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Line 7188: l_profile ben_rtp_cache.g_cobcep_cache_rec;

7184: and epe.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id;
7185: --
7186: l_epe c_epe%rowtype;
7187: --
7188: l_profile ben_rtp_cache.g_cobcep_cache_rec;
7189: l_vrbl_rt_prfl_id ben_vrbl_rt_prfl_f.vrbl_rt_prfl_id%type := NULL;
7190: l_oipl_rec ben_oipl_f%rowtype;
7191: l_gre_id number(15);
7192: l_person_type varchar2(30);

Line 7212: l_inst_set ben_rtp_cache.g_cobcep_odcache;

7208: l_eligible boolean;
7209: -- FONM
7210: l_fonm_cvg_strt_dt date;
7211: l_score_tab ben_evaluate_elig_profiles.scoreTab;
7212: l_inst_set ben_rtp_cache.g_cobcep_odcache;
7213: --
7214: --
7215: begin
7216: --

Line 7484: ben_rtp_cache.abravr_odgetdets

7480: --
7481: -- Mallik: Removed the cursors and introduced the call to vapro cache
7482: --
7483: if not (p_actl_prem_id is not NULL and p_use_globals) then
7484: ben_rtp_cache.abravr_odgetdets
7485: (p_effective_date => nvl(l_fonm_cvg_strt_dt,l_effective_date)
7486: ,p_acty_base_rt_id => p_acty_base_rt_id
7487: ,p_cvg_amt_calc_mthd_id => p_cvg_amt_calc_mthd_id
7488: ,p_actl_prem_id => p_actl_prem_id