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APPS.IGS_FI_GEN_007 dependencies on HZ_PARTIES

Line 1167: || sapanigr 09-Feb-2006 Bug 5018036: Cursor cur_person now uses hz_parties instead of igs_fi_parties_v

1163: || If record is found in igs_fi_parties_v then it returns 'Y'else 'N'.
1164: || Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
1165: || Change History :
1166: || Who When What
1167: || sapanigr 09-Feb-2006 Bug 5018036: Cursor cur_person now uses hz_parties instead of igs_fi_parties_v
1168: || (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
1169: */
1170: CURSOR cur_person IS
1171: SELECT 'X'

Line 1172: FROM hz_parties

1168: || (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
1169: */
1170: CURSOR cur_person IS
1171: SELECT 'X'
1172: FROM hz_parties
1173: WHERE party_id=p_person_id;
1174: l_var VARCHAR2(1);
1175: BEGIN
1176: IF p_person_id IS NULL THEN