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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_av_val_asuleb AS
2 /* $Header: IGSAV07B.pls 115.7 2003/12/10 07:40:42 nalkumar ship $ */
5   -- To validate the basis year advanced standing units or levels.
6   FUNCTION advp_val_basis_year(
7   p_basis_year IN NUMBER ,
8   p_course_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
9   p_version_number IN NUMBER ,
10   p_message_name OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
11   p_return_type OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 )
13     gv_other_detail   VARCHAR2(255);
14   BEGIN -- advp_val_basis_year
15     -- validate the basis year
17     v_qualification_recency IGS_PS_VER.qualification_recency%TYPE;
18     CURSOR c_qualification_recency IS
19       SELECT  qualification_recency
20       FROM  IGS_PS_VER
21       WHERE   course_cd = p_course_cd AND
22         version_number = p_version_number;
23   BEGIN
24      p_message_name := null;
25     -- Validate input parameter
26     IF (p_basis_year IS NULL OR
27       p_course_cd IS NULL OR
28       p_version_number IS NULL) THEN
29       RETURN TRUE;
30     END IF;
31     -- Validate that basis_year is not greater than the current year.(E)
33       p_message_name := 'IGS_AV_LYENR_NOTGT_CURYR';
34       p_return_type := 'E';
35       RETURN FALSE;
36     END IF;
37     -- Validate that basis_yr is not outside the recency for the IGS_PS_COURSE version (W)
38     OPEN c_qualification_recency;
39     FETCH c_qualification_recency INTO v_qualification_recency;
40     IF (c_qualification_recency%NOTFOUND) THEN
41       CLOSE c_qualification_recency;
43     END IF;
44     CLOSE c_qualification_recency;
45         IF (p_basis_year <
46       TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(IGS_GE_DATE.IGSCHAR(SYSDATE),1,4)) - v_qualification_recency) THEN
47         p_message_name := 'IGS_AV_LRENR_OUTSIDE_QUALIFY';
48         p_return_type := 'W';
49         RETURN FALSE;
50       END IF;
54       Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS', 'IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXP');
55       Fnd_Message.Set_Token('NAME','IGS_AV_VAL_ASULEB.ADVP_VAL_BASIS_YEAR');
56       App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
58     END;
59   END advp_val_basis_year;
61   PROCEDURE create_transcript
62   (
63     document_id   IN      VARCHAR2,
64     display_type  IN      VARCHAR2,
65     document      IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB,
66     document_type IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
67   ) IS
68   /*
69     ||==============================================================================||
70     ||  Created By : Nalin Kumar                                                    ||
71     ||  Created On : 15-Nov-2003                                                    ||
72     ||  Purpose    : To set the value of the Attributes attached to the messages.   ||
73     ||               Added as part of RECR50; Bug# 3270446                          ||
74     ||                                                                              ||
75     ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :                                ||
76     ||  Change History :                                                            ||
77     ||  Who             When            What                                        ||
78     ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)                         ||
79     ||==============================================================================||
80   */
81     l_item_type        VARCHAR2(300);
82     l_item_key         VARCHAR2(300);
83     l_item             VARCHAR2(32000);
84     l_message          VARCHAR2(32000);
85   BEGIN
86     IF document_id IS NOT NULL THEN
87       --Fetch the item Type, Item Key and Item Name from the passed Document ID.
88       l_item_type := substr(document_id, 1, instr(document_id,':')-1);
89       l_item_key  := substr (document_id, INSTR(document_id, ':') +1,  (INSTR(document_id, '*') - INSTR(document_id, ':'))-1) ;
90       l_item := substr(document_id, instr(document_id,'*')+1);
91       l_message := NULL;
92       IF l_item IS NOT NULL THEN
93         --
94         -- If the Item Name is not null then get the value of the item from the WF
95         -- and return it to the message in a document (CLOB) format.
96         --
97         l_message := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => l_item_type,
98                                                 itemkey  => l_item_key,
99                                                 aname    => l_item);
100       END IF;
101     END IF;
102     /* Write the header doc into CLOB variable */
103     WF_NOTIFICATION.WriteToClob(document, l_message);
106       wf_core.context('igs_av_val_asuleb','create_transcript',l_item_type,l_item_key);
107       RAISE;
108   END create_transcript;
110   PROCEDURE wf_set_role(
111     itemtype  IN  VARCHAR2,
112     itemkey   IN  VARCHAR2,
113     actid     IN  NUMBER  ,
114     funcmode  IN  VARCHAR2,
115     resultout OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) AS
116   /*
117     ||==============================================================================||
118     ||  Created By : Nalin Kumar                                                    ||
119     ||  Created On : 15-Nov-2003                                                    ||
120     ||  Purpose    : To set the role and decide that which all notification needs   ||
121     ||               to be sent. Added as part of RECR50; Bug# 3270446              ||
122     ||                                                                              ||
123     ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :                                ||
124     ||  Change History :                                                            ||
125     ||  Who             When            What                                        ||
126     ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)                         ||
127     ||==============================================================================||
128   */
129     l_notification_flag   VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
130     l_del_basis_dtls_body VARCHAR2(4000);
131     l_mod_basis_dtls_body VARCHAR2(4000);
132     l_new_basis_dtls_body VARCHAR2(4000);
133     l_basis_header VARCHAR2(32000);
134     l_msg_document_plsql_proc VARCHAR2(32000);
136   BEGIN
137     IF (funcmode  = 'RUN') THEN
139       --
140       -- Validate the Advanced Standing Records and set the Parameters Values
141       --
142       get_transcript_data(
143         p_itemtype        => itemtype,
144         p_itemkey         => itemkey ,
145         p_person_id     => wf_engine.getitemattrtext(itemtype,itemkey,'P_STUDENT_ID'),
146         p_education_id  => wf_engine.getitemattrtext(itemtype,itemkey,'P_REC_EDUCATION_ID'),
147         p_transcript_id => wf_engine.getitemattrtext(itemtype,itemkey,'P_REC_TRANSCRIPT_ID'));
149       wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType  =>  itemtype,
150                                 ItemKey   =>  itemkey,
151                                 aname     =>  'IA_ADHOCROLE',
152                                 avalue    =>  wf_engine.getitemattrtext(itemtype,itemkey,'IA_REC_ADHOCROLE'));
154       l_del_basis_dtls_body := wf_engine.getitemattrtext(itemtype,itemkey,'P_REC_DEL_UDTL');
155       l_mod_basis_dtls_body := wf_engine.getitemattrtext(itemtype,itemkey,'P_REC_MOD_UDTL');
156       l_new_basis_dtls_body := wf_engine.getitemattrtext(itemtype,itemkey,'P_REC_NEW_BDTL');
158       -- Based on the value of l_del_basis_dtls_body, l_mod_basis_dtls_body and l_new_basis_dtls_body
159       -- set the lookup code value.
160       IF l_del_basis_dtls_body IS NOT NULL THEN
161         l_notification_flag := 'D';
162       END IF;
163       IF l_mod_basis_dtls_body IS NOT NULL THEN
164         l_notification_flag := l_notification_flag||'M';
165       END IF;
166       IF l_new_basis_dtls_body IS NOT NULL THEN
167         l_notification_flag := l_notification_flag||'N';
168       END IF;
170       --
171       --Based on the value of the Notification Flag set the value of the Message Attributes.
172       --
173       IF NVL(l_notification_flag, 'Z') IN ('D', 'DM', 'DN', 'DMN') THEN
174         wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType  => itemtype,
175                                   ItemKey   => itemkey,
176                                   aname     => 'P_DEL_UDTL',
177                                   avalue    => 'PLSQLCLOB:igs_av_val_asuleb.create_transcript/'||itemtype||':'||itemkey||'*P_REC_DEL_UDTL');
178         wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType  => itemtype,
179                                   ItemKey   => itemkey,
180                                   aname     => 'P_DEL_BDTL',
181                                   avalue    => 'PLSQLCLOB:igs_av_val_asuleb.create_transcript/'||itemtype||':'||itemkey||'*P_REC_DEL_BDTL');
182       END IF;
183       IF NVL(l_notification_flag, 'Z') IN ('DM', 'MN', 'M', 'DMN') THEN
184         wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType  => itemtype,
185                                   ItemKey   => itemkey,
186                                   aname     => 'P_MOD_UDTL',
187                                   avalue    => 'PLSQLCLOB:igs_av_val_asuleb.create_transcript/'||itemtype||':'||itemkey||'*P_REC_MOD_UDTL');
188         wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType  => itemtype,
189                                   ItemKey   => itemkey,
190                                   aname     => 'P_MOD_BDTL',
191                                   avalue    => 'PLSQLCLOB:igs_av_val_asuleb.create_transcript/'||itemtype||':'||itemkey||'*P_REC_MOD_BDTL');
192       END IF;
193       IF NVL(l_notification_flag, 'Z') IN ('DMN', 'DN', 'MN', 'N') THEN
194         wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType  => itemtype,
195                                   ItemKey   => itemkey,
196                                   aname     => 'P_NEW_BDTL',
197                                   avalue    => 'PLSQLCLOB:igs_av_val_asuleb.create_transcript/'||itemtype||':'||itemkey||'*P_REC_NEW_BDTL');
199       END IF;
201       --
202       --Return the l_notification_flag which will indicate that which all notifications need to be sent.
203       --
204       resultout := 'COMPLETE:'||l_notification_flag;
205       RETURN;
206     END IF;
207   END wf_set_role;
209   PROCEDURE validate_transcript(
210     p_person_id     IN NUMBER,
211     p_education_id  IN NUMBER,
212     p_transcript_id IN NUMBER) IS
213   /*
214     ||==============================================================================||
215     ||  Created By : Nalin Kumar                                                    ||
216     ||  Created On : 15-Nov-2003                                                    ||
217     ||  Purpose    : To launch the IGSAV001 workflow and set the attributes values. ||
218     ||               Added as part of RECR50; Bug# 3270446                          ||
219     ||                                                                              ||
220     ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :                                ||
221     ||  Change History :                                                            ||
222     ||  Who             When            What                                        ||
223     ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)                         ||
224     ||==============================================================================||
225   */
226     l_event_t          wf_event_t;
227     l_raise_event      VARCHAR2(50);
228     l_seq_val         VARCHAR2(100) := 'IGSAV001'||to_char(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS');
229     l_parameter_list_t wf_parameter_list_t;
230   BEGIN
232     l_raise_event := 'oracle.apps.igs.av.validate_transcript';
233     --
234     -- initialize the wf_event_t object
235     --
236     wf_event_t.initialize(l_event_t);
238     --
239     -- Adding the parameters to the parameter list
240     --
241     wf_event.addparametertolist( p_name    => 'P_STUDENT_ID',
242                                  p_value   => p_person_id  ,
243                                  p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list_t);
245     wf_event.addparametertolist( p_name    => 'P_REC_EDUCATION_ID',
246                                  p_value   => p_education_id,
247                                  p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list_t);
248     wf_event.addparametertolist( p_name    => 'P_REC_TRANSCRIPT_ID',
249                                  p_value   => p_transcript_id,
250                                  p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list_t);
252     -- Set this role to the workflow
253     wf_event.addparametertolist( p_name    => 'IA_REC_ADHOCROLE',
254                                  p_value   => fnd_global.user_name,
255                                  p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list_t);
257     G_ITEM_TYPE := l_seq_val;
259     --Raise the event...
260     wf_event.raise (p_event_name => l_raise_event,
261                     p_event_key  => l_seq_val,
262                     p_parameters => l_parameter_list_t);
264     --
265     -- Deleting the Parameter list after the event is raised
266     --
267     l_parameter_list_t.delete;
270     wf_core.context('IGS_AV_VAL_ASULEB', 'VALIDATE_TRANSCRIPT',
271     l_seq_val,l_raise_event);
272     RAISE;
273   END validate_transcript;
275   --
276   -- To validate the Advanced Standing records when a new Transcript is submitted.
277   --
278   PROCEDURE get_transcript_data(
279     p_itemtype      IN  VARCHAR2,
280     p_itemkey       IN  VARCHAR2,
281     p_person_id     IN NUMBER,
282     p_education_id  IN NUMBER,
283     p_transcript_id IN NUMBER) IS
284   /*
285     ||==============================================================================||
286     ||  Created By : Nalin Kumar                                                    ||
287     ||  Created On : 15-Nov-2003                                                    ||
288     ||  Purpose    : Created this procedure as per RECR050 Build. Bug# 3270446      ||
289     ||               This is to validate the Advanced Standing records when a new   ||
290     ||               Transcript is submitted.                                       ||
291     ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :                                ||
292     ||  Change History :                                                            ||
293     ||  Who             When            What                                        ||
294     ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)                         ||
295     ||==============================================================================||
296   */
297     --
298     CURSOR cur_get_unit_details_id(cp_unit_details_id NUMBER, cp_unit VARCHAR2, cp_term_details_id NUMBER) IS
299     SELECT unit, term_details_id, unit_details_id, cp_attempted, cp_earned, grade, unit_grade_points
300     FROM igs_ad_term_unitdtls
301     WHERE unit_details_id = NVL(cp_unit_details_id, unit_details_id)
302     AND unit = NVL(cp_unit, unit)
303     AND term_details_id = NVL(cp_term_details_id, term_details_id);
304     rec_get_old_unit_details cur_get_unit_details_id%ROWTYPE;
305     rec_get_new_unit_details cur_get_unit_details_id%ROWTYPE;
307     --Cursor to fetch all terms attached to the Transcript.
308     CURSOR cur_get_term_dtls(cp_transcript_id NUMBER, cp_term_details_id NUMBER)IS
309     SELECT term_details_id, transcript_id
310     FROM igs_ad_term_details
311     WHERE transcript_id = NVL(cp_transcript_id, transcript_id) AND
312           term_details_id = NVL(cp_term_details_id, term_details_id);
313     rec_get_old_term_dtls cur_get_term_dtls%ROWTYPE;
315     --Cursor to get the Advanced Standing records for Student.
316     CURSOR cur_chk_adv(cp_person_id NUMBER, cp_exemption_institution_cd VARCHAR2) IS
317     SELECT DISTINCT rslt.unit_details_id FROM (
318       SELECT DISTINCT unit_details_id
319       FROM igs_av_stnd_unit_all
320       WHERE person_id = cp_person_id
321       AND exemption_institution_cd = cp_exemption_institution_cd
322       AND unit_details_id IS NOT NULL
323       UNION ALL
324       SELECT DISTINCT unit_details_id
325       FROM igs_av_stnd_unit_lvl_all
326       WHERE person_id = cp_person_id
327       AND exemption_institution_cd = cp_exemption_institution_cd
328       AND unit_details_id IS NOT NULL) rslt;
329     rec_chk_adv cur_chk_adv%ROWTYPE;
331     nbsp VARCHAR2(10) := fnd_global.local_chr(38) || 'nbsp;';
332     --Cursor to find if there is any new Unit attached to the New Transcript which was not attached to the old transcript.
333     CURSOR cur_chk_new_tran(cp_new_tid NUMBER, cp_old_transcript_id NUMBER) IS
334     SELECT '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(nt.unit, nbsp), 10))||'</td>'     new_unit,
335            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(td.term, nbsp), 30))||'</td>'     term_completed,
336            '<td align="center">'||(LPAD(NVL(TO_CHAR(nt.cp_earned), nbsp), 7))||'</td>' cp_earned,
337            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(nt.grade, nbsp),10))||'</td>'     grade
338     FROM igs_ad_term_unitdtls nt, igs_ad_term_details td
339     WHERE nt.term_details_id = cp_new_tid
340     AND td.term_details_id = nt.term_details_id
342     (SELECT 'x'
343       FROM igs_ad_term_unitdtls ot
344       WHERE ot.term_details_id IN (select term_details_id FROM igs_ad_term_details WHERE transcript_id = cp_old_transcript_id)
345       AND ot.unit = nt.unit);
347     --Cursor to fetch the Advanced Standing details which has to be Deleted/Updated.
348     CURSOR cur_del_adv_dtls (cp_person_id       NUMBER,
349                              cp_unit_details_id NUMBER )IS
350     SELECT '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(av.cal_type, nbsp), 12))||'</td>'                    cal_type,
351            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(av.unit_cd, nbsp), 15))||'</td>'                     unit,
352            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(av.s_adv_stnd_recognition_type, nbsp), 30))||'</td>' ece_type,
353            '<td align="center">'||(LPAD(NVL(TO_CHAR(av.achievable_credit_points), nbsp), 9))||'</td>' credit_points,
354            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(av.s_adv_stnd_granting_status, nbsp), 30))||'</td>'  adv_status,
355            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(TO_CHAR(av.approved_dt), nbsp), 13))||'</td>'        approved_dt,
356            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(av.exemption_institution_cd, nbsp), 30))||'</td>'    exemption_institution_cd,
357            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(atu.unit, nbsp), 10))||'</td>'                       new_unit,
358            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(TO_CHAR(atu.cp_earned), nbsp), 7))||'</td>'          new_cp_earned,
359            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(atu.grade, nbsp), 10))||'</td>'                      new_grade,
360            'UNIT' lvl,
361            av.av_stnd_unit_id pk
362     FROM igs_av_stnd_unit_all av,
363          igs_ad_term_unitdtls atu
364     WHERE av.person_id = cp_person_id
365     AND av.unit_details_id = cp_unit_details_id
366     AND atu.unit_details_id = av.unit_details_id
367     UNION ALL
368     SELECT '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(avl.cal_type, '& '), 12))||'</td>'                   cal_type,
369            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(avl.unit_level, nbsp), 15))||'</td>'                 unit,
370            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(nbsp, 30))||'</td>'                                      ece_type,
371            '<td align="center">'||(LPAD(NVL(TO_CHAR(avl.credit_points), nbsp),9))||'</td>'       credit_points,
372            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(avl.s_adv_stnd_granting_status, nbsp), 30))||'</td>' adv_status,
373            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(TO_CHAR(avl.approved_dt), nbsp), 13))||'</td>'       approved_dt,
374            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(avl.exemption_institution_cd, nbsp), 30))||'</td>'   exemption_institution_cd,
375            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(atu1.unit, nbsp), 10))||'</td>'                      new_unit,
376            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(TO_CHAR(atu1.cp_earned), nbsp), 7))||'</td>'         new_cp_earned,
377            '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(atu1.grade, nbsp), 10))||'</td>'                     new_grade,
378            'UNIT LEVEL' lvl,
379            avl.av_stnd_unit_lvl_id pk
380     FROM igs_av_stnd_unit_lvl_all avl,
381          igs_ad_term_unitdtls atu1
382     WHERE avl.person_id = cp_person_id
383     AND avl.unit_details_id = cp_unit_details_id
384     AND atu1.unit_details_id = avl.unit_details_id;
386     --Select Advanced Standing Unit records for updation of unit_details_id.
387     CURSOR cur_get_adv_unit_dtls(cp_av_stnd_unit_id NUMBER) IS
388     SELECT unit.rowid,
389            unit.*
390     FROM igs_av_stnd_unit_all unit
391     WHERE unit.av_stnd_unit_id = cp_av_stnd_unit_id
392     FOR UPDATE OF unit_details_id;
393     rec_get_adv_unit_dtls cur_get_adv_unit_dtls%ROWTYPE;
395     --Select Advanced Standing Unit Level records for updation of unit_details_id.
396     CURSOR cur_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls(cp_av_stnd_unit_lvl_id NUMBER) IS
397     SELECT unl_lvl.rowid,
398            unl_lvl.*
399     FROM igs_av_stnd_unit_lvl_all unl_lvl
400     WHERE unl_lvl.av_stnd_unit_lvl_id = cp_av_stnd_unit_lvl_id
401     FOR UPDATE OF unit_details_id;
402     rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls cur_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls%ROWTYPE;
404     --Cursor to fetch the New Term Name
405     CURSOR cur_get_term(cp_term_details_id NUMBER) IS
406     SELECT '<td align="center">'||(RPAD(NVL(td.term, nbsp), 30))||'</td>' term_completed
407     FROM igs_ad_term_details td
408     WHERE td.term_details_id = cp_term_details_id;
409     rec_get_term cur_get_term%ROWTYPE;
410     rec_get_new_term cur_get_term%ROWTYPE;
412     --Cursor to fetch the Alt Unit Details for the Unit Advanced Standing.
413     CURSOR cur_get_alt_unit(cp_av_stnd_unit_id NUMBER) IS
414     SELECT alt.rowid
415     FROM igs_av_stnd_alt_unit alt
416     WHERE alt.av_stnd_unit_id = cp_av_stnd_unit_id;
417     rec_get_alt_unit cur_get_alt_unit%ROWTYPE;
419     --Cursor to fetch the Basis Details for the Unit Advanced Standing.
420     CURSOR cur_get_bas_dtl(cp_av_stnd_unit_id NUMBER) IS
421     SELECT bas.rowid
422     FROM igs_av_std_unt_basis_all bas
423     WHERE bas.av_stnd_unit_id = cp_av_stnd_unit_id;
424     rec_get_bas_dtl cur_get_bas_dtl%ROWTYPE;
426     --Cursor to fetch the Basis Details for the Unit Level Advanced Standing.
427     CURSOR cur_get_bas_lvl(cp_av_stnd_unit_lvl_id  NUMBER) IS
428     SELECT lvl.rowid
429     FROM igs_av_std_ulvlbasis_all lvl
430     WHERE lvl.av_stnd_unit_lvl_id = cp_av_stnd_unit_lvl_id;
431     rec_get_bas_lvl cur_get_bas_lvl%ROWTYPE;
433     -- Cursor to fetch the Institution Code
434     CURSOR cur_get_inst_cd(cp_education_id NUMBER) IS
435     SELECT institution_code
436     FROM igs_ad_acad_history_v
437     WHERE education_id = cp_education_id;
438     rec_get_inst_cd cur_get_inst_cd%ROWTYPE;
440     l_del_unit_details_body VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL;
441     l_del_basis_dtls_body   VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL;
442     l_mod_unit_details_body VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL;
443     l_mod_basis_dtls_body   VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL;
444     l_new_basis_dtls_body   VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL;
445     l_adv_deleted   VARCHAR2(1);
446     l_grade_changed VARCHAR2(1);
447     l_new_unit      VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
448   BEGIN
449     --
450     -- Fetch the Institution Code from the Education Code.
451     --
452     OPEN cur_get_inst_cd(p_education_id);
453     FETCH cur_get_inst_cd INTO rec_get_inst_cd;
454     CLOSE cur_get_inst_cd;
456     -- o Try to find that if the Student has any Advanced Standing Records for given Institution.
457     FOR rec_chk_adv IN cur_chk_adv(p_person_id, rec_get_inst_cd.institution_code) LOOP
458       --Initilalize the variables...
459       l_adv_deleted   := 'N';
460       l_grade_changed := 'N';
462       --Get the Old Transcript Details and Unit associated with it...
463       OPEN cur_get_unit_details_id(rec_chk_adv.unit_details_id, NULL, NULL);
464       FETCH cur_get_unit_details_id INTO rec_get_old_unit_details;
465       CLOSE cur_get_unit_details_id;
467       -- Fetch all Terms attached to the New Transcript and check if all Unit is
468       --  attached to it, which were attached to the Old Transcript...
469       l_grade_changed := 'N';
471       --Fetch Old Transcript Id
472       OPEN cur_get_term_dtls(NULL, rec_get_old_unit_details.term_details_id);
473       FETCH cur_get_term_dtls INTO rec_get_old_term_dtls;  --rec_get_old_term_dtls.transcript_id --Old Transcript Id
474       CLOSE cur_get_term_dtls;
476       -- Fetch all Terms attached to the New Transcript...
477       FOR rec_get_new_term_id IN cur_get_term_dtls(p_transcript_id, NULL) LOOP  --New Terms...
478         -- Fetch New Term Name.
479         OPEN cur_get_term(rec_get_new_term_id.term_details_id);
480         FETCH cur_get_term INTO rec_get_new_term;
481         CLOSE cur_get_term;
483         IF l_grade_changed = 'N' THEN
484           OPEN cur_get_unit_details_id(NULL, rec_get_old_unit_details.unit, rec_get_new_term_id.term_details_id);
485           FETCH cur_get_unit_details_id INTO rec_get_new_unit_details;
486             IF cur_get_unit_details_id%FOUND THEN
487               -- The new transcript has the old unit associated with it.
488               -- ooo Check for Grade Details Changed
489               IF NVL(rec_get_old_unit_details.cp_attempted, -1)      <> NVL(rec_get_new_unit_details.cp_attempted, -1)      OR
490                  NVL(rec_get_old_unit_details.cp_earned, -1)         <> NVL(rec_get_new_unit_details.cp_earned, -1)         OR
491                  NVL(rec_get_old_unit_details.grade, 'NULL')         <> NVL(rec_get_new_unit_details.grade, 'NULL')         OR
492                  NVL(rec_get_old_unit_details.unit_grade_points, -1) <> NVL(rec_get_new_unit_details.unit_grade_points, -1) THEN
493                 --Put a flag to indicate that there is some Grade differences and it needs to be verified.
494                 l_grade_changed := 'Y';
495               ELSE
496                 l_grade_changed := 'U';
497               END IF;
498             END IF;
499           CLOSE cur_get_unit_details_id;
500         END IF;
502         --Check for New Units...
503         --If the new transcript has units that are not in transcript that the advanced standing
504         --records are based upon, a notification is sent describing the new unit details.
505         IF l_new_unit = 'N' THEN
506           --Fetch all new Units details attached to the New Transcript...
507           FOR rec_chk_new_tran IN cur_chk_new_tran(TO_NUMBER(rec_get_new_term_id.term_details_id),
508                                                    TO_NUMBER(rec_get_old_term_dtls.transcript_id)) LOOP
509             --Populate the Basis Details...
510             l_new_basis_dtls_body := l_new_basis_dtls_body
511                                      ||'<tr><td align="center">'||(RPAD(rec_get_inst_cd.institution_code,30))||'</td>'||
512                                      rec_chk_new_tran.new_unit||
513                                      rec_get_new_term.term_completed||
514                                      rec_chk_new_tran.cp_earned||
515                                      rec_chk_new_tran.grade||'</tr>';
516           END LOOP;
517         END IF;
518       END LOOP;
520       IF l_new_basis_dtls_body IS NOT NULL THEN
521         --Put a flag to indicate that all new units details has been fetched and
522         --no futher processing is required.
523         l_new_unit := 'Y';
524       END IF;
526       IF l_grade_changed NOT IN ('Y', 'U') THEN
527         --Put a flag to indecate that the Advanced Standing Deletion notification needs to be sent.
528         l_adv_deleted := 'Y';
529       END IF;
531       -- Fetch the Old Term Name.
532       OPEN cur_get_term(rec_get_old_unit_details.term_details_id);
533       FETCH cur_get_term INTO rec_get_term;
534       CLOSE cur_get_term;
535       --Fetch all Advanced Standing Records
536       IF l_adv_deleted = 'Y' OR l_grade_changed IN ('Y','U') THEN
537         FOR rec_del_adv_dtls IN cur_del_adv_dtls(p_person_id,
538                                                  rec_get_old_unit_details.unit_details_id) LOOP
540           IF l_adv_deleted = 'Y' THEN
541             --Populate the Unit Details...
542             l_del_unit_details_body := l_del_unit_details_body||'<tr>'||rec_del_adv_dtls.cal_type||rec_del_adv_dtls.unit||
543                                    rec_del_adv_dtls.ece_type||rec_del_adv_dtls.credit_points||rec_del_adv_dtls.adv_status||
544                                    rec_del_adv_dtls.approved_dt||'</tr>';
545             --Populate the Basis Details...
546             l_del_basis_dtls_body := l_del_basis_dtls_body||'<tr>'||rec_del_adv_dtls.exemption_institution_cd||rec_del_adv_dtls.new_unit||
547                                      rec_get_term.term_completed||rec_del_adv_dtls.new_cp_earned||rec_del_adv_dtls.new_grade||'</tr>';
548             -- ** Delete the Advanced Standing related records for the given p_person_id,
549             -- ** p_transcript_id and rec_get_old_unit_details.unit_details_id
550 --/*
551             IF RTRIM(rec_del_adv_dtls.lvl) = 'UNIT' AND SUBSTR(rec_del_adv_dtls.ece_type, 20, 10) = 'PRECLUSION' THEN
552               --Check if there exists any Alternate Unit Details; If exists then delete it;
553               FOR rec_get_alt_unit IN cur_get_alt_unit(rec_del_adv_dtls.pk) LOOP
554                 igs_av_stnd_alt_unit_pkg.delete_row(X_ROWID => rec_get_alt_unit.rowid);
555               END LOOP;
557               --Check if there exists any Unit Basis Details; If exists then delete it;
558               FOR rec_get_bas_dtl IN cur_get_bas_dtl(rec_del_adv_dtls.pk) LOOP
559                 igs_av_std_unt_basis_pkg.delete_row(X_ROWID => rec_get_bas_dtl.rowid);
560               END LOOP;
562               --Fetch the Advanced Standing Unit Record for deletion...
563               OPEN cur_get_adv_unit_dtls(rec_del_adv_dtls.pk);
564               FETCH cur_get_adv_unit_dtls INTO rec_get_adv_unit_dtls;
565               CLOSE cur_get_adv_unit_dtls;
566               igs_av_stnd_unit_pkg.delete_row(X_ROWID => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.rowid);
567             ELSIF  RTRIM(rec_del_adv_dtls.lvl) = 'UNIT' AND SUBSTR(rec_del_adv_dtls.ece_type, 20, 10) <> 'PRECLUSION' THEN
568               --Check if there exists any Unit Basis Details; If exists then delete it;
569               FOR rec_get_bas_dtl IN cur_get_bas_dtl(rec_del_adv_dtls.pk) LOOP
570                 igs_av_std_unt_basis_pkg.delete_row(X_ROWID => rec_get_bas_dtl.rowid);
571               END LOOP;
573               --Fetch the Advanced Standing Unit Record for deletion...
574               OPEN cur_get_adv_unit_dtls(rec_del_adv_dtls.pk);
575               FETCH cur_get_adv_unit_dtls INTO rec_get_adv_unit_dtls;
576               CLOSE cur_get_adv_unit_dtls;
577               igs_av_stnd_unit_pkg.delete_row(X_ROWID => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.rowid);
578             ELSIF RTRIM(rec_del_adv_dtls.lvl) = 'UNIT LEVEL' THEN
579               --Check if there exists any Unit Level Basis Details; If exists then delete it;
580               FOR rec_get_bas_lvl IN cur_get_bas_lvl(rec_del_adv_dtls.pk) LOOP
581                 igs_av_std_ulvlbasis_pkg.delete_row(X_ROWID => rec_get_bas_lvl.rowid);
582               END LOOP;
584               --Fetch the Advanced Standing Unit Level Record for deletion...
585               OPEN cur_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls(rec_del_adv_dtls.pk);
586               FETCH cur_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls INTO rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls;
587               CLOSE cur_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls;
588               igs_av_stnd_unit_lvl_pkg.delete_row(X_ROWID => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.rowid);
589             END IF;
590 --*/
591           ELSIF l_grade_changed IN ('Y', 'U') THEN
592             IF l_grade_changed = 'Y' THEN
593               --Populate the Unit Details...
594               l_mod_unit_details_body := l_mod_unit_details_body||'<tr>'||rec_del_adv_dtls.cal_type||rec_del_adv_dtls.unit||
595                                      rec_del_adv_dtls.ece_type||rec_del_adv_dtls.credit_points||rec_del_adv_dtls.adv_status||
596                                      rec_del_adv_dtls.approved_dt||'</tr>';
597               --Populate the Basis Details...
598               l_mod_basis_dtls_body := l_mod_basis_dtls_body||'<tr>'||rec_del_adv_dtls.exemption_institution_cd||rec_del_adv_dtls.new_unit||
599                                        rec_get_term.term_completed||rec_del_adv_dtls.new_cp_earned||rec_del_adv_dtls.new_grade||'</tr>';
600             END IF;
601             -- oooo Update Transcript Details Pointer
602             -- ** Before exiting, the advanced standing record is updated to reflect the
603             -- ** association with new transcript by updating each UNIT_DETAILS_ID in
605             -- ** equals the EDUCATION_ID parameter to point to the unit under the new transcript.
607             IF rec_del_adv_dtls.lvl = 'UNIT' THEN
608               OPEN cur_get_adv_unit_dtls(rec_del_adv_dtls.pk);
609               FETCH cur_get_adv_unit_dtls INTO rec_get_adv_unit_dtls;
610                 IF cur_get_adv_unit_dtls%FOUND THEN
611                   igs_av_stnd_unit_pkg.update_row(
612                     X_ROWID                        => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.rowid                      ,
613                     X_PERSON_ID                    => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.person_id                  ,
614                     X_AS_COURSE_CD                 => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.as_course_cd               ,
615                     X_AS_VERSION_NUMBER            => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.as_version_number          ,
616                     X_S_ADV_STND_TYPE              => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.s_adv_stnd_type            ,
617                     X_UNIT_CD                      => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.unit_cd                    ,
618                     X_VERSION_NUMBER               => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.version_number             ,
619                     X_S_ADV_STND_GRANTING_STATUS   => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.s_adv_stnd_granting_status ,
620                     X_CREDIT_PERCENTAGE            => NULL                                             ,
621                     X_S_ADV_STND_RECOGNITION_TYPE  => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.s_adv_stnd_recognition_type,
622                     X_APPROVED_DT                  => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.approved_dt                ,
623                     X_AUTHORISING_PERSON_ID        => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.authorising_person_id      ,
624                     X_CRS_GROUP_IND                => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.crs_group_ind              ,
625                     X_EXEMPTION_INSTITUTION_CD     => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.exemption_institution_cd   ,
626                     X_GRANTED_DT                   => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.granted_dt                 ,
627                     X_EXPIRY_DT                    => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.expiry_dt                  ,
628                     X_CANCELLED_DT                 => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.cancelled_dt               ,
629                     X_REVOKED_DT                   => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.revoked_dt                 ,
630                     X_COMMENTS                     => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.comments                   ,
631                     X_AV_STND_UNIT_ID              => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.av_stnd_unit_id            ,
632                     X_CAL_TYPE                     => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.cal_type                   ,
633                     X_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER           => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.ci_sequence_number         ,
634                     X_INSTITUTION_CD               => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.institution_cd             ,
635                     X_UNIT_DETAILS_ID              => rec_get_new_unit_details.unit_details_id         , --Change the unit_details_id.
636                     X_TST_RSLT_DTLS_ID             => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.tst_rslt_dtls_id           ,
637                     X_GRADING_SCHEMA_CD            => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.grading_schema_cd          ,
638                     X_GRD_SCH_VERSION_NUMBER       => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.grd_sch_version_number     ,
639                     X_GRADE                        => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.grade                      ,
640                     X_ACHIEVABLE_CREDIT_POINTS     => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.achievable_credit_points   ,
641                     X_DEG_AUD_DETAIL_ID            => rec_get_adv_unit_dtls.deg_aud_detail_id          ,
642                     X_MODE                         => 'R'
643                   );
644                 END IF;
645               CLOSE cur_get_adv_unit_dtls;
646             ELSE
647               OPEN cur_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls(rec_del_adv_dtls.pk);
648               FETCH cur_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls INTO rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls;
649                 IF cur_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls%FOUND THEN
650                   igs_av_stnd_unit_lvl_pkg.update_row(
651                     X_ROWID                        => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.rowid                     ,
652                     X_PERSON_ID                    => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.person_id                 ,
653                     X_AS_COURSE_CD                 => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.as_course_cd              ,
654                     X_AS_VERSION_NUMBER            => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.as_version_number         ,
655                     X_S_ADV_STND_TYPE              => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.s_adv_stnd_type           ,
656                     X_UNIT_LEVEL                   => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.unit_level                ,
657                     X_CRS_GROUP_IND                => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.crs_group_ind             ,
658                     X_EXEMPTION_INSTITUTION_CD     => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.exemption_institution_cd  ,
659                     X_S_ADV_STND_GRANTING_STATUS   => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.s_adv_stnd_granting_status,
660                     X_CREDIT_POINTS                => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.credit_points             ,
661                     X_APPROVED_DT                  => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.approved_dt               ,
662                     X_AUTHORISING_PERSON_ID        => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.authorising_person_id     ,
663                     X_GRANTED_DT                   => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.granted_dt                ,
664                     X_EXPIRY_DT                    => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.expiry_dt                 ,
665                     X_CANCELLED_DT                 => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.cancelled_dt              ,
666                     X_REVOKED_DT                   => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.revoked_dt                ,
667                     X_COMMENTS                     => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.comments                  ,
668                     X_AV_STND_UNIT_LVL_ID          => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.av_stnd_unit_lvl_id       ,
669                     X_CAL_TYPE                     => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.cal_type                  ,
670                     X_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER           => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.ci_sequence_number        ,
671                     X_INSTITUTION_CD               => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.institution_cd            ,
672                     X_UNIT_DETAILS_ID              => rec_get_new_unit_details.unit_details_id            , --Change the unit_details_id.
673                     X_TST_RSLT_DTLS_ID             => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.tst_rslt_dtls_id          ,
674                     X_DEG_AUD_DETAIL_ID            => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.deg_aud_detail_id         ,
675                     X_QUAL_DETS_ID                 => rec_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls.qual_dets_id              ,
676                     X_MODE                         => 'R'
677                   );
678                 END IF;
679               CLOSE cur_get_adv_unit_lvl_dtls;
680             END IF;
681           END IF;
682         END LOOP;
683       END IF;
684     END LOOP;
685     --
686     --Close all html tables
687     --
688     IF l_del_unit_details_body IS NOT NULL THEN
689       l_del_unit_details_body := l_del_unit_details_body||'</table>';
690       l_del_basis_dtls_body   := l_del_basis_dtls_body||'</table>';
691     END IF;
692     IF l_mod_unit_details_body IS NOT NULL THEN
693       l_mod_unit_details_body := l_mod_unit_details_body||'</table>';
694       l_mod_basis_dtls_body   := l_mod_basis_dtls_body||'</table>';
695     END IF;
696     IF l_new_basis_dtls_body IS NOT NULL THEN
697       l_new_basis_dtls_body := l_new_basis_dtls_body||'</table>';
698     END IF;
700     --
701     -- Set the value of the Paramentes in Workflow....
702     --
703     wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType  => p_itemtype,
704                               ItemKey   => p_itemkey,
705                               aname     => 'P_REC_DEL_UDTL',
706                               avalue    => l_del_unit_details_body);
708     wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType  => p_itemtype,
709                               ItemKey   => p_itemkey,
710                               aname     => 'P_REC_DEL_BDTL',
711                               avalue    => l_del_basis_dtls_body);
713     wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType  => p_itemtype,
714                               ItemKey   => p_itemkey,
715                               aname     => 'P_REC_MOD_UDTL',
716                               avalue    => l_mod_unit_details_body);
717     wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType  => p_itemtype,
718                               ItemKey   => p_itemkey,
719                               aname     => 'P_REC_MOD_BDTL',
720                               avalue    => l_mod_basis_dtls_body);
722     wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType  => p_itemtype,
723                               ItemKey   => p_itemkey,
724                               aname     => 'P_REC_NEW_BDTL',
725                               avalue    => l_new_basis_dtls_body);
726   END get_transcript_data;
727 END igs_av_val_asuleb;