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1 package body BSC_SYNC_MVLOGS AS
2 /*$Header: BSCMVLGB.pls 120.3 2006/02/09 14:11 arsantha noship $*/
5   l_apps_schema varchar2(30);
6   CURSOR c_get_apps_schema is
7     SELECT oracle_username
8     FROM fnd_oracle_userid
9     WHERE oracle_id between 900 and 999;
10   /* In 11i on any env this query will always return
11      one row */
13   IF ( c_get_apps_schema%ISOPEN ) THEN
14     CLOSE c_get_apps_schema;
15   END IF;
16   OPEN  c_get_apps_schema;
17   FETCH c_get_apps_schema into l_apps_schema;
18   CLOSE c_get_apps_schema;
19   return l_apps_schema;
20 END;
22 function get_table_owner(p_table varchar2) return varchar2 is
23 l_owner varchar2(400);
24 l_stmt  varchar2(4000);
25 cursor c1(p_table varchar2) is select table_owner from user_synonyms where synonym_name=p_table;
26 -----------------------------------
27 Begin
28   if instr(p_table,'.')<>0 then
29     l_owner:=substr(p_table,1,instr(p_table,'.')-1);
30     return l_owner;
31   end if;
32   open c1(p_table);
33   fetch c1 into l_owner;
34   close c1;
35   if l_owner is null then
36     -- owner is apps return apps schema name
37     l_owner := get_apps_schema;
38   end if;
39   return l_owner;
40 Exception when others then
41   return null;
42 End;
44 --given a level table with the user_code column size change
45 --we have to modify all the I tables used by objectives
46 procedure alter_objective_input_tables(p_level in varchar2, p_owner in varchar2) is
47 cursor cInputTables(p_level_col varchar2, p_datatype varchar2, p_data_length varchar2 ) is
48 select cols.table_name
49   from all_tab_columns cols
50      , bsc_db_tables tbls
51  where cols.owner=p_owner
52    and cols.table_name=tbls.table_name
53    and tbls.table_type=0
54    and cols.column_name =p_level_col
55    and (cols.data_type<>p_datatype or cols.data_length <>p_data_length)
56 ;
58 l_level_col varchar2(100);
59 l_datatype varchar2(100);
60 l_length   number;
62 cursor cCol is
63 select level_pk_col, cols.data_type, cols.data_length
64   from bsc_sys_dim_levels_b  lvl
65      , all_tab_columns cols
66  where lvl.level_table_name=p_level
67    and lvl.level_table_name = cols.table_name
68    and lvl.level_pk_col = cols.column_name
69    and cols.owner = p_owner;
71 l_datatype_with_length varchar2(100);
73 begin
75   open cCol;
76   fetch cCol into l_level_col, l_datatype, l_length;
77   close cCol;
79   if l_length is not null then
80     l_datatype_with_length := l_datatype||'('||l_length||')';
81   end if;
82   for i in cInputTables(l_level_col, l_datatype, l_length) loop
83     execute immediate 'alter table '||p_owner||'.'||i.table_name||' modify '||l_level_col||' '||l_datatype_with_length;
84   end loop;
85 end;
88 procedure alter_mv_logs(p_level in varchar2, p_owner in varchar2) is
90   cursor c_mv_log_name is
91   select distinct log_table
92     from all_snapshot_logs
93     where master = p_level and log_owner = p_owner;
95   cursor cCols(p_mv_log varchar2) is
96   select cols.column_name, cols.data_type, cols.data_length
97     from bsc_sys_dim_levels_b lvl
98        , all_tab_columns cols
99    where lvl.level_table_name = p_level
100      and lvl.level_table_name = cols.table_name
101      and cols.owner = p_owner
102      and cols.data_type = 'VARCHAR2'
103      and (cols.column_name = 'LANGUAGE' or cols.column_name = 'NAME'
104           OR cols.column_name in -- code
105                  (select column_name
106                     from bsc_sys_dim_level_cols lvlcols
107                    where lvlcols.dim_level_id=lvl.dim_level_id
108                      and column_type='P')
109           OR cols.column_name in -- fk code
110                  (select relation_col
111                     from bsc_Sys_dim_level_rels rels
112                    where rels.dim_level_id=lvl.dim_level_id
113                      and rels.relation_type=1)
114          )
115    minus
116   select column_name, data_type, data_length
117     from all_tab_columns
118    where table_name =(select distinct log_table from all_snapshot_logs where log_owner=p_owner and log_table=p_mv_log )
119    and owner=p_owner
120    and data_type='VARCHAR2';
121   l_datatype_with_length varchar2(100);
123 begin
125   for i in c_mv_log_name loop
126     for j in cCols(i.log_table) loop
127       if j.data_length is not null then
128         l_datatype_with_length := j.data_type||'('||j.data_length||')';
129       else
130         l_datatype_with_length := j.data_type;
131       end if;
132       begin
133       execute immediate 'alter materialized view log on '||p_owner||'.'||p_level||' modify '||j.column_name||' '||l_datatype_with_length;
134       exception when others then
135         if sqlcode = -904 then -- column doesnt exist, so add it
136           -- dont add NAME
137           if j.column_name<>'NAME' then
138             execute immediate 'alter materialized view log on '||p_owner||'.'||p_level||' add '||j.column_name||' '||l_datatype_with_length;
139           end if;
140         end if;
141       end;
142     end loop;
143    end loop;
145 end;
147 --Fix bug#4180632: new function to syncronize the mv log structure with the
148 -- structure of the dimension table
149 -- It was decided on April 05, 2005 after a conference call between
150 -- Ling, Arun, Vladimir and Venu that we should not drop the columns of
151 -- the MV log as it is not supported.
152 -- This sync api is called only for structural changes and all affected KPIs
153 -- are marked as 3 by PMD. so it safe to drop the MV log at this point
154 -- The GDB process will recreate the MV log only on the REQUIRED columns
155 -- for that KPI. If the MV log exists and the reqd column is not there
156 -- we can add the column to the MV log.
158 -- Nov 14, 2005, changing MV log behavior after discussion of bug 4630892 between
159 -- Patricia, Venu, Ling, and Arun.
161 function sync_dim_table_mv_log(
162   p_dim_table_name in varchar2,
163   p_error_message out nocopy varchar2
164 ) return boolean is
165   l_table_owner varchar2(80);
166   l_sql VARCHAR2(1000);
167   l_mv_log_name VARCHAR2(1000);
168 Begin
169   l_table_owner := null;
170   -- get dimension table mv log name
171   l_table_owner := get_table_owner(p_dim_table_name);
173   -- if the user_code column has changed in length, these must be
174   -- propagated to the Input tables also (BSC_I tables)
176   alter_objective_input_tables(p_dim_table_name, l_table_owner);
178   -- alter the mv logs to increase column size or include new columns if required
179   --not required for now as name is removed in the upgrade script
180   --and mv logs on dims have only code and fk_code both of which are numbers
181   alter_mv_logs(p_dim_table_name, l_table_owner);
184   return true;
185   Exception
186   when others then
187     p_error_message := sqlerrm;
188     return false;
189 End;
192 -- drop mv log, only called from upgrade
194 function drop_dim_table_mv_log(
195   p_dim_table_name in varchar2,
196   p_error_message out nocopy varchar2
197 ) return boolean is
198   ------------------------------------------
199   cursor c_mv_log_name (p_table_name varchar2, p_table_owner varchar2) is
200     select log_table
201     from all_snapshot_logs
202     where master = p_table_name and log_owner = p_table_owner;
203   ------------------------------------------
204   l_table_owner varchar2(80);
205   l_sql VARCHAR2(1000);
206   l_mv_log_name VARCHAR2(1000);
207 Begin
208   l_table_owner := null;
209   -- get dimension table mv log name
210   l_table_owner := get_table_owner(p_dim_table_name);
212   ------------------------------------------
213   open c_mv_log_name(p_dim_table_name, l_table_owner);
214   fetch c_mv_log_name into l_mv_log_name;
215   if c_mv_log_name%notfound then
216     -- no mv log created for this dimension
217     close c_mv_log_name;
218     return true;
219   end if;
220   ------------------------------------------
222   l_sql := 'drop materialized view log on ';
223   if (l_table_owner is not null) then
224     l_sql := l_sql||l_table_owner||'.';
225   end if;
226   l_sql := l_sql||p_dim_table_name;
227   execute immediate l_sql;
228   return true;
229   Exception
230   when others then
231     p_error_message := sqlerrm;
232     return false;
233 End;