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APPS.AME_MAN_UPD dependencies on AME_MAN_UPD

Line 1: Package Body ame_man_upd as

1: Package Body ame_man_upd as
2: /* $Header: ammanrhi.pkb 120.5 2005/11/22 03:18 santosin noship $ */
3: --
4: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5: -- | Private Global Definitions |

Line 8: g_package varchar2(33) := ' ame_man_upd.'; -- Global package name

4: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5: -- | Private Global Definitions |
6: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7: --
8: g_package varchar2(33) := ' ame_man_upd.'; -- Global package name
9: --
10: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11: -- |----------------------------< dt_update_dml >-----------------------------|
12: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 167: ame_man_upd.dt_update_dml

163: --
164: Begin
165: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
166: --
167: ame_man_upd.dt_update_dml
168: (p_rec => p_rec
169: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
170: ,p_datetrack_mode => p_datetrack_mode
171: ,p_validation_start_date => p_validation_start_date

Line 522: ame_man_upd.convert_defs(p_rec);

518: -- derive the full record structure values to be updated.
519: --
520: -- 2. Call the supporting update validate operations.
521: --
522: ame_man_upd.convert_defs(p_rec);
523: --
524: ame_man_bus.update_validate
525: (p_rec => p_rec
526: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date

Line 606: ame_man_upd.upd

602: -- Having converted the arguments into the
603: -- plsql record structure we call the corresponding record
604: -- business process.
605: --
606: ame_man_upd.upd
607: (p_effective_date
608: ,p_datetrack_mode
609: ,l_rec
610: );

Line 622: end ame_man_upd;

618: --
619: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
620: End upd;
621: --
622: end ame_man_upd;