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2 /* $Header: BISVDRIB.pls 120.1 2006/02/13 02:48:56 nbarik noship $ */
3 -- dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \
4 -- dbdrv: checkfile(115.90=120.1):~PROD:~PATH:~FILE
5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 --  PACKAGE:      BIS_PMV_DRILL_PVT                                       --
7 --                                                                        --
8 --  DESCRIPTION:  This package contains all the procedures used to        --
9 --                validate the Report Generator parameters.               --
10 --                                                                        --
11 --  MODIFICATIONS                                                         --
12 --  Date       User       Modification                                    --
13 --  10/24/01   aleung     initial creation                                --
14 --  09/30/02   nkishore   Fix for 2594996                                 --
15 --  11/12/02   nkishore   Fix for 2616798 commented overRideViewBy        --
16 --  04/22/03   ansingh    BugFix#2887200  	                          --
17 --  06/07/03   gsanap     Added p_NextExtraViewBy to drilldown bug 3007145--
18 --  18-JUL-03 ansingh     Bug3056835: enable drill/pivot from webportlet  --
19 --  14-AUG-03 ansingh     Bug3024649: drilldown changes for related links --
20 --  19-AUG-03 nkishore    BugFix 3099789 add copy_time_params	    	  --
21 --  10/21/03   nbarik     Bug Fix 3201277 - Change in overRideViewBy      --
22 --  01/30/04   ksadagop   Bug Fix 3409904 - Added CustomView for drilldown--
23 --  02/19/04   nbarik     Bug Fix 3441967                                 --
24 --  03/31/04   nbarik     Bug Fix 3510716                                 --
25 --  06/04/04   ashgarg    Bug Fix 3665085                                 --
26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 --Fix for 2594996
29 PROCEDURE overRideViewBy (
30                            pFunctionName       in varchar2,
31                           pSessionId          in varchar2,
32                            pUserId             in varchar2,
33                            pTimeAttribute    IN VARCHAR2
34 ) IS
36     --nbarik - 10/21/03 - bug fix 3201277 - Added function name here
37     cursor getViewBy (cpUserId varchar2, cpSessionId varchar2) is
38     select session_value
39     from   bis_user_attributes
40     where  user_id = cpUserId
41     and    session_id = cpSessionId
42     and    function_name = pFunctionName
43     and    attribute_name = 'VIEW_BY';
45     --nbarik - 10/21/03 - bug fix 3201277
46     /*
47     cursor getTimeAttribute (cpUserId varchar2, cpSessionId varchar2) is
48     select attribute_name
49     from   bis_user_attributes
50     where  user_id = cpUserId
51     and    session_id = cpSessionId
52     and    ( attribute_name like 'TIME%' or attribute_name like 'EDW_TIME_M%' );
53     */
55     lViewByValue      VARCHAR2(200);
56     lViewByDimension  VARCHAR2(100);
57     lTimeDimLevel     VARCHAR2(100);
58     lTimeDimLevels    VARCHAR2(100);
62    IF getViewBy%ISOPEN THEN
63       close getViewBy;
64    END IF;
65    OPEN getViewBy(pUserId, pSessionId);
66    FETCH getViewBy INTO lViewByValue;
67    CLOSE getViewBy;
69    IF (lViewByValue is not null) THEN
70     lViewByDimension := substr(lViewByValue ,1,instr(lViewByValue ,'+')-1) ;
72     IF (lViewByDimension = 'TIME' OR lViewByDimension = 'EDW_TIME_M') THEN
73        /*
74        IF getTimeAttribute%ISOPEN THEN
75           close getTimeAttribute;
76        END IF;
78        OPEN  getTimeAttribute(pUserId, pSessionId);
79        FETCH getTimeAttribute into lTimeDimLevel;
80        CLOSE getTimeAttribute;
81        */
82        --nbarik - 10/21/03 - bug fix 3201277
83        lTimeDimLevel := pTimeAttribute;
84        IF ( lTimeDimLevel is not null ) THEN
86           IF ( instr(lTimeDimLevel,'_FROM') > 1 ) THEN
87             lTimeDimLevels := substr( lTimeDimLevel ,1,instr( lTimeDimLevel ,'_FROM')-1);
88           ELSIF ( instr(lTimeDimLevel,'_TO') > 1 ) THEN
89             lTimeDimLevels := substr( lTimeDimLevel ,1,instr( lTimeDimLevel ,'_TO')-1);
90           END IF;
92           DELETE FROM bis_user_attributes where session_id= pSessionId AND function_name= pFunctionName
93           AND schedule_id is null
94           AND user_id=pUserId
95           AND attribute_name = 'VIEW_BY';
97           INSERT INTO BIS_USER_ATTRIBUTES (user_id, function_name,
98                                       session_id, attribute_name,
99                                       session_value,
100                                       dimension,
101                                       creation_date, created_by,
102                                       last_update_Date, last_updated_by)
103                               VALUES (pUserId, pFunctionName,
104                                       pSessionId, 'VIEW_BY' ,
105                                       lTimeDimLevels,
106                                       lViewByDimension,
107                                       sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1);
108        END IF;
110     END IF;
111    END IF;
112    --End of Fix for 2594996
114 END overRideViewBy;
116 /* Procedure to copy the same function parameters - overide from schedule and page only */
117 PROCEDURE copySameFunctionParameters(pSessionId          in varchar2,
118                            pUserId             in varchar2,
119                            pFunctionName       in varchar2,
120                            pRegionCode         in varchar2,
121                            pScheduleId         in varchar2 default null,
122                           pPageId         in  varchar2 default null,
123                           pRespId         in  varchar2 default null,
124                           pParameterGroup IN BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PVT.parameter_group_tbl_type
125                         )IS
129  IF (pScheduleId IS NOT NULL) THEN
130    BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PVT.overRideFromSchedule(
131                            pSessionId          => pSessionId,
132                            pUserId             =>pUserId,
133                            pFunctionName       =>pFunctionName,
134                            pRegionCode         => pRegionCode,
135                            pScheduleId         => pScheduleId,
136                           pRespId         =>pRespId,
137                           pParameterGroup =>pParameterGroup
138                         );
139  END IF;
141  IF (pPageId IS NOT NULL) THEN
142    BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PVT.overRideFromPage(
143                            pSessionId          => pSessionId,
144                            pUserId             =>pUserId,
145                            pFunctionName       =>pFunctionName,
146                            pRegionCode         => pRegionCode,
147                            pPageId         => pPageId,
148                           pRespId         =>pRespId,
149                           pParameterGroup =>pParameterGroup
150                         );
151  END IF;
153 END copySameFunctionParameters;
156 PROCEDURE copyGroupedParameters(pSessionId          in varchar2,
157                            pUserId             in varchar2,
158                            pPreFunctionName    in varchar2,
159                            pFunctionName       in varchar2,
160                            pRegionCode         in varchar2,
161                            pScheduleId         in varchar2 default null,
162                           pPageId         in  varchar2 default null,
163                           pRespId         in  varchar2 default null,
164                           pParameterGroup IN BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PVT.parameter_group_tbl_type,
165                           pTCTExists      in boolean default false,
166                           pNestedRegionCode in varchar2 default null,
167                           pAsofdateExists in boolean default false,
168 			  xTimeAttribute out NOCOPY varchar2
169                         ) IS
170     l_return_status   varchar2(32000);
171     l_msg_count       NUMBER;
172     l_msg_data        varchar2(32000);
173     l_time_attribute  varchar2(2000);
174     -- nbarik - 02/19/04 - BugFix 3441967
175     l_IsPreFuncTCTExists          BOOLEAN := FALSE;
176     l_IsPreFuncCalcDatesExists    BOOLEAN := FALSE;
180 if (pFunctionName = pPreFunctionName) THEN
182   copySameFunctionParameters(pSessionId          => pSessionId,
183                            pUserId             => pUserId,
184                            pFunctionName       => pFunctionName,
185                            pRegionCode         => pRegionCode,
186                            pScheduleId         => pScheduleId,
187                           pPageId         => pPageId,
188                           pRespId         => pRespId,
189                           pParameterGroup => pParameterGroup
190                         );
191 ELSE
193  --0) delete all the existing session parameters
194   DELETE FROM bis_user_attributes
195   WHERE function_name=pFunctionName
196   AND user_id=pUserId
197   AND session_id=pSessionId
198   AND schedule_id IS NULL;
200  --1) copy all the fnd form function default parameters
202     (pRegionCode       => pRegionCode
203     ,pFunctionName      => pFunctionName
204     ,pUserId           => pUserId
205     ,pSessionId        => pSessionId
206     ,pResponsibilityId => pRespId
207     ,pNestedRegionCode => pNestedRegionCode
208     ,pAsofdateExists   => pAsofdateExists
209     ,x_return_status   => l_return_status
210     ,x_msg_count	     => l_msg_count
211     ,x_msg_data	       => l_msg_data
212     ) ;
215    --2) use the saved default parameters
216    BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PVT.overRideFromSavedDefault(
217                            pSessionId          => pSessionId,
218                            pUserId             =>pUserId,
219                            pFunctionName       =>pFunctionName,
220                            pRegionCode         => pRegionCode,
221                           pRespId         =>pRespId,
222                           pParameterGroup =>pParameterGroup
223                         );
225     -- 3) schedule or preFunction
226  IF (pScheduleId IS NOT NULL) THEN
227    BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PVT.overRideFromSchedule(
228                            pSessionId          => pSessionId,
229                            pUserId             =>pUserId,
230                            pFunctionName       =>pFunctionName,
231                            pRegionCode         => pRegionCode,
232                            pScheduleId         => pScheduleId,
233                           pRespId         =>pRespId,
234                           pParameterGroup =>pParameterGroup
236                         );
237  ELSIF (pPreFunctionName IS NOT NULL) THEN
238    -- nbarik - 02/19/04 - BugFix 3441967
239    BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PVT.overRideFromPreFunction(
240                            pSessionId          => pSessionId,
241                            pUserId             =>pUserId,
242                            pFunctionName       =>pFunctionName,
243                            pRegionCode         => pRegionCode,
244                            pPreFunctionName         => pPreFunctionName,
245                           pRespId         =>pRespId,
246                           pParameterGroup =>pParameterGroup,
247                           pTCTExists => pTCTExists
248                         , x_IsPreFuncTCTExists => l_IsPreFuncTCTExists
249                         , x_IsPreFuncCalcDatesExists => l_IsPreFuncCalcDatesExists
250                         );
251  END IF;
254  --4) page level
255  IF (pPageId IS NOT NULL) THEN
256    BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PVT.overRideFromPage(
257                            pSessionId          => pSessionId,
258                            pUserId             =>pUserId,
259                            pFunctionName       =>pFunctionName,
260                            pRegionCode         => pRegionCode,
261                            pPageId         => pPageId,
262                            pRespId         =>pRespId,
263                            pParameterGroup =>pParameterGroup
264                         );
265  END IF;
266 --BugFix 3099789 add copy_time_params, Save Time Params here
267     -- nbarik - 02/19/04 - BugFix 3441967
269                            pSessionId          => pSessionId,
270                            pUserId             =>pUserId,
271                            pFunctionName       =>pFunctionName,
272                            pRegionCode         => pRegionCode,
273                           pRespId         =>pRespId,
274                           pParameterGroup =>pParameterGroup,
275                           pTCTExists => pTCTExists,
276                           p_IsPreFuncTCTExists => l_IsPreFuncTCTExists,
277                           p_IsPreFuncCalcDatesExists => l_IsPreFuncCalcDatesExists,
278                           x_time_attribute => l_time_attribute
279                         );
280  --nbarik - 10/21/03 - bug fix 3201277 - Uncomment overRideViewBy call
281  --5 ) override the view-by in case it is time --Fix for 2594996
282  overRideViewBy (
283                 pFunctionName => pFunctionName,
284                pSessionId  =>pSessionId,
285                pUserId => pUserId,
286                pTimeAttribute => l_time_attribute
287               );
289  -- DIMENSION VALUE EXTENSION - DRILL Bug 3230530 / Bug 3004363
290  -- Return l_time_attribute to caller
291  xTimeAttribute := l_time_attribute ;
293 END IF; --functionName =preFunctionName
296 END copyGroupedParameters;
298  procedure copyParameters(pSessionId          in varchar2,
299                            pUserId             in varchar2,
300                            pPreFunctionName    in varchar2,
301                            pFunctionName       in varchar2,
302                            pRegionCode         in varchar2,
303                            pScheduleId         in varchar2 default null,
304                         pPageId         in  varchar2 default null,
305                         pRespId         in  varchar2 default null ) IS
307     vOldDimension varchar2(1000);
308     vAttributeCodeTable BISVIEWER.t_char;
309     vDimensionTable     BISVIEWER.t_char;
310     vDisplaySeqTable     BISVIEWER.t_char;
312     cursor cParameters (cpRegionCode varchar2) is
313     select nvl(attribute2,attribute_code) attribute_code, substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1) dimension
314     from   ak_region_items_vl
315     where  region_code = rtrim(cpRegionCode)
316     and    node_query_flag = 'Y'
317     order by display_sequence;
319     cursor cPageLessParameters (cpRegionCode varchar2) is
320     select nvl(attribute2,attribute_code) attribute_code, substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1) dimension
321     from   ak_region_items_vl ak
322     where  ak.region_code = rtrim(cpRegionCode)
323     and    ak.node_query_flag = 'Y'
324     AND nvl(substr(ak.attribute2,1,instr(ak.attribute2,'+')-1), ak.attribute_code) NOT IN (
325         select DISTINCT nvl(substr(b.attribute_name,1,instr(b.attribute_name,'+')-1), attribute_code)
326         from bis_user_attributes b
327         where b.page_id=pPageId
328         and b.user_id =pUserId
329         )
330     order by display_sequence;
332     -- ashgarg Bug Fix: 3665085 Changed ak_region_items_vl to ak_region_items
333     CURSOR cParametersWithNestedRegion (cpRegionCode varchar2, cpNestedRegionCode IN VARCHAR2) is
334         SELECT nvl(attribute2,attribute_code) attribute_code, substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1) dimension, display_sequence
335         FROM ak_region_items
336         WHERE region_code=cpNestedRegionCode
337         AND node_query_flag='Y'
338       UNION
339         SELECT nvl(attribute2,attribute_code) attribute_code, substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1) dimension, display_sequence
340         FROM   ak_region_items
341         WHERE  region_code = rtrim(cpRegionCode)
342         AND    node_query_flag = 'Y'
343         AND nvl(substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1), attribute_code) NOT IN (
344         	SELECT DISTINCT nvl(substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1), attribute_code)
345           FROM ak_region_items
346           WHERE region_code =cpNestedRegionCode
347         )
348         ORDER BY display_sequence;
350     CURSOR cPageLessWithNestedRegion (cpRegionCode varchar2, cpNestedRegionCode IN VARCHAR2) is
351         SELECT nvl(attribute2,attribute_code) attribute_code, substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1) dimension, display_sequence
352         from ak_region_items
353         where region_code=cpNestedRegionCode
354         and node_query_flag='Y'
355         and nvl(substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1), attribute_code)  not in (
356           SELECT DISTINCT nvl(substr(attribute_name ,1,instr(attribute_name ,'+')-1), attribute_code)
357           FROM bis_user_attributes
358           WHERE page_id=pPageId
359           AND user_id=pUserId
360         )
361       UNION
362       --2. default region w/o page, w/o nested
363         SELECT nvl(attribute2,attribute_code) attribute_code, substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1) dimension, display_sequence
364         FROM ak_region_items
365         WHERE region_code= rtrim(cpRegionCode)
366         AND node_query_flag='Y'
367         AND nvl(substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1), attribute_code)  NOT IN (
368             SELECT DISTINCT nvl( substr(attribute_name ,1,instr(attribute_name ,'+')-1), attribute_code)
369             FROM bis_user_attributes
370             WHERE page_id=pPageId
371             AND 	user_id=pUserId
372           UNION
373             SELECT DISTINCT nvl( substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1), attribute_code)
374             FROM ak_region_items
375             WHERE region_code =cpNestedRegionCode
376         )
377         ORDER BY display_sequence;
379     cursor getViewBy (cpUserId varchar2, cpSessionId varchar2) is
380     select session_value
381     from   bis_user_attributes
382     where  user_id = cpUserId
383     and    session_id = cpSessionId
384     and    attribute_name = 'VIEW_BY';
386     cursor getTimeAttribute (cpUserId varchar2, cpSessionId varchar2) is
387     select attribute_name
388     from   bis_user_attributes
389     where  user_id = cpUserId
390     and    session_id = cpSessionId
391     and    ( attribute_name like 'TIME%' or attribute_name like 'EDW_TIME_M%' );
394     l_return_status   varchar2(32000);
395     l_msg_count       NUMBER;
396     l_msg_data        varchar2(32000);
397     lNestedRegionCode VARCHAR2(30);
398     lViewByValue      VARCHAR2(200);
399     lViewByDimension  VARCHAR2(100);
400     lTimeDimLevel     VARCHAR2(100);
401     lTimeDimLevels    VARCHAR2(100);
403     cursor getNestedRegionCode (cpRegionCode varchar2) is
404      SELECT nested_region_code
405      FROM ak_region_items
406      WHERE region_code = cpRegionCode
407      AND nested_region_code IS NOT NULL;
410 begin
412 --delete all the paramete rs for this session for this report only if this is not a recursive drill into the same
413 -- report, else will lose the data
414 --jprabhud added the OR clause for enhancement #2442162
415 IF (pFunctionName <> pPreFunctionName OR pPreFunctionName IS NULL) THEN
416   DELETE FROM bis_user_attributes
417   WHERE function_name=pFunctionName
418   AND user_id=pUserId
419   AND session_id=pSessionId
420   AND schedule_id IS NULL;
421 END IF;
423 -- get the nested region code
424    if getNestedRegionCode%ISOPEN then
425       close getNestedRegionCode;
426    end if;
427    open getNestedRegionCode(pRegionCode);
428    fetch getNestedRegionCode INTO lNestedRegionCode;
429    close getNestedRegionCode;
431  IF pPageId is not null then
432    -- elete the page parameters
433   DELETE FROM bis_user_attributes where session_id= pSessionId AND function_name= pFunctionName
434   AND schedule_id is null
435   AND user_id=pUserId
436   AND attribute_name in
437    (SELECT attribute_name from bis_user_attributes where user_id=pUserId and page_id=pPageId);
439   -- copy the page level parameters
440        insert into bis_user_attributes (USER_ID,
441                                       FUNCTION_NAME,
442                                       SESSION_ID,
443                                       SESSION_VALUE,
444                                       SESSION_DESCRIPTION,
445                                       ATTRIBUTE_NAME,
446                                       DIMENSION,
447                                       PERIOD_DATE)
448           SELECT  pUserId,
449               pFunctionName,
450               pSessionId,
451               SESSION_VALUE,
452               SESSION_DESCRIPTION,
453               ATTRIBUTE_NAME,
454               DIMENSION,
455               PERIOD_DATE
456           FROM    bis_user_attributes
457           where   user_id = pUserId
458           AND page_id = pPageId;
460 END IF;
462  IF (pFunctionName = pPreFunctionName ) THEN
464    --If sched if is null, the rest of the procedure only copies the params from the preFunction
465    -- tothe function which is not needed for self drilling
466   IF (pScheduleId IS NULL) THEN
467     RETURN;
468   ELSE
469     DELETE FROM bis_user_attributes where session_id= pSessionId AND function_name= pFunctionName
470     and schedule_id is null AND user_id=pUserId
471     AND attribute_name in
472      (SELECT attribute_name from bis_user_attributes where schedule_id=pSCheduleId);
474     -- for time from
475     DELETE FROM bis_user_attributes where session_id= pSessionId AND function_name= pFunctionName
476     and schedule_id is null AND user_id=pUserId
477     AND attribute_name in
478      (SELECT attribute_name||'_FROM' from bis_user_attributes where schedule_id=pSCheduleId);
480     -- for time to
481     DELETE FROM bis_user_attributes where session_id= pSessionId AND function_name= pFunctionName
482     and schedule_id is null AND user_id=pUserId
483     AND attribute_name in
484      (SELECT attribute_name||'_TO' from bis_user_attributes where schedule_id=pSCheduleId);
486   END IF;
488  END IF;
490  IF lNestedRegionCode IS NOT NULL THEN
492    IF pPageId IS NOT null THEN
494      if cPageLessWithNestedRegion%ISOPEN then
495         close cPageLessWithNestedRegion;
496      end if;
497      open cPageLessWithNestedRegion(pRegionCode, lNestedRegionCode);
498      fetch cPageLessWithNestedRegion bulk collect into vAttributeCodeTable, vDimensionTable, vDisplaySeqTable;
499      close cPageLessWithNestedRegion;
500    ELSE
502      if cParametersWithNestedRegion%ISOPEN then
503         close cParametersWithNestedRegion;
504      end if;
505      open cParametersWithNestedRegion(pRegionCode, lNestedRegionCode);
506      fetch cParametersWithNestedRegion bulk collect into vAttributeCodeTable, vDimensionTable, vDisplaySeqTable;
507      close cParametersWithNestedRegion;
508    END IF; -- pageId
510  ELSE
512    IF pPageId is not null then
513      if cPageLessParameters%ISOPEN then
514         close cPageLessParameters;
515      end if;
516      open cPageLessParameters(pRegionCode);
517      fetch cPageLessParameters bulk collect into vAttributeCodeTable, vDimensionTable;
518      close cPageLessParameters;
519    else
520      -- get parameters
521      if cParameters%ISOPEN then
522         close cParameters;
523      end if;
524      open cParameters(pRegionCode);
525      fetch cParameters bulk collect into vAttributeCodeTable, vDimensionTable;
526      close cParameters;
527    end if; -- pageId
528  END IF; -- if no nested region
531 if vAttributeCodeTable.COUNT > 0 then
532  vAttributeCodeTable(vAttributeCodeTable.COUNT+1) := 'BIS_P_ASOF_DATE';
533  for i in vAttributeCodeTable.FIRST..vAttributeCodeTable.LAST loop
535     if pScheduleId is null then
536        insert into bis_user_attributes (USER_ID,
537                                       FUNCTION_NAME,
538                                       SESSION_ID,
539                                       SESSION_VALUE,
540                                       SESSION_DESCRIPTION,
541                                       ATTRIBUTE_NAME,
542                                       DIMENSION,
543                                       PERIOD_DATE)
544         select  USER_ID,
545               pFunctionName,
546               SESSION_ID,
547               SESSION_VALUE,
548               SESSION_DESCRIPTION,
549               ATTRIBUTE_NAME,
550               DIMENSION,
551               PERIOD_DATE
552         from    bis_user_attributes
553         where   function_name = pPreFunctionName
554         and     attribute_name in (vAttributeCodeTable(i),
555                                    vAttributeCodeTable(i)||'_FROM',
556                                  vAttributeCodeTable(i)||'_TO')
557         and     session_id = pSessionId
558         and     user_id = pUserId;
559     else
560        insert into bis_user_attributes (USER_ID,
561                                       FUNCTION_NAME,
562                                       SESSION_ID,
563                                       SESSION_VALUE,
564                                       SESSION_DESCRIPTION,
565                                       ATTRIBUTE_NAME,
566                                       DIMENSION,
567                                       PERIOD_DATE)
568         select  pUserId,
569               pFunctionName,
570               pSessionId,
571               SESSION_VALUE,
572               SESSION_DESCRIPTION,
573               ATTRIBUTE_NAME,
574               DIMENSION,
575               PERIOD_DATE
576         from    bis_user_attributes
577         where   schedule_id = pScheduleId
578         and     attribute_name in (vAttributeCodeTable(i),
579                                  vAttributeCodeTable(i)||'_FROM',
580                                  vAttributeCodeTable(i)||'_TO');
582     end if;
583     if vAttributeCodeTable(i) <> 'BIS_P_ASOF_DATE' then
584     if vDimensionTable(i) = vOldDimension then
585        goto endLoop;
586     else
587      if pScheduleId is null then
588        insert into bis_user_attributes (USER_ID,
589                                       FUNCTION_NAME,
590                                       SESSION_ID,
591                                       SESSION_VALUE,
592                                       SESSION_DESCRIPTION,
593                                       ATTRIBUTE_NAME,
594                                       DIMENSION,
595                                       PERIOD_DATE)
596         select  USER_ID,
597               pFunctionName,
598               SESSION_ID,
599               SESSION_VALUE,
600               SESSION_DESCRIPTION,
601               ATTRIBUTE_NAME,
602               DIMENSION,
603               PERIOD_DATE
604         from    bis_user_attributes
605         where   function_name = pPreFunctionName
606         and     attribute_name = vDimensionTable(i)||'_HIERARCHY'
607         and     session_id = pSessionId
608         and     user_id = pUserId;
609      else
610        -- if drilling into itself, there is a possibility that this parameter has not been
611        --deleted from the current session
612        --IF (pFunctionName == pPreFunctionName) THEN
613          DELETE FROM bis_user_attributes
614          WHERE session_id =pSessionId
615          AND function_name = pFunctionName
616          AND schedule_id IS NULL
617          AND user_id=pUserId
618          AND attribute_name = vDimensionTable(i)||'_HIERARCHY';
619        --END IF;
621        insert into bis_user_attributes (USER_ID,
622                                       FUNCTION_NAME,
623                                       SESSION_ID,
624                                       SESSION_VALUE,
625                                       SESSION_DESCRIPTION,
626                                       ATTRIBUTE_NAME,
627                                       DIMENSION,
628                                       PERIOD_DATE)
629         select  pUserId,
630               pFunctionName,
631               pSessionId,
632               SESSION_VALUE,
633               SESSION_DESCRIPTION,
634               ATTRIBUTE_NAME,
635               DIMENSION,
636               PERIOD_DATE
637         from    bis_user_attributes
638         where   schedule_id = pScheduleId
639         and     attribute_name = vDimensionTable(i)||'_HIERARCHY';
641      end if;
642     end if;
643      vOldDimension := vDimensionTable(i);
644     end if;
645      <<endLoop>>
646      null;
647  end loop;
648 end if;
651 -- only copy those default parameters which were not copied from the driver function
652 -- if drilling into the same report, should have all the reqd attributes.
653 IF (pFunctionName <> pPreFunctionName  OR pPreFunctionName IS NULL) THEN
654  -- First copy the default parameters for this report.
656   (pFunctionName     => pFunctionName
657   ,pUserId           => pUserId
658   ,pSessionId        => pSessionId
659   ,x_return_status   => l_return_status
660   ,x_msg_count       => l_msg_count
661   ,x_msg_data        => l_msg_data
662   );
664   -- serao- 08/23/2002- bug 2514044 - copy form function parameters
666                                         (pRegionCode => pRegionCode
667                                         ,pFunctionName => pFunctionName
668                                         ,pUserId => pUserId
669                                         ,pSessionId => pSessionId
670                                         ,pResponsibilityId =>  nvl(pRespId, icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_RESPONSIBILITY_ID))
671                                         ,x_return_status=>l_return_status
672                                         ,x_msg_count=> l_msg_count
673                                         ,x_msg_data=>l_msg_data
674                                           );
675    --Fix for 2594996
676    IF getViewBy%ISOPEN THEN
677       close getViewBy;
678    END IF;
679    OPEN getViewBy(pUserId, pSessionId);
680    FETCH getViewBy INTO lViewByValue;
681    CLOSE getViewBy;
682    IF (lViewByValue is not null) THEN
683     lViewByDimension := substr(lViewByValue ,1,instr(lViewByValue ,'+')-1) ;
684     IF (lViewByDimension = 'TIME' OR lViewByDimension = 'EDW_TIME_M') THEN
685        IF getTimeAttribute%ISOPEN THEN
686           close getTimeAttribute;
687        END IF;
688        OPEN  getTimeAttribute(pUserId, pSessionId);
689        FETCH getTimeAttribute into lTimeDimLevel;
690        CLOSE getTimeAttribute;
691        IF ( lTimeDimLevel is not null ) THEN
692           IF ( instr(lTimeDimLevel,'_FROM') > 1 ) THEN
693             lTimeDimLevels := substr( lTimeDimLevel ,1,instr( lTimeDimLevel ,'_FROM')-1);
694           ELSIF ( instr(lTimeDimLevel,'_TO') > 1 ) THEN
695             lTimeDimLevels := substr( lTimeDimLevel ,1,instr( lTimeDimLevel ,'_TO')-1);
696           END IF;
698           DELETE FROM bis_user_attributes where session_id= pSessionId AND function_name= pFunctionName
699           AND schedule_id is null
700           AND user_id=pUserId
701           AND attribute_name = 'VIEW_BY';
703           INSERT INTO BIS_USER_ATTRIBUTES (user_id, function_name,
704                                       session_id, attribute_name,
705                                       session_value,
706                                       dimension,
707                                       creation_date, created_by,
708                                       last_update_Date, last_updated_by)
709                               VALUES (pUserId, pFunctionName,
710                                       pSessionId, 'VIEW_BY' ,
711                                       lTimeDimLevels,
712                                       lViewByDimension,
713                                       sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1);
714        END IF;
715     END IF;
716    END IF;
717    --End of Fix for 2594996
719 END IF;
722 commit;
724 exception when others then
725     IF getViewBy%ISOPEN THEN
726       close getViewBy;
727    END IF;
728    IF getTimeAttribute%ISOPEN THEN
729        close getTimeAttribute;
730    END IF;
731 end copyParameters;