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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 185

  ,p_last_update_date           OUT NOCOPY DATE
  ,p_last_updated_by            OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_last_update_login          OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_transfer_request_id        OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_retcode                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,p_msg_mode                   IN  VARCHAR2    DEFAULT xla_exceptions_pkg.C_STANDARD_MESSAGE
  ,p_rev_flag                   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N'
  ,p_rev_method                 IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N'
  ,p_rev_orig_event_id          IN  NUMBER DEFAULT -1);
Line: 212

PROCEDURE delete_mrc_entries
  (p_event_id		IN  INTEGER
  ,p_application_id	IN  INTEGER
  ,p_ledger_id		IN  INTEGER);
Line: 217

PROCEDURE update_event_status
 (p_info                IN t_je_info
 ,p_completion_option   IN VARCHAR2);
Line: 227

PROCEDURE update_segment_values
  (p_ae_header_id	IN  INTEGER
  ,p_seg_type		IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_seg_value		IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_action		IN  VARCHAR2);
Line: 233

PROCEDURE validate_delete_mode
  (p_status_code	IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_mode 		IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_msg_mode		IN  VARCHAR2);
Line: 360

PROCEDURE delete_distribution_link
  (p_application_id		IN  INTEGER
  ,p_ae_header_id       IN  INTEGER
  ,p_ref_ae_header_id   IN  INTEGER
  ,p_temp_line_num      IN  INTEGER);
Line: 366

PROCEDURE update_distribution_link
  (p_application_id             IN  INTEGER
  ,p_ae_header_id               IN  INTEGER
  ,p_ref_ae_header_id           IN  INTEGER
  ,p_temp_line_num             	IN  INTEGER
  ,p_unrounded_entered_dr       IN  NUMBER
  ,p_unrounded_entered_cr       IN  NUMBER
  ,p_unrounded_accounted_dr     IN  NUMBER
  ,p_undournde_accounted_cr     IN  NUMBER
  ,p_statistical_amount         IN  NUMBER);
Line: 423

Line: 445

Line: 460

Line: 596

  ,p_last_update_date           OUT NOCOPY DATE
  ,p_last_updated_by            OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_last_update_login          OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_retcode                    OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_msg_mode                   IN  VARCHAR2    DEFAULT xla_exceptions_pkg.C_STANDARD_MESSAGE)
    SELECT enable_budgetary_control_flag
      FROM gl_ledgers
     WHERE ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 657

            ,p_last_update_date           => p_last_update_date
            ,p_last_updated_by            => p_last_updated_by
            ,p_last_update_login          => p_last_update_login
            ,p_retcode                    => p_retcode
            ,p_msg_mode                   => p_msg_mode);
Line: 722

  ,p_last_update_date           OUT NOCOPY DATE
  ,p_last_updated_by            OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_last_update_login          OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_retcode			OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_msg_mode			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT xla_exceptions_pkg.C_STANDARD_MESSAGE)

  l_event_source_info	xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info;
Line: 790

  SELECT 	entity_id
  INTO		l_entity_id
  FROM		xla_events
  WHERE		event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 814

  INSERT INTO xla_ae_headers
     ,accrual_reversal_flag    -- 4262811
     ,'N')              -- 4262811 accrual_reversal_flag
     RETURNING 	 ae_header_id
	INTO	 p_ae_header_id
Line: 939

PROCEDURE update_journal_entry_header
  (p_ae_header_id               IN  INTEGER
  ,p_application_id		IN  INTEGER
  ,p_legal_entity_id            IN  INTEGER	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_gl_date                    IN  DATE
  ,p_accounting_entry_type_code	IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_description                IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_je_category_name           IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_budget_version_id          IN  INTEGER 	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_reference_date             IN  DATE	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute_category		IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute1			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute2			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute3			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute4			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute5			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute6			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute7			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute8			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute9			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute10		IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute11		IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute12		IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute13		IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute14		IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute15		IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_period_name		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,p_last_update_date           OUT NOCOPY DATE
  ,p_last_updated_by            OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_last_update_login          OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_retcode			OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_msg_mode			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT xla_exceptions_pkg.C_STANDARD_MESSAGE)
  l_info		t_je_info;
Line: 985

    l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.update_journal_entry_header';
Line: 989

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure update_journal_entry_header',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 1041

    UPDATE xla_transaction_entities
	  SET	legal_entity_id		= p_legal_entity_id
	  WHERE	application_id	        = p_application_id   -- 4928660
          AND   entity_id		= l_info.entity_id;
Line: 1051

    UPDATE xla_events
       SET event_date	  = p_gl_date
     WHERE application_id = p_application_id
       AND event_id       = l_info.event_id;
Line: 1056

    UPDATE xla_ae_lines
       SET accounting_date = p_gl_date
     WHERE application_id  = p_application_id
       AND ae_header_id    = p_ae_header_id;
Line: 1070

  UPDATE xla_ae_headers
	SET	 reference_date 		= p_reference_date
		,budget_version_id		= l_budget_version_id
  		,accounting_entry_type_code 	= p_accounting_entry_type_code
		,accounting_entry_status_code	= l_status_code
   		,accounting_date		= p_gl_date
		,period_name			= p_period_name
   		,je_category_name		= p_je_category_name
   		,description			= p_description
   		,last_update_date		= sysdate
   		,last_updated_by		= nvl(xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id,-1)
   		,last_update_login		= nvl(xla_environment_pkg.g_login_id,-1)
		,attribute_category		= p_attribute_category
		,attribute1			= p_attribute1
		,attribute2			= p_attribute2
		,attribute3			= p_attribute3
		,attribute4			= p_attribute4
		,attribute5			= p_attribute5
		,attribute6			= p_attribute6
		,attribute7			= p_attribute7
		,attribute8			= p_attribute8
		,attribute9			= p_attribute9
		,attribute10			= p_attribute10
		,attribute11			= p_attribute11
		,attribute12			= p_attribute12
		,attribute13			= p_attribute13
		,attribute14			= p_attribute14
		,attribute15			= p_attribute15
	WHERE	ae_header_id			= p_ae_header_id
          AND	application_id			= p_application_id
     RETURNING 	 last_update_date
	INTO	 p_last_update_date
Line: 1108

    trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure update_journal_entry_header',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 1120

      (p_location => 'xla_journal_entries_pkg.update_journal_entry_header');
Line: 1122

END update_journal_entry_header;
Line: 1131

PROCEDURE delete_journal_entry
  (p_ae_header_id		IN  INTEGER
  ,p_application_id		IN  INTEGER
  ,p_msg_mode			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT xla_exceptions_pkg.C_STANDARD_MESSAGE)
  l_event_source_info	xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info;
Line: 1142

    l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.delete_journal_entry';
Line: 1146

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure delete_journal_entry',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 1157

  validate_delete_mode(l_info.status_code, p_mode, p_msg_mode);
Line: 1165

   	    (p_event_source_info            => l_event_source_info
   	    ,p_event_id                     => l_info.event_id);
Line: 1169

   	    (p_event_source_info            => l_event_source_info
            ,p_valuation_method             => NULL
   	    ,p_event_id                     => l_info.event_id);
Line: 1179

    trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure delete_journal_entry',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 1191

      (p_location => 'xla_journal_entries_pkg.update_journal_entry_header');
Line: 1193

END delete_journal_entry;
Line: 1202

PROCEDURE delete_journal_entries
  (p_event_id                   IN  INTEGER
  ,p_application_id		IN  INTEGER)
  CURSOR c_entries IS
    SELECT  h.ae_header_id                  ae_header_id
           ,e.ledger_id                     ledger_id
           ,h.accounting_entry_status_code  status_code
           ,h.accounting_entry_type_code    type_code
           ,h.funds_status_code             funds_status_code
           ,h.packet_id                     packet_id
           ,h.entity_id                     entity_id
      FROM xla_ae_headers                  h
          ,xla_transaction_entities        e
     WHERE e.application_id   = p_application_id
       AND e.entity_id        = h.entity_id
       AND h.application_id   = p_application_id
       AND h.event_id         = p_event_id
Line: 1223

    SELECT       'exist'
    FROM         xla_ae_headers h
		,gl_period_statuses p
    WHERE       p.application_id(+)       	= C_GL_APPLICATION_ID
      AND       p.ledger_id(+)             	= h.ledger_id
      AND       p.adjustment_period_flag(+) 	= 'N'
      AND	p.period_name(+)	     	= h.period_name
      AND	nvl(p.closing_status, 'C')   	NOT in ('0', 'F')
      AND	h.accounting_entry_status_code 	= C_AE_STATUS_FINAL
      AND       h.application_id		= p_application_id
      AND	h.event_id			= p_event_id;
Line: 1250

    l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.delete_journal_entries';
Line: 1254

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure delete_journal_entries',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 1282

      IF (NOT xla_balances_pkg.massive_update
	  		(p_application_id 	=> p_application_id
	  		,p_ledger_id		=> NULL
			,p_entity_id		=> l_entry.entity_id
   	  		,p_event_id		=> NULL
			,p_request_id		=> NULL
	  		,p_accounting_batch_id	=> NULL
   	  		,p_update_mode		=> C_BALANCE_DELETE
	  		,p_execution_mode	=> C_BALANCE_ONLINE)) THEN
          (p_appli_s_name	=> 'XLA'
          ,p_msg_name		=> 'XLA_INTERNAL_ERROR'
          ,p_token_1            => 'MESSAGE'
          ,p_value_1            => 'Error in balance calculation'
          ,p_token_2            => 'LOCATION'
          ,p_value_2            => 'XLA_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_PKG.delete_journal_entries'
	  ,p_msg_mode		=> xla_exceptions_pkg.C_STANDARD_MESSAGE);
Line: 1317

  DELETE FROM xla_accounting_errors
     WHERE event_id = p_event_id;
Line: 1320

  DELETE FROM xla_distribution_links
   WHERE application_id = p_application_id
     AND ae_header_id IN (SELECT ae_header_id
                            FROM xla_ae_headers
                           WHERE application_id = p_application_id
                             AND event_id       = p_event_id);
Line: 1330

      DELETE FROM xla_ae_segment_values
       WHERE ae_header_id = l_ae_header_ids(k);
Line: 1334

      IF (NOT xla_analytical_criteria_pkg.single_update_detail_value
	(p_application_id		=> p_application_id
	,p_ae_header_id			=> l_ae_header_ids(k)
	,p_ae_line_num			=> NULL
	,p_anacri_code			=> NULL
	,p_anacri_type_code		=> NULL
	,p_amb_context_code		=> NULL
	,p_update_mode			=> 'D')) THEN
Line: 1348

         ,p_value_1            	=> 'Error in xla_analytical_criteria_pkg.single_update_detail_value'
         ,p_token_2            	=> 'LOCATION'
         ,p_value_2            	=> 'XLA_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_PKG.delete_journal_entries'
         ,p_msg_mode            => xla_exceptions_pkg.C_STANDARD_MESSAGE);
Line: 1356

      DELETE FROM xla_ae_line_acs
       WHERE ae_header_id = l_ae_header_ids(k);
Line: 1360

      DELETE FROM xla_ae_header_acs
       WHERE ae_header_id = l_ae_header_ids(k);
Line: 1364

      DELETE FROM xla_ae_lines
      WHERE application_id = p_application_id
        AND ae_header_id = l_ae_header_ids(k);
Line: 1369

      DELETE xla_ae_headers
      WHERE application_id = p_application_id
        AND ae_header_id = l_ae_header_ids(k);
Line: 1376

    trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure delete_journal_entries',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 1401

      (p_location => 'xla_journal_entries_pkg.delete_journal_entries');
Line: 1403

END delete_journal_entries;
Line: 1454

  ,p_last_update_date           OUT NOCOPY DATE
  ,p_last_updated_by            OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_last_update_login          OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_retcode			OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_msg_mode			IN VARCHAR2	DEFAULT xla_exceptions_pkg.C_STANDARD_MESSAGE)
  l_info		        t_je_info;
Line: 1476

  CURSOR c IS	SELECT	max(ae_line_num)+1
		FROM	xla_ae_lines
		WHERE	application_id = p_application_id
		AND	ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id;
Line: 1486

    SELECT enabled_flag, encumbrance_type
    FROM  gl_encumbrance_types e
    WHERE e.encumbrance_type_id   = l_encumbrance_type_id;
Line: 1608

  INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines
        ,mpa_accrual_entry_flag)   -- 4262811
        ,'N')   -- 4262811 mpa_accrual_entry_flag
     RETURNING 	 creation_date
	INTO	 p_creation_date
Line: 1730

    trace(p_msg    => '# row inserted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 1736

    update_segment_values(p_ae_header_id, C_SEG_BALANCING, l_bal_seg, C_ACTION_ADD);
Line: 1740

    update_segment_values(p_ae_header_id, C_SEG_MANAGEMENT, l_mgt_seg, C_ACTION_ADD);
Line: 1753

    update	xla_ae_headers
    set		accounting_entry_status_code = l_status_code
    WHERE	ae_header_id	= p_ae_header_id
    AND		application_id	= p_application_id;
Line: 1792

PROCEDURE update_journal_entry_line
  (p_ae_header_id               IN  INTEGER
  ,p_ae_line_num             	IN  INTEGER
  ,p_displayed_line_number	IN  INTEGER
  ,p_application_id		IN  INTEGER
  ,p_code_combination_id        IN  INTEGER
  ,p_gl_transfer_mode          	IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_accounting_class_code	IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_entered_dr          	IN  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,p_entered_cr          	IN  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,p_currency_code          	IN  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,p_accounted_dr		IN  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,p_accounted_cr		IN  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,p_conversion_type		IN  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,p_conversion_date   		IN  OUT NOCOPY DATE
  ,p_conversion_rate   		IN  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,p_party_type_code		IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_party_id          		IN  INTEGER	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_party_site_id          	IN  INTEGER	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_description          	IN  VARCHAR2 	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_statistical_amount         IN  NUMBER 	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_jgzz_recon_ref          	IN  VARCHAR2 	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute_category		IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_encumbrance_type_id        IN  INTEGER 	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute1			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute2			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute3			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute4			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute5			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute6			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute7			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute8			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute9			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute10		IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute11		IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute12		IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute13		IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute14		IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_attribute15		IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_last_update_date           OUT NOCOPY DATE
  ,p_last_updated_by            OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_last_update_login          OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_retcode			OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_msg_mode			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT xla_exceptions_pkg.C_STANDARD_MESSAGE)
  l_info		t_je_info;
Line: 1852

    SELECT	code_combination_id
    FROM	xla_ae_lines
    WHERE	application_id = p_application_id
      AND       ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id
      AND	ae_line_num = p_ae_line_num;
Line: 1873

    l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.update_journal_entry_line';
Line: 1877

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure update_journal_entry_line',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 1982

    (p_application_id           => p_application_id
    ,p_ae_header_id             => p_ae_header_id
    ,p_ref_ae_header_id         => l_ref_ae_header_id
    ,p_temp_line_num            => l_temp_line_num
    ,p_unrounded_entered_dr     => l_unrounded_entered_dr
    ,p_unrounded_entered_cr     => l_unrounded_entered_cr
    ,p_unrounded_accounted_dr   => l_unrounded_accted_dr
    ,p_undournde_accounted_cr   => l_unrounded_accted_cr
    ,p_statistical_amount       => p_statistical_amount);
Line: 1996

  UPDATE xla_ae_lines
    SET	 code_combination_id	= p_code_combination_id
	,displayed_line_number 	= p_displayed_line_number
      	,gl_transfer_mode_code	= l_gl_transfer_mode
   	,party_id		= p_party_id
   	,party_site_id		= p_party_site_id
   	,party_type_code	= p_party_type_code
   	,entered_dr		= p_entered_dr
   	,entered_cr		= p_entered_cr
   	,unrounded_entered_dr	= l_unrounded_entered_dr
   	,unrounded_entered_cr	= l_unrounded_entered_cr
   	,accounted_dr		= p_accounted_dr
   	,accounted_cr		= p_accounted_cr
   	,unrounded_accounted_dr	= l_unrounded_accted_dr
   	,unrounded_accounted_cr	= l_unrounded_accted_cr
   	,description		= p_description
 	,accounting_class_code	= p_accounting_class_code
   	,statistical_amount	= p_statistical_amount
	,currency_code		= p_currency_code
   	,currency_conversion_type = p_conversion_type
   	,currency_conversion_date = p_conversion_date
   	,currency_conversion_rate = p_conversion_rate
   	,jgzz_recon_ref 	= p_jgzz_recon_ref
	,attribute_category	= p_attribute_category
        ,encumbrance_type_id = l_encumbrance_type_id
	,attribute1		= p_attribute1
	,attribute2		= p_attribute2
	,attribute3		= p_attribute3
	,attribute4		= p_attribute4
	,attribute5		= p_attribute5
	,attribute6		= p_attribute6
	,attribute7		= p_attribute7
	,attribute8		= p_attribute8
	,attribute9		= p_attribute9
	,attribute10		= p_attribute10
	,attribute11		= p_attribute11
	,attribute12		= p_attribute12
	,attribute13		= p_attribute13
	,attribute14		= p_attribute14
	,attribute15		= p_attribute15
	,ledger_id	        = l_info.ledger_id
	,accounting_date	= l_info.gl_date
   	,last_update_date	= sysdate
   	,last_updated_by	= nvl(xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id,-1)
   	,last_update_login	= nvl(xla_environment_pkg.g_login_id,-1)
    WHERE	ae_header_id	= p_ae_header_id
      AND	ae_line_num	= p_ae_line_num
      AND	application_id	= p_application_id
     RETURNING 	 last_update_date
	INTO	 p_last_update_date
Line: 2055

      update_segment_values(p_ae_header_id, C_SEG_BALANCING, l_bal_seg_old, C_ACTION_DEL);
Line: 2057

      update_segment_values(p_ae_header_id, C_SEG_BALANCING, l_bal_seg_old, C_ACTION_DEL);
Line: 2058

      update_segment_values(p_ae_header_id, C_SEG_BALANCING, l_bal_seg, C_ACTION_ADD);
Line: 2062

      update_segment_values(p_ae_header_id, C_SEG_MANAGEMENT, l_mgt_seg_old, C_ACTION_DEL);
Line: 2064

      update_segment_values(p_ae_header_id, C_SEG_MANAGEMENT, l_mgt_seg_old, C_ACTION_DEL);
Line: 2065

      update_segment_values(p_ae_header_id, C_SEG_MANAGEMENT, l_mgt_seg, C_ACTION_ADD);
Line: 2070

    UPDATE xla_ae_headers
      set 	accounting_entry_status_code 	= l_status_code
      WHERE	ae_header_id	= p_ae_header_id
        AND	application_id	= l_info.application_id;
Line: 2077

    trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure update_journal_entry_line',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 2093

    (p_location => 'xla_journal_entries_pkg.update_journal_entry_line');
Line: 2095

END update_journal_entry_line;
Line: 2104

PROCEDURE delete_journal_entry_line
  (p_ae_header_id               IN  INTEGER
  ,p_ae_line_num             	IN  INTEGER
  ,p_application_id		IN  INTEGER
  ,p_msg_mode			IN  VARCHAR2	DEFAULT xla_exceptions_pkg.C_STANDARD_MESSAGE)

  l_info                t_je_info;
Line: 2120

    l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.delete_journal_entry_line';
Line: 2124

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure delete_journal_entry_line',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 2145

    UPDATE xla_ae_headers
      set 	accounting_entry_status_code 	= l_status_code
      WHERE	ae_header_id	= p_ae_header_id
      AND	application_id	= p_application_id;
Line: 2151

  IF (NOT xla_analytical_criteria_pkg.single_update_detail_value
	(p_application_id		=> p_application_id
	,p_ae_header_id			=> p_ae_header_id
	,p_ae_line_num			=> p_ae_line_num
	,p_analytical_detail_value_id	=> NULL
	,p_anacri_code			=> NULL
	,p_anacri_type_code		=> NULL
	,p_amb_context_code		=> NULL
	,p_update_mode			=> 'D')) THEN
Line: 2166

         ,p_value_1            	=> 'Error in xla_analytical_criteria_pkg.single_update_detail_value'
         ,p_token_2            	=> 'LOCATION'
         ,p_value_2            	=> 'XLA_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_PKG.delete_journal_entry'
         ,p_msg_mode            => p_msg_mode);
Line: 2172

    (p_application_id           => p_application_id
    ,p_ae_header_id             => p_ae_header_id
    ,p_ref_ae_header_id         => p_ae_header_id
    ,p_temp_line_num            => p_ae_line_num);
Line: 2178

  DELETE xla_ae_lines
	WHERE ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id
	  AND ae_line_num = p_ae_line_num
	  AND application_id = p_application_id;
Line: 2183

  update_segment_values(p_ae_header_id, C_SEG_BALANCING, l_bal_seg, C_ACTION_DEL);
Line: 2184

  update_segment_values(p_ae_header_id, C_SEG_MANAGEMENT, l_mgt_seg, C_ACTION_DEL);
Line: 2187

    trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure delete_journal_entry_line',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 2200

      (p_location => 'xla_journal_entries_pkg.delete_journal_entry_line');
Line: 2202

END delete_journal_entry_line;
Line: 2223

  ,p_last_update_date           OUT NOCOPY DATE
  ,p_last_updated_by            OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_last_update_login          OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_transfer_request_id	OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_retcode                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,p_msg_mode                   IN  VARCHAR2    DEFAULT xla_exceptions_pkg.C_STANDARD_MESSAGE)
  l_log_module  VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 2254

        ,p_last_update_date             => p_last_update_date
        ,p_last_updated_by              => p_last_updated_by
        ,p_last_update_login            => p_last_update_login
        ,p_transfer_request_id          => p_transfer_request_id
        ,p_retcode                      => p_retcode
        ,p_rev_flag                     => 'N'
        ,p_rev_method                   => 'N'
        ,p_rev_orig_event_id            => -1
        ,p_msg_mode                     => p_msg_mode);
Line: 2300

  ,p_last_update_date           OUT NOCOPY DATE
  ,p_last_updated_by            OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_last_update_login          OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_transfer_request_id        OUT NOCOPY INTEGER
  ,p_retcode                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,p_msg_mode                   IN  VARCHAR2    DEFAULT xla_exceptions_pkg.C_STANDARD_MESSAGE
  ,p_rev_flag                   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N'
  ,p_rev_method                 IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N'
  ,p_rev_orig_event_id          IN  NUMBER DEFAULT -1)

  l_info                t_je_info;
Line: 2319

  l_bal_update_mode     VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
Line: 2350

    DELETE FROM xla_ae_lines
          WHERE application_id = p_application_id
            AND ae_header_id   = p_ae_header_id
            AND accounting_class_code IN ('ROUNDING', 'BALANCE', 'INTRA', 'INTER');
Line: 2356

      trace(p_msg    => '# balancing line deleted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 2423

                   (p_event_id             => l_info.event_id
                   ,p_application_id       => l_info.application_id
                   ,p_ledger_id            => l_info.ledger_id);
Line: 2514

  DELETE FROM xla_accounting_errors WHERE event_id = l_info.event_id;
Line: 2546

Line: 2549

  p_last_update_date  := sysdate;
Line: 2550

  p_last_updated_by   := nvl(xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id,-1);
Line: 2551

  p_last_update_login := nvl(xla_environment_pkg.g_login_id,-1);
Line: 2553

    p_gl_transfer_status_code := C_GL_TRANSFER_MODE_SELECTED;
Line: 2562

    trace(p_msg    => 'Update header entry headers',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 2587

    UPDATE xla_ae_headers
       SET accounting_entry_status_code   = l_status_codes(i)
          ,funds_status_code              = p_funds_status_code
 	  ,completion_acct_seq_value      = DECODE(l_seq_values(i),-1,NULL,l_seq_values(i))
 	  ,completion_acct_seq_version_id = DECODE(l_seq_version_ids(i),-1,NULL,l_seq_version_ids(i))
	  ,completion_acct_seq_assign_id  = DECODE(l_seq_assign_ids(i),-1,NULL,l_seq_assign_ids(i))
	  ,completed_date                 = p_completed_date
	  ,packet_id                      = l_info.packet_id
	  ,gl_transfer_status_code        = p_gl_transfer_status_code
          ,last_update_date               = p_last_update_date
          ,last_updated_by                = p_last_updated_by
          ,last_update_login              = p_last_update_login
     WHERE ae_header_id                   = l_ae_header_ids(i)
       AND application_id                 = p_application_id;
Line: 2607

      trace(p_msg    => 'p_completion_option = FINAL - Update gl_sl_link_id',
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 2615

      UPDATE xla_ae_lines
         SET gl_sl_link_id                = XLA_GL_SL_LINK_ID_S.nextval
            ,last_update_date             = p_last_update_date
            ,last_updated_by              = p_last_updated_by
            ,last_update_login            = p_last_update_login
       WHERE ae_header_id                 = l_ae_header_ids(i)
         AND application_id               = p_application_id
	 AND gl_sl_link_id    IS NULL;
Line: 2629

    l_bal_update_mode := C_BALANCE_DELETE;
Line: 2632

    l_bal_update_mode := C_BALANCE_D_TO_F;
Line: 2635

    l_bal_update_mode := C_BALANCE_ADD;
Line: 2637

    l_bal_update_mode := NULL;
Line: 2641

    trace(p_msg    => 'l_bal_update_mode:'||l_bal_update_mode,
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 2648

  IF (l_bal_update_mode IS NOT NULL) THEN
    --FORALL i IN 1 .. l_ae_header_ids.COUNT
      UPDATE xla_ae_lines l
         SET control_balance_flag =
                  (SELECT DECODE(l.accounting_class_code,
                                 'INTER', NULL,
                                 'INTRA', NULL,
                                        DECODE(ccid.account_type, 'A', 'P'
                                                                , 'L', 'P'
                                                                , 'O', 'P'
                                                                , NULL)))
                     FROM gl_code_combinations   ccid
                    WHERE ccid.code_combination_id = l.code_combination_id)
            ,analytical_balance_flag =
                  (SELECT DECODE(count(1),0,NULL,'P')
                     FROM xla_ae_line_acs ac
                    WHERE ac.ae_header_id(+) = l.ae_header_id
                      AND ac.ae_line_num(+)  = l.ae_line_num)
            ,last_update_date                 = p_last_update_date
            ,last_updated_by                  = p_last_updated_by
            ,last_update_login                = p_last_update_login
       WHERE l.application_id = p_application_id
         AND l.ae_header_id  = p_ae_header_id;
Line: 2674

    IF (NOT xla_balances_pkg.massive_update
	  		(p_application_id 	=> l_info.application_id
	  		,p_ledger_id		=> NULL
			,p_entity_id		=> l_info.entity_id
   	  		,p_event_id		=> NULL
			,p_request_id		=> NULL
	  		,p_accounting_batch_id	=> NULL
   	  		,p_update_mode		=> l_bal_update_mode
	  		,p_execution_mode	=> C_BALANCE_ONLINE)) THEN

          (p_appli_s_name	=> 'XLA'
          ,p_msg_name		=> 'XLA_INTERNAL_ERROR'
          ,p_token_1            => 'MESSAGE'
          ,p_value_1            => 'Error in balance calculation'
          ,p_token_2            => 'LOCATION'
          ,p_value_2            => 'XLA_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_PKG.delete_journal_entries'
	  ,p_msg_mode		=> xla_exceptions_pkg.C_STANDARD_MESSAGE);
Line: 2701

 /* Bug 7011889 - Call the update event status only if Reversal event id is not NULL and if it
                  is not already updated */

 IF g_rev_event_id IS NOT NULL THEN

    SELECT event_status_code
    INTO l_status_code
    FROM xla_events
    WHERE event_id = g_rev_event_id
    AND application_id = p_application_id;
Line: 2714

           (p_info                  => l_info
           ,p_completion_option     => p_completion_option);
Line: 2793

  l_last_update_date	DATE;
Line: 2794

  l_last_updated_by	INTEGER;
Line: 2795

  l_last_update_login	INTEGER;
Line: 2820

 /* Bug 7011889 - Looping through for all header ids selected for an event for reversal */

  FOR i in p_array_je_header_id.FIRST..p_array_je_header_id.LAST
  l_info := get_header_info(p_array_je_header_id(i),p_application_id, p_msg_mode);
Line: 2881

	,p_last_update_date		=> l_last_update_date
	,p_last_updated_by		=> l_last_updated_by
	,p_last_update_login		=> l_last_update_login
	,p_transfer_request_id		=> p_transfer_request_id
  	,p_retcode 			=> p_completion_retcode
        ,p_rev_flag                     => 'Y'
        ,p_rev_method                   => p_reversal_method
        ,p_rev_orig_event_id            => l_info.event_id
        ,p_msg_mode                     => p_msg_mode);
Line: 2893

  /* Bug 7011889 - End of loop for all header ids selected for an event for reversal */

  IF (C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= g_log_level) THEN
    trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure reverse_journal_entry',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 2947

  l_last_update_date	DATE;
Line: 2948

  l_last_updated_by	INTEGER;
Line: 2949

  l_last_update_login	INTEGER;
Line: 3023

	,p_last_update_date		=> l_last_update_date
	,p_last_updated_by		=> l_last_updated_by
	,p_last_update_login		=> l_last_update_login
	,p_transfer_request_id		=> p_transfer_request_id
  	,p_retcode 			=> p_completion_retcode
        ,p_rev_flag                     => 'Y'
        ,p_rev_method                   => p_reversal_method
        ,p_rev_orig_event_id            => l_info.event_id
        ,p_msg_mode                     => p_msg_mode);
Line: 3090

  	SELECT	 xah.ae_header_id
  		,NVL(xah.accrual_reversal_flag,'N')  -- 4262811
    FROM	xla_ae_headers           xah
               ,xla_events               xe
               ,xla_transaction_entities xte
    WHERE	xte.entity_id		= xah.entity_id
      AND       xte.application_id      = xah.application_id
      AND       xe.event_id             = xah.event_id
      AND       xe.application_id       = xah.application_id
      AND	xah.ae_header_id 	= p_ae_header_id
      AND	xah.application_id	= p_application_id
Line: 3265

    SELECT code_combination_id
      FROM gl_code_combinations
     WHERE code_combination_id = p_code_combination_id;
Line: 3446

    SELECT ae_line_num
     FROM  xla_ae_lines
    WHERE  ae_header_id = p_header_id
      AND  ae_line_num = p_line_num
      AND  application_id = p_application_id;
Line: 3519

    SELECT ae_line_num
     FROM  xla_ae_lines
    WHERE  ae_header_id          = p_header_id
      AND  ae_line_num           <> nvl(p_line_num,-1)
      AND  displayed_line_number = p_display_line_num
      AND  application_id        = p_application_id;
Line: 3600

    SELECT ae_line_num, accounting_class_code, gl_transfer_mode_code
      FROM xla_ae_lines
     WHERE ae_header_id    = p_ae_header_id
       AND application_id  = p_application_id;
Line: 3790

    SELECT	ledger_id, nvl(enable_budgetary_control_flag, 'N')
    FROM	gl_ledgers
    WHERE	ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 3889

    IF (NOT xla_balances_pkg.massive_update
	  		(p_application_id 	=> p_info.application_id
	  		,p_ledger_id		=> NULL
   	  		,p_event_id		=> NULL
			,p_entity_id		=> p_info.entity_id
			,p_request_id		=> NULL
	  		,p_accounting_batch_id	=> NULL
   	  		,p_update_mode		=> C_BALANCE_DELETE
	  		,p_execution_mode	=> C_BALANCE_ONLINE)) THEN
          (p_appli_s_name	=> 'XLA'
          ,p_msg_name		=> 'XLA_INTERNAL_ERROR'
          ,p_token_1            => 'MESSAGE'
          ,p_value_1            => 'Error in balance calculation'
          ,p_token_2            => 'LOCATION'
          ,p_value_2            => 'XLA_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_PKG.update_journal_entry_header'
	  ,p_msg_mode		=> xla_exceptions_pkg.C_STANDARD_MESSAGE);
Line: 3911

    delete_mrc_entries(p_info.event_id, p_info.application_id, p_info.ledger_id);
Line: 3921

     		(p_event_source_info 	=> l_event_source_info
     		,p_event_id		=> p_info.event_id
     		,p_event_status_code    => xla_events_pub_pkg.C_EVENT_UNPROCESSED
     		,p_process_status_code	=> xla_events_pkg.C_INTERNAL_UNPROCESSED);
Line: 4033

  l_last_updated_by     INTEGER;
Line: 4034

  l_last_update_login   INTEGER;
Line: 4044

    SELECT xah.*
      FROM xla_ae_headers xah
           , xla_alt_curr_ledgers_v l
     WHERE xah.application_id  = p_info.application_id
       AND xah.event_id        = p_orig_event_id
       AND xah.ledger_id       = l.ledger_id
       AND l.primary_ledger_id = p_info.ledger_id
       AND l.enabled_flag      = 'Y';
Line: 4054

  SELECT xah.*
  FROM   xla_ae_headers xah
       , xla_ledger_relationships_v l
  WHERE xah.application_id   = p_info.application_id
    AND xah.event_id         = p_orig_event_id
    AND xah.ledger_id        = l.ledger_id
    AND l.primary_ledger_id  = p_info.ledger_id
    OR   (l.LEDGER_CATEGORY_CODE= 'PRIMARY' AND xah.parent_ae_header_id IS NOT NULL));
Line: 4079

  l_last_updated_by    := nvl(xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id,-1);
Line: 4080

  l_last_update_login  := nvl(xla_environment_pkg.g_login_id,-1);
Line: 4100

    INSERT INTO xla_ae_headers
     ,accrual_reversal_flag)  -- 5109240
     ,l_reversal_label||': '||l_mrc_header.description
     ,NVL(l_mrc_header.accrual_reversal_flag,'N'))  -- 5109240
    RETURNING ae_header_id INTO p_rev_ae_header_ids(i);
Line: 4153

    INSERT INTO xla_ae_header_acs(
   SELECT  p_rev_ae_header_ids(i)
     FROM  xla_ae_header_acs
    WHERE ae_header_id = l_mrc_header.ae_header_id;
Line: 4180

    INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines
       ,mpa_accrual_entry_flag)  -- 4262811
       ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
                                unrounded_entered_cr, -unrounded_entered_dr)
       ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
                                unrounded_entered_dr, -unrounded_entered_cr)
       ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
                                entered_cr, -entered_dr)
       ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
                                entered_dr, -entered_cr)
       ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
                                unrounded_accounted_cr, -unrounded_accounted_dr)
       ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
                                unrounded_accounted_dr, -unrounded_accounted_cr)
       ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
                                accounted_cr, -accounted_dr)
       ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
                                accounted_dr, -accounted_cr)
      FROM      xla_ae_lines
      WHERE     application_id = p_info.application_id
      AND       ae_header_id = l_mrc_header.ae_header_id;
Line: 4306

    INSERT INTO xla_ae_line_acs(
    SELECT p_rev_ae_header_ids(i)
      FROM xla_ae_line_acs
     WHERE ae_header_id = l_mrc_header.ae_header_id;
Line: 4375

  l_last_updated_by     INTEGER;
Line: 4376

  l_last_update_login   INTEGER;
Line: 4427

   SELECT 	entity_id
   INTO 	g_entity_id
   FROM		xla_events
   WHERE	event_id = p_rev_event_id;
Line: 4445

  l_last_updated_by    := nvl(xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id,-1);
Line: 4446

  l_last_update_login  := nvl(xla_environment_pkg.g_login_id,-1);
Line: 4452

  INSERT INTO xla_ae_headers
   ,accrual_reversal_flag)  -- 4262811
   ,l_reversal_label||': '||p_info.description
   ,NVL(p_info.accrual_reversal_flag,'N'))             -- 4262811 accrual_reversal_flag
  RETURNING ae_header_id INTO p_rev_header_id;
Line: 4503

  INSERT INTO xla_ae_header_acs(
  SELECT p_rev_header_id
    FROM xla_ae_header_acs
   WHERE ae_header_id = p_info.header_id;
Line: 4531

  INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines
     ,unrounded_entered_dr   -- 5109240
     ,unrounded_entered_cr   -- 5109240
     ,unrounded_accounted_dr -- 5109240
     ,unrounded_accounted_cr -- 5109240
     ,mpa_accrual_entry_flag)  -- 4262811
     ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
				entered_cr, -entered_dr)
     ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
				entered_dr, -entered_cr)
     ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
				accounted_cr, -accounted_dr)
     ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
				accounted_dr, -accounted_cr)
     -- 5109240 unrounded amounts
     ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
				unrounded_entered_cr,   -unrounded_entered_dr)
     ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
				unrounded_entered_dr,   -unrounded_entered_cr)
     ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
				unrounded_accounted_cr, -unrounded_accounted_dr)
     ,DECODE(p_reversal_method, C_REVERSAL_SWITCH_DR_CR,
				unrounded_accounted_dr, -unrounded_accounted_cr)
     ,NVL(mpa_accrual_entry_flag,'N')     -- 4262811 mpa_accrual_entry_flag
    FROM 	xla_ae_lines
    WHERE 	application_id = p_info.application_id
    AND		ae_header_id = p_info.header_id;
Line: 4661

  INSERT INTO xla_ae_line_acs(
  SELECT p_rev_header_id
    FROM xla_ae_line_acs
   WHERE ae_header_id = p_info.header_id;
Line: 4717

    SELECT ae_line_num
      FROM xla_ae_lines
     WHERE application_id    = p_application_id
       AND ae_header_id      = p_ae_header_id
     ORDER BY ae_line_num;
Line: 4765

    UPDATE xla_ae_lines
      	set 	displayed_line_number = l_displayed_nums(j)
	WHERE	application_id = p_application_id
	AND	ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id
	AND	ae_line_num = l_ae_line_nums(j);
Line: 5137

    SELECT gl.name, gl.currency_code, gl.ledger_category_code, xlo.rounding_rule_code
      FROM gl_ledgers gl, xla_ledger_options xlo
     WHERE gl.ledger_id = p_trx_ledger_id
       AND xlo.application_id = p_application_id
       AND xlo.ledger_id = p_trx_ledger_id;
Line: 5144

    SELECT xlr.target_ledger_id         ledger_id
         , xlr.name                     ledger_name
         , xlr.currency_code            ledger_currency
         , decode(xlr.ALC_NO_RATE_ACTION_CODE, 'FIND_RATE', nvl(xlr.ALC_MAX_DAYS_ROLL_RATE, -1), 0) max_roll_days
      FROM xla_ledger_relationships_v  xlr
          ,fnd_currencies              fcu
     WHERE xlr.primary_ledger_id          = p_info.ledger_id
       AND xlr.relationship_enabled_flag  = 'Y'
       AND xlr.ledger_category_code       = 'ALC'
       AND fcu.currency_code              = xlr.currency_code;
Line: 5158

    SELECT xal.*
         , decode( fc.derive_type, 'EURO', 'EURO', 'EMU',
                  decode( sign( trunc(nvl(xal.currency_conversion_date, xal.accounting_date)) -
                      trunc(fc.derive_effective)), -1, 'OTHER', 'EMU'), 'OTHER' ) from_type
         , decode( fc1.derive_type, 'EURO', 'EURO', 'EMU',
                  decode( sign( trunc(nvl(xal.currency_conversion_date, xal.accounting_date)) -
                      trunc(fc1.derive_effective)), -1, 'OTHER', 'EMU'), 'OTHER' ) to_type
         , decode( fc2.derive_type, 'EURO', 'EURO', 'EMU',
                  decode( sign( trunc(nvl(xal.currency_conversion_date, xal.accounting_date)) -
                      trunc(fc2.derive_effective)), -1, 'OTHER', 'EMU'), 'OTHER' ) primary_type
      FROM xla_ae_lines xal
         , fnd_currencies fc
         , fnd_currencies fc1
         , fnd_currencies fc2
     WHERE xal.ae_header_id      = p_info.header_id
       AND xal.application_id    = p_info.application_id
       AND fc.currency_code      = xal.currency_code
       AND fc1.currency_code     = p_mrc_currency
       and fc2.currency_code     = p_primary_currency
    ORDER BY xal.currency_code
Line: 5207

  l_last_updated_by         INTEGER;
Line: 5208

  l_last_update_login       INTEGER;
Line: 5222

  l_last_updated_by   := nvl(xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id,-1);
Line: 5223

  l_last_update_login := nvl(xla_environment_pkg.g_login_id,-1);
Line: 5270

    INSERT INTO xla_ae_headers
        ,accrual_reversal_flag)  -- 4262811
       values(   xla_ae_headers_s.NEXTVAL
                ,NVL(p_info.accrual_reversal_flag,'N'))   -- 4262811 accrual_reversal_flag
	RETURNING	ae_header_id
	INTO		p_ae_header_ids(i);
Line: 5387

    INSERT INTO xla_ae_header_acs(
    SELECT p_ae_header_ids(i)
      FROM xla_ae_header_acs
     WHERE ae_header_id = p_info.header_id;
Line: 5598

      INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines
            ,mpa_accrual_entry_flag)  -- 4262811
                ,l.unrounded_entered_dr               -- unrounded entered dr
                ,l.unrounded_entered_cr               -- unrounded entered cr
                       ,l.unrounded_accounted_dr,l.unrounded_entered_dr * l_conv_rate) -- unrounded accounted dr
                       ,l.unrounded_accounted_cr,l.unrounded_entered_cr * l_conv_rate) -- unrounded accounted cr
       	        ,decode(l.currency_code, l_mrc_ledger.ledger_currency, NULL, l_conv_type)
       	        ,decode(l.currency_code, l_mrc_ledger.ledger_currency, NULL, l_conv_date)
       	        ,decode(l.currency_code, l_mrc_ledger.ledger_currency, NULL, l_conv_rate)
                ,NVL(l.mpa_accrual_entry_flag,'N'));     -- 4262811 mpa_accrual_entry_flag
Line: 5769

    INSERT INTO xla_ae_line_acs (
    SELECT p_ae_header_ids(i)
      FROM xla_ae_line_acs
     WHERE ae_header_id = p_info.header_id;
Line: 5842

PROCEDURE delete_mrc_entries
  (p_event_id		IN  INTEGER
  ,p_application_id	IN  INTEGER
  ,p_ledger_id		IN  INTEGER)
  CURSOR c_entries IS
    SELECT h.ae_header_id
      FROM xla_ae_headers h
     WHERE h.event_id          = p_event_id
       AND h.application_id    = p_application_id
       AND h.ledger_id         <> p_ledger_id;
Line: 5860

    l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.delete_mrc_entries';
Line: 5864

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure delete_mrc_entries',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 5882

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN LOOP - delete mrc entries',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 5889

      trace(p_msg    => 'LOOP - delete MRC entry: ae_header_id = '||l_entry.ae_header_id,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 5899

    trace(p_msg    => 'END LOOP - delete mrc entries',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 5905

    DELETE FROM xla_ae_line_acs
      WHERE ae_header_id = l_header_ids(j);
Line: 5909

    DELETE FROM xla_ae_header_acs
      WHERE ae_header_id = l_header_ids(j);
Line: 5913

    DELETE xla_distribution_links
     WHERE ae_header_id   = l_header_ids(j)
       AND application_id = p_application_id;
Line: 5918

    DELETE FROM xla_ae_segment_values
      WHERE ae_header_id = l_header_ids(j);
Line: 5922

    DELETE FROM xla_ae_lines
      WHERE ae_header_id = l_header_ids(j)
	AND application_id = p_application_id;
Line: 5927

    DELETE xla_ae_headers
      WHERE ae_header_id = l_header_ids(j)
	AND application_id = p_application_id;
Line: 5932

    trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure delete_mrc_entries',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 5951

      (p_location => 'xla_journal_entries_pkg.delete_mrc_entries');
Line: 5952

END delete_mrc_entries;
Line: 6045

PROCEDURE update_event_status
 (p_info                   IN t_je_info
 ,p_completion_option      IN VARCHAR2)
  l_event_source_info   xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info;
Line: 6056

    l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.update_event_status';
Line: 6060

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure update_event_status',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 6081

     		(p_event_source_info 	=> l_event_source_info
     		,p_event_id		=> p_info.event_id
     		,p_event_status_code    => l_event_status
     		,p_process_status_code	=> l_process_status);
Line: 6088

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure update_event_status',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 6101

      (p_location => 'xla_journal_entries_pkg.update_event_status');
Line: 6102

END update_event_status;
Line: 6129

  SELECT decode(p_rounding_rule_code
               ,ceil(p_amount/nvl(minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* precision)))*
                             nvl(minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* precision))
               ,floor(p_amount/nvl(minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* precision)))*
                             nvl(minimum_accountable_unit, power(10, -1* precision))
           ,decode(minimum_accountable_unit, NULL,
                round(p_amount, precision),
                round(p_amount/minimum_accountable_unit) * minimum_accountable_unit))
  INTO   l_rounded_amount
  FROM   fnd_currencies
  WHERE  currency_code = p_currency_code;
Line: 6241

  CURSOR c IS 	SELECT	legal_entity_id
		FROM 	xle_fp_ou_ledger_v
		WHERE	legal_entity_id = p_legal_entity_id;
Line: 6324

  CURSOR c IS   SELECT    nvl(sum(nvl(accounted_dr,0)),0)
                        , nvl(sum(nvl(accounted_cr,0)),1)
                        , nvl(sum(CASE WHEN accounted_dr IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 end),0)
                        , nvl(sum(CASE WHEN accounted_cr IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 end),0)
                        , nvl(sum(CASE WHEN currency_code = 'STAT' THEN 1 ELSE 0 end),0)
                FROM      xla_ae_lines
                WHERE     application_id = p_application_id
                AND       ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id;
Line: 6521

PROCEDURE validate_delete_mode
  (p_status_code	IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_mode 		IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_msg_mode		IN  VARCHAR2)
  l_log_module          VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 6529

    l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.validate_delete_mode';
Line: 6533

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure validate_delete_mode',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 6538

    IF (C_LEVEL_ERROR >= g_log_level) THEN
      trace(p_msg    => 'Error: XLA_MJE_INVALID_DELETE_MODE',
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_ERROR);
Line: 6547

         ,p_msg_name		=> 'XLA_MJE_INVALID_DELETE_MODE'
	 ,p_msg_mode		=> p_msg_mode);
Line: 6550

         p_mode <> C_DELETE_FORCE_MODE) THEN
    IF (C_LEVEL_ERROR >= g_log_level) THEN
      trace(p_msg    => 'Error: XLA_MJE_INVALID_DELETE_FINAL',
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_ERROR);
Line: 6559

         ,p_msg_name		=> 'XLA_MJE_INVALID_DELETE_FINAL'
	 ,p_msg_mode		=> p_msg_mode);
Line: 6564

    trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure validate_delete_mode',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 6574

      (p_location => 'xla_journal_entries_pkg.validate_delete_mode');
Line: 6575

END validate_delete_mode;
Line: 6590

  	SELECT	ae_header_id
	FROM	xla_accounting_errors
	WHERE	ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id
  	  AND	ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 6608

  DELETE FROM xla_accounting_errors
	WHERE	ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id
	  AND	event_id = p_event_id
          AND	nvl(ae_line_num,-1)  = nvl(p_ae_line_num,-1);
Line: 6712

    SELECT	gl.currency_code,
		DECODE(gl.bal_seg_column_name, 	'SEGMENT1', ccid.segment1,
						'SEGMENT2', ccid.segment2,
						'SEGMENT3', ccid.segment3,
						'SEGMENT4', ccid.segment4,
						'SEGMENT5', ccid.segment5,
						'SEGMENT6', ccid.segment6,
						'SEGMENT7', ccid.segment7,
						'SEGMENT8', ccid.segment8,
						'SEGMENT9', ccid.segment9,
						'SEGMENT10', ccid.segment10,
					 	'SEGMENT11', ccid.segment11,
						'SEGMENT12', ccid.segment12,
						'SEGMENT13', ccid.segment13,
						'SEGMENT14', ccid.segment14,
						'SEGMENT15', ccid.segment15,
						'SEGMENT16', ccid.segment16,
						'SEGMENT17', ccid.segment17,
						'SEGMENT18', ccid.segment18,
						'SEGMENT19', ccid.segment19,
						'SEGMENT20', ccid.segment20,
					 	'SEGMENT21', ccid.segment21,
						'SEGMENT22', ccid.segment22,
						'SEGMENT23', ccid.segment23,
						'SEGMENT24', ccid.segment24,
						'SEGMENT25', ccid.segment25,
						'SEGMENT26', ccid.segment26,
						'SEGMENT27', ccid.segment27,
						'SEGMENT28', ccid.segment28,
						'SEGMENT29', ccid.segment29,
						'SEGMENT30', ccid.segment30),
		DECODE(gl.mgt_seg_column_name, 	'SEGMENT1', ccid.segment1,
						'SEGMENT2', ccid.segment2,
						'SEGMENT3', ccid.segment3,
						'SEGMENT4', ccid.segment4,
						'SEGMENT5', ccid.segment5,
						'SEGMENT6', ccid.segment6,
						'SEGMENT7', ccid.segment7,
						'SEGMENT8', ccid.segment8,
						'SEGMENT9', ccid.segment9,
						'SEGMENT10', ccid.segment10,
					 	'SEGMENT11', ccid.segment11,
						'SEGMENT12', ccid.segment12,
						'SEGMENT13', ccid.segment13,
						'SEGMENT14', ccid.segment14,
						'SEGMENT15', ccid.segment15,
						'SEGMENT16', ccid.segment16,
						'SEGMENT17', ccid.segment17,
						'SEGMENT18', ccid.segment18,
						'SEGMENT19', ccid.segment19,
						'SEGMENT20', ccid.segment20,
					 	'SEGMENT21', ccid.segment21,
						'SEGMENT22', ccid.segment22,
						'SEGMENT23', ccid.segment23,
						'SEGMENT24', ccid.segment24,
						'SEGMENT25', ccid.segment25,
						'SEGMENT26', ccid.segment26,
						'SEGMENT27', ccid.segment27,
						'SEGMENT28', ccid.segment28,
						'SEGMENT29', ccid.segment29,
						'SEGMENT30', ccid.segment30)
    FROM	gl_ledgers 	gl,
		gl_code_combinations 	ccid,
		xla_ledger_options     xlo
    WHERE	ccid.code_combination_id	= p_code_combination_id
      AND       gl.ledger_id                    = p_ledger_id
      AND       xlo.ledger_id                = p_ledger_id
      AND       xlo.application_id           = p_application_id
Line: 6830

    SELECT decode(transfer_to_gl_mode_code,'D','D','S')
      FROM xla_ledger_options
     WHERE application_id = p_application_id
       AND ledger_id      = p_ledger_id;
Line: 6876

PROCEDURE update_segment_values
  (p_ae_header_id		IN  INTEGER
  ,p_seg_type			IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_seg_value			IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_action			IN  VARCHAR2)
  CURSOR c_seg IS
    SELECT	ae_lines_count
    FROM	xla_ae_segment_values
    WHERE	segment_type_code = p_seg_type
      AND	ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id
      AND	segment_value = p_seg_value;
Line: 6893

    l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.update_segment_values';
Line: 6897

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure update_segment_values',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 6908

      DELETE xla_ae_segment_values
       WHERE ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id
         AND segment_type_code = p_seg_type
         AND segment_value = p_seg_value;
Line: 6913

      UPDATE xla_ae_segment_values
         SET ae_lines_count = ae_lines_count - 1
       WHERE ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id
         AND segment_type_code = p_seg_type
         AND segment_value = p_seg_value;
Line: 6922

      INSERT INTO xla_ae_segment_values(ae_header_id, segment_type_code, segment_value, ae_lines_count)
   	VALUES(p_ae_header_id, p_seg_type, p_seg_value, 1);
Line: 6925

      UPDATE xla_ae_segment_values
         SET ae_lines_count = ae_lines_count + 1
       WHERE ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id
         AND segment_type_code = p_seg_type
         AND segment_value = p_seg_value;
Line: 6935

    trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure update_segment_values',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 6951

      (p_location => 'xla_journal_entries_pkg.update_segment_values');
Line: 6952

END update_segment_values;
Line: 6965

    SELECT      je_category_name
    FROM        gl_je_categories
    WHERE       je_category_name        = p_je_category_name;
Line: 7027

    SELECT      application_id
    FROM        xla_subledgers
    WHERE       application_id = p_application_id;
Line: 7090

    SELECT      name, ledger_category_code, latest_encumbrance_year, enable_budgetary_control_flag
    FROM        gl_ledgers
    WHERE       ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 7185

    SELECT ae_line_num
          ,currency_conversion_type conv_type
          ,currency_conversion_date conv_date
          ,currency_conversion_rate conv_rate
      FROM xla_ae_lines
     WHERE ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id
       AND application_id = p_application_id;
Line: 7535

    SELECT      closing_status, period_name, period_type
    FROM        gl_period_statuses
    WHERE       application_id          = C_GL_APPLICATION_ID
      AND       ledger_id               = p_ledger_id
      AND       adjustment_period_flag  = 'N'
      AND       p_accounting_date       BETWEEN start_date AND end_date;
Line: 7619

Line: 7622

Line: 7626

    INTO l_sequence_id
Line: 7666

PROCEDURE update_data
  (p_api_version                IN  NUMBER
  ,p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_application_id             IN  INTEGER
  ,p_ae_header_id               IN  INTEGER
  ,p_ae_line_num                IN  INTEGER  DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_item_name                  IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_value_varchar2             IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_value_date                 IN  DATE     DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_value_number               IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL
  ,x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
) IS

  l_api_name          CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_data';
Line: 7693

    l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.update_data';
Line: 7697

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure update_data',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 7807

  SELECT MIN(entity_id), MAX(gl_transfer_status_code)
  INTO   l_entity_id, l_gl_status
  FROM   xla_ae_headers
  WHERE  application_id = p_application_id
  AND    ae_header_id   = p_ae_header_id
  AND    accounting_entry_status_code = 'F';
Line: 7832

          trace(p_msg    => 'Update details',
                p_module => l_log_module,
                p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 7844

             trace(p_msg    => 'Need ae_line_num to update '||p_item_name||'.',
                   p_module => l_log_module,
                   p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 7849

                     ,p_error_msg => 'Need ae_line_num to update '||p_item_name||'.');
Line: 7864

            SELECT count(*)
            INTO   l_dummy
            FROM   xla_ae_lines
            WHERE  application_id = p_application_id
            AND    ae_header_id   = p_ae_header_id
            AND    ae_line_num    = p_ae_line_num;
Line: 7891

                trace(p_msg    => 'Calling xla_balances_pkg.massive_update to delete',
                      p_module => l_log_module,
                      p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 7895

         IF (NOT xla_balances_pkg.massive_update
                 (p_application_id       => p_application_id
                 ,p_ledger_id            => NULL
                 ,p_event_id             => NULL
                 ,p_entity_id            => l_entity_id
                 ,p_request_id           => NULL
                 ,p_accounting_batch_id  => NULL
                 ,p_update_mode          => 'D'         -- Delete
                 ,p_execution_mode       => 'O')) THEN  -- Online
            IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
                trace(p_msg    => 'Error from massive_update.',
                      p_module => l_log_module,
                      p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 7913

                trace(p_msg    => 'Returned from xla_balances_pkg.massive_update',
                      p_module => l_log_module,
                      p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 7924

                trace(p_msg    => 'update header details',
                      p_module => l_log_module,
                      p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 7930

         Update XLA_AE_HEADERS
         SET    DESCRIPTION     = DECODE(p_item_name, C_ITEM_HEADER_DESCRIPTION,    p_value_varchar2, DESCRIPTION)
               ,ACCOUNTING_DATE = DECODE(p_item_name, C_ITEM_GL_DATE,        p_value_date,     ACCOUNTING_DATE)
               ,REFERENCE_DATE  = DECODE(p_item_name, C_ITEM_REFERENCE_DATE, p_value_date,     REFERENCE_DATE)
         WHERE application_id = p_application_id
         AND   ae_header_id   = p_ae_header_id;
Line: 7946

                trace(p_msg    => 'update line details',
                      p_module => l_log_module,
                      p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 7951

         Update XLA_AE_LINES
         SET   CODE_COMBINATION_ID      = DECODE(p_item_name, C_ITEM_ACCOUNT,          p_value_number,   CODE_COMBINATION_ID)
              ,ACCOUNTED_DR             = DECODE(p_item_name, C_ITEM_ACCOUNTED_DR,     p_value_number,   ACCOUNTED_DR)
              ,ACCOUNTED_CR             = DECODE(p_item_name, C_ITEM_ACCOUNTED_CR,     p_value_number,   ACCOUNTED_CR)
              ,CURRENCY_CODE            = DECODE(p_item_name, C_ITEM_CURRENCY_CODE,    p_value_varchar2, CURRENCY_CODE)
              ,DESCRIPTION              = DECODE(p_item_name, C_ITEM_LINE_DESCRIPTION, p_value_varchar2, DESCRIPTION)
              ,ENTERED_DR               = DECODE(p_item_name, C_ITEM_ENTERED_DR,       p_value_number,   ENTERED_DR)
              ,ENTERED_CR               = DECODE(p_item_name, C_ITEM_ENTERED_CR,       p_value_number,   ENTERED_CR)
              ,ACCOUNTING_DATE          = DECODE(p_item_name, C_ITEM_GL_DATE,          p_value_date,     ACCOUNTING_DATE)
         WHERE application_id = p_application_id
         AND   ae_header_id   = p_ae_header_id
         AND   ae_line_num    = DECODE(p_item_name, C_ITEM_GL_DATE, ae_line_num, p_ae_line_num);
Line: 7990

                trace(p_msg    => 'Calling xla_balances_pkg.massive_update to add',
                      p_module => l_log_module,
                      p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 7994

        IF (NOT xla_balances_pkg.massive_update
                 (p_application_id       => p_application_id
                 ,p_ledger_id            => NULL
                 ,p_event_id             => NULL
                 ,p_entity_id            => l_entity_id
                 ,p_request_id           => NULL
                 ,p_accounting_batch_id  => NULL
                 ,p_update_mode          => 'A'         -- Add
                 ,p_execution_mode       => 'O')) THEN  -- Online
           xla_datafixes_pub.Log_error(p_module    => l_log_module
                    ,p_error_msg => 'Error when adding control balance calculation');
Line: 8007

                trace(p_msg    => 'Returned from xla_balances_pkg.massive_update',
                      p_module => l_log_module,
                      p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 8042

     trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure update_data',
           p_module => l_log_module,
           p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 8081

END update_data;
Line: 8127

   INSERT INTO xla_distribution_links
  SELECT p_application_id
        ,p_ae_line_num                -- ae line num
        ,'XLA_MANUAL'                 -- source distribution type
        ,xal.statistical_amount       -- statistical Amount
        ,p_ref_ae_header_id           -- ref ae header id
        ,p_ref_temp_line_num          -- ref temp line num
        ,'N'                          -- merge duplicate code
        ,p_temp_line_num              -- temp line num
        ,p_ref_event_id               -- ref event id
        ,C_EVENT_CLASS_CODE_MANUAL    -- event class code
        ,C_EVENT_TYPE_CODE_MANUAL     -- event type code
    FROM xla_ae_headers xah
        ,xla_ae_lines   xal
   WHERE xah.application_id = p_application_id
     AND xah.ae_header_id   = p_ae_header_id
     AND xal.application_id = xah.application_id
     AND xal.ae_header_id   = xah.ae_header_id
     AND xal.ae_line_num    = p_ae_line_num;
Line: 8187

PROCEDURE delete_distribution_link
  (p_application_id		IN  INTEGER
  ,p_ae_header_id       IN  INTEGER
  ,p_ref_ae_header_id   IN  INTEGER
  ,p_temp_line_num      IN  INTEGER)
  l_log_module          VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 8196

     l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.delete_distribution_link';
Line: 8200

     trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure delete_distribution_link',
           p_module => l_log_module,
           p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 8225

   DELETE xla_distribution_links
    WHERE application_id   = p_application_id
      AND ref_ae_header_id = p_ref_ae_header_id
      AND temp_line_num    = p_temp_line_num
      AND ae_header_id     = p_ae_header_id;
Line: 8232

     trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure delete_distribution_link',
           p_module => l_log_module,
           p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 8243

     (p_location => 'xla_journal_entries_pkg.delete_distribution_link');
Line: 8244

END delete_distribution_link;
Line: 8246

PROCEDURE update_distribution_link
  (p_application_id             IN  INTEGER
  ,p_ae_header_id               IN  INTEGER
  ,p_ref_ae_header_id           IN  INTEGER
  ,p_temp_line_num             	IN  INTEGER
  ,p_unrounded_entered_dr       IN  NUMBER
  ,p_unrounded_entered_cr       IN  NUMBER
  ,p_unrounded_accounted_dr     IN  NUMBER
  ,p_undournde_accounted_cr     IN  NUMBER
  ,p_statistical_amount         IN  NUMBER)

  l_log_module          VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 8262

     l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.update_distribution_link';
Line: 8266

     trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure update_distribution_link',
           p_module => l_log_module,
           p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 8311

   UPDATE xla_distribution_links
      SET unrounded_entered_dr   = p_unrounded_entered_dr
         ,unrounded_entered_cr   = p_unrounded_entered_cr
         ,unrounded_accounted_dr = p_unrounded_accounted_dr
         ,unrounded_accounted_cr = p_undournde_accounted_cr
         ,statistical_amount     = p_statistical_amount
    WHERE application_id         = p_application_id
      AND ref_ae_header_id       = p_ref_ae_header_id
      AND temp_line_num          = p_temp_line_num
      AND ae_header_id           = p_ae_header_id;
Line: 8323

     trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure update_distribution_link',
           p_module => l_log_module,
           p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 8334

     (p_location => 'xla_journal_entries_pkg.update_distribution_link');
Line: 8336

END update_distribution_link;
Line: 8388

      SELECT event_id
        INTO l_ref_event_id
        FROM xla_ae_headers
       WHERE application_id = p_application_id
         AND ae_header_id = p_ref_ae_header_id;
Line: 8396

   INSERT INTO xla_distribution_links
   SELECT p_application_id
         ,'XLA_MANUAL'                 -- source distribution type
         ,xal.statistical_amount       -- statistical amount
         ,p_ref_ae_header_id           -- ref ae header id
         ,ae_line_num                  -- ref temp line num
         ,'N'                          -- merge duplicate code
         ,-1 * ae_line_num             -- temp line num
         ,l_ref_event_id               -- ref event id
         ,C_EVENT_CLASS_CODE_MANUAL    -- event class code
         ,C_EVENT_TYPE_CODE_MANUAL     -- event type code
     FROM xla_ae_headers xah
         ,xla_ae_lines   xal
    WHERE xah.application_id = p_application_id
      AND xah.ae_header_id   = p_ae_header_id
      AND xal.application_id = xah.application_id
      AND xal.ae_header_id   = xah.ae_header_id;
Line: 8489

     INTO l_cnt
     FROM xla_distribution_links
    WHERE application_id = p_application_id
      AND ae_header_id   = p_ae_header_id
      AND temp_line_num  = -1 * p_temp_line_num
      AND ROWNUM <=1;
Line: 8576

      SELECT ref_ae_header_id
        INTO l_ref_ae_header_id
        FROM xla_distribution_links
       WHERE application_id = p_application_id
         AND ae_header_id   = p_ae_header_id
         AND temp_line_num  = -1 * p_temp_line_num
         AND ROWNUM <= 1;
Line: 8688

   SELECT ae_header_id
         ,-1 * temp_line_num
     INTO l_ref_ae_header_id
     FROM xla_distribution_links
    WHERE event_id =
            (SELECT ref_event_id
               FROM xla_distribution_links
              WHERE application_id = p_application_id      -- non mrc
                AND ae_header_id   = p_ae_header_id        -- non mrc
                AND temp_line_num  = -1 * p_temp_line_num  -- non mrc
                AND ROWNUM <= 1)
      AND ae_header_id <>
            (SELECT ref_ae_header_id
               FROM xla_distribution_links
              WHERE application_id = p_application_id      -- non mrc
                AND ae_header_id   = p_ae_header_id        -- non mrc
                AND temp_line_num  = -1 * p_temp_line_num  -- non mrc
                AND ROWNUM <= 1)
      AND temp_line_num = p_temp_line_num;