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2 /* $Header: apvdmvdb.pls 120.10.12000000.2 2007/08/01 10:03:45 gagrawal ship $ */
3 --
4 --
6 	    x_user_defined_vendor_num_code	in out NOCOPY varchar2,
7 	    x_manual_vendor_num_type		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
8 	    x_rfq_only_site_flag		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
9 	    x_ship_to_location_id		in out NOCOPY number,
10 	    x_ship_to_location_code		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
11 	    x_bill_to_location_id		in out NOCOPY number,
12 	    x_bill_to_location_code		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
13 	    x_fob_lookup_code 			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
14 	    x_freight_terms_lookup_code		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
15 	    x_terms_id				in out NOCOPY number,
16 	    x_terms_disp			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
17 	    x_always_take_disc_flag		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
18 	    x_invoice_currency_code		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
19             x_org_id				in out NOCOPY number,
20 	    x_set_of_books_id			in out NOCOPY number,
21             x_short_name			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
22 	    x_payment_currency_code		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
23 	    x_accts_pay_ccid			in out NOCOPY number,
24 	    x_future_dated_payment_ccid		in out NOCOPY number,
25 	    x_prepay_code_combination_id	in out NOCOPY number,
26 	    x_vendor_pay_group_lookup_code	in out NOCOPY varchar2,
27 	    x_sys_auto_calc_int_flag		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
28 	    x_terms_date_basis			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
29 	    x_terms_date_basis_disp		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
30 	    x_chart_of_accounts_id		in out NOCOPY number,
31 	    x_fob_lookup_disp			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
32 	    x_freight_terms_lookup_disp		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
33 	    x_vendor_pay_group_disp		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
34 	    x_fin_require_matching		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
35 	    x_sys_require_matching		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
36 	    x_fin_match_option			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
37 	    x_po_create_dm_flag			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
38 	    x_exclusive_payment			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
39 	    x_vendor_auto_int_default		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
40 	    x_inventory_organization_id		in out NOCOPY number,
41 	    x_ship_via_lookup_code		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
42 	    x_ship_via_disp			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
43 	    x_sysdate				in out NOCOPY date,
44 	    x_enforce_ship_to_loc_code		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
45 	    x_receiving_routing_id		in out NOCOPY number,
46 	    x_qty_rcv_tolerance			in out NOCOPY number,
47 	    x_qty_rcv_exception_code		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
48 	    x_days_early_receipt_allowed	in out NOCOPY number,
49 	    x_days_late_receipt_allowed		in out NOCOPY number,
50 	    x_allow_sub_receipts_flag		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
51 	    x_allow_unord_receipts_flag		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
52 	    x_receipt_days_exception_code	in out NOCOPY varchar2,
53 	    x_enforce_ship_to_loc_disp		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
54 	    x_qty_rcv_exception_disp		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
55 	    x_receipt_days_exception_disp	in out NOCOPY varchar2,
56 	    x_receipt_required_flag		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
57 	    x_inspection_required_flag		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
58 	    x_payment_method_lookup_code	in out NOCOPY varchar2,
59             x_payment_method_disp		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
60 	    x_pay_date_basis_lookup_code	in out NOCOPY varchar2,
61 	    x_pay_date_basis_disp		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
62 	    x_receiving_routing_name		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
63 	    x_AP_inst_flag			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
64 	    x_PO_inst_flag			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
65    	    x_home_country_code 		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
66 	    x_default_country_code 		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
67 	    x_default_country_disp 		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
68 	    x_default_awt_group_id		in out NOCOPY number,
69 	    x_default_awt_group_name		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
70 	    x_allow_awt_flag			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
71 	    x_base_currency_code		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
72 	    x_address_style			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
73 	    /* eTax Uptake
74 	    x_auto_tax_calc_flag		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
75 	    x_auto_tax_calc_override		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
76 	    x_amount_includes_tax_flag		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
77             x_amount_includes_tax_override	in out NOCOPY varchar2,
78 	    x_ap_tax_rounding_rule		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
79             x_vat_code				in out NOCOPY varchar2, */
80 	    x_use_bank_charge_flag              in out NOCOPY varchar2,
81             x_bank_charge_bearer                in out NOCOPY varchar2,
82 	    X_calling_sequence			in     varchar2 ) is
84 --
85    l_appl_short_name varchar2(30);
86    l_ap_status varchar2(30);
87    l_po_status varchar2(30);
88    l_industry varchar2(30);
89    l_oracle_schema varchar2(30);
90    dummy boolean;
91    l_po_setup number;
92    --
93    -- inactive dates
94    --
95    l_ship_to_loc_inactive_date 	date;
96    l_bill_to_loc_inactive_date 	date;
97    l_fob_inactive_date			date;
98    l_freight_terms_inactive_date	date;
99    l_terms_inactive_date		date;
100    l_payment_method_inactive_date	date;
101    l_ship_via_inactive_date		date;
102    --
103    --
104    current_calling_sequence		varchar2(2000);
105    debug_info				varchar2(100);
107    -- Bug 5087698
108    --
109    l_ap_options number;
110    l_fin_options number;
111 --
112 -- Load initial defaults into WORLD block using several
113 -- select statements
114 --
115   begin
117 --  Update the calling sequence
118 --
119     current_calling_sequence := 'AP_APXVDMVD_PKG.INITIALIZE<-' ||
120 				 X_calling_sequence;
121     --
122     --
123     dummy := fnd_installation.get_app_info('AP',l_ap_status,l_industry,l_oracle_schema);
124     x_AP_inst_flag := l_ap_status;
125     dummy := fnd_installation.get_app_info('PO',l_po_status,l_industry,l_oracle_schema);
126     x_PO_inst_flag := l_po_status;
127     --
128     --
129     debug_info := 'Select from ap_lookup_codes, po_lookup_codes, hr_locations, ....';
130     --Bug :2809214 MOAC - Supplier Attribute Change Project
131     --Changed the source table from financial_options and system_options to
132     --ap_product_setup for some of columns. For list of columns please refer to bug.
134   --
135   -- Bug 5087698
137     SELECT count(*)
138     INTO   l_ap_options
139     FROM   ap_system_parameters
140     WHERE  nvl(org_id,-99) = nvl(x_org_id,-99);
142     SELECT count(*)
143     INTO   l_fin_options
144     FROM   financials_system_parameters
145     WHERE  nvl(org_id,-99) = nvl(x_org_id,-99);
147     IF l_ap_options > 0 and l_fin_options > 0 THEN
149     SELECT  aps.supplier_numbering_method,
150 	    aps.supplier_num_type,
151 	    fin.rfq_only_site_flag,
152 	    fin.ship_to_location_id,		-- ship_to_location_id
153 	    hl2.location_code,			-- ship_to_location_code
154 	    nvl(hl2.inactive_date,sysdate+1),	-- ship to inactive date
155 	    fin.bill_to_location_id,		-- bill_to_location_id
156 	    hl1.location_code,			-- bill_to_location_code
157 	    nvl(hl1.inactive_date,sysdate+1),	-- bill_to_location inatcive date
158 	    fin.fob_lookup_code,		-- fob_lookup_code
159 	    pc1.displayed_field,		-- fob_lookup_disp
160             nvl(pc1.inactive_date,sysdate+1),	-- fob inactive_date
161 	    fin.freight_terms_lookup_code,	-- freight_terms_lookup_code
162 	    pc2.displayed_field,		-- freight_terms_lookup_disp
163 	    nvl(pc2.inactive_date,sysdate+1),	-- freight_terms inactive_date
164 	    aps.terms_id, 			-- terms_id
165             tm.name,				-- terms_name
166 	    nvl(tm.end_date_active,sysdate+1),	-- terms_inactive_date
167 	    aps.payment_method_lookup_code,	-- payment_method_lookup_code
168 	    lc1.displayed_field,		-- payment_method_disp
169             nvl(lc1.inactive_date,sysdate+1),	-- payment_method inactve date
170 	    aps.always_take_disc_flag,
171 	    aps.pay_date_basis_lookup_code,	-- pay_date_basis_lookup_code
172 	    lc2.displayed_field,		-- pay_date_basis_disp
173             -- Invoice Currency
174             -- In R12, with the MOAC project the invoice currency was moved
175             -- product setup level. But payment currency was not thought
176             -- about properly. So modified the code such that
177             -- the defaulting to supplier will be the ledger currency
178             -- otherwise it will be derived from the invoice currency in the
179             -- product setup.
180 	    nvl(ap.base_currency_code,aps.invoice_currency_code),
181             fin.org_id,
182 	    fin.set_of_books_id,
183 	    gl.short_name,
184             -- Invoice Currency
185             -- In R12, with the MOAC project the invoice currency was moved
186             -- product setup level. But payment currency was not thought
187             -- about properly. So modified the code such that
188             -- the defaulting to supplier will be the ledger currency
189             -- otherwise it will be derived from the invoice currency in the
190             -- product setup.
191 	    nvl(ap.base_currency_code,aps.invoice_currency_code),
192 	    fin.accts_pay_code_combination_id,
193 	    fin.future_dated_payment_ccid,
194 	    fin.prepay_code_combination_id,
195 	    aps.supplier_pay_group_lookup_code,
196 	    pc3.lookup_code,	--2122951 changed to lookup_code
197 	    aps.auto_calculate_interest_flag,
198 	    -- Bug 1492237 Get terms_date_basis from ap insead of fin
199 	    aps.terms_date_basis,		-- terms_date_basis
200 	    lc3.displayed_field,		-- terms_date_basis_disp
201 	    gl.chart_of_accounts_id,
202 	    aps.hold_unmatched_invoices_flag,
203 	    ap.hold_unmatched_invoices_flag,
204 	    fin.match_option,
205 	    fin.exclusive_payment_flag,
206 	    ap.vendor_auto_int_default,
207 	    fin.inventory_organization_id,
208 	    fin.ship_via_lookup_code,		-- ship_via_lookup_code
209 	    ofr.description,			-- ship_via_disp
210             nvl(ofr.disable_date,sysdate+1),	-- ship_via inactive date
211 	    sysdate,
212 	    ap.base_currency_code,
213 	    fin.vat_country_code,
214 	    ap.default_awt_group_id,
215 	    awt.name,
216 	    nvl(ap.allow_awt_flag, 'N'),
217 	    ap.use_bank_charge_flag, --5007989
218             nvl(ap.bank_charge_bearer, 'I') --5007989
219     INTO    x_user_defined_vendor_num_code,
220 	    x_manual_vendor_num_type,
221 	    x_rfq_only_site_flag,
222 	    x_ship_to_location_id,
223 	    x_ship_to_location_code,
224             l_ship_to_loc_inactive_date,
225 	    x_bill_to_location_id,
226 	    x_bill_to_location_code,
227       	    l_bill_to_loc_inactive_date,
228 	    x_fob_lookup_code,
229 	    x_fob_lookup_disp,
230 	    l_fob_inactive_date,
231 	    x_freight_terms_lookup_code,
232 	    x_freight_terms_lookup_disp,
233 	    l_freight_terms_inactive_date,
234 	    x_terms_id,
235             x_terms_disp,
236 	    l_terms_inactive_date,
237 	    x_payment_method_lookup_code,
238 	    x_payment_method_disp,
239 	    l_payment_method_inactive_date,
240 	    x_always_take_disc_flag,
241 	    x_pay_date_basis_lookup_code,
242 	    x_pay_date_basis_disp,
243 	    x_invoice_currency_code,
244             x_org_id,
245 	    x_set_of_books_id,
246             x_short_name,
247 	    x_payment_currency_code,
248 	    x_accts_pay_ccid,
249 	    x_future_dated_payment_ccid,
250 	    x_prepay_code_combination_id,
251 	    x_vendor_pay_group_lookup_code,
252 	    x_vendor_pay_group_disp,
253 	    x_sys_auto_calc_int_flag,
254 	    x_terms_date_basis,
255 	    x_terms_date_basis_disp,
256 	    x_chart_of_accounts_id,
257 	    x_fin_require_matching,
258 	    x_sys_require_matching,
259 	    x_fin_match_option,
260 	    x_exclusive_payment,
261 	    x_vendor_auto_int_default,
262 	    x_inventory_organization_id,
263 	    x_ship_via_lookup_code,
264 	    x_ship_via_disp,
265             l_ship_via_inactive_date,
266 	    x_sysdate,
267 	    x_base_currency_code,
268 	    x_home_country_code,
269 	    x_default_awt_group_id,
270 	    x_default_awt_group_name,
271 	    x_allow_awt_flag,
272 	    x_use_bank_charge_flag,
273             x_bank_charge_bearer
274     FROM    ap_lookup_codes lc1,
275             ap_lookup_codes lc2,
276             ap_lookup_codes lc3,
277             po_lookup_codes pc1,
278             po_lookup_codes pc2,
279             po_lookup_codes pc3,
280             hr_locations_all hl1,
281             hr_locations_all hl2,
282             ap_terms_tl tm,
283             org_freight_tl ofr,
284             gl_ledgers gl,
285             financials_system_params_all fin,
286             ap_system_parameters_all ap,
287             ap_awt_groups awt,
288             ap_product_setup aps
289     WHERE   gl.ledger_id  = fin.set_of_books_id
290     AND     lc1.lookup_type(+)   = 'PAYMENT METHOD'
291     AND     lc1.lookup_code(+)   = aps.payment_method_lookup_code
292     AND     lc2.lookup_type(+)   = 'PAY DATE BASIS'
293     AND     lc2.lookup_code(+)   = aps.pay_date_basis_lookup_code
294     AND     lc3.lookup_type(+)   = 'TERMS DATE BASIS'
295     AND     lc3.lookup_code(+)   = aps.terms_date_basis
296     AND     pc1.lookup_type(+)   = 'FOB'
297     AND     pc1.lookup_code(+)   = fin.fob_lookup_code
298     AND     pc2.lookup_type(+)   = 'FREIGHT TERMS'
299     AND     pc2.lookup_code(+)   = fin.freight_terms_lookup_code
300     AND     pc3.lookup_type(+)   = 'PAY GROUP'
301     AND     pc3.lookup_code(+)   = aps.supplier_pay_group_lookup_code
302     AND     hl1.location_id(+)   = fin.bill_to_location_id
303     AND     hl1.bill_to_site_flag(+)  = 'Y'
304     AND     hl2.location_id(+)   = fin.ship_to_location_id
305     AND     hl2.ship_to_site_flag(+)  = 'Y'
306     AND     ofr.freight_code(+)     = fin.ship_via_lookup_code
307     AND     ofr.organization_id(+)      = fin.inventory_organization_id
308     AND     ofr.language(+) = userenv('LANG')
309     AND     awt.group_id(+)  = ap.default_awt_group_id
310     AND     aps.terms_id  = tm.term_id(+)
311     AND     tm.language(+) = userenv('LANG')
312     AND     fin.org_id  = x_org_id
313     AND     fin.set_of_books_id = ap.set_of_books_id
314     AND     fin.org_id = ap.org_id;
316   END IF;
318 --
319 --
320     if (x_PO_inst_flag = 'I') then
321 --
322 --  Bug 457417 - Just checking if PO has been installed or not is no longer
323 --  sufficient in a multi-org environment, we need to know not only if PO has
324 --  been installed but if it has been setup.  We assume that if PO has been
325 --  installed the table po_system_parameters exists and if it has been setup
326 --  it contains a record. (mhtaylor 30/Jan/98)
327 --
328         debug_info := 'Check to see if PO has been setup';
329 --
330         l_po_setup := 0;
331 --
332         SELECT  count(*)
333         INTO    l_po_setup
334         FROM    po_system_parameters
335         WHERE   nvl(org_id,-99) = nvl(x_org_id,-99);
336 --
337         IF l_po_setup > 0 THEN
338 --
339       		debug_info := 'Select from rcv_parameters, po_lookup_codes, po_system_parameters';
341 	      SELECT  rp.enforce_ship_to_location_code,
342 	              rp.receiving_routing_id,
343 		      rp.qty_rcv_tolerance,
344 		      rp.qty_rcv_exception_code,
345 		      rp.days_early_receipt_allowed,
346 		      rp.days_late_receipt_allowed,
347 		      rp.allow_substitute_receipts_flag,
348 		      rp.allow_unordered_receipts_flag,
349 		      rp.receipt_days_exception_code,
350 		      pc1.displayed_field,	-- enforce_ship_to_loc_disp
351 		      pc2.displayed_field,	-- qty_rcv_exception_disp
352 		      pc3.displayed_field,	-- receipt_days_exception_disp
353 		      po.receiving_flag,
354 		      po.inspection_required_flag,
355                       po.create_debit_memo_flag
356 	      INTO    x_enforce_ship_to_loc_code,
357 		      x_receiving_routing_id,
358 		      x_qty_rcv_tolerance,
359 		      x_qty_rcv_exception_code ,
360 		      x_days_early_receipt_allowed,
361 		      x_days_late_receipt_allowed,
362 		      x_allow_sub_receipts_flag,
363 		      x_allow_unord_receipts_flag,
364 		      x_receipt_days_exception_code,
365 		      x_enforce_ship_to_loc_disp,
366 		      x_qty_rcv_exception_disp,
367 		      x_receipt_days_exception_disp,
368 		      x_receipt_required_flag,
369 		      x_inspection_required_flag,
370                       x_po_create_dm_flag
371 	      FROM    rcv_parameters rp,
372 		      po_lookup_codes pc1,
373 		      po_lookup_codes pc2,
374 		      po_lookup_codes pc3,
375 		      po_system_parameters po
376 	     WHERE    rp.organization_id = x_inventory_organization_id
377 	     AND     pc1.lookup_type(+) = 'RECEIVING CONTROL LEVEL'
378 	     AND     pc1.lookup_code(+) = rp.enforce_ship_to_location_code
379 	     AND     pc2.lookup_type(+) = 'RECEIVING CONTROL LEVEL'
380 	     AND     pc2.lookup_code(+) = rp.qty_rcv_exception_code
381 	     AND     pc3.lookup_type(+) = 'RECEIVING CONTROL LEVEL'
382 	     AND     pc3.lookup_code(+) = rp.receipt_days_exception_code
383 	     --MO Access Control
384 	     AND     nvl(po.org_id,-99)	= nvl(x_org_id,-99);
385 	     --
386 	     --
387 	     debug_info := 'Select routing_name';
389 	     SELECT  rh.routing_name
390 	     INTO    x_receiving_routing_name
391 	     FROM    rcv_Routing_Headers rh
392 	     WHERE   rh.routing_header_id = x_receiving_routing_id;
393 --
394         ELSE
395                 x_PO_inst_flag := '';
396         END IF;
397 --
398    end if;
399    --
400    --
401    fnd_profile.get('DEFAULT_COUNTRY',x_default_country_code);
402    --
403    --
404    if  ( x_default_country_code is null ) then
405 	 x_default_country_code := x_home_country_code;
406    end if;
407    --
408    --
409    if ( x_default_country_code is not null ) then
411 	   select 	territory_short_name,
412 			address_style
413 	   into 	x_default_country_disp,
414 			x_address_style
415 	   from 	fnd_territories_vl
416 	   where 	territory_code = x_default_country_code
417             OR        iso_territory_code = x_default_country_code; --Bug 5260178
419    end if;
420    --
421    -- Clear defaults if inactive
422    --
423 	if sysdate > l_ship_to_loc_inactive_date then
424 		x_ship_to_location_id 	:= null;
425 		x_ship_to_location_code := null;
426 	end if;
427 	--
428 	--
429 	if sysdate > l_bill_to_loc_inactive_date then
430 		x_bill_to_location_id 	:= null;
431 		x_bill_to_location_code := null;
432 	end if;
433 	--
434 	--
435 	if sysdate > l_fob_inactive_date then
436 		x_fob_lookup_code	:= null;
437 		x_fob_lookup_disp	:= null;
438 	end if;
439 	--
440 	--
441 	if sysdate > l_freight_terms_inactive_date then
442 		x_freight_terms_lookup_code	:= null;
443 		x_freight_terms_lookup_disp	:= null;
444 	end if;
445 	--
446 	--
447 	if sysdate > l_terms_inactive_date then
448 		x_terms_id 	:= null;
449 		x_terms_disp	:= null;
450 	end if;
451 	--
452 	--
453 	if sysdate > l_ship_via_inactive_date then
454 		x_ship_via_lookup_code	:= null;
455 	    	x_ship_via_disp		:= null;
456 	end if;
457 --
458 -- Supply defaults from ap_lookup_codes where null values resulted
459 -- from lookup in financials_system_parameters table
460 --
461    if x_pay_date_basis_lookup_code is  NULL then
462       debug_info := 'Select pay_date_basis displayed field';
463       SELECT  lc.lookup_code,
464               lc.displayed_field
465       INTO    x_pay_date_basis_lookup_code,
466 	      x_pay_date_basis_disp
467       FROM    ap_lookup_codes lc
468       WHERE   lc.lookup_type = 'PAY DATE BASIS'
469       AND     lc.lookup_code = 'DISCOUNT';
470    end if;
472    if x_payment_method_lookup_code is NULL then
473 	debug_info := 'Select payment_method display field';
474       	SELECT  lc.lookup_code,
475 		lc.displayed_field
476 	INTO 	x_payment_method_lookup_code,
477         	x_payment_method_disp
479 	FROM    ap_lookup_codes lc
480 	WHERE   lc.lookup_type = 'PAYMENT METHOD'
481 	AND     lc.lookup_code = 'CHECK';
482    end if;
483 --
485         WHEN OTHERS THEN
486            IF (SQLCODE <> -20001) THEN
487               FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('SQLAP','AP_DEBUG');
489               FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('CALLING_SEQUENCE',current_calling_sequence);
491 	       		x_ship_to_location_id ||
492 	       	'BILL_TO_LOCATION_ID = ' || x_bill_to_location_id ||
493 	       	'FOB_LOOKUP_CODE = ' || x_fob_lookup_code ||
494 	       	'FREIGHT_TERMS_LOOKUP_CODE = ' || x_freight_terms_lookup_code ||
495 	        'TERMS_ID = ' || x_terms_id ||
496 	        'PAYMENT_METHOD_LOOKUP_CODE = ' || x_payment_method_lookup_code ||
497 	        'PAY_DATE_BASIS_LOOKUP_CODE = ' || x_pay_date_basis_lookup_code ||
498 	        'SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = ' || x_set_of_books_id ||
499 	        'VENDOR_PAY_GROUP_LOOKUP_CODE = ' || x_vendor_pay_group_lookup_code ||
500 	        'TERMS_DATE_BASIS = ' || x_terms_date_basis ||
501 	        'SHIP_VIA_LOOKUP_CODE = ' || x_ship_via_lookup_code ||
502             	'INVENTORY_ORGANIZATION_ID = ' || x_inventory_organization_id ||
503             	'ENFORCE_SHIP_TO_LOC_CODE = ' || x_enforce_ship_to_loc_code ||
504             	'QTY_RCV_EXCEPTION_CODE = ' || x_qty_rcv_exception_code ||
505             	'RECEIPT_DAYS_EXCEPTION_CODE = ' || x_receipt_days_exception_code ||
506                 'RECEIVING_ROUTING_ID = ' || x_receiving_routing_id);
508               FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('DEBUG_INFO',debug_info);
509            END IF;
514 --
516 --
517 --
518    PROCEDURE Initialize_Supplier_Attr (
519 	    x_user_defined_vendor_num_code	in out NOCOPY varchar2,
520 	    x_manual_vendor_num_type		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
521 	    x_terms_id				in out NOCOPY number,
522 	    x_terms_disp			      in out NOCOPY varchar2,
523 	    x_always_take_disc_flag		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
524 	    x_invoice_currency_code		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
525 	    x_vendor_pay_group_lookup_code	in out NOCOPY varchar2,
526 	    x_sys_auto_calc_int_flag		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
527 	    x_terms_date_basis			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
528 	    x_terms_date_basis_disp		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
529 	    x_vendor_pay_group_disp		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
530 	    x_fin_require_matching		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
531 	    x_fin_match_option			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
532 	    x_sysdate				in out NOCOPY date,
533 	    x_pay_date_basis_lookup_code	in out NOCOPY varchar2,
534 	    x_pay_date_basis_disp		in out NOCOPY varchar2,
535 	    x_AP_inst_flag			in out NOCOPY varchar2,
536 	    x_use_bank_charge_flag              in out NOCOPY varchar2,
537           x_bank_charge_bearer                in out NOCOPY varchar2,
538 	    X_calling_sequence			in     varchar2 ) is
540 --
541    l_ap_status varchar2(30);
542    l_industry varchar2(30);
543    l_oracle_schema varchar2(30);
544    dummy boolean;
545    l_po_setup number;
547    l_terms_inactive_date		date;
548    --
549    --
550    current_calling_sequence		varchar2(2000);
551    debug_info				varchar2(100);
553   begin
555     --  Update the calling sequence
556     --
557     current_calling_sequence := 'AP_APXVDMVD_PKG.Initialize_Supplier_Attr<-' ||
558 				 X_calling_sequence;
559     --
560     --
562     dummy := fnd_installation.get_app_info
563 		('SQLAP',l_ap_status,l_industry,l_oracle_schema);
564     x_AP_inst_flag := l_ap_status;
566     --
567     --
568     debug_info
569 	:= 'Select from ap_lookup_codes, po_lookup_codes, hr_locations, ....';
570     SELECT aps.supplier_numbering_method,
571 	    aps.supplier_num_type,
572 	    aps.terms_id, 			-- terms_id
573             tm.name,				-- terms_name
574 	    nvl(tm.end_date_active,sysdate+1),	-- terms_inactive_date
575 	    aps.always_take_disc_flag,
576 	    aps.pay_date_basis_lookup_code,	-- pay_date_basis_lookup_code
577 	    lc2.displayed_field,		-- pay_date_basis_disp
578 	    aps.invoice_currency_code,
579 	    aps.supplier_pay_group_lookup_code,
580 	    pc3.lookup_code,
581 	    aps.auto_calculate_interest_flag,
582 	    aps.terms_date_basis,		-- terms_date_basis
583 	    lc3.displayed_field,		-- terms_date_basis_disp
584 	    aps.hold_unmatched_invoices_flag,
585 	    sysdate,
586 	--5007989    ap.use_bank_charge_flag,
587         --5007989  nvl(ap.bank_charge_bearer, 'I')
588             aps.match_option                   --bug6075649
589     INTO  x_user_defined_vendor_num_code,
590 	    x_manual_vendor_num_type,
591 	    x_terms_id,
592             x_terms_disp,
593 	    l_terms_inactive_date,
594 	    x_always_take_disc_flag,
595 	    x_pay_date_basis_lookup_code,
596 	    x_pay_date_basis_disp,
597 	    x_invoice_currency_code,
598 	    x_vendor_pay_group_lookup_code,
599 	    x_vendor_pay_group_disp,
600 	    x_sys_auto_calc_int_flag,
601 	    x_terms_date_basis,
602 	    x_terms_date_basis_disp,
603 	    x_fin_require_matching,
604 	    x_sysdate,
605 	   -- x_use_bank_charge_flag,
606            -- x_bank_charge_bearer
607             x_fin_match_option               --bug6075649
608     FROM  ap_lookup_codes lc2,
609 	    ap_lookup_codes lc3,
610 	    po_lookup_codes pc3,
611 	    ap_terms tm,
612 	    ap_product_setup aps
613     WHERE	    lc2.lookup_type(+) 		= 'PAY DATE BASIS'
614     AND	    lc2.lookup_code(+) 		= aps.pay_date_basis_lookup_code
615     AND	    lc3.lookup_type(+) 		= 'TERMS DATE BASIS'
616     AND	    lc3.lookup_code(+) 		= aps.terms_date_basis
617     AND	    pc3.lookup_type(+) 		= 'PAY GROUP'
618     AND	    pc3.lookup_code(+) 		= aps.supplier_pay_group_lookup_code
619     AND	    aps.terms_id		      = tm.term_id(+);
621    --
622    -- Clear defaults if inactive
623    --
624 	--
625 	--
626 	if sysdate > l_terms_inactive_date then
627 		x_terms_id 	:= null;
628 		x_terms_disp	:= null;
629 	end if;
631    if x_pay_date_basis_lookup_code is  NULL then
632       debug_info := 'Select pay_date_basis displayed field';
633       SELECT  lc.lookup_code,
634               lc.displayed_field
635       INTO    x_pay_date_basis_lookup_code,
636 	      x_pay_date_basis_disp
637       FROM    ap_lookup_codes lc
638       WHERE   lc.lookup_type = 'PAY DATE BASIS'
639       AND     lc.lookup_code = 'DISCOUNT';
640    end if;
642    --
644         WHEN OTHERS THEN
645            IF (SQLCODE <> -20001) THEN
646               FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('SQLAP','AP_DEBUG');
648               FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN
649 		('CALLING_SEQUENCE',current_calling_sequence);
651 	      'TERMS_ID = ' || x_terms_id ||
652 	      'PAY_DATE_BASIS_LOOKUP_CODE = ' || x_pay_date_basis_lookup_code ||
654 		x_vendor_pay_group_lookup_code ||
655 	        'TERMS_DATE_BASIS = ' || x_terms_date_basis);
656               FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('DEBUG_INFO',debug_info);
657            END IF;
661    END Initialize_Supplier_Attr;
662 --