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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 89

  select sum(asg.effective_end_date - asg.effective_start_date + 1) days_inactive
    from per_assignments_f asg
    ,    per_assignment_status_types ast
   where asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     and ((asg.effective_start_date between p_period_sd and p_period_ed
         or asg.effective_end_date between p_period_sd and p_period_ed)
           or (p_period_sd between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date))
     and asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
     and ast.per_system_status <> 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 103

  select person_id
    from per_assignments_f
   where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     and p_calculation_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 115

  select nvl(to_number(val.screen_entry_value),0)
  from   pay_element_entries_f      ent
  ,      pay_element_types_f        el
  ,      pay_input_values_f         piv
  ,      pay_element_entry_values_f val
  ,      pay_element_links_f        link
  where  ent.assignment_id    = p_assignment_id
  and    ent.element_entry_id = val.element_entry_id
  and    p_effective_date     between ent.effective_start_date and ent.effective_end_date
  and    ent.element_link_id  = link.element_link_id
  and    link.element_type_id = el.element_type_id
  and    el.element_name      = 'Leave Information'
  and    el.legislation_code  = g_legislation_code
  and    p_effective_date     between el.effective_start_date and el.effective_end_date
  and    el.element_type_id   = piv.element_type_id
  and    piv.name             = 'Standard Work Week'
  and    p_effective_date     between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
  and    val.input_value_id   = piv.input_value_id
  and    p_effective_date     between val.effective_start_date and val.effective_end_date;
Line: 142

  select nvl(val.screen_entry_value,'Y')
  from   pay_element_entries_f      ent
  ,      pay_element_types_f        el
  ,      pay_input_values_f         piv
  ,      pay_element_entry_values_f val
  ,      pay_element_links_f        link
  where  ent.assignment_id    = p_assignment_id
  and    ent.element_entry_id = val.element_entry_id
  and    p_effective_date     between ent.effective_start_date and ent.effective_end_date
  and    ent.element_link_id  = link.element_link_id
  and    link.element_type_id = el.element_type_id
  and    el.element_name      = 'Leave Information'
  and    el.legislation_code  = g_legislation_code
  and    p_effective_date     between el.effective_start_date and el.effective_end_date
  and    el.element_type_id   = piv.element_type_id
  and    piv.name             = 'Use Assignment Working Hours'
  and    p_effective_date     between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
  and    val.input_value_id   = piv.input_value_id
  and    p_effective_date     between val.effective_start_date and val.effective_end_date;
Line: 171

  select ab.absence_attendance_id
  ,      ab.person_id
  ,      ab.absence_days
  ,      ab.absence_hours
  ,      abt.hours_or_days
  ,      ab.date_start
  ,      ab.date_end
  ,      ((ab.date_end - ab.date_start) - g_unpaid_absence_days) add_days
  --     however, do not move the initial qualifying period
  from   per_absence_attendances        ab
  ,      per_absence_attendance_types   abt
  where  ab.absence_attendance_type_id  = abt.absence_attendance_type_id
    and  ab.person_id                   = p_person_id
    and  abt.absence_category           = g_unpaid_absence_category
    and  ab.date_start between p_start_date and p_end_date
    and  ((ab.date_end - ab.date_start) > g_unpaid_absence_days);
Line: 200

    select accrual_units_of_measure
    from   pay_accrual_plans
    where  accrual_plan_id = p_accrual_plan_id;
Line: 231

    select defined_balance_id
    from   pay_defined_balances     pdb
    ,      pay_balance_types        pbt
    ,      pay_balance_dimensions   dim
     where pdb.balance_type_id      = pbt.balance_type_id
       and pdb.balance_dimension_id = dim.balance_dimension_id
       and pbt.balance_name         = p_balance_name
       and dim.dimension_name       = p_dimension_name
       and dim.legislation_code     = g_legislation_code
       and pbt.legislation_code     = g_legislation_code;
Line: 247

        SELECT MAX(paa.assignment_action_id)
          FROM pay_assignment_actions paa
             , per_assignments_f      paf
             , pay_payrolls_f         ppf
             , pay_payroll_actions    ppa
             , per_time_periods       ptp
         WHERE paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
           AND ppa.action_type in ('R','Q')
           AND p_effective_date      BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
	                                 AND paf.effective_end_date
           AND ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
           AND ppf.payroll_id        = paf.payroll_id
           AND ppa.time_period_id    = ptp.time_period_id
           AND ppf.payroll_id        = ppa.payroll_id
           AND ppa.effective_date    BETWEEN ptp.start_date
	                                 AND ptp.end_date
           AND p_effective_date      BETWEEN ptp.start_date
	                                 AND ptp.end_date
           AND ppf.payroll_id        = ppa.payroll_id
           AND ppf.payroll_id        = ptp.payroll_id
           AND paf.assignment_id     = paa.assignment_id
           AND paa.action_status     IN ('C','P','U')
           AND ppa.action_status     IN ('C','P','U')
      GROUP BY paa.assignment_action_id
        HAVING paa.assignment_action_id = MAX(paa.assignment_action_id);
Line: 347

    select defined_balance_id
      from pay_defined_balances     pdb
    ,      pay_balance_types        pbt
    ,      pay_balance_dimensions   dim
     where pdb.balance_type_id      = pbt.balance_type_id
       and pdb.balance_dimension_id = dim.balance_dimension_id
       and pbt.balance_name         = p_balance_name
       and dim.dimension_name       = p_dimension_name
       and dim.legislation_code     = g_legislation_code
       and pbt.legislation_code     = g_legislation_code;
Line: 483

      SELECT date_start
        FROM per_periods_of_service   pps
           , per_assignments_f        paf
       WHERE pps.period_of_service_id = paf.period_of_service_id
         AND pps.person_id            = paf.person_id
         AND paf.assignment_id        = p_assignment_id;
Line: 853

    select normal_hours
    ,      frequency
      from per_assignments_f
     where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 860

    select ptp.end_date - ptp.start_date days_in_period
    from   per_time_periods ptp
    ,      per_assignments_f paf
    where  paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and    p_current_day between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
    and    paf.payroll_id = ptp.payroll_id
    and    p_current_day between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date;
Line: 1046

    select normal_hours
    ,      frequency
      from per_assignments_f
     where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1053

    select ptp.end_date - ptp.start_date days_in_period
    from   per_time_periods ptp
    ,      per_assignments_f paf
    where  paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and    p_current_day between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
    and    paf.payroll_id = ptp.payroll_id
    and    p_current_day between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date;
Line: 1239

    select bnd.annual_rate                   annual_rate
    ,      acc.accrual_units_of_measure      uom
      from pay_accrual_bands bnd
      ,    pay_accrual_plans acc
     where p_number_of_years    >= bnd.lower_limit
       and p_number_of_years    <  bnd.upper_limit
       and bnd.accrual_plan_id  =  p_accrual_plan_id
       and bnd.accrual_plan_id  =  acc.accrual_plan_id;
Line: 1254

    select ast.per_system_status,asg.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,asg.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
    bulk collect into l_system_status, l_eff_start_date, l_eff_end_date
    from per_assignments_f asg
        ,per_assignment_status_types ast
       where asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
             and asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
             and ast.per_system_status <> 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 1262

    select (ab.date_start + g_unpaid_absence_days + 1), ab.date_end
    bulk collect into l_abs_start_date, l_abs_end_date
    from   per_absence_attendances        ab
    ,      per_absence_attendance_types   abt
    where  ab.absence_attendance_type_id  = abt.absence_attendance_type_id
      and  ab.person_id                   = l_person_id
      and  abt.absence_category           = g_unpaid_absence_category
      and  ((ab.date_end - ab.date_start) > g_unpaid_absence_days);
Line: 1271

    select normal_hours,frequency,effective_start_date,effective_end_date
    bulk collect into l_normal_hours,l_frequency,l_wrk_eff_start_date,l_wrk_eff_end_date
    from per_assignments_f
    where assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 1475

    select fnd_number.canonical_to_number(information1)
      from pay_accrual_plans pap
     where information_category = 'NZ_NZAL'
       and pap.accrual_plan_id = p_accrual_plan_id;
Line: 1613

    select pptp.regular_payment_date
    from   per_time_periods bptp
    ,      per_time_periods pptp
    where  bptp.payroll_id      = p_payroll_id          -- identify driving period
    and    bptp.time_period_id  = p_time_period_id      -- identify driving period
    and    pptp.payroll_id      = p_payroll_id          -- match payroll
    and    bptp.start_date      = pptp.end_date + 1;    -- idenfity previous period
Line: 1709

    select co_formula_id
    from   pay_accrual_plans
    where  accrual_plan_id = p_accrual_plan_id;
Line: 2106

    select to_number(result.result_value)
      from pay_run_results runs
         , pay_input_values_f input
         , pay_run_result_values result
         , pay_assignment_actions paa
         , pay_assignment_actions cur_paa
         , pay_payroll_actions cur_ppa
         , pay_element_entries_f entry
         , per_time_periods ptp
     where runs.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
       and input.element_type_id = runs.element_type_id
       and input.name = p_rate_name
       and result.run_result_id = runs.run_result_id
       and result.input_value_id = input.input_value_id
       and cur_paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
       and cur_ppa.payroll_action_id = cur_paa.payroll_action_id
       and paa.assignment_action_id = runs.assignment_action_id
       and paa.assignment_id = cur_paa.assignment_id
       and entry.assignment_id = cur_paa.assignment_id
       and entry.element_entry_id = runs.source_id
       and ptp.time_period_id = cur_ppa.time_period_id
       and cur_ppa.effective_date between input.effective_start_date
                                  and input.effective_end_date
       and (ptp.start_date between entry.effective_start_date
                               and entry.effective_end_date
       or  ptp.end_date between entry.effective_start_date
                            and entry.effective_end_date);
Line: 2180

      SELECT 1
      FROM   per_absence_attendances          paa
            ,per_absence_attendance_types     paat
            ,per_assignments_f                paf
      WHERE  paa.person_id                  = paf.person_id
      AND    paf.assignment_id              = p_assignment_id
      AND    paa.business_group_id          = c_business_group_id
      AND    paa.business_group_id          = paat.business_group_id
      AND    paa.absence_attendance_type_id = paat.absence_attendance_type_id
      AND    paat.absence_category          = 'NZPL'
      AND    (paa.date_start                BETWEEN c_start_date
                                            AND     c_end_date
      OR     paa.date_end                   BETWEEN c_start_date
                                            AND     c_end_date )
      AND    c_end_date                     BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                            AND     paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 2258

      SELECT ptp.time_period_id
      FROM   per_time_periods ptp
      WHERE  ptp.payroll_id         = p_payroll_id
      AND    c_eff_date             BETWEEN ptp.start_date
                                    AND     ptp.end_date;
Line: 2269

      SELECT max(paa.assignment_action_id)
      FROM   pay_payroll_actions    ppa
            ,pay_assignment_actions paa
      WHERE  ppa.payroll_id         = p_payroll_id
      AND    ppa.time_period_id     = c_time_period_id
      AND    ppa.action_type        IN ('R','Q')
      AND    ppa.action_status      = 'C'
      AND    ppa.payroll_action_id  = paa.payroll_action_id
      AND    paa.assignment_id      = p_assignment_id
      AND    paa.action_status      = 'C';
Line: 2285

      SELECT to_number(nvl(prrv.result_value,0))
      FROM   pay_run_result_values       prrv
            ,pay_run_results             prr
            ,pay_element_types_f         alp_pet
            ,pay_input_values_f          alp_piv
            ,pay_element_entries_f       pee
            ,pay_element_links_f         pel
            ,pay_element_types_f         abs_pet
            ,pay_input_values_f          abs_piv
            ,pay_accrual_plans           pap
      WHERE  prr.run_result_id        =  prrv.run_result_id
      AND    prr.assignment_action_id =  c_assignment_action_id
      AND    prr.element_type_id      =  alp_pet.element_type_id
      AND    alp_pet.element_name     = 'Annual Leave Payment'
      AND    alp_pet.element_type_id  =  alp_piv.element_type_id
      AND    alp_piv.name             = 'Leave Taken'
      AND    alp_piv.input_value_id   =  prrv.input_value_id
      AND    prr.source_id            =  pee.element_entry_id
      AND    pee.creator_type         = 'A'
      AND    pee.effective_end_date   >  c_prev_period_end_date
      AND    pee.element_link_id      =  pel.element_link_id
      AND    pel.element_type_id      =  abs_pet.element_type_id
      AND    abs_pet.processing_type  = 'R'
      AND    abs_pet.element_type_id  = abs_piv.element_type_id
      AND    abs_piv.input_value_id   = pap.pto_input_value_id
      AND    pap.accrual_plan_id      = p_plan_id
      AND    c_prev_period_end_date   BETWEEN alp_pet.effective_start_date
                                      AND     alp_pet.effective_end_date
      AND    c_prev_period_end_date   BETWEEN alp_piv.effective_start_date
                                      AND     alp_piv.effective_end_date
      AND    c_prev_period_end_date   BETWEEN pel.effective_start_date
                                      AND     pel.effective_end_date
      AND    c_prev_period_end_date   BETWEEN abs_pet.effective_start_date
                                      AND     abs_pet.effective_end_date
      AND    c_prev_period_end_date   BETWEEN abs_piv.effective_start_date
                                      AND     abs_piv.effective_end_date;
Line: 2434

      SELECT nvl(nvl(sum(absence_days),sum(absence_hours)),0)   cnt_abs
      FROM   per_absence_attendances          paa
            ,per_absence_attendance_types     paat
            ,pay_accrual_plans                pap
            ,per_assignments_f                paf
      WHERE  paa.person_id                  = paf.person_id
      AND    paf.assignment_id              = c_assignment_id
      AND    paa.business_group_id          = c_business_group_id
      AND    paa.absence_attendance_type_id = paat.absence_attendance_type_id
      AND    pap.accrual_plan_id            = p_plan_id
      AND    pap.accrual_category           = 'NZAL'
      AND    paa.date_start                 BETWEEN c_start_date
                                            AND     c_end_date
      AND    paa.date_end                   BETWEEN c_start_date
                                            AND     c_end_date
      AND    c_end_date                     BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                                            AND     paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 2543

      SELECT ptp.start_date
      FROM   per_time_periods ptp
            ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
      WHERE  ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
      AND    ppa.time_period_id    = ptp.time_period_id;