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1 PACKAGE CST_RevenueCogsMatch_PVT AS
2 /* $Header: CSTRCMVS.pls 120.4.12010000.2 2008/10/27 20:01:22 hyu ship $ */
4 -- COGS Event Types
5 -- These will also be seeded lookups in mfg_lookups
6 SO_ISSUE                    CONSTANT NUMBER := 1;
7 RMA_RECEIPT                 CONSTANT NUMBER := 2;
13 -- Accounting Line Types for COGS and Deferred COGS
14 COGS_LINE_TYPE              CONSTANT NUMBER := 35;
17 -- Other constants
18 C_max_bulk_fetch_size       CONSTANT NUMBER := 1000;
20 -- Table of Numbers used to store NUMBER columns that are passed
21 -- around during event processing.
22 TYPE number_table IS TABLE OF NUMBER
25 -- Table used to store DATE columns
26 TYPE date_table IS TABLE OF DATE
29 -- Table used to store FLAG columns
30 TYPE flag_table IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(1)
33 -- Table used to store VARCHAR2(15) columns
34 TYPE char15_table IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(15)
37 -- Table used to store VARCHAR2(3) columns
38 TYPE char3_table IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(3)
42 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 -- Start of comments                                                       --
44 --                                                                         --
45 -- PROCEDURE                                                               --
46 --  Match_RevenueCOGS This API is the outer wrapper for the concurrent     --
47 --                    request that matches COGS to revenue for OM lines.   --
48 --                    It is run in four phases, each followed by a         --
49 --                    commit:                                              --
50 --                    1) Record any sales order issues and RMA receipts    --
51 --                       that have not yet been inserted into CRCML and    --
52 --                       CCE.                                              --
53 --                    2) Process incoming revenue events and insert        --
54 --                       revenue recognition per period by OM line into    --
55 --                       CRRL.                                             --
56 --                    3) Compare CRRL to CCE (via CRCML) and create new    --
57 --                       COGS recognition events where they don't match.   --
58 --                    4) Cost all of the Cogs Recogntion Events that were  --
59 --                       just created in bulk.                             --
60 --                                                                         --
61 --                                                                         --
62 -- VERSION 1.0                                                             --
63 --                                                                         --
64 -- PARAMETERS                                                              --
65 --                                                                         --
66 --  P_LOW_DATE         Lower bound for the date range.                     --
67 --  P_HIGH_DATE        Upper bound for the date range.                     --
68 --  P_PHASE            Set to a number, this parameter indicates that only --
69 --                     that phase # should be run.  Otherwise all phases   --
70 --                     should be run.                                      --
71 --                                                                         --
72 -- HISTORY:                                                                --
73 --    04/20/05     Bryan Kuntz      Created                                --
74 -- End of comments                                                         --
75 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 PROCEDURE Match_RevenueCogs(
77                 x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
78                 x_dummy_out             OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
79                 p_api_version           IN          NUMBER,
80                 p_phase                 IN          NUMBER,
81                 p_low_date              IN          VARCHAR2,
82                 p_high_date             IN          VARCHAR2,
83                 p_ledger_id             IN          NUMBER DEFAULT NULL--BUG#5726230
84                ,p_neg_req_id            IN          NUMBER DEFAULT NULL--HYU
85 );
88 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 -- Start of comments                                                       --
90 --                                                                         --
91 -- PROCEDURE                                                               --
92 --  Insert_SoIssues   This procedure handles the insertion of sales order  --
93 --                    issue transactions in batch into the matching data   --
94 --                    model.  Most sales orders will be inserted into the  --
95 --                    matching data model by the Cost Processor. Any that  --
96 --                    are not processed at that time (e.g. - OPM orgs)     --
97 --                    will be inserted here.                               --
98 --                                                                         --
99 -- VERSION 1.0                                                             --
100 --                                                                         --
101 -- PARAMETERS                                                              --
102 --  X_RETURN_STATUS    Success/Error/Unexplained error - 'S','E', or 'U'   --
103 --  WHO columns                                                            --
104 --                                                                         --
105 -- HISTORY:                                                                --
106 --    04/22/05     Bryan Kuntz      Created using cursor                   --
107 -- End of comments                                                         --
108 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
109 PROCEDURE Insert_SoIssues(
110                 x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
111                 p_request_id      IN   NUMBER,
112                 p_user_id         IN   NUMBER,
113                 p_login_id        IN   NUMBER,
114                 p_pgm_app_id      IN   NUMBER,
115                 p_pgm_id          IN   NUMBER
116 );
119 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
120 -- Start of comments                                                       --
121 --                                                                         --
122 -- PROCEDURE                                                               --
123 --  Insert_RmaReceipts  This procedure handles the insertion of RMA        --
124 --                      receipt transactions in batch into the matching    --
125 --                      data model.  Most RMA receipts will be inserted    --
126 --                      by the Cost Processor.  This bulk procedure will   --
127 --                      pick up the rest.                                  --
128 --                                                                         --
129 -- VERSION 1.0                                                             --
130 --                                                                         --
131 -- PARAMETERS                                                              --
132 --  X_RETURN_STATUS    Success/Error/Unexplained error - 'S','E', or 'U'   --
133 --  WHO columns                                                            --
134 --                                                                         --
135 -- HISTORY:                                                                --
136 --    05/06/05     Bryan Kuntz      Created                                --
137 -- End of comments                                                         --
138 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 PROCEDURE Insert_RmaReceipts(
140                 x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
141                 p_request_id      IN   NUMBER,
142                 p_user_id         IN   NUMBER,
143                 p_login_id        IN   NUMBER,
144                 p_pgm_app_id      IN   NUMBER,
145                 p_pgm_id          IN   NUMBER
146 );
149 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 -- Start of comments                                                       --
151 --                                                                         --
152 -- PROCEDURE                                                               --
153 --  Create_CogsRecognitionEvents                                           --
154 --       This procedure is the main procedure for phase 3 of the program   --
155 --       to Match COGS to Revenue. It compares the latest Revenue % with   --
156 --       the latest COGS percentage and, where different, creates new      --
157 --       COGS recognition events to bring the COGS percentage up to date.  --
158 --                                                                         --
159 -- VERSION 1.0                                                             --
160 --                                                                         --
161 -- PARAMETERS                                                              --
162 --  X_RETURN_STATUS    Success/Error/Unexplained error - 'S','E', or 'U'   --
163 --  WHO columns                                                            --
164 --                                                                         --
165 -- HISTORY:                                                                --
166 --    04/28/05     Bryan Kuntz      Created                                --
167 -- End of comments                                                         --
168 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
169 PROCEDURE Create_CogsRecognitionEvents(
170                 x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
171                 p_request_id      IN   NUMBER,
172                 p_user_id         IN   NUMBER,
173                 p_login_id        IN   NUMBER,
174                 p_pgm_app_id      IN   NUMBER,
175                 p_pgm_id          IN   NUMBER,
176                 p_ledger_id       IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL  --BUG#5726230
177                ,p_neg_req_id      IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL  --BUG#7387575
178 );
181 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
182 -- Start of comments                                                       --
183 --                                                                         --
184 -- PROCEDURE                                                               --
185 --  Insert_OneSoIssue    This procedure is very similar to the             --
186 --             Insert_SoIssues() procedure above.  It differs in that the  --
187 --             above procedure handles bulk inserts and is called during   --
188 --             one of the phases of the concurrent request, while this     --
189 --             version inserts one sales order at a time into the data     --
190 --             model, and is called from the Cost Processor.               --
191 --                                                                         --
192 --             This procedure should only get called for issues out of     --
193 --             asset subinventories.                                       --
194 --                                                                         --
195 -- VERSION 1.0                                                             --
196 --                                                                         --
197 -- PARAMETERS                                                              --
198 --  P_COGS_OM_LINE_ID    Line_ID of the sales order issue from OM table    --
199 --  P_COGS_ACCT_ID       GL Code Combination for the COGS account          --
200 --  P_DEF_COGS_ACCT_ID   GCC for the deferred COGS account                 --
201 --  P_MMT_TXN_ID         Transaction ID from MMT table                     --
202 --  P_ORGANIZATION_ID    Organization ID                                   --
203 --  P_ITEM_ID            Inventory Item ID                                 --
204 --  P_TRANSACTION_DATE   Event Date                                        --
205 --  P_COGS_GROUP_ID      Cost Group ID                                     --
206 --  P_QUANTITY           Sales Order Issue Quantity as a POSITIVE value    --
207 --                                                                         --
208 -- HISTORY:                                                                --
209 --    05/13/05     Bryan Kuntz      Created                                --
210 -- End of comments                                                         --
211 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 PROCEDURE Insert_OneSoIssue(
213                 p_api_version           IN          NUMBER,
214                 p_init_msg_list         IN          VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
215                 p_commit                IN          VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
216                 p_validation_level      IN          NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
217                 p_user_id               IN  NUMBER,
218                 p_login_id              IN  NUMBER,
219                 p_request_id            IN  NUMBER,
220                 p_pgm_app_id            IN  NUMBER,
221                 p_pgm_id                IN  NUMBER,
222                 x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
223                 p_cogs_om_line_id       IN  NUMBER,
224                 p_cogs_acct_id          IN  NUMBER,
225                 p_def_cogs_acct_id      IN  NUMBER,
226                 p_mmt_txn_id            IN  NUMBER,
227                 p_organization_id       IN  NUMBER,
228                 p_item_id               IN  NUMBER,
229                 p_transaction_date      IN  DATE,
230                 p_cost_group_id         IN  NUMBER,
231                 p_quantity              IN  NUMBER
232 );
235 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
236 -- Start of comments                                                       --
237 --                                                                         --
238 -- PROCEDURE                                                               --
239 --  Insert_OneRmaReceipt   This procedure is very similar to the           --
240 --           Insert_RmaReceipts() procedure above.  It differs in that the --
241 --           above procedure handles bulk inserts and is called during one --
242 --           of the phases of the concurrent request, while this version   --
243 --           inserts one RMA receipt at a time into the data model, and is --
244 --           called from the Cost Processor.                               --
245 --                                                                         --
246 -- VERSION 1.0                                                             --
247 --                                                                         --
248 -- PARAMETERS                                                              --
249 --  P_RMA_OM_LINE_ID     Line_ID of the RMA from OM table                  --
250 --  P_COGS_OM_LINE_ID    Line_ID of the Original Sales Order Issue         --
251 --                       referrred to by this RMA Receipt.                 --
252 --  P_MMT_TXN_ID         Transaction ID from MMT table                     --
253 --  P_ORGANIZATION_ID    Organization ID                                   --
254 --  P_ITEM_ID            Inventory Item ID                                 --
255 --  P_TRANSACTION_DATE   Event Date                                        --
256 --  P_QUANTITY           Event Quantity                                    --
257 --  X_COGS_PERCENTAGE    Returns the % at which this RMA will be applied   --
258 --                       to COGS.                                          --
259 --                                                                         --
260 -- HISTORY:                                                                --
261 --    05/13/05     Bryan Kuntz      Created                                --
262 -- End of comments                                                         --
263 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
264 PROCEDURE Insert_OneRmaReceipt(
265                 p_api_version           IN          NUMBER,
266                 p_init_msg_list         IN          VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
267                 p_commit                IN          VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
268                 p_validation_level      IN          NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
269                 p_user_id               IN  NUMBER,
273                 p_pgm_id                IN  NUMBER,
270                 p_login_id              IN  NUMBER,
271                 p_request_id            IN  NUMBER,
272                 p_pgm_app_id            IN  NUMBER,
274                 x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
275                 x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
276                 x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
277                 p_rma_om_line_id        IN  NUMBER,
278                 p_cogs_om_line_id       IN  NUMBER,
279                 p_mmt_txn_id            IN  NUMBER,
280                 p_organization_id       IN  NUMBER,
281                 p_item_id               IN  NUMBER,
282                 p_transaction_date      IN  DATE,
283                 p_quantity              IN  NUMBER,
284                 x_event_id              OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
285                 x_cogs_percentage       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
286 );
289 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
290 -- Start of comments                                                       --
291 --                                                                         --
292 -- PROCEDURE                                                               --
293 --  Record_SoIssueCost                                                     --
294 --           This procedure is called by the distribution processors to    --
295 --           record the outgoing cost of the item at the time of the sales --
296 --           order issue.  The logic is standard across cost methods so    --
297 --           it can be called for all perpetual and PAC types.             --
298 --                                                                         --
299 -- VERSION 1.0                                                             --
300 --                                                                         --
301 -- PARAMETERS                                                              --
302 --  P_COGS_OM_LINE_ID    OM Line_ID of the Sales Order issue               --
303 --  P_PAC_COST_TYPE_ID   Periodic Cost Type, Leave NULL for perpetual      --
304 --  P_UNIT_MATERIAL_COST                                                   --
305 --  P_UNIT_MOH_COST                                                        --
306 --  P_UNIT_RESOURCE_COST                                                   --
307 --  P_UNIT_OP_COST                                                         --
308 --  P_UNIT_OVERHEAD_COST                                                   --
309 --  P_UNIT_COST                                                            --
310 --  P_TXN_QUANTITY                                                         --
311 --                                                                         --
312 -- HISTORY:                                                                --
313 --    05/16/05     Bryan Kuntz      Created                                --
314 -- End of comments                                                         --
315 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
316 PROCEDURE Record_SoIssueCost(
317                 p_api_version           IN  NUMBER,
318                 p_init_msg_list         IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
319                 p_user_id               IN  NUMBER,
320                 p_login_id              IN  NUMBER,
321                 p_request_id            IN  NUMBER,
322                 p_pgm_app_id            IN  NUMBER,
323                 p_pgm_id                IN  NUMBER,
324                 x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
325                 x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
326                 x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
327                 p_cogs_om_line_id       IN  NUMBER,
328                 p_pac_cost_type_id      IN  NUMBER,
329                 p_unit_material_cost    IN  NUMBER,
330                 p_unit_moh_cost         IN  NUMBER,
331                 p_unit_resource_cost    IN  NUMBER,
332                 p_unit_op_cost          IN  NUMBER,
333                 p_unit_overhead_cost    IN  NUMBER,
334                 p_unit_cost             IN  NUMBER,
335                 p_txn_quantity          IN  NUMBER
336 );
339 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
340 -- Start of comments                                                       --
341 --                                                                         --
342 -- PROCEDURE                                                               --
343 --  Process_RmaReceipt                                                     --
344 --           This procedure is called by the distribution processors for   --
345 --           all perpetual cost methods to create the accounting entries   --
346 --           for RMAs that are linked to forward flow sales orders with    --
347 --           COGS deferral.                                                --
348 --                                                                         --
349 -- VERSION 1.0                                                             --
350 --                                                                         --
351 -- PARAMETERS                                                              --
352 --  P_RMA_OM_LINE_ID     OM Line ID of the RMA Receipt                     --
353 --  P_COGS_OM_LINE_ID    OM Line_ID of the Sales Order Issue, not the RMA  --
354 --  P_COST_TYPE_ID       Cost Type if Periodic, Cost Method if perpetual   --
355 --  P_TXN_QUANTITY       RMA Receipt quantity                              --
356 --  P_COGS_PERCENTAGE    Latest COGS Percentage reported for this OM line  --
357 --                                                                         --
361 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
358 -- HISTORY:                                                                --
359 --    05/16/05     Bryan Kuntz      Created                                --
360 -- End of comments                                                         --
362 PROCEDURE Process_RmaReceipt(
363                 x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
364                 x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
365                 x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
366                 p_rma_om_line_id        IN  NUMBER,
367                 p_cogs_om_line_id       IN  NUMBER,
368                 p_cost_type_id          IN  NUMBER,
369                 p_txn_quantity          IN  NUMBER,
370                 p_cogs_percentage       IN  NUMBER,
371                 p_organization_id       IN  NUMBER,
372                 p_transaction_id        IN  NUMBER,
373                 p_item_id               IN  NUMBER,
374                 p_sob_id                IN  NUMBER,
375                 p_txn_date              IN  DATE,
376                 p_txn_src_id            IN  NUMBER,
377                 p_src_type_id           IN  NUMBER,
378                 p_pri_curr              IN  VARCHAR2,
379                 p_alt_curr              IN  VARCHAR2,
380                 p_conv_date             IN  DATE,
381                 p_conv_rate             IN  NUMBER,
382                 p_conv_type             IN  VARCHAR2,
383                 p_user_id               IN  NUMBER,
384                 p_login_id              IN  NUMBER,
385                 p_req_id                IN  NUMBER,
386                 p_prg_appl_id           IN  NUMBER,
387                 p_prg_id                IN  NUMBER
388 );
391 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
392 -- Start of comments                                                       --
393 --                                                                         --
394 -- PROCEDURE                                                               --
395 --  Process_CogsRecognitionTxn                                             --
396 --           This procedure is called by the distribution processors for   --
397 --           all perpetual cost methods to create the accounting entries   --
398 --           for COGS Recognition Events.                                  --
399 --                                                                         --
400 -- VERSION 1.0                                                             --
401 --                                                                         --
402 -- PARAMETERS                                                              --
403 --  P_COGS_OM_LINE_ID    OM Line_ID of the Sales Order issue               --
404 --  All other parameters are pretty standard for Cost Processing           --
405 --                                                                         --
406 -- HISTORY:                                                                --
407 --    05/17/05     Bryan Kuntz      Created                                --
408 -- End of comments                                                         --
409 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
410 PROCEDURE Process_CogsRecognitionTxn(
411                 x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
412                 x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
413                 x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
414                 p_cogs_om_line_id       IN  NUMBER,
415                 p_transaction_id        IN  NUMBER,
416                 p_txn_quantity          IN  NUMBER,
417                 p_organization_id       IN  NUMBER,
418                 p_item_id               IN  NUMBER,
419                 p_sob_id                IN  NUMBER,
420                 p_txn_date              IN  DATE,
421                 p_txn_src_id            IN  NUMBER,
422                 p_src_type_id           IN  NUMBER,
423                 p_pri_curr              IN  VARCHAR2,
424                 p_alt_curr              IN  VARCHAR2,
425                 p_conv_date             IN  DATE,
426                 p_conv_rate             IN  NUMBER,
427                 p_conv_type             IN  VARCHAR2,
428                 p_user_id               IN  NUMBER,
429                 p_login_id              IN  NUMBER,
430                 p_req_id                IN  NUMBER,
431                 p_prg_appl_id           IN  NUMBER,
432                 p_prg_id                IN  NUMBER
433 );
435 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
436 -- Start of comments                                                       --
437 --                                                                         --
438 -- PROCEDURE                                                               --
439 --  Cost_BulkCogsRecTxns                                                   --
440 --           This procedure is called in phase 4 of the concurrent request --
441 --           to create the accounting distributions for all of the COGS    --
442 --           Recognition Events that were created during this run of the   --
443 --           concurrent request.                                           --
444 --                                                                         --
445 -- VERSION 1.0                                                             --
446 --                                                                         --
447 -- PARAMETERS                                                              --
448 --     Standard return status and Who columns                              --
452 -- End of comments                                                         --
449 --                                                                         --
450 -- HISTORY:                                                                --
451 --    05/17/05     Bryan Kuntz      Created                                --
453 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
454 PROCEDURE Cost_BulkCogsRecTxns(
455                 x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
456                 p_request_id      IN   NUMBER,
457                 p_user_id         IN   NUMBER,
458                 p_login_id        IN   NUMBER,
459                 p_pgm_app_id      IN   NUMBER,
460                 p_pgm_id          IN   NUMBER,
461                 p_ledger_id       IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL   --BUG5726230
462                ,p_neg_req_id      IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL   --BUG7387575
463 );
465 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
466 -- Start of comments                                                       --
467 --                                                                         --
468 -- PROCEDURE                                                               --
469 --  Insert_PacSoIssue    This is the PAC version of Insert_OneSoIssue().   --
470 --             It creates a new row in CRCML for the given OM Line ID and  --
471 --             PAC cost type ID.  The purpose is to record the SO issue    --
472 --             cost so that future related events (e.g. COGS Recognition)  --
473 --             can query this row and create accting with these amounts.   --
474 --                                                                         --
475 -- VERSION 1.0                                                             --
476 --                                                                         --
477 -- PARAMETERS                                                              --
478 --  P_TRANSACTION_ID     MMT Transaction ID                                --
479 --  P_LAYER_ID           PAC Cost Layer ID (CPIC, CPICD)                   --
480 --  P_COST_TYPE_ID       PAC Cost Type ID                                  --
481 --  P_COST_GROUP_ID      PAC Cost Group ID                                 --
482 --                                                                         --
483 -- HISTORY:                                                                --
484 --    06/27/05     Bryan Kuntz      Created                                --
485 -- End of comments                                                         --
486 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
487 PROCEDURE Insert_PacSoIssue(
488                 p_api_version      IN  NUMBER,
489                 p_init_msg_list    IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
490                 p_commit           IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
491                 p_validation_level IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
492                 x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
493                 x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
494                 x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
495                 p_transaction_id   IN  NUMBER,
496                 p_layer_id         IN  NUMBER,
497                 p_cost_type_id     IN  NUMBER,
498                 p_cost_group_id    IN  NUMBER,
499                 p_user_id          IN  NUMBER,
500                 p_login_id         IN  NUMBER,
501                 p_request_id       IN  NUMBER,
502                 p_pgm_app_id       IN  NUMBER,
503                 p_pgm_id           IN  NUMBER
504 );
506 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
507 -- Start of comments                                                       --
508 --                                                                         --
509 -- PROCEDURE                                                               --
510 --  Process_PacRmaReceipt  The PAC equivalent of Process_OneRmaRecipt()    --
511 --            This procedure creates the distributions for RMAs that refer --
512 --            to an original sales order for which COGS was deferred.  It  --
513 --            creates credits to Deferred COGS and COGS as appropriate.    --
514 --                                                                         --
515 -- VERSION 1.0                                                             --
516 --                                                                         --
517 -- PARAMETERS                                                              --
518 --  P_AE_TXN_REC       Transaction Record used throughout PAC processor    --
519 --  P_AE_CURR_REC      Currency Record used throughout PAC processor       --
520 --  P_DR_FLAG          Debit = True / Credit = False                       --
521 --  P_COGS_OM_LINE_ID  OM Line ID of the sales order to which this RMA refers
522 --  L_AE_LINE_TBL      Table where the distributions are built             --
523 --                                                                         --
524 -- HISTORY:                                                                --
525 --    06/28/05     Bryan Kuntz      Created                                --
526 -- End of comments                                                         --
527 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
528 PROCEDURE Process_PacRmaReceipt(
529                 p_ae_txn_rec       IN  CSTPALTY.cst_ae_txn_rec_type,
530                 p_ae_curr_rec      IN  CSTPALTY.cst_ae_curr_rec_type,
531                 p_dr_flag          IN  BOOLEAN,
532                 p_cogs_om_line_id  IN  NUMBER,
533                 l_ae_line_tbl      IN OUT NOCOPY      CSTPALTY.cst_ae_line_tbl_type,
534                 x_ae_err_rec       OUT NOCOPY      CSTPALTY.cst_ae_err_rec_type
535 );
540 -- PROCEDURE                                                               --
537 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
538 -- Start of comments                                                       --
539 --                                                                         --
541 --  Process_PacCogsRecTxn  PAC equivalent of Process_CogsRecognitionTxn()  --
542 --            This procedure is called from the PAC distribution processor --
543 --            to create the accounting entries for COGS Recognition events --
544 --                                                                         --
545 -- VERSION 1.0                                                             --
546 --                                                                         --
547 -- PARAMETERS                                                              --
548 --  P_AE_TXN_REC       Transaction Record used throughout PAC processor    --
549 --  P_AE_CURR_REC      Currency Record used throughout PAC processor       --
550 --  L_AE_LINE_TBL      Table where the distributions are built             --
551 --                                                                         --
552 -- HISTORY:                                                                --
553 --    06/28/05     Bryan Kuntz      Created                                --
554 -- End of comments                                                         --
555 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
556 PROCEDURE Process_PacCogsRecTxn(
557                 p_ae_txn_rec       IN  CSTPALTY.cst_ae_txn_rec_type,
558                 p_ae_curr_rec      IN  CSTPALTY.cst_ae_curr_rec_type,
559                 l_ae_line_tbl      IN OUT NOCOPY      CSTPALTY.cst_ae_line_tbl_type,
560                 x_ae_err_rec       OUT NOCOPY      CSTPALTY.cst_ae_err_rec_type
561 );
564 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
565 -- Start of comments                                                       --
566 --                                                                         --
567 -- PROCEDURE                                                               --
568 --  Print_MessageStack                                                     --
569 --           This procedure is called from Match_RevenueCogs() to spit out --
570 --           the contents of the message stack to the log file.            --
571 --                                                                         --
572 -- VERSION 1.0                                                             --
573 --                                                                         --
574 -- PARAMETERS                                                              --
575 --     none                                                                --
576 --                                                                         --
577 -- HISTORY:                                                                --
578 --    05/17/05     Bryan Kuntz      Created                                --
579 -- End of comments                                                         --
580 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
581 PROCEDURE Print_MessageStack;
583  /*
584     In the procedure definitions, there will be notes like "Only used in perpetual" and "Only used in PAC"
585     This is due because the same three procedures will be used for both the Perpetual and Periodic
586     Revenue/COGS Matching Report.  Therefore, instead of writing the three procedures twice with slightly
587     different paramenters, the 3 procedures will be written with a common set of parameters and the specific
588     concurrent program will take care of setting them apporpriately
589  */
591  /*===========================================================================*/
592  --      API name        : Generate_DefCOGSXml
593  --      Type            : Private
594  --      Function        : Generate XML Data for Deferred COGS Report
595  --                        Report
596  --      Pre-reqs        : None.
597  --      Parameters      :
598  --      in              : p_cost_method           in number
599  --			 : p_ledger_id		   in number	 (Only used in perpetual)
600  --			 : p_pac_legal_entity	   in number     (Only used in PAC)
601  --                      : p_pac_cost_type	   in number     (Only used in PAC)
602  --			 : p_pac_cost_group	   in number     (Only used in PAC)
603  --                      : p_period_name 	   in varchar2
604  --                      : p_sales_order_date_low  in varchar2
605  --                      : p_sales_order_date_high in varchar2
606  --			 : p_all_lines		   in varchar2
607  --                      : p_api_version           in number
608  --
609  --      out             :
610  --                      : errcode                 OUT varchar2
611  --                      : errno                   OUT number
612  --
613  --      Version         : Current version         1.0
614  --                      : Initial version         1.0
615  --      History         : 6/24/2005	David Gottlieb	Created
616  --      Notes           : This Procedure is called by the Deferred COGS Report
617  --                        This is the wrapper procedure that calls the other
618  --                        procedures to generate XML data according to report parameters.
619  -- End of comments
620  /*===========================================================================*/
622  procedure Generate_DefCOGSXml (
623    errcode			out nocopy	varchar2,
624    err_code 			out nocopy      number,
625    p_cost_method		in 		number,
626    p_ledger_id			in 		number,
627    p_pac_legal_entity		in 		number,
628    p_pac_cost_type	  	in 		number,
632    p_sales_order_date_high 	in 		varchar2,
629    p_pac_cost_group		in 		number,
630    p_period_name 	  	in 		varchar2,
631    p_sales_order_date_low	in		varchar2,
633    p_all_lines			in 		varchar2,
634    p_api_version           	in 		number);
636  /*===========================================================================*/
637  --      API name        : add_parameters
638  --      Type            : Private
639  --      Function        : Generate XML data for Parameters and append it to
640  --                        output
641  --      Pre-reqs        : None.
642  --      Parameters      :
643  --      in              : p_api_version           in number
644  --                      : p_init_msg_list         in varchar2
645  --                      : p_validation_level      in number
646  --			 : p_cost_method           in number
647  --  			 : p_operating_unit	   in number
648  --			 : p_ledger_id		   in number
649  --			 : p_pac_legal_entity	   in number
650  --                      : p_pac_cost_type	   in number
651  --			 : p_pac_cost_group        in number
652  --                      : p_period_name 	   in varchar2
653  --                      : p_sales_order_date_low  in varchar2
654  --                      : p_sales_order_date_high in varchar2
655  --			 : p_all_lines		   in varchar2
656  --
657  --      out             :
658  --                      : x_return_status         out nocopy varchar2
659  --                      : x_msg_count             out nocopy number
660  --                      : x_msg_data              out nocopy varchar2
661  --
662  --      in out          :
663  --                      : x_xml_doc               in out nocopy clob
664  --
665  --      Version         : Current version         1.0
666  --                      : Initial version         1.0
667  --      History         : 6/24/2005	David Gottlieb	Created
668  --      Notes           : This Procedure is called by Generate_DefCOSXml
669  --                        procedure. The procedure generates XML data for the
670  --                        report parameters and appends it to the report
671  --                        output.
672  -- End of comments
673  /*===========================================================================*/
675  procedure Add_Parameters (
676    p_api_version           in              number,
677    p_init_msg_list         in              varchar2,
678    p_validation_level      in              number,
679    x_return_status         out nocopy      varchar2,
680    x_msg_count             out nocopy      number,
681    x_msg_data              out nocopy      varchar2,
682    i_cost_method           in              number,
683    i_operating_unit	   in		   number,
684    i_ledger_id		   in		   number,
685    i_pac_legal_entity	   in 		   number,
686    i_pac_cost_type	   in		   number,
687    i_pac_cost_group	   in		   number,
688    i_period_name           in              varchar2,
689    i_sales_order_date_low  in              varchar2,
690    i_sales_order_date_high in              varchar2,
691    i_all_lines		   in		   varchar2,
692    x_xml_doc               in out nocopy   clob);
694  /*===========================================================================*/
695  --      API name        : Add_DefCOGSData
696  --      Type            : Private
697  --      Function        : Generate XML data from sql query and append it to
698  --                        output
699  --      Pre-reqs        : None.
700  --      Parameters      :
701  --      in              : p_api_version           in number
702  --                      : p_init_msg_list         in varchar2
703  --                      : p_validation_level      in number
704  --			 : i_cost_method           in number
705  --			 : i_operating_unit	   in number
706  --			 : i_ledger_id		   in number
707  -- 			 : i_pac_legal_entity	   in number
708  --   			 : i_pac_cost_type	   in number
709  --			 : i_pac_cost_group	   in number
710  --                      : i_period_name 	   in varchar2
711  --                      : i_sales_order_date_low  in date
712  --                      : i_sales_order_date_high in date
713  --                      : i_set_of_books_id	   in number
714  --			 : i_all_lines		   in varchar2
715  --
716  --      out             : x_return_status         out nocopy varchar2
717  --                      : x_msg_count             out nocopy number
718  --                      : x_msg_data              out nocopy varchar2
719  --
720  --      in out          : x_xml_doc               in out nocopy clob
721  --
722  --      Version         : Current version         1.0
723  --                      : Initial version         1.0
724  --      History         : 6/24/2005	David Gottlieb	Created
725  --      Notes           : This Procedure is called by Generate_DefCOGSXml
726  --                        procedure. The procedure generates XML data from
727  --                        sql query and appends it to the report output.
728  -- End of comments
729  /*===========================================================================*/
731  procedure Add_DefCOGSData (
732    p_api_version           in              number,
733    p_init_msg_list         in              varchar2,
734    p_validation_level      in              number,
735    x_return_status         out nocopy      varchar2,
736    x_msg_count             out nocopy      number,
737    x_msg_data              out nocopy      varchar2,
738    i_cost_method           in              number,
739    i_operating_unit	   in		   number,
740    i_ledger_id		   in		   number,
741    i_pac_legal_entity      in		   number,
742    i_pac_cost_type	   in 		   number,
743    i_pac_cost_group	   in		   number,
744    i_period_name           in              varchar2,
745    i_sales_order_date_low  in              date,
746    i_sales_order_date_high in              date,
747    i_all_lines             in              varchar2,
748    x_xml_doc               in out nocopy   clob);
751 ------------------------------------------------
752 -- Master ordonnancer for multi thread execution
753 ------------------------------------------------
754 PROCEDURE ordonnancer
755 (errbuf         OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
756 ,retcode        OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
757 ,p_batch_size   IN   NUMBER  DEFAULT 1000
758 ,p_nb_worker    IN   NUMBER  DEFAULT 4
759 ,p_api_version  IN   NUMBER
760 ,p_phase        IN   NUMBER
761 ,p_low_date     IN   VARCHAR2
762 ,p_high_date    IN   VARCHAR2
763 ,p_ledger_id    IN   NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL);
766 END CST_RevenueCogsMatch_PVT;