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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 31

        UPDATE igi_imp_iac_interface_ctrl ct
        SET    ct.transfer_status = p_status
        WHERE  ct.book_type_code  = p_book_type_code
        AND    ct.category_id     = p_category_id ;
Line: 50

  FROM   igi_imp_iac_interface ii
  WHERE  ii.book_type_code   = p_book_type_code
    AND  ii.category_id      = p_Category_id
    AND  ii.transferred_flag = 'N'
    AND  nvl(ii.valid_flag,'N')      = 'N';
Line: 91

    SELECT depreciate_flag
    INTO l_depreciate
    FROM fa_books
    WHERE book_type_code = arec.book_type_code
    AND asset_id = arec.asset_id
    AND date_ineffective is NULL;               -- Bug 5383551
Line: 151

    SELECT decode(
             fab.life_in_months - floor(months_between(
             fab.life_in_months - floor(months_between(
    INTO   l_remaining_periods
    FROM   fa_books fab, fa_deprn_periods fdp
    WHERE  fab.book_type_code = arec.book_type_code
    AND    fdp.book_type_code = arec.book_type_code
    AND    fab.asset_id = arec.asset_id
    AND    fab.date_ineffective is null
    AND    fdp.PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE is null;
Line: 177

     SELECT (period_num - 1)
     INTO l_elapsed_periods_curr_yr
     FROM fa_deprn_periods
     WHERE book_type_code = arec.book_type_code
Line: 369

	  UPDATE igi_imp_iac_interface
	  SET deprn_exp_mhca = l_deprn_exp_mhca,
	      general_fund_per_mhca = arec.deprn_exp_mhca - arec.deprn_exp_hist,
              operating_account_mhca = (arec.operating_account_cost - arec.operating_account_backlog),
	      nbv_mhca = arec.cost_mhca - arec.accum_deprn_mhca - arec.backlog_mhca,
	      valid_flag ='Y'
      WHERE book_type_code = arec.book_type_code
      AND asset_id = arec.asset_id;
Line: 532

 	 UPDATE igi_imp_iac_interface
     SET deprn_exp_mhca = l_deprn_exp_mhca,
         general_fund_per_mhca = arec.deprn_exp_mhca - arec.deprn_exp_hist,
         operating_account_mhca = (arec.operating_account_cost - arec.operating_account_backlog),
         nbv_mhca = arec.cost_mhca - arec.accum_deprn_mhca - arec.backlog_mhca,
         valid_flag = 'Y'
     WHERE book_type_code = arec.book_type_code
     AND asset_id = arec.asset_id;
Line: 646

      UPDATE igi_imp_iac_interface
      SET deprn_exp_mhca = arec.deprn_exp_hist,
          operating_account_mhca = (arec.operating_account_cost - arec.operating_account_backlog),
          nbv_mhca = arec.nbv_hist,
          valid_flag = 'Y'
      WHERE book_type_code = arec.book_type_code
      AND asset_id = arec.asset_id;
Line: 680

        SELECT  max(period_counter)
        from fa_deprn_periods
        where book_type_code=p_book_type_code;
Line: 686

        SELECT period_counter
        FROM igi_imp_iac_controls
        where book_type_code=p_book_type_code;
Line: 692

        SELECT count(*)
        FROM   fa_transaction_headers ft ,
                  fa_deprn_periods dp
        WHERE  ft.book_type_Code        = P_book_type_code
        AND    dp.book_type_Code        = P_book_type_code
        AND    dp.period_close_Date     IS NULL
        AND    ft.date_effective        >= dp.period_open_date ;
Line: 771

    SELECT fiscal_year
    FROM  fa_deprn_periods
    WHERE book_type_code = p_book_type_code AND
          period_counter = p_period_counter-1;
Line: 778

        fa_distribution_history dh,
	fa_deprn_periods  dp
          dh.asset_id= p_asset_id 				                AND
	  dh.book_type_code=p_book_type_code	 				AND
	  (nvl(dh.date_ineffective,dp.period_open_date)>=dp.period_open_date) 	AND
	  dp.Book_type_code=p_book_type_code 	        			AND
	  dp.fiscal_year=p_fiscal_year                   			AND
	  dp.period_num=(SELECT min(period_num)
	                 FROM fa_deprn_periods
               	         WHERE  fiscal_year=p_fiscal_year and
Line: 801

    SELECT  period_counter
    FROM    igi_imp_iac_controls
    WHERE   Book_Type_Code = p_run_book;
Line: 808

    SELECT     dp.period_counter
    FROM       fa_deprn_periods dp,
               fa_distribution_history dh
    WHERE     (dh.date_ineffective between dp.period_open_date  and dp.period_close_date)      AND
               dp.book_type_code=p_book_type_code		        		       AND
               dp.fiscal_year=p_fiscal_year                                                    AND
               dh.book_type_code=p_book_type_code                                            AND
Line: 819

    SELECT  ytd_deprn
    FROM    fa_deprn_detail
        distribution_id=p_distribution_id         AND
        book_type_code =p_book_type_code          AND
        asset_id  =p_asset_id                     AND
 -- Bug 3575041 start (1) --
        period_counter=(select max(period_counter)
				from fa_deprn_detail
				where distribution_id = p_distribution_id
				and   book_type_code  = p_book_type_code
		        and   asset_id        = p_asset_id ) ;
Line: 836

    SELECT    ytd_deprn
    FROM      fa_deprn_summary
    WHERE     asset_id=p_asset_id                AND
              book_type_code=p_book_type_code    AND
Line: 844

    SELECT current_units
    FROM fa_additions
    WHERE   asset_id=p_asset_id;
Line: 850

    SELECT count(*)
    FROM   fa_distribution_history
    WHERE book_type_code=p_book_type_code    AND
          asset_id=p_asset_id		       AND
          date_ineffective IS NULL;
Line: 941

   SELECT depreciate_flag
   WHERE book_type_code = p_book_type_code
   AND asset_id         = p_asset_id
   AND transaction_header_id_out is NULL;
Line: 1488

            igi_iac_det_balances_pkg.insert_row (
                 x_rowid                      => l_out_rowid ,
                 x_adjustment_id              => p_adj_id ,
                 x_asset_id                   => p_asset_id ,
                 x_distribution_id            => l_all_dist.distribution_id ,
                 x_book_type_code             => p_book_type_code ,
                 x_period_counter             => l_period_counter ,
                 x_adjustment_cost            => l_det_adjustment_cost ,
                 x_net_book_value             => l_det_net_book_value ,
                 x_reval_reserve_cost         => l_det_reval_reserve_cost ,
                 x_reval_reserve_backlog      => l_det_reval_reserve_backlog ,
                 x_reval_reserve_gen_fund     => l_det_reval_reserve_gen_fund ,
                 x_reval_reserve_net          => l_det_reval_reserve_net ,
                 x_operating_acct_cost        => l_det_operating_acct_cost ,
                 x_operating_acct_backlog     => l_det_operating_acct_backlog ,
                 x_operating_acct_net         => l_det_operating_acct_net ,
                 x_operating_acct_ytd         => l_det_operating_acct_ytd ,
                 x_deprn_period               => l_det_deprn_period ,
                 x_deprn_ytd                  => l_det_deprn_ytd ,
                 x_deprn_reserve              => l_det_deprn_reserve ,
                 x_deprn_reserve_backlog      => l_det_deprn_reserve_backlog ,
                 x_general_fund_per           => l_det_general_fund_per ,
                 x_general_fund_acc           => l_det_general_fund_acc ,
                 x_last_reval_date            => l_det_last_reval_date ,
                 x_current_reval_factor       => l_det_current_reval_factor ,
                 x_cumulative_reval_factor    => l_det_cumulative_reval_factor ,
                 x_active_flag                => l_flag ,
                 x_mode                       => 'R' );
Line: 1545

                 x_rowid                      => l_out_rowid ,
                 x_book_type_code             => p_book_type_code ,
                 x_asset_id                   => p_asset_id ,
                 x_period_counter             =>  p_prd_rec.period_counter ,
                 x_adjustment_id              => p_adj_id ,
                 x_distribution_id            => l_all_dist.distribution_id ,
                 x_deprn_period               => l_det_hist_deprn_amount ,
                 x_deprn_ytd                  => l_det_hist_deprn_ytd ,
                 x_deprn_reserve              => l_det_hist_deprn_reserve ,
                 x_active_flag                => l_flag ,
                 x_mode                       => 'R' );
Line: 1577

                SELECT *
                FROM   igi_iac_det_balances db
                WHERE  db.book_type_Code = p_book_type_code
                AND    db.asset_id       = p_asset_id
                AND    db.adjustment_id  = p_adj_id
                AND    db.active_flag is NULL;
Line: 1647

            SELECT units_assigned
            INTO   l_units
            FROM   fa_distribution_history
            WHERE  distribution_id  = drec.distribution_id ;
Line: 1654

        		(x_rowid                            => l_out_rowid         ,
    			x_adjustment_id                    => p_adj_id            ,
    			x_book_type_code                   => p_book_type_code    ,
    			x_code_combination_id              => -1             	 ,
    			x_set_of_books_id                  => -1   		,
    			x_dr_cr_flag                       => ' '	    	 ,
    			x_amount                           => 0                  ,
    			x_adjustment_type                  => ' '	         ,
    			x_transfer_to_gl_flag              => 'I'                 ,
    			x_units_assigned                   => l_units   ,
    			x_asset_id                         => p_asset_id          ,
    			x_distribution_id                  => drec.distribution_id ,
    			x_period_counter                   => p_period_counter    ,
			    x_adjustment_offset_type           => Null,
			    x_report_ccid                      => Null,
    			x_mode                             => 'R',
                x_event_id                         => p_event_id ) ;
Line: 1793

    		    igi_iac_adjustments_pkg.insert_row (
    			    x_rowid                            => l_out_rowid         ,
    			    x_adjustment_id                    => p_adj_id            ,
    			    x_book_type_code                   => p_book_type_code    ,
    			    x_code_combination_id              => l_ccid              ,
    			    x_set_of_books_id                  => l_set_of_books_id   ,
    			    x_dr_cr_flag                       => l_dr_cr_flag        ,
    			    x_amount                           => l_amount            ,
    			    x_adjustment_type                  => l_adj_type          ,
    			    x_transfer_to_gl_flag              => 'I'                 ,
    			    x_units_assigned                   => l_units   ,
    			    x_asset_id                         => p_asset_id          ,
    			    x_distribution_id                  => drec.distribution_id ,
    			    x_period_counter                   => p_period_counter    ,
                  	    x_adjustment_offset_type           => l_adjustment_offset_type,
                   	    x_report_ccid                      => l_report_ccid,
    			    x_mode                             => 'R' ,
                    x_event_id                         => p_event_id) ;
Line: 1835

               SELECT *
               FROM   igi_imp_iac_interface_ctrl ic
               WHERE  ic.book_type_code  = p_book_type_code
               AND    ic.category_id     = p_Category_id ;
Line: 1841

               SELECT *
               FROM   igi_imp_iac_interface ii
               WHERE  ii.book_type_code   = p_book_type_code
               AND    ii.category_id      = p_Category_id
               AND    ii.transferred_flag = 'N'
               AND    ii.valid_flag       = 'Y'; --Fix for Bug 5137813
Line: 1849

         Select book_class
         from fa_booK_controls
         where book_type_code = p_booK_type_code;
Line: 1855

               SELECT 'Y'
               FROM   igi_iac_transaction_headers it
               WHERE  it.book_type_code  = cp_book
               AND    it.category_id           = p_Category_id
               AND    NOT ( nvl(it.transaction_sub_type,'AA')   = 'IMPLEMENTATION')
               AND    rownum = 1 ;
Line: 1863

         select    current_reval_factor,cummulative_reval_factor
         from igi_imp_iac_interface_py_add
         where book_type_code = cp_book
         and asset_id =cp_asset_id;
Line: 1870

            Select  bk.asset_id,
                    nvl(bk.cost,0) cost,
                    nvl(bk.adjusted_cost,0) adjusted_cost,
                    nvl(bk.original_cost,0) original_cost,
                    nvl(bk.salvage_value,0) salvage_value,
                    nvl(bk.adjusted_recoverable_cost, 0) adjusted_recoverable_cost,
                    nvl(bk.recoverable_cost,0) recoverable_cost,
            From    fa_books bk
            Where   bk.book_type_code = cp_book
            and     bk.asset_id = cp_asset_id
            and     bk.transaction_header_id_out is null;
Line: 1892

            Select period_counter,deprn_reserve
            from fa_deprn_summary fds
            where book_type_code =cp_book
            and asset_id = cp_asset_id
            and period_counter = ( select max(period_counter)
                                   from fa_deprn_summary
                                   where book_type_code =fds.book_type_code
                                    and asset_id = fds.asset_id);
Line: 2035

           SELECT ic.period_counter , ic.corp_book
           INTO   l_period_counter , l_corporate_book
           FROM   igi_imp_iac_controls ic
           WHERE  ic.book_type_code = p_book_type_code ;
Line: 2152

       igi_iac_revaluations_pkg.insert_row (
                   X_rowid                      => l_out_rowid ,
                   X_revaluation_id             => l_out_reval_id ,
                   X_book_type_code             => l_corporate_book ,
                   X_revaluation_date           => l_prd_rec.period_end_date ,
                   X_revaluation_period         => l_prd_rec.period_counter ,
                   X_status                     => 'COMPLETE' ,
                   X_reval_request_id           => NULL ,
                   X_create_request_id          => NULL ,
                   X_calling_program            => 'IMPLEMENTATION' ,
                   X_mode                       => 'R',
                   x_event_id                         => p_event_id
                   ) ;
Line: 2173

           INSERT INTO igi_iac_reval_categories
                    REVALUATION_ID      ,
                    BOOK_TYPE_CODE      ,
                    CATEGORY_ID         ,
                    SELECT_CATEGORY     ,
                    CREATED_BY          ,
                    CREATION_DATE       ,
                    LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN   ,
                    LAST_UPDATE_DATE    ,
                    l_out_reval_id ,
                    l_corporate_book  ,
                    p_category_id ,
                    'Y' ,
                    fnd_global.user_id ,
                    sysdate ,
                    fnd_global.login_id ,
                    sysdate ,
Line: 2240

                igi_iac_trans_headers_pkg.insert_row (
                       x_rowid                     => l_out_rowid ,
                       x_adjustment_id             => l_prev_out_adj_id ,
                       x_transaction_header_id     => null ,
                       x_adjustment_id_out         => null ,
                       x_transaction_type_code     => 'DEPRECIATION' ,
                       x_transaction_date_entered  => l_prev_prd_rec.period_end_date ,
                       x_mass_refrence_id          => l_out_reval_id ,
                       x_transaction_sub_type      => 'IMPLEMENTATION' ,
                       x_book_type_code            => l_corporate_book  ,
                       x_asset_id                  => arec.asset_id ,
                       x_category_id               => arec.category_id ,
                       x_adj_deprn_start_date      => sysdate ,
                       x_revaluation_type_flag     => 'P' ,
                       x_adjustment_status         => 'COMPLETE' ,
                       x_period_counter            => l_prev_prd_rec.period_counter,
                       x_mode                      => 'R',
                       x_event_id                         => p_event_id
                     ) ;
Line: 2259

                SELECT    igi_iac_transaction_headers_s.NEXTVAL
                INTO      l_out_adj_id
                FROM      sys.dual;
Line: 2263

                UPDATE  igi_iac_transaction_headers
                SET     adjustment_id_out =  l_out_adj_id
                WHERE   asset_id = arec.asset_id
                AND     book_type_code  = l_corporate_book
                AND     adjustment_id_out IS NULL ;
Line: 2275

                igi_iac_trans_headers_pkg.insert_row (
                       x_rowid                     => l_out_rowid ,
                       x_adjustment_id             => l_out_adj_id ,
                       x_transaction_header_id     => null ,  -- mass ref id will be populated with reval id
                       x_adjustment_id_out         => null ,
                       x_transaction_type_code     => 'REVALUATION' ,
                       x_transaction_date_entered  => l_prd_rec.period_end_date ,
                       x_mass_refrence_id          => l_out_reval_id ,
                       x_transaction_sub_type      => 'IMPLEMENTATION' ,
                       x_book_type_code            => l_corporate_book  ,
                       x_asset_id                  => arec.asset_id ,
                       x_category_id               => arec.category_id ,
                       x_adj_deprn_start_date      => sysdate , --????
                       x_revaluation_type_flag     => 'P' , --??? -- Setting to occassional
                       x_adjustment_status         => 'COMPLETE' ,
                       x_period_counter            => l_prd_rec.period_counter,
                       x_mode                      => 'R',
                       x_event_id                  => p_event_id
                     ) ;
Line: 2464

                igi_iac_asset_balances_pkg.insert_row (
                           x_rowid                   => l_out_rowid ,
                           x_asset_id                => arec.asset_id ,
                           x_book_type_code          => l_corporate_book ,
                           x_period_counter          => l_prev_prd_rec.period_counter ,
                           x_net_book_value          => l_net_book_value ,
                           x_adjusted_cost           => l_adjusted_cost ,
                           x_operating_acct          => l_operating_acct ,
                           x_reval_reserve           => l_reval_reserve ,
                           x_deprn_amount            => l_deprn_amount ,
                           x_deprn_reserve           => l_deprn_reserve ,
                           x_backlog_deprn_reserve   => l_backlog_deprn_reserve ,
                           x_general_fund            => l_general_fund ,
                           x_last_reval_date         => l_prev_prd_rec.period_end_date ,
                           x_current_reval_factor    => l_current_reval_factor   ,
                           x_cumulative_reval_factor => l_cumulative_reval_factor ,
                           x_mode                    => 'R'
Line: 2489

                igi_iac_asset_balances_pkg.insert_row (
                           x_rowid                   => l_out_rowid ,
                           x_asset_id                => arec.asset_id ,
                           x_book_type_code          => l_corporate_book ,
                           x_period_counter          => l_prd_rec.period_counter ,
                           x_net_book_value          => l_net_book_value ,
                           x_adjusted_cost           => l_adjusted_cost ,
                           x_operating_acct          => l_operating_acct ,
                           x_reval_reserve           => l_reval_reserve ,
                           x_deprn_amount            => l_deprn_amount ,
                           x_deprn_reserve           => l_deprn_reserve ,
                           x_backlog_deprn_reserve   => l_backlog_deprn_reserve ,
                           x_general_fund            => l_general_fund ,
                           x_last_reval_date         => l_prd_rec.period_end_date ,
                           x_current_reval_factor    => l_current_reval_factor   ,
                           x_cumulative_reval_factor => l_cumulative_reval_factor ,
                           x_mode                    => 'R'
Line: 2612

			       SELECT  number_per_fiscal_year
			       INTO    l_num_per_fiscal_year
			       FROM    fa_calendar_types ct ,
				       fa_book_controls  bc
			       WHERE   ct.calendar_type  = bc.deprn_calendar
			       AND     bc.book_type_code = l_corporate_book ;
Line: 2629

			       SELECT  period_num_for_catchup
			       INTO    l_period_num_for_catchup
			       FROM    igi_iac_book_controls ib
			       WHERE   ib.book_type_code = l_corporate_book ;
Line: 2667

                        INSERT INTO igi_iac_revaluation_rates
                           ASSET_ID                 ,
                           BOOK_TYPE_CODE            ,
                           REVALUATION_ID            ,
                           PERIOD_COUNTER            ,
                           REVAL_TYPE                ,
                           CURRENT_REVAL_FACTOR      ,
                           CUMULATIVE_REVAL_FACTOR   ,
                           PROCESSED_FLAG            ,
                           LATEST_RECORD             ,
                           CREATED_BY                ,
                           CREATION_DATE             ,
                           LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN         ,
                           LAST_UPDATE_DATE          ,
                           LAST_UPDATED_BY           ,
                           arec.asset_id             ,
                           l_corporate_book          ,
                           l_out_reval_id            ,
                           l_period_for_rates        ,
                           'P'                       ,
                           l_current_reval_factor    ,
                           l_cumulative_reval_factor ,
                           'Y'                       ,
                           'Y'                       ,
                           fnd_global.user_id        ,
                           sysdate                   ,
                           fnd_global.login_id       ,
                           sysdate                   ,
                           fnd_global.user_id        ,
Line: 2723

            UPDATE igi_imp_iac_interface --Fix for Bug 5137813
            SET    transferred_flag = 'Y'
            WHERE  book_type_code = arec.book_type_code
            AND    asset_id = arec.asset_id;
Line: 2735

       UPDATE igi_iac_category_books c
       SET     c.imp_run_number     =  nvl(c.imp_run_number  ,0) + 1 ,
               c.imp_period_counter =  l_prd_rec.period_counter ,
               c.imp_date           =  sysdate
       WHERE   c.book_type_code     =  l_corporate_book
       AND     c.category_id        =  p_category_id ;
Line: 2756

      		               p_string => SQL%rowcount || ' rows updated.');