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1 package dbms_output authid definer as
3 -- DE-HEAD     <- tell SED where to cut when generating fixed package
5   ------------
6   --  OVERVIEW
7   --
8   --  These procedures accumulate information in a buffer (via "put" and
9   --  "put_line") so that it can be retrieved out later (via "get_line" or
10   --  "get_lines").  If this package is disabled then all
11   --  calls to this package are simply ignored.  This way, these routines
12   --  are only active when the client is one that is able to deal with the
13   --  information.  This is good for debugging, or SP's that want to want
14   --  to display messages or reports to sql*dba or plus (like 'describing
15   --  procedures', etc.).  The default buffer size is 20000 bytes.  The
16   --  minimum is 2000 and the maximum is 1,000,000.
18   -----------
19   --  EXAMPLE
20   --
21   --  A trigger might want to print out some debugging information.  To do
22   --  do this the trigger would do
23   --    dbms_output.put_line('I got here:'||:new.col||' is the new value');
24   --  If the client had enabled the dbms_output package then this put_line
25   --  would be buffered and the client could, after executing the statement
26   --  (presumably some insert, delete or update that caused the trigger to
27   --  fire) execute
28   --    begin dbms_output.get_line(:buffer, :status); end;
29   --  to get the line of information back.  It could then display the
30   --  buffer on the screen.  The client would repeat calls to get_line
31   --  until status came back as non-zero.  For better performance, the
32   --  client would use calls to get_lines which can return an array of
33   --  lines.
34   --
35   --  SQL*DBA and SQL*PLUS, for instance, implement a 'SET SERVEROUTPUT
36   --  ON' command so that they know whether to make calls to get_line(s)
37   --  after issuing insert, update, delete or anonymous PL/SQL calls
38   --  (these are the only ones that can cause triggers or stored procedures
39   --  to be executed).
41   ------------
42   --  SECURITY
43   --
44   --  At the end of this script, a public synonym (dbms_output) is created
45   --  and execute permission on this package is granted to public.
47   ----------------------------
49   --
50   procedure enable (buffer_size in integer default 20000);
51   pragma restrict_references(enable,WNDS,RNDS);
52   --  Enable calls to put, put_line, new_line, get_line and get_lines.
53   --    Calls to these procedures are noops if the package has
54   --    not been enabled.  Set default amount of information to buffer.
55   --    Cleanup data buffered from any dead sessions.  Multiple calls to
56   --    enable are allowed.
57   --  Input parameters:
58   --    buffer_size
59   --      Amount of information, in bytes, to buffer.  Varchar2, number and
60   --      date items are stored in their internal representation.  The
61   --      information is stored in the SGA. An error is raised if the
62   --      buffer size is exceeded.  If there are multiple calls to enable,
63   --      then the buffer_size is generally the largest of the values
64   --      specified, and will always be >= than the smallest value
65   --      specified.  Currently a more accurate determination is not
66   --      possible.  The maximum size is 1,000,000, the minimum is 2000.
68   procedure disable;
69   pragma restrict_references(disable,WNDS,RNDS);
70   --  Disable calls to put, put_line, new_line, get_line and get_lines.
71   --    Also purge the buffer of any remaining information.
73   procedure put(a varchar2);
74   pragma restrict_references(put,WNDS,RNDS);
75   --  Put a piece of information in the buffer.  When retrieved by
76   --    get_line(s), the number and date items will be formated with
77   --    to_char using the default formats. If you want another format
78   --    then format it explicitly.
79   --  Input parameters:
80   --    a
81   --      Item to buffer
83   procedure put_line(a varchar2);
84   pragma restrict_references(put_line,WNDS,RNDS);
85   --  Put a piece of information in the buffer followed by an end-of-line
86   --    marker.  When retrieved by get_line(s), the number and date items
87   --    will be formated with to_char using the default formats.  If you
88   --    want another format then format it explicitly. get_line(s) return
89   --    "lines" as delimited by "newlines". So every call to put_line or
90   --    new_line will generate a line that will be returned by get_line(s).
91   --  Input parameters:
92   --    a
93   --      Item to buffer
94   --  Errors raised:
95   --    -20000, ORU-10027: buffer overflow, limit of <buf_limit> bytes.
96   --    -20000, ORU-10028:line length overflow, limit of 32767 bytes per line.
98   procedure new_line;
99   pragma restrict_references(new_line,WNDS,RNDS);
100   --  Put an end-of-line marker.  get_line(s) return "lines" as delimited
101   --    by "newlines".  So every call to put_line or new_line will generate
102   --    a line that will be returned by get_line(s).
104   procedure get_line(line out varchar2, status out integer);
105   pragma restrict_references(get_line,WNDS,RNDS);
106   --  Get a single line back that has been buffered.  The lines are
107   --    delimited by calls to put_line or new_line.  The line will be
108   --    constructed taking all the items up to a newline, converting all
109   --    the items to varchar2, and concatenating them into a single line.
110   --    If the client fails to retrieve all lines before the next put,
111   --    put_line or new_line, the non-retrieved lines will be discarded.
112   --    This is so if the client is interrupted while selecting back
113   --    the information, there will not be junk left over which would
114   --    look like it was part of the NEXT set of lines.
115   --  Output parameters:
116   --    line
117   --      This line will hold the line - it may be up to 32767 bytes long.
118   --    status
119   --      This will be 0 upon successful completion of the call.  1 means
120   --      that there are no more lines.
122   type chararr is table of varchar2(32767) index by binary_integer;
123   procedure get_lines(lines out chararr, numlines in out integer);
124   pragma restrict_references(get_lines,WNDS,RNDS);
125   --  Get multiple lines back that have been buffered.  The lines are
126   --    delimited by calls to put_line or new_line.  The line will be
127   --    constructed taking all the items up to a newline, converting all
128   --    the items to varchar2, and concatenating them into a single line.
129   --    Once get_lines is executed, the client should continue to retrieve
130   --    all lines because the next put, put_line or new_line will first
131   --    purge the buffer of leftover data.  This is so if the client is
132   --    interrupted while selecting back the information, there will not
133   --    be junk left over.
134   --  Input parameters:
135   --    numlines
136   --      This is the maximum number of lines that the caller is prepared
137   --      to accept.  This procedure will not return more than this number
138   --      of lines.
139   --  Output parameters:
140   --    lines
141   --      This array will line will hold the lines - they may be up to 32767
142   --      bytes long each.  The array is indexed beginning with 0 and
143   --      increases sequentially.  From a 3GL host program the array begins
144   --      with whatever is the convention for that language.
145   --    numlines
146   --      This will be the number of lines actually returned.  If it is
147   --      less than the value passed in, then there are no more lines.
149   --FIXED_ONLYTYPE dbmsoutput_linesarray IS VARRAY(2147483647) OF
150   --FIXED_ONLY     VARCHAR2(32767);
151   procedure get_lines(lines out dbmsoutput_linesarray, numlines in out integer);
152   --  get_lines overload with dbmsoutput_linesarray varray type for lines.
153   --  It is recommended that you use this overload in a 3GL host program to
154   --  execute get_lines from a PL/SQL anonymous block.
155   pragma restrict_references(get_lines,WNDS,RNDS);
157   pragma TIMESTAMP('2000-06-22:11:21:00');
159 end;
161 -- CUT_HERE    <- tell sed where to chop off the rest