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2 /* $Header: WSHCMUTS.pls 120.0 2005/05/26 18:05:51 appldev noship $ */
7 -- bug 2381184
8 -- Record Structures
9 -- This is used with estimate detail container api
10 -- with new signature
11     TYPE inrectype
12     IS
13     RECORD
14       (
15         container_instance_id NUMBER,
16         delivery_detail_id NUMBER,
17         organization_id NUMBER
18       );
19     --
20     TYPE outrectype
21     IS
22     RECORD
23       (
24         num_cont NUMBER,
25         max_qty_per_lpn NUMBER,
26         fill_pc_per_lpn NUMBER,
27         fill_pc_flag VARCHAR2(1),
28         indivisible_flag VARCHAR2(1)
29       );
30     --
31     TYPE inoutrectype
32     IS
33     RECORD
34       (
35         container_item_id NUMBER
36       );
37     --
38     -- end bug 2381184
39 /*
40 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
41    FUNCTION   : Get Master Cont Id
42    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - instance id for the container
43    RETURNS    : master container instance id
44   DESCRIPTION : This function derives the master container instance id
45 		of the container by using a heirarchical SQL query on
46 		wsh_delivery_assignments_v table. This function can be used in
47 		SELECT statements that need to use the master container id.
48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 */
51 FUNCTION Get_Master_Cont_Id (p_cont_instance_id IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
53 -- The following pragma is used to allow Get_Master_Cont_id to be used
54 -- in a select statement
55 -- WNDS : Write No Database State (does not allow tables to be altered)
57 pragma restrict_references (Get_Master_Cont_Id, WNDS);
60 /*
61 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
62    FUNCTION   : Get Cont Name
63    PARAMETERS : p_cont_instance_id - instance id for the container
64    RETURNS    : container name for the container instance id
65   DESCRIPTION : This function derives the container name for the container id
67 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 */
71 FUNCTION Get_Cont_Name (p_cont_instance_id IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2;
73 -- The following pragma is used to allow Get_Cont_Name to be used
74 -- in a select statement
75 -- WNDS : Write No Database State (does not allow tables to be altered)
77 pragma restrict_references (Get_Cont_Name, WNDS);
79 -- Bug 2381184
80 -- Note There are 2 API with estimate_detail_containers name
81 /*
82 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
83    PROCEDURE  : Estimate Detail Containers
84    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - instance id for the container
85                 x_container_item_id - container item for estimation
86                 p_delivery_detail_id - the delivery detail id for which the
87                         number of containers is being estimated
88                 p_organization_id - organization_id
89                 x_num_cont - number of containers required to pack the line.
90                 x_return_status - return status of API
91   DESCRIPTION : This procedure estimates the number of detail containers that
92                 would be required to pack a delivery detail.  The container
93                 item could be specified or if it is not specified, it is
94                 derived from the delivery detail or through the container load
95                 relationship. Using the inventory item and quantity on the
96                 detail and the container item, the number of containers is
97                 calculated/estimated.
98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 */
100 PROCEDURE Estimate_Detail_Containers(
101    p_in_record IN inrectype,
102    x_inout_record IN OUT NOCOPY  inoutrectype,
103    x_out_record OUT NOCOPY  outrectype,
104    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
105   );
107 /*
108 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
109    PROCEDURE  : Estimate Detail Containers
110    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - instance id for the container
111 		x_container_item_id - container item for estimation
112 		p_delivery_detail_id - the delivery detail id for which the
113 			number of containers is being estimated
114 		p_organization_id - organization_id
115 		x_num_cont - number of containers required to pack the line.
116 		x_return_status - return status of API
117   DESCRIPTION : This procedure estimates the number of detail containers that
118 		would be required to pack a delivery detail.  The container
119 		item could be specified or if it is not specified, it is
120 		derived from the delivery detail or through the container load
121 		relationship. Using the inventory item and quantity on the
122 		detail and the container item, the number of containers is
123 		calculated/estimated.
124   FOR TPA SELECTOR USE: wsh_tpa_selector_pkg.containerTP
125 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
126 */
129 PROCEDURE Estimate_Detail_Containers(
130    p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
131    x_container_item_id IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
132    p_delivery_detail_id IN NUMBER,
133    p_organization_id IN NUMBER,
134    x_num_cont IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
135    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
140 /*
141 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
142    PROCEDURE  : Estimate Master Containers
143    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - instance id of the detail container
144 		x_mast_cont_item_id - master container item id
145 		p_det_cont_item_id - detail container item id
146 		p_organization_id - organization_id
147 		x_num_cont - number of master containers required to pack
148 			     the detail containers.
149 		x_return_status - return status of API
150   DESCRIPTION : This procedure estimates the number of master containers that
151 		would be required to pack a number of detail containers.  The
152 		master container item could be specified or if it is not
153 		specified, it is derived from the container load relationship.
154 		Using the detail container item id and the derived master
155 		container item id the number of master containers is
156 		calculated/estimated.
157   FOR TPA SELECTOR USE: wsh_tpa_selector_pkg.containerTP
158 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 */
162 PROCEDURE  Estimate_Master_Containers(
163    p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
164    x_mast_cont_item_id IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
165    p_det_cont_item_id IN NUMBER,
166    p_organization_id IN NUMBER,
167    x_num_cont IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
168    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
173 /*
174 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
175    PROCEDURE  : Get Master Cont Serial
176    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - instance id for the container
177 		x_master_container_id - the master container of the container
178 			derived using the container hierarchy.
179 		x_master_container_name - container name for the master
180 			container.
181 		x_master_serial_number - serial number of the master container
182 			derived using the container hierarchy.
183 		x_return_status - return status of API
184   DESCRIPTION : This procedure derives the master container instance id and
185 		master serial number of the container.  The master serial
186 		number and master container instance id is derived from the
187 		container instance table using the container heirarchy.
188 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
189 */
192 PROCEDURE Get_Master_Cont_Serial (
193    p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
194    x_master_container_id IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
195    x_master_container_name IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
196    x_master_serial_number IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
197    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
200 /*
201 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
202    PROCEDURE  : Update Child Containers
203    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - instance id for the container
204 		x_master_cont_instance_id - master container of the container
205 		x_master_serial_number - serial number of the master container
206 		x_return_status - return status of API
207   DESCRIPTION : This procedure updates the master container instance id and
208 		master serial number of all the child containers. When the
209 		master serial number and master container instance id is
210 		changed on the master container, all the child containers are
211 		updated with the new values using this API.
212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
213 */
217 PROCEDURE Update_Child_Containers (
218    p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
219    p_master_cont_instance_id IN NUMBER,
220    p_master_serial_number IN VARCHAR2,
221    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
224 /*
225 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
226    PROCEDURE  : Validate Master Serial Number
227    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - instance id for the container
228 		p_master_serial_number - serial number of the master container
229 		x_return_status - return status of API
230   DESCRIPTION : This is a dummy procedure created to help customers create
231 		a customizable validation API for the master serial number. It
232 		currently returns success for all cases.
233   FOR TPA SELECTOR USE: wsh_tpa_selector_pkg.containerTP
234 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
235 */
238 PROCEDURE Validate_Master_Serial_Number (
239    p_master_serial_number IN VARCHAR2,
240    p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
241    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
246 /*
247 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
248    PROCEDURE  : Get Master Serial Number
249    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - instance id for the container
250 		x_master_serial_number - serial number of the master container
251 		x_return_status - return status of API
252   DESCRIPTION : This procedure retrieves the master serial number for a
253 		container by getting the serial number of the master container
254 		in the container heirarchy.
255 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
256 */
259 PROCEDURE Get_Master_Serial_Number (
260    p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
261    x_master_serial_number IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
262    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
265 /*
266 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
267    PROCEDURE  : Is Empty
268    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - instance id for the container
269 	 	x_empty_flag - flag to return empty or non-empty
270 		x_return_status - return status of API
271   DESCRIPTION : This procedure checks the container to see if there are any
272 		lines packed in the container. If there are no lines it returns
273 		a true flag to indicate that it is empty.
274 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
275 */
278 PROCEDURE Is_Empty (
279    p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
280    x_empty_flag IN OUT NOCOPY  BOOLEAN,
281    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
284 /*
285 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
286    PROCEDURE  : Is Empty
287    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - instance id for the container
288                 x_empty_flag - flag to return empty or non-empty
289                 x_return_status - return status of API
290   DESCRIPTION : This procedure checks the container to see if there are any
291                 lines packed in the container. If there are no lines it returns
292                 a 'Y' flag to indicate that it is empty.
293                 If C1 contains C2 and C3. C2 has C4 which is empty , but C3 has a ddid
294                 Based on this API, C1 is not empty, but C2 ind C4 are empty.
295 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
296 */
298 PROCEDURE Is_Empty (
299    p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
300    x_empty_flag OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
301    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
303 /*
304 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
305    PROCEDURE  : Get Fill Percent
306    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - instance id for the container
307 		x_percent_fill - percent fill of the container
308 		x_return_status - return status of API
309   DESCRIPTION : This procedure retrieves the percent fill of the container
310 		from the container instances table. If the percent fill is
311 		null, it recalculates the percent fill for the container.
312 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
313 */
316 PROCEDURE Get_Fill_Percent (
317    p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
318    x_percent_fill OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
319    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
322 /*
323 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
324    PROCEDURE  : Get Delivery Status
325    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - instance id for the container
326 		x_delivery_id - delivery id the container is assigned to
327 		x_del_status - status of delivery that the container is
328 			assigned to.
329 		x_return_status - return status of API
330   DESCRIPTION : This procedure retrieves the delivery id and delivery status
331 		of the delivery that the container is assigned to.
332 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
333 */
336 PROCEDURE Get_Delivery_Status (
337    p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
338    x_delivery_id IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
339    x_del_status IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
340    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
344 /*
345 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
346    PROCEDURE  : Validate_Hold_Code
347    PARAMETERS : p_delivery_detail_id - delivery detail id
348 		x_return_status - return status of API
349   DESCRIPTION : This procedure retrieves the hold code for the delivery detail
350 		id and returns a success if there is no hold code and returns
351 		an error if there is any invalid hold code.
352 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
353 */
356 PROCEDURE Validate_Hold_Code (
357   p_delivery_detail_id IN NUMBER,
358   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
361 /*
362 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
363    PROCEDURE  : Validate_Hazard_Class
364    PARAMETERS : p_delivery_detail_id - delivery detail id
365 		p_container_instance_id - delivery detail id of container
366 		x_return_status - return status of API
367   DESCRIPTION : This procedure retrieves the hazard class id of the delivery
368 		detail id and checks if there is any incompatability or
369 		special restrictions on packing the detail into the specified
370 		container.  Also checks to see if the hazard class for the
371 		detail is incompatible with the other details already in the
372 		container. It returns a success if there are no restrictions
373 		and returns an error if there is any invalid hazard class.
374 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
375 */
378 PROCEDURE Validate_Hazard_Class (
379  p_delivery_detail_id IN NUMBER,
380  p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
381  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
384 /*
385 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
386    PROCEDURE  : Validate_Container
387    PARAMETERS : p_container_name - container name that needs to be validated.
388 		p_container_instance_id - the delivery detail id for the
389 		container that needs to be updated.
390 		x_return_status - return status of API
391   DESCRIPTION : This procedure takes in the container name and existing
392 		container id (detail id) and checks to see if the container
393 		that is being updated is assigned to a closed, confirmed or
394 		in-transit delivery. If it is, no update is allowed - if not,
395 		only the container name can be updated if the name is not a
396 		duplicate of an existing container.
397 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
398 */
401 PROCEDURE Validate_Container (
402   p_container_name IN VARCHAR2,
403   p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
404   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);