accounts.cust_account_id%TYPE;
7930: l_site_use_id hz_cust_site_uses.site_use_id%TYPE;
7931: l_party_id hz_parties.party_id%TYPE;
7932: l_party_site_id hz_parties.party_id%TYPE;
7933: l_pmt_attr_rec iby_disbursement_comp_pub.default_pmt_attrs_rec_type;

Line 7986: FROM hz_cust_accounts ca

7982: ,p.party_number
7983: INTO p_party_id
7984: ,x_party_name
7985: ,x_party_number
7986: FROM hz_cust_accounts ca
7987: ,hz_parties p
7988: WHERE p.party_id = ca.party_id
7989: AND ca.cust_account_id = l_cust_acct_id;