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1 package body pay_kr_yea_form_pkg as
2 /* $Header: pykryeaf.pkb 120.5 2006/09/22 10:58:21 pdesu noship $ */
3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 procedure chk_detail_medical_record
5         (
6           p_effective_date           in date,
7           p_assignment_id            in per_assignment_extra_info.assignment_id%type,
8           p_provider_reg_no          in per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
9           p_provider_reg_name        in per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
10           p_res_reg_no               in per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
11           p_relationship             in per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
12           p_disabled_aged            in per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
13           p_total_employee           in out  nocopy  per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
14           p_total_dependent          in out  nocopy  per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
15           p_total_aged               in out  nocopy  per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
16           p_total_disabled           in out  nocopy  per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
17           p_total_card_exp           in out  nocopy  per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
18           p_inv_provider_name        out  nocopy  varchar2,
19           p_inv_relationship         out  nocopy  varchar2,
20           p_inv_aged_disabled        out  nocopy  varchar2
21         )
22 is
23     cursor csr_dup_provider_name is
24       select 'Y'
25       from per_assignment_extra_info
26       where
27          assignment_id       =  p_assignment_id and
28          information_type    =  'KR_YEA_DETAIL_MEDICAL_EXP_INFO' and
29          aei_information5    =  p_provider_reg_no and
30          aei_information6    <>  p_provider_reg_name and
31          trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(aei_information1), 'YYYY') =
32                                 trunc(p_effective_date, 'YYYY');
34     cursor csr_dup_relation_aged_disabled is
35       select
36          decode(aei_information7,p_relationship,'N','Y')   inv_relationship,
37          decode(aei_information9,p_disabled_aged,'N','Y')  inv_aged_disabled
38       from per_assignment_extra_info
39       where
40          assignment_id       =  p_assignment_id and
41          information_type    =  'KR_YEA_DETAIL_MEDICAL_EXP_INFO' and
42          aei_information8    =  p_res_reg_no and
43          trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(aei_information1), 'YYYY') =
44                                 trunc(p_effective_date, 'YYYY');
46     Cursor csr_medical_totals is
47       select aei_information24,  -- employee
48 	aei_information7,  -- dependent
49 	aei_information9,  -- aged
50 	aei_information8   -- disabled
51       from per_assignment_extra_info pai
52       where
53          pai.assignment_id    = p_assignment_id and
54          pai.information_type = 'KR_YEA_SP_TAX_EXEM_INFO' and
55 	 trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(aei_information1), 'YYYY') =
56                                trunc(p_effective_date, 'YYYY');
57     -- Bug 4704848
58     Cursor csr_total_card_exp is
59       select aei_information3  -- card expense
60       from per_assignment_extra_info pai
61       where
62          pai.assignment_id    = p_assignment_id and
63          pai.information_type = 'KR_YEA_SP_TAX_EXEM_INFO2' and
64 	 trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(aei_information1), 'YYYY') =
65                                trunc(p_effective_date, 'YYYY');
67 Begin
68     --
69     p_inv_provider_name  := 'N';
70     p_inv_relationship   := 'N';
71     p_inv_aged_disabled  := 'N';
73     open csr_dup_provider_name;
74     fetch csr_dup_provider_name into
75        p_inv_provider_name;
76        --
77        if csr_dup_provider_name%notfound then
78           p_inv_provider_name := 'N';
79        end if;
80     close csr_dup_provider_name;
82     open csr_dup_relation_aged_disabled;
83     fetch csr_dup_relation_aged_disabled into
84       p_inv_relationship, p_inv_aged_disabled;
85        --
86        if csr_dup_relation_aged_disabled%notfound then
87            p_inv_relationship := 'N';
88            p_inv_aged_disabled := 'N';
89        end if;
90     close csr_dup_relation_aged_disabled;
92     if (p_inv_provider_name = 'Y' or p_inv_relationship = 'Y' or p_inv_aged_disabled = 'Y') then
93        open csr_medical_totals;
94        fetch csr_medical_totals into
95           p_total_employee,
96           p_total_dependent,
97           p_total_aged,
98           p_total_disabled;
100        -- Bug 4704848
101        open csr_total_card_exp;
102        fetch csr_total_card_exp into p_total_card_exp;
104           if csr_medical_totals%notfound then
105              p_total_employee   := null;
106              p_total_dependent  := null;
107              p_total_aged       := null;
108              p_total_disabled   := null;
109           end if;
111 	  if csr_total_card_exp%notfound then
112 	     p_total_card_exp := null;
113 	  end if;
114       --
115       close csr_medical_totals;
116       close csr_total_card_exp;
117    end if;
118 End;
119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
120 function chk_dup_recipient_name (
121           p_effective_date 	in	date,
122           p_assignment_id	in	per_assignment_extra_info.assignment_id%type,
123           p_recipient_reg_no	in	per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
124           p_recipient_name	in	per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
125 	  p_stat_total		in out nocopy per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
126 	  p_pol_total		in out nocopy per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
127 	  p_prom_fund_total	in out nocopy per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
128 	  p_tax_redn_total	in out nocopy per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
129 	  p_specified_total	in out nocopy per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
130 	  p_religious_total	in out nocopy per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
131 	  p_esoa_total		in out nocopy per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type,
132 	  p_others_total	in out nocopy per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information1%type
133 ) return varchar2
134 is
135 	cursor csr_dup_recipient_name is
136 		select 	'Y'
137 		from 	per_assignment_extra_info
138 		where
139 			assignment_id       	=  p_assignment_id
140 			and information_type    =  'KR_YEA_DETAIL_DONATION_INFO'
141 			and aei_information7    =  p_recipient_reg_no
142 			and aei_information8    <> p_recipient_name
143 			and trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(aei_information1), 'YYYY') = trunc(p_effective_date, 'YYYY');
144 		--
145 	Cursor csr_don_totals1 is
146 		select 	aei_information18,  -- Statutory
147 			aei_information20,  -- Political
148 			aei_information22,  -- Specified
149 			aei_information23,  -- Tax Reduction Law
150 			aei_information30   -- ESOA
151       		from 	per_assignment_extra_info pai
152       		where
153          		pai.assignment_id    = p_assignment_id
154          		and pai.information_type = 'KR_YEA_SP_TAX_EXEM_INFO'
155 	 		and trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(aei_information1), 'YYYY') =
156                                trunc(p_effective_date, 'YYYY');
157 	--
158 	Cursor csr_don_totals2 is
159 		select 	aei_information4,   -- Promotional Fund
160 			aei_information5,   -- Religious
161 			aei_information6    -- Others
162       		from 	per_assignment_extra_info pai
163       		where
164          		pai.assignment_id    = p_assignment_id
165          		and pai.information_type = 'KR_YEA_SP_TAX_EXEM_INFO2'
166 	 		and trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(aei_information1), 'YYYY') =
167                                trunc(p_effective_date, 'YYYY');
168 	--
169 	l_dup_found varchar2(1) ;
170 	--
171 begin
172 	--
173 	l_dup_found := 'N' ;
174 	--
175 	open 	csr_dup_recipient_name ;
176 	fetch 	csr_dup_recipient_name into l_dup_found ;
177 	--
178 	if csr_dup_recipient_name%notfound then
179 		l_dup_found := 'N' ;
180 	end if ;
181 	--
182 	close 	csr_dup_recipient_name ;
183 	--
184 	 if l_dup_found = 'Y' then
185 	 	open 	csr_don_totals1 ;
186 		fetch 	csr_don_totals1 into p_stat_total, p_pol_total, p_specified_total, p_tax_redn_total, p_esoa_total ;
187 		--
188 		if 	csr_don_totals1%notfound then
189 			p_stat_total := '0' ;
190 			p_pol_total := '0' ;
191 			p_specified_total := '0' ;
192 			p_tax_redn_total := '0' ;
193 			p_esoa_total := '0' ;
194 		end if ;
195 		--
196 		close 	csr_don_totals1 ;
197 		--
198 		--
199 	 	open 	csr_don_totals2 ;
200 		fetch 	csr_don_totals2 into p_prom_fund_total, p_religious_total, p_others_total ;
201 		--
202 		if 	csr_don_totals2%notfound then
203 			p_prom_fund_total := '0' ;
204 			p_religious_total := '0' ;
205 			p_others_total := '0' ;
206 		end if ;
207 		--
208 		close 	csr_don_totals2 ;
209 		--
210 	 end if ;
211 	--
212 	return l_dup_found ;
213 end chk_dup_recipient_name ;
214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
215 function get_donation_tax_break(p_effective_date IN VARCHAR2,
216 				p_political_donation IN NUMBER) return number
217 is
218 --
219 l_political_tax_brk_lim2004	NUMBER;
220 l_donation_tax_break		NUMBER;
221 l_effective_date                DATE ;
222 --
223 cursor csr_ff_global(p_glbvar in VARCHAR2) is
224     select glb.global_value
225     from   ff_globals_f glb
226      where glb.global_name = p_glbvar
227       and  l_effective_date between glb.effective_start_date and glb.effective_end_date;
228 begin
229         l_effective_date := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_date) ;
232 	FETCH csr_ff_global into l_political_tax_brk_lim2004;
233 	CLOSE csr_ff_global;
234 	--
235 	l_donation_tax_break := nvl(p_political_donation,0) - greatest(0,p_political_donation - l_political_tax_brk_lim2004);
236 	--
237 	return l_donation_tax_break;
238 --
239 end get_donation_tax_break;
240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
241 end pay_kr_yea_form_pkg;