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Line 85: , po_headers_all phc

81: po_distributions_all pod
82: , po_line_locations_all psc
83: , po_lines_all plc
84: , po_doc_style_headers style
85: , po_headers_all phc
86: , po_headers_all ga
87: , hr_organization_information hro
88: WHERE inc.primary_key = pod.PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID
89: and phc.po_header_id = plc.po_header_id

Line 86: , po_headers_all ga

82: , po_line_locations_all psc
83: , po_lines_all plc
84: , po_doc_style_headers style
85: , po_headers_all phc
86: , po_headers_all ga
87: , hr_organization_information hro
88: WHERE inc.primary_key = pod.PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID
89: and phc.po_header_id = plc.po_header_id
90: and plc.po_line_id = psc.po_line_id

Line 107: , po_headers_all ph

103: and hro.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
104: and nvl(pod.distribution_type,'-99') <> 'AGREEMENT'
105: and exists (SELECT 'blanket item'
106: FROM po_lines_all pl
107: , po_headers_all ph
108: WHERE ph.type_lookup_code = 'BLANKET'
109: and ph.po_header_id = pl.po_header_id
110: and nvl(pl.unit_meas_lookup_code,
111: nvl(plc.unit_meas_lookup_code, '-1'))

Line 328: , po_headers_all phc

324: , po_distributions_all pod
325: , po_doc_style_headers style
326: , po_line_locations_all psc
327: , po_lines_all plc
328: , po_headers_all phc
329: , po_headers_all ga
330: WHERE inc.primary_key = pod.PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID
331: and phc.po_header_id = plc.po_header_id
332: and plc.po_line_id = psc.po_line_id

Line 329: , po_headers_all ga

325: , po_doc_style_headers style
326: , po_line_locations_all psc
327: , po_lines_all plc
328: , po_headers_all phc
329: , po_headers_all ga
330: WHERE inc.primary_key = pod.PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID
331: and phc.po_header_id = plc.po_header_id
332: and plc.po_line_id = psc.po_line_id
333: and psc.line_location_id = pod.line_location_id

Line 508: , po_headers_all phc

504: gl_sets_of_books gl
505: , po_distributions_all pod
506: , po_line_locations_all psc
507: , po_lines_all plc
508: , po_headers_all phc
509: , po_headers_all ga
510: , po_doc_style_headers style
511: , hr_organization_information hro
512: WHERE inc.primary_key = pod.PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID

Line 509: , po_headers_all ga

505: , po_distributions_all pod
506: , po_line_locations_all psc
507: , po_lines_all plc
508: , po_headers_all phc
509: , po_headers_all ga
510: , po_doc_style_headers style
511: , hr_organization_information hro
512: WHERE inc.primary_key = pod.PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID
513: and phc.po_header_id = plc.po_header_id

Line 532: , po_headers_all ph

528: and hro.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
529: and nvl(pod.distribution_type,'-99') <> 'AGREEMENT'
530: and not exists (SELECT 'blanket item'
531: FROM po_lines_all pl
532: , po_headers_all ph
533: WHERE ph.type_lookup_code = 'BLANKET'
534: and ph.po_header_id = pl.po_header_id
535: and nvl(pl.unit_meas_lookup_code,
536: nvl(plc.unit_meas_lookup_code, '-1'))

Line 828: , po_headers_all phc

824: FROM gl_sets_of_books gl
825: , po_distributions_all pod
826: , po_line_locations_all psc
827: , po_lines_all plc
828: , po_headers_all phc
829: WHERE pod.po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id
830: and pod.line_location_id = psc.line_location_id
831: and psc.po_line_id = plc.po_line_id
832: and plc.po_header_id = phc.po_header_id

Line 955: FUNCTION get_currency_conv_rate (p_from_currency_code po_headers_all.currency_code%type,

952: RAISE;
953: END insert_npcontract;
955: FUNCTION get_currency_conv_rate (p_from_currency_code po_headers_all.currency_code%type,
956: p_to_currency_code VARCHAR2,
957: p_rate_date DATE,
958: p_rate_type edw_local_system_parameters.rate_type%type) RETURN NUMBER
959: IS