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APPS.IGS_EN_GEN_016 SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

Purpose           : Validate Registration details from interface tables and update
		    the corresponding OSS tables with the new Registration Date and Unit
		    Attempt Status.
Known limitations,
remarks            :
Change History
Who      When                 What
ckasu    31-DEC-2004         Modified code inorder to show note when stored Transfer exists for the source program and
                             that stored transfer needs to be updated to include newly enrolled units so that this unit
                             can be transfered to the destination when the future dated transfer is processed as a part
                             of bug#4095276
ckasu    29-SEP-2004          Modified signature of log_regid_person_dtls procedure by adding
                             p_load_cal_type,p_load_seq_number inorder to print Load cal details
                             and also modified code to do hold,person validations only when Load
                             cal in the context has unit attempts.
ckasu         14-SEP-2004     Added Holds,person step validations as a part of Bug# 3823810
stutta       11-Feb-2004     Passing new parameter p_enrolled_dt as SYSDATE in
                             call to validate_enroll_validate.
rvivekan      3-Aug-2003     Bulk unit upload TD #3049009. Added 'Enrolled' status to the get_prgrm_dtls curosr definition.
				Added error message logging for igs_en_enroll_wlst.validate_uinit_steps and igs_ss_en_wrappers.validate_enroll_validate
svenkata      15-Jan-2003    Bug# 2740746 - The message name IGS_PS_INVALID_PRG_CD was invalid.Changed the message to IGS_PR_INVALID_PRG_CD.
svenkata      31-DEC-2002    Bug# 2724288 - added values for WHO columns in the UPDATE stmnts for the interface table.
sgurusam      17-Jun-2005    Modified to pass aditional parameter p_calling_obj = 'JOB' p_create_warning='N' in the calls to
			     Modified to pass aditional parameter p_calling_obj='JOB' in the calls to


--cursor to fetch records from interface table
CURSOR get_int_dtls (p_batch_id IN NUMBER) IS
FROM igs_en_reg_upd_int int
WHERE int.batch_id = p_batch_id
Line: 53

SELECT pe.person_id
FROM igs_pe_person_base_v pe
WHERE pe.person_number = p_person_number;
Line: 60

FROM igs_ps_ver ps
WHERE ps.course_cd = p_course_cd ;
Line: 67

SELECT ca.cal_type , ca.sequence_number , ca.start_dt , ca.end_dt
FROM igs_ca_inst ca
WHERE ca.alternate_code = p_alternate_code;
Line: 74

FROM igs_ca_inst ca
WHERE ca.alternate_code = p_alternate_code;
Line: 81

SELECT sca.course_cd , sca.version_number , sca.cal_type,sca.course_attempt_status
FROM igs_en_stdnt_ps_att_all sca
WHERE sca.course_cd = NVL(p_course_cd,sca.course_cd) AND
      sca.course_attempt_status IN ('INACTIVE','ENROLLED') AND
      sca.cal_type = p_cal_type AND
      sca.person_id = p_person_id ;
Line: 93

SELECT   ci.cal_type ,  ci.start_dt ,  ci.end_dt ,  ci.sequence_number
FROM   igs_ca_inst ci ,  igs_ca_type ct , igs_ca_stat cs , igs_ca_inst_rel cir
WHERE   ct.cal_type = ci.cal_type
AND ct.s_cal_cat = 'LOAD'
AND cir.sup_cal_type  = p_acad_cal_type
AND cir.sup_ci_sequence_number = p_acad_ci_sequence_number
AND cir.sub_cal_type  = ci.cal_type
AND cir.suB_ci_sequence_number = ci.sequence_number
AND ci.cal_status = cs. cal_status
AND cs.s_cal_status = 'ACTIVE'
AND ci.start_dt >= p_start_dt
AND ci.end_dt <= p_end_dt;
Line: 109

SELECT sua.uoo_id , sua.unit_cd , sua.version_number , sua.cal_type , sua.ci_sequence_number
FROM igs_en_su_attempt_all sua , igs_ca_load_to_teach_v calt
where sua.unit_attempt_status = 'UNCONFIRM'
AND sua.course_cd = p_course_cd
AND sua.cal_type = calt.teach_cal_type
AND sua.person_id = p_person_id
AND sua.ci_sequence_number = calt.teach_ci_sequence_number
AND calt.load_cal_type = p_load_cal_type
AND calt.load_ci_sequence_number = p_load_ci_sequence_number
ORDER BY sua.sup_unit_cd DESC;
Line: 124

SELECT asa.ROWID , asa.*
FROM  igs_as_sc_atmpt_enr asa , igs_ca_inst ci
WHERE ci.start_dt >= p_start_dt  AND ci.end_dt <=  p_end_dt
AND asa.cal_type = ci.cal_type
AND asa.ci_sequence_number = ci.sequence_number
AND asa.course_cd = p_course_cd
AND asa.person_id = p_person_id
Line: 137

SELECT sua.ROWID , sua.*
FROM igs_en_su_attempt_all sua
WHERE sua.person_id = p_person_id
AND sua.course_cd =  p_course_cd
AND sua.uoo_id = p_uoo_id
Line: 148

l_reg_update_int_rec igs_en_reg_upd_int%ROWTYPE;
Line: 185

l_last_update_date      igs_en_reg_upd_int.last_update_date%TYPE;
Line: 187

l_last_updated_by       igs_en_reg_upd_int.last_updated_by%TYPE;
Line: 188

l_last_update_login     igs_en_reg_upd_int.last_update_login%TYPE;
Line: 192

l_program_update_date   igs_en_reg_upd_int.program_update_date%TYPE;
Line: 343

   l_last_update_date := SYSDATE;
Line: 344

   l_last_updated_by := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 345

   l_last_update_login :=FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
Line: 351

   IF l_last_updated_by IS NULL THEN
       l_last_updated_by := -1;
Line: 355

   IF l_last_update_login IS NULL THEN
       l_last_update_login := -1;
Line: 367

        l_program_update_date := NULL;
Line: 369

        l_program_update_date := SYSDATE;
Line: 375

FOR l_reg_update_int_rec IN get_int_dtls (p_batch_id)


   SAVEPOINT interface_rec;
Line: 389

   OPEN get_person_number (l_reg_update_int_rec.person_number ) ;
Line: 402

   IF l_reg_update_int_rec.course_cd IS NOT NULL THEN
	   OPEN get_course_cd(l_reg_update_int_rec.course_cd );
Line: 421

   OPEN get_acad_cnt  (l_reg_update_int_rec.alternate_code);
Line: 438

	OPEN get_acad_cal_dtls (l_reg_update_int_rec.alternate_code);
Line: 446

	-- Update the record with error messages in the  interface table.
	UPDATE igs_en_reg_upd_int  SET errors = l_message_text ,
        creation_date      = l_creation_date     ,
        last_update_date   = l_last_update_date  ,
        created_by         = l_created_by        ,
        last_updated_by    = l_last_updated_by   ,
        last_update_login  = l_last_update_login ,
        request_id         =       l_request_id            ,
        program_id         =       l_program_id            ,
        program_application_id =   l_program_application_id,
        program_update_date     =  l_program_update_date
    WHERE ROWID = l_reg_update_int_rec.ROWID ;
Line: 464

     FOR l_prgm_dtls_rec IN get_prgm_dtls ( NVL(l_reg_update_int_rec.course_cd , NULL) , l_acad_cal_type , l_person_id)

	l_prgm_inactive_chk := 'Y';
Line: 519

Line: 545

Line: 552

Line: 581

Line: 618

Line: 664

			-- Update the Enrolled_date of all the Unit Attempts that have passed the Unit step validation
			l_pass_uoo_ids := l_uoo_ids;
Line: 677

			      UPDATE IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT_ALL SET ENROLLED_DT = l_reg_update_int_rec.enr_form_received_dt WHERE ROWID = l_get_sua_upd_rec.ROWID;
Line: 700

			UPDATE igs_en_reg_upd_int
                            SET errors = l_message_text ,
                                creation_date      = l_creation_date     ,
                                last_update_date   = l_last_update_date  ,
                                created_by         = l_created_by        ,
                                last_updated_by    = l_last_updated_by   ,
                                last_update_login  = l_last_update_login ,
                                request_id         =       l_request_id            ,
                                program_id         =       l_program_id            ,
                                program_application_id =   l_program_application_id,
                                program_update_date     =  l_program_update_date
                            WHERE ROWID = l_reg_update_int_rec.ROWID ;
Line: 725

			-- Update all Administrative Program Details for the Programs that passed the validations.
			igs_as_sc_atmpt_enr_pkg .update_row (
			  X_ROWID		=> l_as_sc_atmpt_enr_rec.ROWID,
			  x_person_id		=> l_as_sc_atmpt_enr_rec.person_id,
			  x_course_cd		=> l_as_sc_atmpt_enr_rec.course_cd,
			  x_cal_type		=> l_as_sc_atmpt_enr_rec.cal_type,
			  x_ci_sequence_number	=> l_as_sc_atmpt_enr_rec.ci_sequence_number,
			  x_enrolment_cat	=> l_as_sc_atmpt_enr_rec.enrolment_cat,
			  x_enrolled_dt		=> l_reg_update_int_rec.enr_form_received_dt,
			  x_enr_form_due_dt	=> l_as_sc_atmpt_enr_rec.enr_form_due_dt ,
			  x_enr_pckg_prod_dt	=> l_as_sc_atmpt_enr_rec.enr_pckg_prod_dt ,
			  x_enr_form_received_dt => l_reg_update_int_rec.enr_form_received_dt ,
			  x_mode =>  'R'  );
Line: 748

	   -- Update the records with error message in the interface table
Line: 751

	   UPDATE igs_en_reg_upd_int
       SET errors = l_message_text ,
        creation_date      = l_creation_date     ,
        last_update_date   = l_last_update_date  ,
        created_by         = l_created_by        ,
        last_updated_by    = l_last_updated_by   ,
        last_update_login  = l_last_update_login ,
        request_id         =       l_request_id            ,
        program_id         =       l_program_id            ,
        program_application_id =   l_program_application_id,
        program_update_date     =  l_program_update_date
       WHERE ROWID = l_reg_update_int_rec.ROWID ;
Line: 770

	   UPDATE igs_en_reg_upd_int
       SET errors = l_message_text ,
        creation_date      = l_creation_date     ,
        last_update_date   = l_last_update_date  ,
        created_by         = l_created_by        ,
        last_updated_by    = l_last_updated_by   ,
        last_update_login  = l_last_update_login ,
        request_id         =       l_request_id            ,
        program_id         =       l_program_id            ,
        program_application_id =   l_program_application_id,
        program_update_date     =  l_program_update_date
       WHERE ROWID = l_reg_update_int_rec.ROWID ;
Line: 789

	   UPDATE igs_en_reg_upd_int
       SET errors = l_message_text ,
        creation_date      = l_creation_date     ,
        last_update_date   = l_last_update_date  ,
        created_by         = l_created_by        ,
        last_updated_by    = l_last_updated_by   ,
        last_update_login  = l_last_update_login ,
        request_id         =       l_request_id            ,
        program_id         =       l_program_id            ,
        program_application_id =   l_program_application_id,
        program_update_date     =  l_program_update_date
       WHERE ROWID = l_reg_update_int_rec.ROWID ;
Line: 806

	DELETE FROM igs_en_reg_upd_int
	WHERE ROWID = l_reg_update_int_rec.ROWID;
Line: 822

		UPDATE igs_en_reg_upd_int
        SET errors = l_message_text ,
        creation_date      = l_creation_date     ,
        last_update_date   = l_last_update_date  ,
        created_by         = l_created_by        ,
        last_updated_by    = l_last_updated_by   ,
        last_update_login  = l_last_update_login ,
        request_id         =       l_request_id            ,
        program_id         =       l_program_id            ,
        program_application_id =   l_program_application_id,
        program_update_date     =  l_program_update_date
        WHERE ROWID = l_reg_update_int_rec.ROWID ;
Line: 874

SELECT batch_description
FROM igs_en_reg_btch_int
WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 881

SELECT person_id_type
FROM igs_pe_person_id_typ
WHERE preferred_ind = 'Y';
Line: 888

SELECT person_id,full_name
FROM igs_pe_person_base_v
WHERE person_number = p_person_number;
Line: 895

SELECT api_person_id
FROM igs_pe_alt_pers_id
WHERE person_id_type = p_pers_id_type AND
      pe_person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 903

SELECT registration_id,person_number,course_cd,alternate_code,errors
FROM igs_en_reg_upd_int
WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id AND
      errors IS NOT NULL;
Line: 911

SELECT count(*)
FROM igs_en_reg_upd_int int
WHERE int.batch_id = p_batch_id ;