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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_ad_imp_prblty_val_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: IGSADB0B.pls 120.1 2006/01/16 20:23:44 rghosh noship $ */
4           --Function to check for the duplicate record based on person_id, calculation_date and probability_type_code_id
5           FUNCTION  duplicate_exist(p_person_id           igs_ad_recrt_pi_int.person_id%TYPE,
6                                     p_calculation_date    igs_ad_recrt_pi_int.calculation_date%TYPE,
7                                     p_prblty_type_code_id igs_ad_recrt_pi_int.prblty_type_code_id%TYPE)
8           RETURN  VARCHAR2  IS
9           /*
10 	  ||  Created By : [email protected]
11 	  ||  Created On : 03-AUG-2001
12 	  ||  Purpose : This function checks for the presence of duplicate records
13 	  ||            And accordingly returns 'Y' or 'N'
14 	  ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
15 	  ||  Change History :
16 	  ||  Who             When            What
17 	  ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
18 	  */
20           --Cursor to check for duplicate record
21           CURSOR duplicate_check_cur  IS
22           SELECT  'X'
23           FROM   igs_ad_recruit_pi_v
24           WHERE  person_id                = p_person_id  AND
25                  TRUNC(calculation_date)  = TRUNC(p_calculation_date)  AND
26                  probability_type_code_id = p_prblty_type_code_id;
28           l_duplicate_exists  VARCHAR2(1);
30           BEGIN
31                  --If no duplicate record exists for that combination RETURN 'N',
32                  --else return 'Y'
33                  OPEN   duplicate_check_cur;
34                  FETCH duplicate_check_cur  INTO  l_duplicate_exists;
35                  IF duplicate_check_cur%NOTFOUND  THEN
36                        CLOSE   duplicate_check_cur;
37                        RETURN 'N';
38                  END IF;
39                  CLOSE  duplicate_check_cur;
41                  RETURN  'Y';
43             EXCEPTION
44                  WHEN  OTHERS  THEN
45                       IF duplicate_check_cur%ISOPEN  THEN
46                               CLOSE  duplicate_check_cur;
47                       END IF;
48                       --return 'N' if any exception occurs to validate the whole record
49                       RETURN 'N';
51           END  duplicate_exist;
53           --Procedure to validate the record
54           --And assign corresponding 'error_code'  values to the OUT NOCOPY parameter
56           PROCEDURE  val_prblty_value(prblty_val_rec  igs_ad_recrt_pi_int%ROWTYPE,
57                                       p_error_code IN OUT NOCOPY igs_ad_recrt_pi_int.error_code%TYPE)
58           IS
59 	           /*
60 		  ||  Created By : [email protected]
61 		  ||  Created On : 03-AUG-2001
62 		  ||  Purpose : This is a privete procedure, which contains the validation for the
63 		  ||            Values in different fields in the Interface table
64 		  ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
65 		  ||  Change History :
66 		  ||  Who             When            What
67 		  ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
68          	  */
69           	CURSOR  prblty_type_val_check_cur  IS
70           	SELECT  'X'
71           	FROM    igs_ad_code_classes  iacc
72           	WHERE   iacc.code_id = prblty_val_rec.prblty_type_code_id  AND
73                         iacc.class = 'PROB_TYPE';
75           	CURSOR  prblty_source_val_check_cur  IS
76           	SELECT  'X'
77           	FROM    igs_ad_code_classes  iacc
78           	WHERE   iacc.code_id = prblty_val_rec.prblty_source_code_id  AND
79              	        iacc.class = 'PROB_SOURCE';
81              	l_validity_check    VARCHAR2(1);
82              	l_err_code          igs_ad_recrt_pi_int.error_code%TYPE;
84           BEGIN
86                 --Validate each field. If validation fails RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND  exception and
87                 --And assign corresponding 'error_code'  values to the OUT NOCOPY parameter
88                 OPEN  prblty_type_val_check_cur;
89                 FETCH prblty_type_val_check_cur  INTO l_validity_check;
90                      IF prblty_type_val_check_cur%NOTFOUND  THEN
91                             l_err_code := 'E001';     -- 'E001' Validation failed for Probability Type Code Id
92                             CLOSE  prblty_type_val_check_cur;
93                             RAISE  NO_DATA_FOUND;
94                      END IF;
96                 CLOSE prblty_type_val_check_cur;
98                 IF   prblty_val_rec.prblty_source_code_id IS NOT NULL THEN
99                   OPEN  prblty_source_val_check_cur;
100                   FETCH prblty_source_val_check_cur  INTO l_validity_check;
101                        IF prblty_source_val_check_cur%NOTFOUND  THEN
102                               l_err_code := 'E002';    -- 'E002' Validation failed for Probability Source Code Id
103                               CLOSE  prblty_source_val_check_cur;
104                               RAISE  NO_DATA_FOUND;
105                        END IF;
106                   CLOSE prblty_source_val_check_cur;
107                 END IF;
109              EXCEPTION
110                 WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND  THEN
111                     p_error_code := l_err_code;
112           END  val_prblty_value;
114           --The main procedure for processing
115           PROCEDURE prc_prblty_value(
116                              errbuf			OUT NOCOPY		VARCHAR2,
117                              retcode			OUT NOCOPY		NUMBER,
118                              p_prblty_val_batch_id      IN              igs_ad_recrt_pi_int.prblty_val_batch_id%TYPE
119                              )
120           IS
121 		          /*
122 			  ||  Created By : [email protected]
123 			  ||  Created On : 03-AUG-2001
124 			  ||  Purpose : This is the driving procedure for the concurrent job
125 			  ||            'Import Probability Values'
126 			  ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
127 			  ||  Change History :
128 			  ||  Who             When            What
129 			  ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
130 			  */
132                         --User defined exception to skip the record for further processing whenever any error occurs
133           		skip_this_record          EXCEPTION;
134           		l_person_id               igs_ad_recrt_pi_int.person_id%TYPE;
135           		l_error_code              igs_ad_recrt_pi_int.error_code%TYPE;
136           		l_rowid                   ROWID;
137           		l_probability_index_id    igs_ad_recruit_pi.probability_index_id%TYPE;
138           		l_records_processed       NUMBER := 0;
139           		l_exists                  VARCHAR2(1);
141           		--Cursor to select all the records in pending status in the batch_id as given by the user
142           		CURSOR  prblty_val_cur(c_prblty_val_batch_id igs_ad_recrt_pi_int.prblty_val_batch_id%TYPE) IS
143           		SELECT   arpi.*
144           		FROM     igs_ad_recrt_pi_int arpi
145           		WHERE    arpi.prblty_val_batch_id = c_prblty_val_batch_id  AND
146                    		 arpi.status = '2' ;  -- '2' pending
148                    	--Cursor to find out NOCOPY the person ID based upon Alternate person ID and Person ID type
149                    	--while the person ID IS NULL
150                         CURSOR   alternate_person_id_cur(c_api_person_id  igs_ad_recrt_pi_int.api_person_id%TYPE,
151                                                c_person_id_type igs_ad_recrt_pi_int.person_id_type%TYPE) IS
152                         SELECT   pe_person_id
153                         FROM     igs_pe_person_id_type_v
154                         WHERE    api_person_id  = c_api_person_id   AND
155                                  person_id_type = c_person_id_type ;
157                         --Cursor to check whether the person is valid
158                         CURSOR   person_id_cur(c_person_id igs_ad_recrt_pi_int.person_id%TYPE) IS
159                         SELECT   'X'
160                         FROM     HZ_PARTIES
161                         WHERE    party_id = c_person_id;
163                         prblty_val_rec  prblty_val_cur%ROWTYPE;
165 			l_gather_status       VARCHAR2(5);
166 			l_industry     VARCHAR2(5);
167 			l_schema       VARCHAR2(30);
168 			l_gather_return       BOOLEAN;
169 			l_owner        VARCHAR2(30);
170            BEGIN
171                         -- The following code is added for disabling of OSS in R12.IGS.A - Bug 4955192
172                         igs_ge_gen_003.set_org_id(null);
174 			retcode := 0;
176 			-- Gather statistics for interface table
177 			-- by rrengara on 20-jan-2003 bug 2711176
179 			BEGIN
180 			  l_gather_return := fnd_installation.get_app_info('IGS', l_gather_status, l_industry, l_schema);
181 			  FND_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS(ownname => l_schema, tabname => 'IGS_AD_RECRT_PI_INT_ALL', cascade => TRUE);
183 				NULL;
184 			END;
187                         --Open the cursor fetching all the records for processing
188                         --Process the records one by one
189                         OPEN     prblty_val_cur(p_prblty_val_batch_id);
190                         LOOP
192                         BEGIN
194                         FETCH    prblty_val_cur  INTO  prblty_val_rec;
195                         EXIT WHEN prblty_val_cur%NOTFOUND;
197                                  l_records_processed := l_records_processed + 1;
198                                  l_person_id := prblty_val_rec.person_id;
200                                 -- if person ID in the interface table is null then
201                                 -- find out NOCOPY the person ID based upon alternate person ID and person ID type
202                                 -- if it is not null find out NOCOPY whether its a valid person
203                                 IF l_person_id IS NULL THEN
204                                       OPEN  alternate_person_id_cur(prblty_val_rec.api_person_id, prblty_val_rec.person_id_type);
205                                       FETCH alternate_person_id_cur  INTO l_person_id;
206                                       CLOSE alternate_person_id_cur;
207                                 ELSE
208                                       OPEN   person_id_cur(prblty_val_rec.person_id) ;
209                                       FETCH  person_id_cur  INTO  l_exists;
210                                            IF person_id_cur%NOTFOUND  THEN
211                                               CLOSE person_id_cur;
212                                               UPDATE  igs_ad_recrt_pi_int
213                                               SET     error_code = 'E007', -- 'E007' Invalid person
214                                               status     = '3' ,           -- '3' Error
215                                               match_ind  = NULL
216                                               WHERE prblty_val_int_id = prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id;
218                                               l_error_code := 'E007';
220                                               FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('IGS','IGS_AD_PRBLTY_VALUE_ERROR');
221                                               FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('PRBLTY_VAL_INT_ID',prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id);
222                                               FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('ERROR_CODE',l_error_code);
223                                               FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,FND_MESSAGE.GET);
224                                               RAISE  skip_this_record;
225                                            END IF;
226                                       CLOSE  person_id_cur;
227                                 END IF;
229                                 --if the person_id could not be found then stop further processing of the record
230                                 --update the error_code and status accordingly
231                                 IF l_person_id IS NULL THEN
232                                       UPDATE  igs_ad_recrt_pi_int
233                                       SET     error_code = 'E006', -- 'E006' Insufficient Information of a person
234                                       status     = '3' ,           -- '3' Error
235                                       match_ind  = NULL
236                                       WHERE prblty_val_int_id = prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id;
237                                       l_error_code := 'E006';
239                                       FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('IGS','IGS_AD_PRBLTY_VALUE_ERROR');
240                                       FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('PRBLTY_VAL_INT_ID',prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id);
241                                       FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('ERROR_CODE',l_error_code);
242                                       FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,FND_MESSAGE.GET);
243                                       RAISE  skip_this_record;
244                                 END IF;
246                                 --Check whether its a duplicate record
247                                 --If it is a duplicate record check the value in match_ind
248                                 --If match_ind = '21' then validate the record and import the values if validation is successful
249                                 --If match_ind <> '21' then update the record for the status = '3', error_code = 'E003' and match_ind = '23'
250                                 --If its not a duplicate record validate the record. If validation successful then import the record.
251                                 IF  duplicate_exist(l_person_id,prblty_val_rec.calculation_date,prblty_val_rec.prblty_type_code_id) = 'Y' THEN
253                                       IF prblty_val_rec.match_ind = '21' THEN    -- '21' Match reviewed and to be imported
255                                              --Call the private procedure for validation
256                                              val_prblty_value(prblty_val_rec,l_error_code);
258                                                         --If error_code is null, validation is successful
259                                                         --Import the record by updating the OSS table with values from interface table
260                                                         IF l_error_code  IS NULL  THEN
261                                                            DECLARE
262                                                                   CURSOR  null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_cur(c_person_id igs_ad_recrt_pi_int.person_id%TYPE,
263                                                                                                      c_calculation_date igs_ad_recrt_pi_int.calculation_date%TYPE,
264                                                                                                      c_prblty_type_code_id igs_ad_recrt_pi_int.prblty_type_code_id%TYPE)  IS
265                                                                   SELECT   *
266                                                                   FROM     igs_ad_recruit_pi_v
267                                                                   WHERE    person_id = c_person_id  AND
268                                                                            calculation_date  = c_calculation_date AND
269                                                                            probability_type_code_id = c_prblty_type_code_id;
271                                                                   null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_cur%ROWTYPE;
272                                                            BEGIN
273                                                                OPEN null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_cur(l_person_id,prblty_val_rec.calculation_date,prblty_val_rec.prblty_type_code_id);
274                                                                FETCH  null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_cur  INTO null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec;
275                                                                CLOSE  null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_cur;
277                                                               --Call the lock row of the OSS table TBH to check whether that particular record is locked
278                                                               --If locked then it will throw an exception for nowait condition and the updation will be skipped.
279                                                               igs_ad_recruit_pi_pkg.lock_row (
280                                                                                               x_rowid                             => null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec.row_id,
281                                                                                               x_probability_index_id              => null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec.probability_index_id,
282                                                                                               x_person_id                         => null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec.person_id,
283                                                                                               x_probability_type_code_id          => null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec.probability_type_code_id,
284                                                                                               x_calculation_date                  => null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec.calculation_date,
285                                                                                               x_probability_value                 => null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec.probability_value,
286                                                                                               x_probability_source_code_id        => null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec.probability_source_code_id
287                                                                                                 );
289                                                                igs_ad_recruit_pi_pkg.update_row (
290 											      x_mode                              => 'R',
291 											      x_rowid                             => null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec.row_id,
292 											      x_probability_index_id              => null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec.probability_index_id,
293 											      x_person_id                         => null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec.person_id,
294 											      x_probability_type_code_id          => null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec.probability_type_code_id,
295 											      x_calculation_date                  => null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec.calculation_date,
296 											      x_probability_value                 => NVL(prblty_val_rec.probability_value,null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec.probability_value),
297 											      x_probability_source_code_id        => NVL(prblty_val_rec.prblty_source_code_id,null_hdlg_adm_recrt_pi_rec.probability_source_code_id)
298 										       	        );
300                                                                 --If Updation is successful make the status '1'
301                                                                 --so that it can be deleted from interface table
302                                                                 UPDATE  igs_ad_recrt_pi_int
303                                                                 SET     error_code = NULL,
304                                                                         status     = '1' , --'1' Complete
305                                                                         match_ind  = NULL
306                                                                 WHERE prblty_val_int_id = prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id;
308                                                               EXCEPTION
309                                                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
311                                                                    --If Update is unsuccessful then make the status 'Error' with
312                                                                    UPDATE  igs_ad_recrt_pi_int
313                                                                    SET     error_code = 'E005', -- 'E005' Update failed
314                                                                            status     = '3' ,
315                                                                            match_ind  = NULL
316                                                                    WHERE prblty_val_int_id = prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id;
318                                                                    l_error_code := 'E005';
320                                                                    FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('IGS','IGS_AD_PRBLTY_VALUE_ERROR');
321                                                                    FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('PRBLTY_VAL_INT_ID',prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id);
322                                                                    FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('ERROR_CODE',l_error_code);
323                                                                    FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,FND_MESSAGE.GET);
324                                                                    RAISE  skip_this_record;
325                                                               END;
327                                                         ELSE  -- Error_code is not NULL after validation.
328                                                               -- Make the status 'Error' and error_code as obtained after validation
329                                                                    UPDATE  igs_ad_recrt_pi_int
330                                                                    SET     error_code = l_error_code,
331                                                                            status     = '3' ,
332                                                                            match_ind  = NULL
333                                                                    WHERE prblty_val_int_id = prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id;
335                                                                    FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('IGS','IGS_AD_PRBLTY_VALUE_ERROR');
336                                                                    FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('PRBLTY_VAL_INT_ID',prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id);
337                                                                    FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('ERROR_CODE',l_error_code);
338                                                                    FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,FND_MESSAGE.GET);
339                                                                    RAISE  skip_this_record;
340                                                         END IF; --error_code comparision
342                                                   ELSE  -- If match_ind <> '21' then make the status 'Error'
343                                                         UPDATE  igs_ad_recrt_pi_int
344                                                                    SET     error_code = 'E003', -- 'E003' Duplicate record found
345                                                                            status     = '3' ,
346                                                                            match_ind  = '23'  -- '23' Match to be reviewed, but there was no discrepancy and so retaining the existing
347                                                                    WHERE prblty_val_int_id = prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id;
349                                                                    l_error_code := 'E003';
351                                                                    FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('IGS','IGS_AD_PRBLTY_VALUE_ERROR');
352                                                                    FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('PRBLTY_VAL_INT_ID',prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id);
353                                                                    FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('ERROR_CODE',l_error_code);
354                                                                    FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,FND_MESSAGE.GET);
355                                                                    RAISE  skip_this_record;
358                                                  END IF; --match_ind comparision
360                                     ELSE  --If its not a duplicate record
361                                           -- do validation for the values in the record
362                                              val_prblty_value(prblty_val_rec,l_error_code);
364                                                         --if error_code is NULL, validation is successful
365                                                         --import the record by creating a new record in OSS table taking values from Interface table
366                                                         IF l_error_code  IS NULL  THEN
367                                                            BEGIN
369                                                                igs_ad_recruit_pi_pkg.insert_row (
370 											      x_mode                              => 'R',
371 											      x_rowid                             => l_rowid,
372 											      x_probability_index_id              => l_probability_index_id,
373 											      x_person_id                         => l_person_id,
374 											      x_probability_type_code_id          => prblty_val_rec.prblty_type_code_id,
375 											      x_calculation_date                  => prblty_val_rec.calculation_date,
376 											      x_probability_value                 => prblty_val_rec.probability_value,
377 											      x_probability_source_code_id        => prblty_val_rec.prblty_source_code_id
378 										       	        );
380                                                                 --If insertion is successful make the status '1'
381                                                                 --so that it can be deleted from Interface table
382                                                                 UPDATE  igs_ad_recrt_pi_int
383                                                                 SET     error_code = NULL,
384                                                                         status     = '1' ,
385                                                                         match_ind  = NULL
386                                                                 WHERE   prblty_val_int_id = prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id;
388                                                               EXCEPTION
389                                                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
390                                                                    --If insertion is unsuccessful make the status 'Error'
391                                                                    UPDATE  igs_ad_recrt_pi_int
392                                                                    SET     error_code = 'E004', -- 'E004' Insert failed
393                                                                            status     = '3' ,
394                                                                            match_ind  = NULL
395                                                                    WHERE prblty_val_int_id = prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id;
397                                                                    l_error_code := 'E004';
399                                                                    FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('IGS','IGS_AD_PRBLTY_VALUE_ERROR');
400                                                                    FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('PRBLTY_VAL_INT_ID',prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id);
401                                                                    FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('ERROR_CODE',l_error_code);
402                                                                    FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,FND_MESSAGE.GET);
403                                                                    RAISE  skip_this_record;
404                                                            END;
405                                                          ELSE -- Error_code is not NULL after validation.
406                                                               -- Make the status 'Error' and error_code as obtained after validation
407                                                                    UPDATE  igs_ad_recrt_pi_int
408                                                                    SET     error_code = l_error_code,
409                                                                            status     = '3' ,
410                                                                            match_ind  = NULL
411                                                                    WHERE prblty_val_int_id = prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id;
413                                                                    FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('IGS','IGS_AD_PRBLTY_VALUE_ERROR');
414                                                                    FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('PRBLTY_VAL_INT_ID',prblty_val_rec.prblty_val_int_id);
415                                                                    FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('ERROR_CODE',l_error_code);
416                                                                    FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,FND_MESSAGE.GET);
417                                                                    RAISE  skip_this_record;
418                                                          END IF; --error_code comparision
420                                     END IF; --duplicate record check condition
421                                EXCEPTION
422                                      --Whenever any error occurs skip further processing of that record
423                                      WHEN  skip_this_record THEN
425                                         --refresh the variable after the processing of each record
426                                         l_error_code := null;
427                                         null;
429                                END;--End of processing of one record
430                       END LOOP; -- Start processing for the next record
432                       --Delete all the records which have a status 'Complete' after the processing
433                       DELETE
434                       FROM igs_ad_recrt_pi_int
435                       WHERE status = '1' AND
436                             prblty_val_batch_id = p_prblty_val_batch_id;
438                       --Display the no of records processed in the log File
439                       FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('IGS','IGS_AD_TOT_REC_PRC');
440                       FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('RCOUNT',l_records_processed);
441                       FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,FND_MESSAGE.GET);
443                       EXCEPTION
444                           WHEN  OTHERS   THEN
445                           ROLLBACK;
446                           RETCODE :=2;
447                           errbuf  := fnd_message.get_string('IGS','IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION');
448                           igs_ge_msg_stack.conc_exception_hndl;
450            END prc_prblty_value;
452 END igs_ad_imp_prblty_val_pkg;