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Line 1: PACKAGE BODY inv_label_pvt1 AS

1: PACKAGE BODY inv_label_pvt1 AS
2: /* $Header: INVLAP1B.pls 120.31.12010000.5 2008/11/22 10:57:31 hjogleka ship $ */
4: label_b CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := ' 5: label_e CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '' || fnd_global.local_chr(10);

Line 13: g_date_format_mask VARCHAR2(100) := inv_label.g_date_format_mask;

9: );
10: tag_e CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '>' || fnd_global.local_chr(10);
11: l_debug NUMBER;
12: -- Bug 2795525 : This mask is used to mask all date fields.
13: g_date_format_mask VARCHAR2(100) := inv_label.g_date_format_mask;
14: g_header_printed BOOLEAN := FALSE;
15: g_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE := fnd_global.user_name;
17: PROCEDURE trace(p_message IN VARCHAR2) IS

Line 20: inv_label.trace('$Header: INVLAP1B.pls 120.31.12010000.5 2008/11/22 10:57:31 hjogleka ship $', 'LABEL_MATRL');

17: PROCEDURE trace(p_message IN VARCHAR2) IS
19: IF (g_header_printed = FALSE) THEN
20: inv_label.trace('$Header: INVLAP1B.pls 120.31.12010000.5 2008/11/22 10:57:31 hjogleka ship $', 'LABEL_MATRL');
21: g_header_printed := TRUE;
22: END IF;
24: inv_label.trace(g_user_name || ': ' || p_message, 'LABEL_MATRL');

Line 24: inv_label.trace(g_user_name || ': ' || p_message, 'LABEL_MATRL');

20: inv_label.trace('$Header: INVLAP1B.pls 120.31.12010000.5 2008/11/22 10:57:31 hjogleka ship $', 'LABEL_MATRL');
21: g_header_printed := TRUE;
22: END IF;
24: inv_label.trace(g_user_name || ': ' || p_message, 'LABEL_MATRL');
25: END trace;
27: FUNCTION get_uom_code(
28: p_organization_id IN NUMBER

Line 108: x_variable_content OUT NOCOPY inv_label.label_tbl_type

104: END get_origination_type;
107: PROCEDURE get_variable_data(
108: x_variable_content OUT NOCOPY inv_label.label_tbl_type
109: , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
110: , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
111: , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
112: , p_label_type_info IN inv_label.label_type_rec

Line 112: , p_label_type_info IN inv_label.label_type_rec

108: x_variable_content OUT NOCOPY inv_label.label_tbl_type
109: , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
110: , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
111: , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
112: , p_label_type_info IN inv_label.label_type_rec
113: , p_transaction_id IN NUMBER
114: , p_input_param IN mtl_material_transactions_temp%ROWTYPE
115: , p_transaction_identifier IN NUMBER
116: ) IS

Line 522: , inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(

518: , rti.to_organization_id organization_id
519: , rti.cost_group_id cost_group_id
520: , pol.project_id project_id
521: , pol.task_id task_id
522: , inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
523: rti.to_organization_id
524: , rti.item_id
525: , rti.unit_of_measure
526: ) uom

Line 573: WHERE inv_label_pvt1.check_rti_id(

569: AND hrl1.location_id(+) = rti.deliver_to_location_id
570: AND rrh.routing_header_id(+) = rti.routing_header_id
571: AND hrl2.location_id(+) = rti.location_id) rti2
572: /***************************************/
573: WHERE inv_label_pvt1.check_rti_id(
574: rti2.interface_transaction_id
575: , mtlt.lot_number
576: , rti.item_revision
577: ) = 'N'

Line 645: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(

641: , SUM(NVL(rls.quantity, rt.quantity)) quantity -- Reverted to original code as part of Bug#4516067
642: -- Commented as part of the Bug#4516067 and added the code to fetch secondary_quantity from rls instead of mtln
643: -- , SUM(NVL(mtln.SECONDARY_TRANSACTION_QUANTITY, rt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY)) secondary_quantity -- fabdi 4373856
644: , SUM(NVL(rls.SECONDARY_QUANTITY, rt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY)) secondary_quantity -- fabdi 4373856
645: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
646: rt.organization_id
647: , rsl.item_id
648: , rsl.unit_of_measure
649: )

Line 651: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(

647: , rsl.item_id
648: , rsl.unit_of_measure
649: )
650: ) uom
651: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
652: rt.organization_id
653: , rsl.item_id
654: )
655: ) secondary_uom -- bug 4373856

Line 778: , inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(

774: -- , pod.task_id --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
775: -- Added by joabraha bug 3472150
776: , rsh.receipt_num
777: --
778: , inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
779: rt.organization_id
780: , rsl.item_id
781: , rsl.unit_of_measure
782: )

Line 783: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(

779: rt.organization_id
780: , rsl.item_id
781: , rsl.unit_of_measure
782: )
783: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
784: rt.organization_id
785: , rsl.item_id
786: ) -- bug 4373856
787: )

Line 788: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(

784: rt.organization_id
785: , rsl.item_id
786: ) -- bug 4373856
787: )
788: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
789: rt.organization_id
790: , rsl.item_id
791: )
792: ) -- bug 4373856

Line 840: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(

836: , rsh.receipt_num
837: --
838: , SUM(NVL(mtln.transaction_quantity, rt.quantity)) quantity
839: , SUM(NVL(mtln.SECONDARY_TRANSACTION_QUANTITY, rt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY)) secondary_quantity -- fabdi 4373856
840: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
841: rt.organization_id
842: , rsl.item_id
843: , rsl.unit_of_measure
844: )

Line 846: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(

842: , rsl.item_id
843: , rsl.unit_of_measure
844: )
845: ) uom
846: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
847: rt.organization_id
848: , rsl.item_id
849: )
850: ) secondary_uom -- bug 4373856

Line 953: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(

949: --, pod.task_id --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
950: -- Added by joabraha bug 3472150
951: , rsh.receipt_num
952: --
953: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
954: rt.organization_id
955: , rsl.item_id
956: , rsl.unit_of_measure
957: )

Line 959: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(

955: , rsl.item_id
956: , rsl.unit_of_measure
957: )
958: )
959: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
960: rt.organization_id
961: , rsl.item_id
962: )
963: ) -- bug 4373856

Line 1012: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(

1008: , rsh.receipt_num
1009: --
1010: , SUM(NVL(mtln.transaction_quantity, rt.quantity)) quantity
1012: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
1013: rt.organization_id
1014: , rsl.item_id
1015: , rsl.unit_of_measure
1016: )

Line 1018: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(

1014: , rsl.item_id
1015: , rsl.unit_of_measure
1016: )
1017: ) uom
1018: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
1019: rt.organization_id
1020: , rsl.item_id
1021: )
1022: ) secondary_uom -- bug 4373856

Line 1117: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(

1113: --, pod.task_id --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
1114: -- Added by joabraha bug 3472150
1115: , rsh.receipt_num
1116: --
1117: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
1118: rt.organization_id
1119: , rsl.item_id
1120: , rsl.unit_of_measure
1121: )

Line 1123: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(

1119: , rsl.item_id
1120: , rsl.unit_of_measure
1121: )
1122: )
1123: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
1124: rt.organization_id
1125: , rsl.item_id
1126: )
1127: ) -- bug 4373856

Line 1946: l_selected_fields inv_label.label_field_variable_tbl_type;

1942: AND ppf.person_id(+) = mcce.counted_by_employee_id_current;
1944: --End of fix for Bug 4687964
1946: l_selected_fields inv_label.label_field_variable_tbl_type;
1947: l_selected_fields_count NUMBER;
1948: l_return_status VARCHAR2(240);
1949: l_msg_count NUMBER;
1950: l_msg_data VARCHAR2(240);

Line 1958: l_label_info inv_label.label_type_rec;

1954: l_transaction_id NUMBER := p_transaction_id;
1955: l_business_flow_code NUMBER := p_label_type_info.business_flow_code;
1956: l_count NUMBER;
1957: l_lpn_id NUMBER;
1958: l_label_info inv_label.label_type_rec;
1959: l_material_data LONG := '';
1960: l_label_format_id NUMBER := 0;
1961: l_label_format VARCHAR2(100) := NULL;
1962: l_printer VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;

Line 1966: l_material_input inv_label.material_label_input_tbl;

1962: l_printer VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
1963: l_label_request_id NUMBER := 0;
1964: l_get_org_id NUMBER;
1965: l_is_wms_org BOOLEAN;
1966: l_material_input inv_label.material_label_input_tbl;
1967: l_material_input_index NUMBER;
1968: l_purchase_order po_headers_all.segment1%TYPE;
1969: rti_material_lpn_rec rti_material_lpn_cur%ROWTYPE;
1970: rti_material_mtlt_rec rti_material_mtlt_cur%ROWTYPE;

Line 2027: l_debug := inv_label.l_debug;

2023: l_transaction_type NUMBER;--added for bug 6646793
2026: BEGIN
2027: l_debug := inv_label.l_debug;
2028: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2029: l_label_err_msg := NULL;
2031: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN

Line 3208: l_label_status := INV_LABEL.G_SUCCESS;

3204: || ',task=' || l_task_name
3205: );
3206: END IF;
3208: l_label_status := INV_LABEL.G_SUCCESS;
3210: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3211: TRACE('Apply Rules engine for format,'
3212: || ',manual_format_id=' || p_label_type_info.manual_format_id

Line 3222: inv_label.get_format_with_rule(

3218: call the label rules engine to get appropriate label
3219: In this call if this happens to be for the label-set, the record
3220: from wms_label_request will be deleted inside following API*/
3222: inv_label.get_format_with_rule(
3223: p_document_id => p_label_type_info.label_type_id
3224: , p_label_format_id => p_label_type_info.manual_format_id
3225: , p_organization_id => l_organization_id
3226: , p_inventory_item_id => l_inventory_item_id

Line 3295: inv_label.get_format_with_rule

3292: --In R12 call this API for the format AGAIN without calling Rules ENGINE
3293: /* insert a record into wms_label_requests entity */
3295: inv_label.get_format_with_rule
3296: (
3297: p_document_id => p_label_type_info.label_type_id
3298: , p_label_format_id => l_label_formats_in_set.label_format_id --considers manual printer also
3299: , p_organization_id => l_organization_id

Line 3407: inv_label.get_variables_for_format

3403: TRACE(' Getting variables for new format '|| l_label_format);
3404: END IF;
3406: -- Changed for R12 RFID project
3407: inv_label.get_variables_for_format
3408: ( x_variables => l_selected_fields
3409: , x_variables_count => l_selected_fields_count
3410: , x_is_variable_exist => l_is_epc_exist
3411: , p_format_id => l_label_format_id

Line 3444: inv_label.is_item_gtin_enabled(

3440: END IF;
3443: -- Added for UCC 128 J Bug #3067059
3444: inv_label.is_item_gtin_enabled(
3445: x_return_status => l_return_status
3446: , x_gtin_enabled => l_gtin_enabled
3447: , x_gtin => l_gtin
3448: , x_gtin_desc => l_gtin_desc

Line 3517: inv_label.get_format_with_rule

3513: IF (l_debug =1) THEN
3514: trace('*****************passing l_label_format_id :' ||l_label_format_id);
3515: END IF;
3517: inv_label.get_format_with_rule
3518: (
3519: p_document_id => p_label_type_info.label_type_id
3520: , p_label_format_id => l_label_formats_in_set.label_format_id --keep current format id
3521: , p_organization_id => l_organization_id

Line 3576: p_group_id => inv_label.EPC_group_id,

3573: WMS_EPC_PVT.generate_epc
3574: (p_org_id => l_organization_id,
3575: p_label_type_id => p_label_type_info.label_type_id, -- 1
3576: p_group_id => inv_label.EPC_group_id,
3577: p_label_format_id => l_label_format_id,
3578: p_item_id => l_inventory_item_id, --For Material label
3579: p_txn_qty => l_quantity, --For Material Label
3580: p_txn_uom => l_uom, --For Material Label

Line 3590: trace('l_inventory_item_id='||l_inventory_item_id||',p_group_id='||inv_label.epc_group_id);

3586: );
3588: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3589: trace('Called generate_epc with ');
3590: trace('l_inventory_item_id='||l_inventory_item_id||',p_group_id='||inv_label.epc_group_id);
3591: trace('l_quantity='||l_quantity||',l_uom='||l_uom);
3592: trace('l_label_format_id='||l_label_format_id||',p_user_id='||fnd_global.user_id);
3593: trace('p_org_id='||l_organization_id);
3594: trace('l_label_request_id= '||l_label_request_id);

Line 3722: l_custom_sql_ret_status := INV_LABEL.G_WARNING;

3718: END LOOP;
3720: IF (c_sql_stmt%rowcount=1 AND l_sql_stmt_result IS NULL) THEN
3721: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
3722: l_custom_sql_ret_status := INV_LABEL.G_WARNING;
3723: fnd_message.set_name('WMS','WMS_CS_NULL_VALUE_RETURNED');
3724: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
3725: -- Fix for bug: 4179593 Start
3726: --fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false, p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => l_custom_sql_ret_msg);

Line 3744: l_custom_sql_ret_status := INV_LABEL.G_WARNING;

3740: trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP1B.pls]: At Breadcrumb 3');
3741: trace('Custom Labels Trace [INVLAP1B.pls]: WARNING: No row returned by the Custom SQL query');
3742: END IF;
3743: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
3744: l_custom_sql_ret_status := INV_LABEL.G_WARNING;
3745: fnd_message.set_name('WMS','WMS_CS_NO_DATA_FOUND');
3746: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
3747: -- Fix for bug: 4179593 Start
3748: --fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false, p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => l_custom_sql_ret_msg);

Line 3811: || inv_label.g_date

3807: l_material_data := l_material_data
3808: || variable_b
3809: || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
3810: || '">'
3811: || inv_label.g_date
3812: || variable_e;
3813: ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'current_time' THEN
3814: l_material_data := l_material_data
3815: || variable_b

Line 3818: || inv_label.g_time

3814: l_material_data := l_material_data
3815: || variable_b
3816: || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
3817: || '">'
3818: || inv_label.g_time
3819: || variable_e;
3820: ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'request_user' THEN
3821: l_material_data := l_material_data
3822: || variable_b

Line 3825: || inv_label.g_user

3821: l_material_data := l_material_data
3822: || variable_b
3823: || l_selected_fields(i).variable_name
3824: || '">'
3825: || inv_label.g_user
3826: || variable_e;
3827: ELSIF LOWER(l_selected_fields(i).column_name) = 'item' THEN
3828: l_material_data := l_material_data
3829: || variable_b

Line 4741: l_label_status := INV_LABEL.G_ERROR;

4737: || variable_e;
4739: l_label_err_msg := l_epc_ret_msg;
4740: IF l_epc_ret_status = 'U' THEN
4741: l_label_status := INV_LABEL.G_ERROR;
4742: ELSIF l_epc_ret_status = 'E' THEN
4743: l_label_status := INV_LABEL.G_WARNING;
4744: END IF;
4745: END IF;

Line 4743: l_label_status := INV_LABEL.G_WARNING;

4739: l_label_err_msg := l_epc_ret_msg;
4740: IF l_epc_ret_status = 'U' THEN
4741: l_label_status := INV_LABEL.G_ERROR;
4742: ELSIF l_epc_ret_status = 'E' THEN
4743: l_label_status := INV_LABEL.G_WARNING;
4744: END IF;
4745: END IF;
4746: END LOOP;

Line 4756: l_custom_sql_ret_status := INV_LABEL.G_WARNING;

4752: ------------------------Start of changes for Custom Labels project code------------------
4754: -- Fix for bug: 4179593 Start
4755: IF (l_CustSqlWarnFlagSet) THEN
4756: l_custom_sql_ret_status := INV_LABEL.G_WARNING;
4757: l_custom_sql_ret_msg := l_CustSqlWarnMsg;
4758: END IF;
4760: IF (l_CustSqlErrFlagSet) THEN

Line 5577: , p_label_type_info IN inv_label.label_type_rec

5573: x_variable_content OUT NOCOPY LONG
5574: , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
5575: , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
5576: , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
5577: , p_label_type_info IN inv_label.label_type_rec
5578: , p_transaction_id IN NUMBER
5579: , p_input_param IN mtl_material_transactions_temp%ROWTYPE
5580: , p_transaction_identifier IN NUMBER
5581: ) IS

Line 5582: l_variable_data_tbl inv_label.label_tbl_type;

5578: , p_transaction_id IN NUMBER
5579: , p_input_param IN mtl_material_transactions_temp%ROWTYPE
5580: , p_transaction_identifier IN NUMBER
5581: ) IS
5582: l_variable_data_tbl inv_label.label_tbl_type;
5583: BEGIN
5584: get_variable_data(
5585: x_variable_content => l_variable_data_tbl
5586: , x_msg_count => x_msg_count

Line 5727: END inv_label_pvt1;

5724: RETURN l_return_flag;
5725: END IF;
5726: END;
5727: END inv_label_pvt1;