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1 package body hr_payments as
2 /* $Header: pypaymnt.pkb 120.0 2005/05/29 07:16:45 appldev noship $ */
3 /*
4  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
5    Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation (UK) Ltd 1992.
6    All Rights Reserved.
7   --
8   --
10     Oracle*Payroll
11   NAME
12     hr_payments   (hrppm.pkb)
13   NOTES
14     per-payments procedures.  Used for validation of DDL on:
20     amcinnes          16-NOV-1992  Created with ppt_brui
21     amcinnes          20-DEC-1992  Added all other payments procedures
22     amcinnes          07-JAN-1993  GEN_BALANCE now called from forms
23     amcinnes          11-JAN-1993  Corrected operation of gen balance
24     amcinnes          21-JAN-1993  Changes for new standards
25     amcinnes          14-JUN-1993  Changes for change to PPT that whoever
26                                    changed it should have done.
27                                    Removed all refs to formula/formula_id
28     afrith            29-SEP-1993  Change gen-balance to use remuneration flag
29     rneale	      20-JUN-1994  Added match_currency for use by PAYWSDPM.
30     rfine	40.4  21-MAR-1995  Fixed fnd_message.set_name calls in
31     rfine	40.5  22-MAR-1995  Changed check_pp so it now checks for
32 				   pre-payments after the date passed in only,
33 				   not 'on or after' that date. WWbug 264094.
34     sdoshi     115.1  30-MAR-1999  Flexible Dates Conversion
35     tbattoo    115.2  10-Jan-2001  Modified check_currency function.  Added
36 						     an nvl in the IF statement.
37   --
38  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
39  */
40 --
41 /*--------------------------- validate_magnetic ------------------------------
44   validate_magnetic
46   Validate business rules for pay_payment_types
48   Category is magnetic if this is called.
49   Check pre-validation_requied flag is set.
50   If pre-validation, check that the values and days are set.
51 */
52 function validate_magnetic(validate in varchar2,
53                            validation_days in number,
54                            validation_value in varchar2) return boolean is
55 --
56 begin
57   --
58   hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.VALIDATE_MAGNETIC',1);
59   --
60   -- Check mand values for mag method are there.
61   --
62   if validate is null then
63   --
64     hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6227_PAYM_MAND_MAG_DETAILS');
65     hr_utility.raise_error;
66     return(false);
67   --
68   end if;
69   --
70   -- Check pre-validation flag is set
71   --
72   if validate = 'Y' then
73     --
74     -- Magnetic validation required. Days and values must be set
75     --
76     if validation_days is null or validation_value is null then
77       --
78       hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6228_PAYM_NO_VALIDATION');
79       hr_utility.raise_error;
80       return(false);
81       --
82     end if;
83     --
84   end if;
85   --
86   return(true);
87   --
88 end validate_magnetic;
89 --
90 /*--------------------------- check_ok_default----------------------------------
93   check_ok_default
95   Check the payment type is allowed as a default
97   CASH and CHECK allowed.
98 */
99 function check_ok_default(category in varchar2) return boolean is
100 begin
101   --
102   hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.CHECK_DEFAULT',1);
103   --
104   if category = 'CA' or category = 'CH' then
105     --
106     return(true);
107     --
108   else
109     --
110     hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6229_PAYM_BAD_DEFAULT_TYPE');
111     hr_utility.raise_error;
112     return(false);
113     --
114   end if;
115   --
116 end check_ok_default;
117 --
118 /*--------------------------- ppt_brui -----------------------------------
119 NAME
120   ppt_brui
122   pay_payment_types trigger
124   Calls various validation routines on new/updated row
125 */
126 procedure ppt_brui(allow_as_default in varchar2,
127                    category in varchar2,
128                    pre_validation_required in varchar2,
129                    validation_days in number,
130                    validation_value in varchar2) is
131 status boolean;
132 begin
133   --
134   if allow_as_default = 'Y' then
135     --
136     status := check_ok_default(category);
137     --
138   end if;
139   --
140   if category = 'MT' then
141     --
142     -- Mag Tape so do the required checks
143     --
144     status := validate_magnetic(pre_validation_required,
145                                 validation_days,
146                                 validation_value);
147     --
148   end if;
149   --
150 end ppt_brui;
151 --------------------------- check_account -----------------------------------
152 /*
153 NAME
154   Check_account
156   Checks that the OPM has an external account in the required territory.
158   If the payment type of the OPM requires an account in a certain terrritory
159   then this must be checked.
160   Returns true or false (with application error)
161 */
162 function check_account(account in varchar2,
163                        type in varchar2) return boolean is
164 required_territory varchar2(3);
165 actual_territory varchar2(3);
166 begin
167   --
168   -- One row each from EXA and PPT.
169   --
170   hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.CHECK_ACCOUNT',1);
171   --
172   select ppt.territory_code,
173          exa.territory_code
174   into   required_territory,
175          actual_territory
176   from   pay_payment_types ppt,
177          pay_external_accounts exa
178   where  exa.external_account_id = account
179   and    ppt.payment_type_id = type;
180   --
181   -- Check that they are the same and generate an error if not
182   --
183   hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.CHECK_ACCOUNT',2);
184   --
185   if required_territory <> actual_territory then
186     --
187     hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6220_PAYM_INVALID_ACT');
188     hr_utility.set_message_token('TERITORY',required_territory);
189     hr_utility.raise_error;
190     return(false);
191     --
192   else
193     --
194     return(true);
195     --
196   end if;
197   --
198 exception
199   --
200   when no_data_found then
201     --
202     hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6230_PAYM_NO_ACCT_TYPE');
203     hr_utility.raise_error;
204     return(false);
205     --
206   --
207 end check_account;
208 --
209 --------------------------- check_currency -----------------------------------
210 /*
211 NAME
212   Check_currency
214   Checks that the currency required by the type is met by the OPM
216   If the types of this OPM requires that payments be made in a specific
217   currency, check that this is the case.
218   Returns true or false (with application error)
219 */
220 function check_currency(type in varchar2,
221                         opm_currency in varchar2) return boolean is
222 required_currency varchar2(16);
223 begin
224   --
225   hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.CHECK_CURRENCY',1);
226   --
227   select ppt.currency_code
228   into   required_currency
229   from   pay_payment_types ppt
230   where  ppt.payment_type_id = type;
231   --
232   -- Check that they are the same.  If not report the error
233   --
234   if nvl(required_currency,opm_currency) <> opm_currency then
235     --
236     hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6231_PAYM_INVALID_CURRENCY');
237     hr_utility.set_message_token('CURRENCY',required_currency);
238     hr_utility.raise_error;
239     return(false);
240     --
241   else
242     --
243     return(true);
244     --
245   end if;
246   --
247 exception
248   --
249   when no_data_found then
250     --
251     hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6232_PAYM_NO_TYPE');
252     hr_utility.raise_error;
253     return(false);
254     --
255   --
256 end check_currency;
257 --
258 ---------------------------match_currency---------------------------------
259 /*
260 NAME
261     match_currency
263     ensures the currency for the OPM matches that required by the balance
264     type and the payment type.
266     Checks if the payment_type has a required currency and that the OPM's
267     currency matches this via check_currency. Then ensures that the currency
268     for the balance type matches this currency.
269 */
270 procedure match_currency(type in varchar2,
271                          opm_currency in varchar2,
272                          def_balance in varchar2) is
273 bal_type varchar2(9);
274 bal_currency varchar2(16);
275 begin
276  --
277  hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.MATCH_CURRENCY',1);
278  --
279  if check_currency(type,opm_currency) then
280  --
281    select pdb.balance_type_id
282    into bal_type
283    from pay_defined_balances pdb
284    where defined_balance_id = def_balance;
285  --
286    select pbt.currency_code
287    into bal_currency
288    from pay_balance_types pbt
289    where balance_type_id = bal_type;
290  --
291    if opm_currency <> bal_currency then
292      fnd_message.set_name('PAY','HR_7132_PAY_ORG_PAY_CURRENCY');
293      fnd_message.raise_error;
294    end if;
295  --
296  end if;
297 --
298  exception
299 --
300  when no_data_found then
301    fnd_message.set_name('PAY','HR_7133_PAY_ORG_PAYM_NO_BAL');
302    fnd_message.raise_error;
303 --
304 end match_currency;
305 --
306 --------------------------- gen_balance -----------------------------------
307 /*
308 NAME
309   gen_balance
311   Generate the defined balance for pre-payments.
313   There will be one balance dimension which has the attribute payments_flag
314   set to 'Y'. This is the 'payments dimesion.  There will be one defined
315   balance with this balance dimension for each legislation.  This
316   defined balance id must be inserted into the defined_balance_id column
317   of the OPM.
318   --
319 */
320 function gen_balance(leg_code in varchar2) return number is
321 no_payments_balance exception;
322 defined_balance number(16);
323 begin
324   --
325   -- Get it then (if its there)
326   --
327   hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.GEN_BALANCE',1);
328   --
329   select pdb.defined_balance_id
330   into   defined_balance
331   from   pay_balance_types pbt,
332          pay_balance_dimensions pbd,
333          pay_defined_balances pdb
334   where  pdb.legislation_code = leg_code
335   and    pdb.business_group_id is null
336   and    pdb.balance_dimension_id = pbd.balance_dimension_id
337   and    pbt.balance_type_id = pdb.balance_type_id
338   and    pbd.payments_flag = 'Y'
339   and    pbt.assignment_remuneration_flag = 'Y';
340   --
341   -- Return the defined balance
342   --
343   return(defined_balance);
344   --
345 exception
346   --
347   when no_data_found then
348     --
349     hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6233_PAYM_NO_PAY_BALANCE');
350     hr_utility.raise_error;
351     return(0);
352     --
353 end gen_balance;
354 --
355 --------------------------- check_prepay -----------------------------------
356 /*
357 NAME
358   check_prepay
360   Check there are no pre-payment records for this OPM.
362   The OPM may only be updated or deleted  if it has no pre-payments with an
363   effective date after the validation start date.
364 */
365 function check_prepay(opm_id in number,
366                       val_start_date in varchar2) return boolean is
367 dummy varchar2(2);
368 begin
369   --
370   hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.CHECK_PREPAY',1);
371   --
372   select 1
373   into   dummy
374   from   dual
375   where  not exists(
376          select 1
377          from   pay_pre_payments pp
378          where  pp.org_payment_method_id = opm_id
379          and    exists(
380                 select 1
381                 from   pay_assignment_actions aa,
382                        pay_payroll_actions pa
383                 where  pp.assignment_action_id = aa.assignment_action_id
384                 and    aa.payroll_action_id = pa.payroll_action_id
385                 and    pa.effective_date >=
386                                      fnd_date.canonical_to_date(val_start_date)));
387   --
388   -- A row returned means no pre-payments after the validation date...OK
389   --
390   return(true);
391   --
392 exception
393   --
394   when no_data_found then
395     --
396     hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6234_PAYM_ENTRIES_EXIST');
397     hr_utility.raise_error;
398     return(false);
399     --
400 end check_prepay;
401 --
402 --------------------------- check_ppm -----------------------------------
403 /*
404 NAME
405   check_ppm
407   On delete check no PPMs depend on the OPM
409   An OPM may not be deleted when there is a PPM which is dependant upon it.
410   Here DE deletes are what we are talking about.
411   eg
412      |-------------PPM-------------------|
413      |-------------OPM---------|
414                                ^
415                                DE Del Invalid
416   --
417 */
418 function check_ppm(val_start_date in varchar2,
419                    opm_id in varchar2) return boolean is
420 dummy number;
421 begin
422   --
423   -- If there is a ppm which finishes after the validation start date, then
424   -- the (DE) delete is invalid.  This case is given if no rows are returned
425   -- and is picked up in the error handler.
426   --
427   hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.CHECK_PPM',1);
428   --
429   select 1
430   into   dummy
431   from   dual
432   where  not exists(
433          select 1
434          from   pay_personal_payment_methods_f ppm
435          where  ppm.org_payment_method_id = opm_id
436          and    ppm.effective_end_date > fnd_date.canonical_to_date(val_start_date));
437   --
438   if dummy = 1 then
439     --
440     return(true);
441     --
442   end if;
443   --
444   return(false);     -- Never should get here
445   --
446 exception
447   --
448   when no_data_found then
449     --
450     hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6235_PAYM_EXISTING_PPMS');
451     hr_utility.raise_error;
452     return(false);
453     --
454 end check_ppm;
455 --
456 --------------------------- check_default -----------------------------------
457 /*
458 NAME
459   check_default
461   Check that on delete there are no payrolls using this method as default.
463   Each payroll must have a default payment method.  If this OPM is used as
464   default by any payrolls (DE mode) then it cannot be deleted.
465 */
466 function check_default(opm_id in varchar2,
467                        val_start_date in varchar2) return boolean is
468 valid_del varchar2(2);
469 begin
470   --
471   -- Check if any payrolls use this OPM whichare valid after the delete date.
472   --
473   hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.CHECK_DEFAULT',1);
474   --
475   select 'Y'
476   into   valid_del
477   from   dual
478   where  not exists(
479          select 1
480          from   pay_payrolls_f pp
481          where  pp.default_payment_method_id = opm_id
482          and    pp.effective_end_date > fnd_date.canonical_to_date(val_start_date));
483   --
484   if valid_del = 'Y' then
485     --
486     return(true);
487     --
488   end if;
489   --
490   return(false);    -- Should never be here
491   --
492 exception
493   --
494   when no_data_found then
495     --
496     hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6236_PAYM_USED_AS_DEFAULT');
497     hr_utility.raise_error;
498     return(false);
499     --
500 end check_default;
501 --
502 --------------------------- check_amt -----------------------------------
503 /*
504 NAME
505   check_amt
507   Check the method is defined with a valid amount or percentage
509   The PPM must be paid as an amount or percentage of original pay.  Check that
510   one (and only one) of these has been specified for the method.
511 */
512 function check_amt(percent in varchar2, amount in varchar2) return boolean is
513 --
514 begin
515   --
516   if amount is null and percent is not null then
517     --
518     return(true);
519     --
520   elsif amount is not null and percent is null then
521     --
522     return(true);
523     --
524   else
525     --
526     hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6221_PAYM_INVALID_PPM');
527     hr_utility.raise_error;
528     return(false);
529     --
530   end if;
531   --
532 end;
533 --
534 --------------------------- mt_checks -----------------------------------
535 /*
536 NAME
537   mt_checks
539   Check if the PPT category is 'MT'. If so do relevant checks.
541   If MT then must have a valid external account to pay into.
542 */
543 function mt_checks(opm_id in varchar2,
544                    val_start_date in varchar2,
545                    account_id in varchar2) return boolean is
546 required_territory varchar2(16);
547 actual_territory varchar2(16);
548 category varchar2(20);
549 begin
550   --
551   -- Check if an account is specified and if so get the territory
552   --
553   hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.MT_CHECKS',1);
554   --
555   if account_id is null then
556     --
557     actual_territory := 'NONE';
558     --
559   else
560     --
561     begin
562       --
563       -- Check the account is valid
564       --
565       select exa.territory_code
566       into   actual_territory
567       from   pay_external_accounts exa
568       where  exa.external_account_id = account_id;
569       --
570     exception
571       --
572       when no_data_found then
573         --
574         hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6223_PAYM_BAD_ACCT');
575         hr_utility.raise_error;
576       --
577     end;
578     --
579   end if;
580   --
581   -- Now make sure its in the right territory (if required)
582   --
583   hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.MT_CHECKS',2);
584   --
585   select nvl(ppt.territory_code, 'NONE'),
586          ppt.category
587   into   required_territory,
588          category
589   from   pay_payment_types ppt,
590          pay_org_payment_methods_f opm
591   where  opm.org_payment_method_id = opm_id
592   and    opm.payment_type_id = ppt.payment_type_id
593   and    fnd_date.canonical_to_date(val_start_date) between
594          opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date;
595   --
596   -- Check the category.  If it is 'MT' do the checks...
597   --
598   hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.MT_CHECKS',3);
599   --
600   if category = 'MT' then
601     --
602     if actual_territory <> required_territory then
603       --
604       if required_territory <> 'NONE' then
605         --
606         hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6220_PAYM_INVALID_ACT');
607         hr_utility.set_message_token('TERITORY',required_territory);
608         hr_utility.raise_error;
609         return(false);
610         --
611       end if;
612     end if;
613     --
614   end if;
615   --
616   return(true);
617   --
618 exception
619   --
620   when no_data_found then
621     --
622     hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6224_PAYM_NO_OPM');
623     hr_utility.raise_error;
624     return(false);
625     --
626 end mt_checks;
627 --
628 --------------------------- unique_priority -----------------------------------
629 /*
630 NAME
631   unique_priority
633   Check the priority is unique at all times fo the assignment.
635   Two PPMs for the same assignment must have different priorities, or the
636   results of pre-payments will be unrepeatable.  This is called from the form
637   and as an update/insert trigger.
638 */
639 function unique_priority(in_priority in varchar2,
640                          val_start_date in varchar2,
641                          val_end_date in varchar2,
642                          assignment in varchar2) return boolean is
643 duplicate varchar2(2);
644 begin
645   --
646   hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.UNIQUE_PRIORITY',1);
647   --
648   select 'N'
649   into   duplicate
650   from   sys.dual
651   where  not exists(
652          select 1
653          from   pay_personal_payment_methods_f ppm
654          where  ppm.assignment_id = assignment
655          and    ppm.priority = in_priority
656          and    fnd_date.canonical_to_date(val_start_date) < ppm.effective_end_date
657          and    fnd_date.canonical_to_date(val_end_date) > ppm.effective_start_date);
658   --
659   -- See how we did
660   --
661   if duplicate = 'N' then
662     --
663     return true;
664     --
665   end if;
666   --
667 exception
668   --
669   when no_data_found then
670     --
671     hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6225_PAYM_DUP_PRIORITY');
672     hr_utility.raise_error;
673     return false;
674     --
675 end unique_priority;
676 --
677 --------------------------- check_pp -----------------------------------
678 /*
679 NAME
680   check_pp
682   Checks there are no outstanding pre-payments on delete
684   Before deleting the PPM must make sure there are no PPs which use it after
685   val_start_date.
686 */
687 function check_pp(ppm_id in varchar2,
688                   val_start_date in varchar2) return boolean is
689 status varchar2(2);
690 begin
691   --
692   hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.CHECK_PP',1);
693   --
694   -- WWbug 264094. Changed below from effective_date >= val_start_date to
695   -- effective_date > val_start_date. This has the effect of allowing the
696   -- delete if there are pre-payments on the deleteion date, providing there
697   -- aren't any after the date.
698   --
699   select 'Y'
700   into   status
701   from   sys.dual
702   where  not exists(
703          select 1
704          from   pay_payroll_actions pa,
705                 pay_assignment_actions aa,
706                 pay_pre_payments pp
707          where  pp.personal_payment_method_id = ppm_id
708          and    pp.assignment_action_id = aa.assignment_action_id
709          and    aa.payroll_action_id = pa.payroll_action_id
710          and    pa.effective_date > fnd_date.canonical_to_date(val_start_date));
711   --
712   -- If there is a row, then all is cool, but check anyhow to be defensive.
713   --
714   hr_utility.set_location('HR_PAYMENTS.CHECK_PP',2);
715   --
716   if status = 'Y' then
717     --
718     return true;
719     --
720   end if;
721   --
722 exception
723   --
724   when no_data_found then
725     --
726     -- This means future PPs exist so flag it.
727     --
728     hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6226_PAYM_PPS_EXIST');
729     hr_utility.raise_error;
730     return false;
731     --
732 end check_pp;
733 --
734 end hr_payments;