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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 766

                                         p_delete_stack => fnd_api.g_false);
Line: 913

      select brs.shift_num,
             bsd.shift_date + bst.from_time/86400,
             bsd.shift_date + bst.to_time/86400
        from bom_resource_shifts brs,
             mtl_parameters mp,
             bom_shift_dates bsd,
             bom_shift_times bst,
             bom_department_resources bdr
       where bdr.department_id = v_deptID
         and bdr.resource_id = v_resID
         and brs.resource_id = bdr.resource_id
         and brs.department_id = nvl(bdr.share_from_dept_id,bdr.department_id)
         and mp.organization_id = v_orgID
         and mp.calendar_code = bsd.calendar_code
         and mp.calendar_exception_set_id = bsd.exception_set_id
         and brs.shift_num = bsd.shift_num
         and bsd.shift_date between v_startDate and v_endDate --don't incorporate time into this check as it slows the query
         and bsd.seq_num is not null
         and bst.shift_num = bsd.shift_num
         and bst.calendar_code = bsd.calendar_code
       order by bsd.shift_date, bst.from_time;
Line: 941

      select -1 shiftNum,
             bcd.calendar_date + wl.start_time/86400,
             bcd.calendar_date + wl.stop_time/86400
        from mtl_parameters mp,
             bom_calendar_dates bcd,
             wip_lines wl
       where mp.organization_id = v_orgID
         and mp.calendar_code = bcd.calendar_code
         and mp.calendar_exception_set_id = bcd.exception_set_id
         and wl.line_id = v_repLineID
         and bcd.seq_num is not null --working day
         and bcd.calendar_date between v_startDate and v_endDate
       order by bcd.calendar_date;
Line: 958

      select -1,
             bcd.calendar_date + 1
        from mtl_parameters mp,
             bom_calendar_dates bcd
       where mp.organization_id = v_orgID
         and mp.calendar_code = bcd.calendar_code
         and mp.calendar_exception_set_id = bcd.exception_set_id
         and bcd.calendar_date between v_startDate and v_endDate
         and bcd.seq_num is not null
       order by bcd.calendar_date;
Line: 1015

 	  select 1
 	  into l_dummy
 	  from dual
 	  where exists (select 1
 	                  from bom_resource_shifts brs,
 	                       mtl_parameters mp,
 	                       bom_shift_dates bsd,
 	                       bom_shift_times bst,
 	                       bom_department_resources bdr
 	                 where bdr.department_id = x_resTbls.deptID(p_idx)
 	                   and bdr.resource_id = x_resTbls.resID(p_idx)
 	                   and brs.resource_id = bdr.resource_id
 	                   and brs.department_id = nvl(bdr.share_from_dept_id,bdr.department_id)
 	                   and mp.organization_id = p_orgID
 	                   and mp.calendar_code = bsd.calendar_code
 	                   and mp.calendar_exception_set_id = bsd.exception_set_id
 	                   and brs.shift_num = bsd.shift_num
 	                   and bsd.seq_num is not null
 	                   and bst.shift_num = bsd.shift_num
 	                   and bst.calendar_code = bsd.calendar_code);
Line: 1303

                       It will change the resource shifts (add day, delete day, modify shift times) as per capacity
   procedure capacityExceptions(p_resID     IN NUMBER,
                                p_deptID    IN NUMBER,
                                p_orgID     IN NUMBER,
                                x_shifts    IN OUT NOCOPY shift_recTbl_t,
			        x_returnStatus OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) is

     cursor c_capacityDtls(v_resID  NUMBER,
                           v_deptID NUMBER,
			   v_orgID  NUMBER) is
      select  shift_num,
         from bom_resource_changes brc,
	      crp_simulation_sets crp
        where department_id = v_deptID
	  and resource_id = v_resID
	  and organization_id = v_orgID
	  and crp.simulation_set  =  brc.simulation_set
	  and crp.use_in_wip_flag = 1;
Line: 1383

          if (l_capacity(i).actionType = wip_constants.DELETE_WKDY) THEN     -- delete a working day

            WHILE (j <= l_lastRow) LOOP

	          IF ( Trunc(l_capacity(i).fromDate) = Trunc(x_shifts.startDate(j)) )  then
		    l_currRow := j;                               -- row that needs to be deleted
Line: 1401

                    l_lastRow :=  x_shifts.shiftNum.LAST;        -- updated last row
Line: 1411

                  x_shifts.shiftNum.extend;   -- extend the xshifts table by one row and insert the day and then shift remaning days
Line: 1520

    select bc.calendar_end_date
      into l_maxDate
      from bom_calendars bc, mtl_parameters mp
     where mp.organization_id = p_orgID
       and mp.calendar_code = bc.calendar_code;
Line: 1695

      select brs.shift_num shiftNum,
             bsd.shift_date + bst.from_time/86400,
             bsd.shift_date + bst.to_time/86400
        from bom_resource_shifts brs,
             mtl_parameters mp,
             bom_shift_dates bsd,
             bom_shift_times bst,
             bom_department_resources bdr
       where bdr.department_id = v_deptID
         and bdr.resource_id = v_resID
         and brs.resource_id = bdr.resource_id
         and brs.department_id = nvl(bdr.share_from_dept_id,bdr.department_id)
         and mp.organization_id = v_orgID
         and mp.calendar_code = bsd.calendar_code
         and mp.calendar_exception_set_id = bsd.exception_set_id
         and brs.shift_num = bsd.shift_num
         and bsd.shift_date between v_startDate and v_endDate --don't incorporate time into this check as it slows the query
         and bsd.seq_num is not null
         and bst.shift_num = bsd.shift_num
         and bst.calendar_code = bsd.calendar_code
       order by bsd.shift_date desc, bst.from_time desc;
Line: 1720

      select -1,
             bcd.calendar_date + 1
        from mtl_parameters mp,
             bom_calendar_dates bcd
       where mp.organization_id = v_orgID
         and mp.calendar_code = bcd.calendar_code
         and mp.calendar_exception_set_id = bcd.exception_set_id
         and bcd.calendar_date between v_startDate and v_endDate
         and bcd.seq_num is not null
       order by bcd.calendar_date desc;
Line: 1739

      select -1 shiftNum,
             bcd.calendar_date + wl.start_time/86400,
             bcd.calendar_date + wl.stop_time/86400
        from mtl_parameters mp,
             bom_calendar_dates bcd,
             wip_lines wl
       where mp.organization_id = v_orgID
         and mp.calendar_code = bcd.calendar_code
         and mp.calendar_exception_set_id = bcd.exception_set_id
         and wl.line_id = v_repLineID
         and bcd.seq_num is not null --working day
         and bcd.calendar_date between v_startDate and v_endDate --use stop_time to comsume tail end of a shift
       order by bcd.calendar_date desc;
Line: 1799

 	  select 1
 	  into l_dummy
 	  from dual
 	  where exists (select 1
 	                  from bom_resource_shifts brs,
 	                       mtl_parameters mp,
 	                       bom_shift_dates bsd,
 	                       bom_shift_times bst,
 	                       bom_department_resources bdr
 	                 where bdr.department_id = x_resTbls.deptID(p_idx)
 	                   and bdr.resource_id = x_resTbls.resID(p_idx)
 	                   and brs.resource_id = bdr.resource_id
 	                   and brs.department_id = nvl(bdr.share_from_dept_id,bdr.department_id)
 	                   and mp.organization_id = p_orgID
 	                   and mp.calendar_code = bsd.calendar_code
 	                   and mp.calendar_exception_set_id = bsd.exception_set_id
 	                   and brs.shift_num = bsd.shift_num
 	                   and bsd.seq_num is not null
 	                   and bst.shift_num = bsd.shift_num
 	                   and bst.calendar_code = bsd.calendar_code);
Line: 2179

    select bc.calendar_start_date
      into l_minDate
      from bom_calendars bc, mtl_parameters mp
     where mp.organization_id = p_orgID
       and mp.calendar_code = bc.calendar_code;
Line: 2490

Line: 2491

Line: 2492

Line: 2493

Line: 2494

Line: 2497

Line: 2498

Line: 2653

Line: 2654

Line: 2655

Line: 2656

Line: 2657

Line: 2660

Line: 2661

Line: 2782

        select resource_code
          into l_resCode
          from bom_resources
         where resource_id = p_resTbls.resID(i);