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2 /* $Header: hxtpainf.pkh 115.5 2002/11/28 01:38:23 fassadi ship $ */
5 /****************************************************************************************************
6 FUNCTION p_a_interface()
8 The p_a_interface() logic will insert pay data to the PA_Transaction_Interface table.
9 Details to be inserted will be passed in as parameters to a function called p_a_interface.
10 Because the interface to Project Accounting will vary on different installations,
11 the p_a_interface logic will be stored in the HXT_PA_USER_EXITS package.
12 HXT_PA_USER_EXITS is designed to contain unique code, specific to a customers needs.
15 Following is a list of parameters to the
16 p_a_interface function and the source of each argument:
18 i_hours_worked               --  HXT_det_hours_worked_x.hours
19 i_rate                       --  per_pay_proposals.proposed_salary
20                                      (employees hourly rate)
21                                or
22                                  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.hourly_rate
23                                      (timecard override hourly rate)
24                                or
25                                  per_pay_proposals.proposed_salary *
26                                      (employees hourly rate)
27                                  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.rate_multiple
28                                      (manually entered multiple from timecard)
29                                or
30                                  per_pay_proposals.proposed_salary *
31                                      (employees hourly rate)
32                                  hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v.hxt_premium_amount
33                                      (multiple from pay element flex)
34                                or
35                                  hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v.hxt_premium_amount /
36                                      (daily amount from element flex)
37                                  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.hours
38                                      (hours worked)
39                                or
40                                  per_pay_proposals.proposed_salary *
41                                      (employees hourly rate)
42                                  hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v.hxt_premium_amount - 1.0
43                                      (non-ot premium multiple from pay element flex minus 1.0)
44 i_premium_amount             --  hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v.hxt_premium_amount (premium amount element flex)
45                                  or
46                                  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.amount (timecard override amount)
47 i_trans_source               --  hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v.hxt_earning_category||hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v.hxt_premium_type
48 i_period_end                 --  per_time_periods.end_date
49 i_employee_number            --  per_people_f.employee_number
50 --SIR162i_employment_cat             --  fnd_common_lookups.meaning (lookup_type = 'EMP_CAT')
51 --SIR162i_emp_cat_code               --  per_assignments_f.employment_category
52 i_oganization_name           --  hr_organization_units.name
53 i_organization_id            --  hr_organization_units.id
54 i_date_worked                --  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.date_worked
55 i_effective_start_date       --  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.effective_start_date
56 i_effective_end_date         --  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.effective_end_date
57 i_hours_type                 --  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.element_name
58 i_salary_basis               --  per_pay_proposals_v.pay_basis
59 i_time_detail_id             --  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.id
60 i_hxt_earning_category       --  hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v.hxt_earning_category
61 i_retro_transaction          --  TRUE if  Retro Transaction
62                                  FALSE if Normal Transaction
63 i_standard_rate              --  per_pay_proposals.proposed_salary (employees unmodified base hourly rate)
64 i_project_id                 --  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.project_id
65 i_task_id                    --  hxt_det_hours_worked_x.task_id
66 i_segment1                   --  pa_projects.segment1
67 i_task_number                --  pa_tasks.task_number
68 i_project_name               --  pa_projects.name
69 i_task_name                  --  pa_tasks.task_name
70 i_assignment_id              --  per_assignments_f.assignment_id
71 i_cost_allocation_keyflex_id --  pay_cost_allocation_keyflex.cost_allocation_keyflex_id
72 i_job_definition_id          --  per_job_definitions.job_definition_id
74 *******************************************************************************************************/
76 FUNCTION p_a_interface( i_hours_worked IN NUMBER,
77                         i_rate IN NUMBER,
78                         i_premium_amount IN NUMBER,
79                         i_trans_source IN VARCHAR2,
80                         i_period_end IN DATE,
81                         i_employee_number IN VARCHAR2,
82                         i_employment_cat IN VARCHAR2,
83                         i_element_type_id IN NUMBER,   --SIR162
84 --SIR162                        i_emp_cat_code IN VARCHAR2,
85                         i_organization_name IN VARCHAR2,
86                         i_organization_id IN NUMBER,
87                         i_date_worked IN DATE,
88                         i_effective_start_date IN DATE,
89                         i_effective_end_date IN DATE,
90                         i_hours_type IN VARCHAR2,
91                         i_salary_basis IN VARCHAR2,
92                         i_time_detail_id IN NUMBER,
93                         i_hxt_earning_category IN VARCHAR2,
94                         i_retro_transaction IN BOOLEAN,
95                         i_standard_rate IN NUMBER,
96                         i_project_id IN NUMBER,
97                         i_task_id IN NUMBER,
98                         i_segment1 IN VARCHAR2,
99                         i_task_number IN VARCHAR2,
100                         i_project_name IN VARCHAR2,
101                         i_task_name IN VARCHAR2,
102                         i_assignment_id IN NUMBER,
103                         i_cost_allocation_keyflex_id IN NUMBER,
104                         i_job_definition_id IN NUMBER,
105                         o_location OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
106                         o_error_text OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
107                         o_system_text OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER;