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Line 128: arp_standard.debug ('Error in calcuating the total of all rows', 'plsql',

124: and line.customer_trx_line_id = tax.link_to_cust_trx_line_id (+)
125: ;
126: exception
127: when others then
128: arp_standard.debug ('Error in calcuating the total of all rows', 'plsql',
130: raise ;
131: end;
132: for lintax_row in c_lintax loop

Line 136: arp_standard.debug ('i='||to_char(iterator)||'.'|| 'THIS IS THE LAST. line_run_tot=' || line_run_tot);

132: for lintax_row in c_lintax loop
134: -- Prorate the Line Amount
135: if iterator = line_count then
136: arp_standard.debug ('i='||to_char(iterator)||'.'|| 'THIS IS THE LAST. line_run_tot=' || line_run_tot);
137: line_2b_applied := nvl(x_lin,0) - line_run_tot;
138: tax_2b_applied := nvl(x_tax,0) - tax_run_tot;
140: -- Added Dec 7, 2005 - Bug 4775656. Discounts are not getting saved from Summary

Line 146: arp_standard.debug ('i='||to_char(iterator)||'.'||

142: taxdsc_2b_applied := nvl(x_tax_dsc,0) - taxdsc_run_tot;
143: -- End of additions for bug 4775656
144: else -- If the adr on the invoice is zero, then
145: if all_linrem_tot > 0 then
146: arp_standard.debug ('i='||to_char(iterator)||'.'||
147: 'NOT LAST, all_linrem_tot<>0. line_run_tot=' || line_run_tot
148: || '. all_linorig_tot=' || all_linorig_tot);
149: line_2b_applied := arpcurr.currRound(lintax_row.line_rem * nvl(x_lin,0) / all_linrem_tot);

Line 153: arp_standard.debug ('i='||to_char(iterator)||'.'||

149: line_2b_applied := arpcurr.currRound(lintax_row.line_rem * nvl(x_lin,0) / all_linrem_tot);
151: else -- Overappl (all_linrem_tot < 0) should be done at the UI level,
152: -- so this means all_linrem_tot = 0
153: arp_standard.debug ('i='||to_char(iterator)||'.'||
154: 'NOT LAST, all_linrem_tot=0. line_run_tot=' || line_run_tot
155: || '. all_linorig_tot=' || all_linorig_tot);
156: if all_linorig_tot <> 0 then
157: line_2b_applied := arpcurr.currRound(lintax_row.line_orig * nvl(x_lin,0) / all_linorig_tot);

Line 194: arp_standard.debug ('i='||to_char(iterator)||'.'||

190: end if;
192: -- Calculate the Allocated Receipt Amount for the line
193: cross_currency_2b_applied := arp_util.currRound((line_2b_applied+tax_2b_applied) * nvl(x_inv_to_rct_rate,1), x_rct_curr_code);
194: arp_standard.debug ('i='||to_char(iterator)||'.'||
195: 'line_amount='||to_char(line_2b_applied)||'.'||
196: 'tax_amount='||to_char(tax_2b_applied)||'.'||
197: 'alloc_rct_amt='||to_char(cross_currency_2b_applied)||'.'
198: , 'plsql',