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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 180

     SELECT asset_number
     INTO g_asset_number
     FROM fa_additions_b
     where asset_id = g_asset_id;
Line: 187

        SELECT asset_id
          INTO l_asset_id
          FROM fa_additions_b
         WHERE asset_number = p_asset_number;
Line: 194

        SELECT count(*)
          INTO l_count
          FROM fa_books
         WHERE asset_id = g_asset_id
           AND book_type_code = g_book;
Line: 283

   select release_name
   into l_app_version
   from fnd_product_groups;
Line: 424

   select count(1)
   into l_check_reval
   from fa_transaction_headers
   where transaction_type_code = 'REVALUATION'
   and asset_id = g_asset_id
   and book_type_code = g_book;
Line: 433

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 437

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 440

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 451

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt      := 'SELECT count(1) FROM FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS'
    ||' WHERE asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' and book_type_code in ('||''''||g_source_book||''''||','||''''||g_book||''''||')';
Line: 455

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 458

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 468

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt      := 'SELECT count(1) FROM FA_DISTRIBUTION_HISTORY'
    ||' WHERE asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' and book_type_code = '||''''||g_source_book||'''';
Line: 472

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 482

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 494

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 499

       ||' and mass_reval_id in (select mass_transaction_id from fa_transaction_headers where transaction_type_code = ''REVALUATION'''
	   ||' and asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' and book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||')';
Line: 501

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 504

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 509

       ||' and mass_reval_id in (select mass_transaction_id from fa_transaction_headers where transaction_type_code = ''REVALUATION'''
	   ||' and asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' and book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||')';
Line: 511

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 515

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 527

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 530

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 539

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 548

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 557

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 566

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 576

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 585

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 595

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 604

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 612

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 615

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 623

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 632

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 642

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 652

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 661

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 670

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 677

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'SELECT count(it.invoice_transaction_id) FROM FA_INVOICE_TRANSACTIONS it, fa_asset_invoices ai'
     ||' where ai.asset_id = ' || g_asset_id ||' and (ai.invoice_transaction_id_in = it.invoice_transaction_id '
     ||' or ai.invoice_transaction_id_out = it.invoice_transaction_id)';
Line: 682

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 689

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'SELECT count(1) FROM FA_TRX_REFERENCES WHERE book_type_code = '||''''||g_book||''''
     ||' and (member_asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' or src_asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' or dest_asset_id = '||g_asset_id||')';
Line: 691

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 694

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 702

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 743

Line: 781

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 792

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 803

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 812

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'SELECT count(*) FROM fa_mass_additions WHERE asset_number = '
     ||''''||g_asset_number||'''' ||' OR add_to_asset_id = '||g_asset_id;
Line: 816

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 822

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause   := ' FROM FA_MASSADD_DISTRIBUTIONS WHERE mass_addition_id IN (SELECT mass_addition_id FROM '
     ||'fa_mass_additions WHERE asset_number =' ||''''||g_asset_number||''''||')';
Line: 824

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'SELECT count(*) FROM fa_mass_additions WHERE asset_number = '
     ||''''||g_asset_number||'''' ||' OR add_to_asset_id = '||g_asset_id;
Line: 828

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 834

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause   := ' FROM FA_MC_MASS_RATES WHERE mass_addition_id IN (SELECT mass_addition_id FROM fa_mass_additions '
     ||'WHERE asset_number =' ||''''||g_asset_number||''''||')';
Line: 836

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'SELECT count(*) FROM fa_mass_additions WHERE asset_number = '
     ||''''||g_asset_number||'''' ||' OR add_to_asset_id = '||g_asset_id;
Line: 840

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 844

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 848

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select    := 'Y';
Line: 858

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 862

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 867

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause   := ' FROM FA_CATEGORIES_B WHERE category_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT ah.category_id FROM fa_asset_history ah'
     ||' WHERE ah.asset_id = '||g_asset_id|| ') ORDER BY category_id';
Line: 871

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 876

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause   := ' FROM FA_CATEGORIES_TL WHERE category_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT ah.category_id FROM fa_asset_history ah'
     ||' WHERE ah.asset_id = '||g_asset_id|| ') ORDER BY category_id';
Line: 880

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 885

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause   := ' FROM fa_category_books WHERE category_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT ah.category_id FROM fa_asset_history ah'
	 ||' WHERE ah.asset_id = '||g_asset_id|| ') AND book_type_code = '||''''||g_book||'''' ||' ORDER BY category_id';
Line: 889

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 894

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause   := ' FROM fa_category_book_defaults WHERE category_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT ah.category_id '
     ||'FROM fa_asset_history ah WHERE ah.asset_id = '||g_asset_id||') AND book_type_code = '||''''||g_book||''''
	 ||' ORDER BY category_id, start_dpis';
Line: 920

   l_select_clause   varchar2(2000);
Line: 933

      from fnd_id_flex_segments
      where application_id = 101
      and id_flex_code = 'GL#'
      AND ID_FLEX_NUM = l_flex_num;
Line: 1041

      l_select_clause := l_select_clause||','||l_dist_tbl(i);
Line: 1044

   l_select_clause := substr(l_select_clause,2,length(l_select_clause));
Line: 1048

     fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_select_clause', l_select_clause,
                               p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
Line: 1067

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'N';
Line: 1069

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_col_order    := l_select_clause;
Line: 1075

             (SELECT '||l_tbl_cols(i).cCol||' from fa_category_books where book_type_code = '||''''||g_book||'''' ||
                ' and category_id in (SELECT DISTINCT ah.category_id FROM fa_asset_history ah
                WHERE ah.asset_id = '||g_asset_id||')) ORDER BY code_combination_id';
Line: 1078

       l_stmt := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1081

             (SELECT distinct code_combination_id from fa_adjustments where book_type_code = '||''''||g_book||''''||
              ' and asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' and code_combination_id is not null) ORDER BY code_combination_id';
Line: 1083

       l_stmt := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1086

             (select distinct code_combination_id from XLA_AE_LINES where application_id = 140 and ae_header_id in
             (select ae_header_id from xla_ae_headers where application_id = 140 and event_id '||get_event_list
             ||')) ORDER BY code_combination_id';
Line: 1089

       l_stmt := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1092

             (SELECT code_combination_id FROM fa_distribution_history
              WHERE asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' AND transaction_header_id_out IS NULL) ORDER BY code_combination_id';
Line: 1094

       l_stmt := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1097

             (SELECT FLEXBUILDER_DEFAULTS_CCID FROM fa_book_controls WHERE book_type_code = '||''''||g_book||''''||')';
Line: 1098

       l_stmt := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1101

             (SELECT '||l_tbl_cols(i).cCol||' from fa_distribution_accounts WHERE distribution_id IN
               (SELECT distribution_id FROM fa_distribution_history WHERE asset_id = '||g_asset_id||'))
              ORDER BY code_combination_id';
Line: 1104

       l_stmt := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1109

Line: 1116

Line: 1125

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'N';
Line: 1130

Line: 1163

   l_select_clause         varchar2(4000);
Line: 1186

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'N';
Line: 1198

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'N';
Line: 1205

     ' AND (CO.PRORATE_CONVENTION_CODE IN (select distinct PRORATE_CONVENTION_CODE from fa_books '||
     ' where asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' and book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||') '||
     ' OR CO.PRORATE_CONVENTION_CODE in (select distinct RETIREMENT_PRORATE_CONVENTION from fa_retirements '||
     ' where asset_id = '||g_asset_id|| ' and book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||')) '||
Line: 1213

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'N';
Line: 1217

     ' where BR.BONUS_RULE=BRL.BONUS_RULE and BR.BONUS_RULE IN (select distinct BONUS_RULE from fa_books '||
     ' where asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' and book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||') '||
     ' order by BR.Bonus_Rule,BR.Start_Year';
Line: 1220

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1223

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'N';
Line: 1228

     ||' WHERE cl.ceiling_name = ct.ceiling_name AND (cl.ceiling_name in (select distinct Ceiling_Name '||
     ' from fa_books where asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' and book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||') '
     ||' OR  cl.ceiling_name in (select Ceiling_Name from fa_category_book_defaults '||
     ' where category_id in (SELECT DISTINCT ah.category_id FROM fa_asset_history ah '||
     ' WHERE ah.asset_id = '||g_asset_id|| ') and book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||'))';
Line: 1233

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1236

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'N';
Line: 1245

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1255

     ||' IN (select DEPRN_METHOD_CODE||to_char(nvl(LIFE_IN_MONTHS,99999)) from fa_books'
     ||' where book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||' and asset_id = '||g_asset_id||')';
Line: 1259

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause   := ' FROM fa_deprn_basis_rules WHERE deprn_basis_rule_id IN (SELECT deprn_basis_rule_id'
     ||' FROM fa_methods WHERE METHOD_CODE||to_char(nvl(LIFE_IN_MONTHS,99999)) IN '
	 ||'(select DEPRN_METHOD_CODE||to_char(nvl(LIFE_IN_MONTHS,99999)) from fa_books where book_type_code = '
	 ||'''' || g_book || ''''||' and asset_id = '||g_asset_id||'))';
Line: 1263

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1267

     ||'(SELECT to_char(mt.method_id) || to_char(basic_rate) FROM FA_METHODS mt, fa_books bk '
     ||'where mt.method_code = bk.deprn_method_code and nvl(mt.life_in_months,0) = nvl(bk.life_in_months,0) '
     ||'and bk.book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||' and bk.asset_id = '||g_asset_id||')';
Line: 1270

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1282

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause   := ' From fa_formulas Where method_id in (SELECT mt.method_id '
     ||'FROM FA_METHODS mt, fa_books bk where mt.method_code = bk.deprn_method_code '
	 ||'and nvl(mt.life_in_months,0) = nvl(bk.life_in_months,0) and bk.book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''
	 ||' and bk.asset_id = '||g_asset_id||')';
Line: 1286

   l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1311

    select ev.event_id, en.entity_code
    from fa_transaction_headers th, xla_transaction_entities en, xla_events ev
    where th.book_type_code = g_book
    and th.asset_id         = g_asset_id
    and en.application_id   = l_appid
    and en.ledger_id        = g_sob_id
    and en.entity_code      = 'TRANSACTIONS'
    and nvl(en.source_id_int_1, (-99)) = th.transaction_header_id
    and ev.application_id              = l_appid
    and ev.entity_id                   = en.entity_id
    select ev.event_id, en.entity_code
    from fa_transaction_headers th, xla_transaction_entities en, xla_events ev
    where th.book_type_code   = g_book
    and th.asset_id           = g_asset_id
    and en.application_id     = l_appid
    and en.ledger_id          = g_sob_id
    and en.entity_code        = 'INTER_ASSET_TRANSACTIONS'
    and nvl(en.source_id_int_1, (-99)) = th.trx_reference_id
    and ev.application_id              = l_appid
    and ev.entity_id                   = en.entity_id
    select ev.event_id, en.entity_code
    from xla_transaction_entities en, xla_events ev, fa_book_controls bc
    where bc.book_type_code   = g_book
    and en.application_id     = l_appid
    and en.ledger_id          = g_sob_id
    and en.entity_code = 'DEPRECIATION'
    and nvl(en.source_id_int_1, (-99)) = g_asset_id
    and nvl(en.source_id_char_1, '') = bc.book_type_code
    and ev.application_id = l_appid
    and ev.entity_id                  = en.entity_id;
Line: 1402

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 1409

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1413

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 1420

           ||' and entity_id in (select entity_id from xla_events where event_id '||l_event_list||')';
Line: 1421

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1425

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 1431

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1434

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1438

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 1445

           ||' and ae_header_id in (select ae_header_id from xla_ae_headers where application_id = '||l_appid||' and event_id '||l_event_list||')';
Line: 1446

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1450

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 1456

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1460

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 1466

        '(select SLA_ACCOUNTING_METHOD_CODE from gl_ledgers where ledger_id = '||g_sob_id||')';
Line: 1467

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1471

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 1477

        '(select distinct product_rule_code from xla_ae_headers where application_id = '||l_appid||' and event_id '||l_event_list||')';
Line: 1478

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1482

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'Y';
Line: 1487

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause   := ' from xla_ledger_options where (ledger_id = '||g_sob_id||' or ledger_id in (select target_ledger_id '||
        ' FROM gl_ledger_relationships WHERE primary_ledger_id = '||g_sob_id||' AND relationship_type_code <> ''NONE'' '||
        ' AND application_id IN (101,140) AND relationship_enabled_flag = ''Y'')) and application_id IN (101,140) order by APPLICATION_ID, LEDGER_ID';
Line: 1490

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1494

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select   := 'N';
Line: 1501

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause   := ' from gl_ledgers where ledger_id = '||g_sob_id||' or ledger_id in (select target_ledger_id '||
        ' FROM gl_ledger_relationships WHERE primary_ledger_id = '||g_sob_id||' AND relationship_type_code <> ''NONE'' '||
        ' AND application_id IN (101,140) AND relationship_enabled_flag = ''Y'') order by ledger_id';
Line: 1504

     l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt     := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
Line: 1507

     l_idx:= l_idx+ 1;   l_col_exclusions(l_idx).cValue  := 'LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN';
Line: 1743
