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Line 1940: from pay_action_contexts pac,ff_contexts ffc

1936: between to_char(all_paf.effective_start_date,'YYYY')
1937: and to_char(all_paf.effective_end_date,'YYYY')
1938: and run_paa.assignment_id = all_paf.assignment_id
1939: and exists (select 1
1940: from pay_action_contexts pac,ff_contexts ffc
1941: where ffc.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
1942: and pac.context_id = ffc.context_id
1943: and pac.assignment_id = run_paa.assignment_id);

Line 2223: jurisdictions we got from pay_action_contexts for all

2219: loop
2220: result := 0;
2221: /* Now, set up the jurisdiction context for the db items that
2222: need the jurisdiction as a context.Here we are archiving all the
2223: jurisdictions we got from pay_action_contexts for all
2224: assignment_actions. So even though a particular assignment_action
2225: is for aparticular jurisdiction the archiver table has data for
2226: all the jurisdictions, but values of irrelevant jurisdictions will
2227: be 0 */