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1 Package cn_invoice_changes_pvt AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 -- $Header: cnvinvs.pls 120.2 2005/08/10 03:48:02 hithanki noship $
3 -- +======================================================================+
4 -- |                Copyright (c) 1994 Oracle Corporation                 |
5 -- |                   Redwood Shores, California, USA                    |
6 -- |                        All rights reserved.                          |
7 -- +======================================================================+
9 --
10 -- Package Name
11 --   cn_get_tx_data_pub
12 -- Purpose
13 --   Package Specification for Sun Enhancements (JSP Version)
14 -- History
15 --   08/07/01   Rao.Chenna         Created
16    --
17    TYPE invoice_rec IS RECORD(
18       invoice_change_id		number(15),
19       salesrep_id               number(15),
20       invoice_number            varchar2(20),
21       line_number               number,
22       revenue_type              varchar2(15),
23       split_pct                 number,
24       direct_salesrep_number	varchar2(30),
25       comm_lines_api_id		number(15),
26       attribute_category        varchar2(30),
27       attribute1                varchar2(150),
28       attribute2                varchar2(150),
29       attribute3                varchar2(150),
30       attribute4                varchar2(150),
31       attribute5                varchar2(150),
32       attribute6                varchar2(150),
33       attribute7                varchar2(150),
34       attribute8                varchar2(150),
35       attribute9                varchar2(150),
36       attribute10               varchar2(150),
37       attribute11               varchar2(150),
38       attribute12               varchar2(150),
39       attribute13               varchar2(150),
40       attribute14               varchar2(150),
41       attribute15               varchar2(150),
42       creation_date             date,
43       created_by                number(15),
44       last_update_date          date,
45       last_updated_by           number(15),
46       last_update_login         number(15),
47       object_version_number     number,
48       org_id                    number(15));
49    --
50    TYPE invoice_tbl IS
51    TABLE OF invoice_rec
53    --
54    TYPE deal_data_rec IS RECORD(
55       comm_lines_api_id		number(15),
56       invoice_number            varchar2(20),
57       line_number               number);
58    --
59    TYPE deal_data_tbl IS
60    TABLE OF deal_data_rec
62    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
63      API name	: convert_adj_to_api
64      Type	: Private
65      Pre-reqs	:
66      Usage	:
67      Desc 	: most of the code for this module is based on cn_adjustment_v
68                   view and adj_rec_type is a record corresponding to this view.
69 		  So we have to convert this record type to table handler
70 		  record type before we call the table handler.
71      Parameters
72      IN		: p_adj_rec - PL/SQL record corresponding to cn_adjustment_v
73      OUT NOCOPY 	: x_api_rec - PL/SQL record corresponding to cn_comm_lines_api
74                   table
75      Notes	:
76    --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
77    PROCEDURE convert_adj_to_api(
78 	p_adj_rec	IN	cn_get_tx_data_pub.adj_rec_type,
79 	x_api_rec OUT NOCOPY cn_comm_lines_api_pkg.comm_lines_api_rec_type);
80    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
81      API name	: prepare_api_record
82      Type	: Private
83      Pre-reqs	:
84      Usage	:
85      Desc 	: In this module, so many places we have to compare the
86                   transaction's old data with new data from the JSPs. Where
87 		  ever new data is not available, we have to take the data from
88 		  the old record. This API will do this task.
89      Parameters
90      IN		: p_newtx_rec - PL/SQL record corresponding to new data coming
91                   from JSP
92      		: p_old_adj_tbl - PL/SQL table contain old information.
93      OUT NOCOPY 	: x_final_trx_rec - PL/SQL record filled with old and new data.
94      Notes	:
95    --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
96    PROCEDURE prepare_api_record(
97 	p_newtx_rec		IN	cn_get_tx_data_pub.adj_rec_type,
98 	p_old_adj_tbl		IN	cn_get_tx_data_pub.adj_tbl_type,
99 	x_final_trx_rec	 OUT NOCOPY cn_get_tx_data_pub.adj_rec_type,
100 	x_return_status	 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
101    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
102      API name	: update_invoice_changes
103      Type	: Private
104      Pre-reqs	:
105      Usage	:
106      Desc 	: Sun Enhancements. This API is being used to create and delete
107                   the records from cn_invoice_changes table that will track the
108 		  invoice transactions. Where ever we use this API, we have to
109 		  use twice. First to delete the records from cn_invoice_changes
110 		  table. After creating new records in cn_comm_lines_api table
111 		  call this API again to create records with new API_IDs
112      Parameters
113      IN		: p_existing_data - PL/SQL table correspond to data-to-be-deleted
114                   from cn_invoice_changes table.
115      		: p_new_data - PL/SQL table correspond to data-to-be-created
116                   in cn_invoice_changes table.
117 		: p_exist_data_check - Used for first call
118 		: p_new_data_check - Used for the second call
119      OUT NOCOPY 	:
120      Notes	:
121    --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
122    PROCEDURE update_invoice_changes(
123       	p_api_version  		IN 	NUMBER,
124    	p_init_msg_list         IN      VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_TRUE,
125    	p_validation_level      IN      VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
126    	p_existing_data		IN	invoice_tbl,
127 	p_new_data		IN	invoice_tbl,
128 	p_exist_data_check	IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
129 	p_new_data_check	IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
130    	x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
131    	x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
132    	x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
133    	x_loading_status        OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2);
134    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
135      API name	: update_credit_memo
136      Type	: Private
137      Pre-reqs	:
138      Usage	:
139      Desc 	: Sun Enhancements. This API is being used to delete existing
140                   credit memos and payments and recreate with new split %s.
141      Parameters
142      IN		: p_existing_data - PL/SQL table correspond to data-to-be-negated
143                   in cn_comm_lines_api and cn_commission_headers tables.
144      		: p_new_data - PL/SQL table correspond to data-to-be-created in
145                   cn_comm_lines_api and cn_commission_headers tables.
146 		: p_to_salesrep_id - It is being used when called from Move Credits.
147 	        : p_to_salesrep_number - It is being used when called from Move
148 		  Credits
149      OUT NOCOPY 	:
150      Notes	:
151    --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
152    PROCEDURE update_credit_memo(
153       	p_api_version  		IN 	NUMBER,
154    	p_init_msg_list         IN      VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_TRUE,
155    	p_validation_level      IN      VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
156    	p_existing_data		IN	invoice_tbl,
157 	p_new_data		IN	invoice_tbl,
158 	p_to_salesrep_id	IN   	NUMBER 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
159 	p_to_salesrep_number	IN   	VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
160 	p_called_from		IN	VARCHAR2,
161 	p_adjust_status		IN	VARCHAR2,
162    	x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
163    	x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
164    	x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
165    	x_loading_status        OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2);
166    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
167      API name	: update_mass_invoices
168      Type	: Private
169      Pre-reqs	:
170      Usage	:
171      Desc 	: Sun Enhancements. This API is being to identify the unique
172                   invoices based on the search criteria and delete the records
173 		  from cn_invoice_changes table.
174      Parameters
175      IN		: p_salesrep_id - From the transaction summary search page.
176        		: p_pr_date_to - From the transaction summary search page.
177 		: p_pr_date_from - From the transaction summary search page.
178 		: p_calc_status - From the transaction summary search page.
179 		: p_order_num - From the transaction summary search page.
180 		: p_srch_attr_rec - This record type stores the attribute
181 		                    columns from the advanced search option.
182      OUT NOCOPY 	:
183      Notes	:
184    --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
185    PROCEDURE update_mass_invoices (
186 	p_api_version  		IN 	NUMBER,
187    	p_init_msg_list         IN      VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_TRUE,
188    	p_validation_level      IN      VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
189    	p_salesrep_id    	IN   	NUMBER 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
190    	p_pr_date_to      	IN 	DATE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
191    	p_pr_date_from    	IN  	DATE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
192    	p_calc_status  		IN 	VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
193    	p_invoice_num     	IN  	VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
194    	p_order_num       	IN 	NUMBER	:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
195 	p_srch_attr_rec		IN      cn_get_tx_data_pub.adj_rec_type,
196    	p_to_salesrep_id	IN   	NUMBER 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
197 	p_to_salesrep_number	IN   	VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
198 	x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
199    	x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
200    	x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
201    	x_loading_status        OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
202 	x_existing_data	 OUT NOCOPY invoice_tbl);
203    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
204      API name	: capture_deal_invoice
205      Type	: Private
206      Pre-reqs	:
207      Usage	:
208      Desc 	: Sun Enhancements. This API is being used to collect the
209                   distinct records for a given invoice number from api/header
210 		  table.
211      Parameters
212      IN		: p_trx_type - INVOICE/CM/PAYMENT
213        		: p_invoice_number - Invoice Number
214 		: p_split_data_tbl - Split Information from the JSP
215 		: x_deal_data_tbl - PL/SQL table contain information to create
216 		  records in cn_comm_lines_api table
217      OUT NOCOPY 	:
218      Notes	:
219    --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
220    PROCEDURE capture_deal_invoice(
221 	p_api_version  		IN 	NUMBER,
222    	p_init_msg_list         IN      VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_TRUE,
223    	p_validation_level      IN      VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
224 	p_trx_type		IN	VARCHAR2,
225         p_split_nonrevenue_line IN	VARCHAR2,				  	       p_invoice_number	        IN	VARCHAR2,
226 	p_org_id		IN	NUMBER,
227         p_split_data_tbl	IN	cn_get_tx_data_pub.split_data_tbl,
228 	x_deal_data_tbl	 OUT NOCOPY cn_invoice_changes_pvt.deal_data_tbl,
229 	x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
230    	x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
231    	x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
232    	x_loading_status        OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2);
233    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
234      API name	: invoice_split_batch
235      Type	: Private
236      Pre-reqs	:
237      Usage	:
238      Desc 	: Sun Enhancements. This API should be run after COLLECTIONS.
239                   This API collects all new INVOICE transactions information
240 		  and store them in CN_INVOICE_CHANGES table. Same changes are
241 		  applied to credit memo(CM) and payments (PMT).
242      Parameters
243      IN		:
244      OUT NOCOPY 	:
245      Notes	:
246    --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
247    PROCEDURE invoice_split_batch(
248 	x_errbuf 	 OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
249         x_retcode 	 OUT NOCOPY 	NUMBER);
250    --
251 END; -- Package spec