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1 package ame_engine as
2 /* $Header: ameeengi.pkh 120.7.12010000.2 2008/10/15 11:16:30 prasashe ship $ */
3   /*************************************************************************************
4   functions
5   *************************************************************************************/
6   /******************************** boolean functions *********************************/
7   function approversMatch(approverRecord1In in ame_util.approverRecord2,
8                           approverRecord2In in ame_util.approverRecord2) return boolean;
9   function checkAttributeVariant(attributeIdIn in integer) return varchar2;
10   function evalPrioritiesPerItem return boolean;
11   function insertionExists(orderTypeIn in varchar2,
12                            parameterIn in varchar2) return boolean;
13   function isLocalTransaction return boolean;
14   function isStaticAttUsage(attributeIdIn in integer) return boolean;
15   function isTestTransaction return boolean;
16   function processPriorities return boolean;
17   function processProductionActions return boolean;
18   function processProductionRules return boolean;
19   /********************************** get functions ***********************************/
20   function getActionTypeChainOrderMode(actionTypeIdIn in integer) return varchar2;
21   function getActionTypeId(actionTypeNameIn in varchar2) return integer;
22   function getActionTypeName(actionTypeIdIn in integer) return varchar2;
23   function getActionTypeOrderNumber(actionTypeIdIn in integer) return integer;
24   function getActionTypePackageName(actionTypeIdIn in integer) return varchar2;
25   function getActionTypeUsage(actionTypeIdIn in integer) return integer;
26   function getActionTypeVotingRegime(actionTypeIdIn in integer) return varchar2;
27   function getAmeApplicationId return integer;
28   function getApprovalProcessCompleteYN return varchar2; /* for API use only */
29   function getAttributeIdByName(attributeNameIn in varchar2) return integer;
30   function getAttributeName(attributeIdIn in integer) return varchar2;
31   function getAttributeType(attributeIdIn in integer) return varchar2;
32   /*
33     getConfigVarValue only works in a PL/SQL session that has been initialized by a call
34     to updateTransactionState.
35   */
36   function getConfigVarValue(configVarNameIn in varchar2) return varchar2;
37   function getEffectiveRuleDate return date;
38   function getFndApplicationId return integer;
39   /*
40     getForwardingBehavior only works in a PL/SQL session that has been initialized by a
41     call to updateTransactionState.  The allowed values for forwarderTypeIn are
42       ame_util.chainOfAuthorityForwarder
43       ame_util.adHocForwarder
44     The allowed values for forwardeeTypeIn are
45       ame_util.previousSameChainForwardee
46       ame_util.subordSameHierarchyForwardee
47       ame_util.alreadyInListForwardee
48     The allowed values for approvalStatus in are
49       ame_util.approveAndForwardStatus
50       ame_util.forwardStatus
51   */
52   function getForwardingBehavior(forwarderTypeIn in varchar2,
53                                  forwardeeTypeIn in varchar2,
54                                  approvalStatusIn in varchar2) return varchar2;
55   /* Only action-type handlers should call the getHandler functions.  See also the getHandler procedures. */
56   function getHandlerActionTypeId return integer;
57   function getHandlerActionTypeOrderNum return integer;
58   function getHandlerApprovalStatus(approverIn in ame_util.approverRecord2) return varchar2;
59   /* Only call getHandlerAuthority for action types that always generate approvers within a fixed sublist. */
60   function getHandlerAuthority return varchar2;
61   /*
62     The getHandlerItem[Whatever] functions relate to the item to which a rule applies, <<not>> to
63     the item that satisfies the rule.  These items differ for header-level rules with conditions
64     on subordinate-item-class attributes, when per-item evaluation is enabled.
65   */
66   function getHandlerItemClassId return integer;
67   function getHandlerItemClassName return varchar2;
68   function getHandlerItemClassOrderNumber return integer;
69   function getHandlerItemId return varchar2;
70   function getHandlerItemOrderNumber return integer;
71   /*
72     If any of the default-null inputs to getHandlerOccurrence is null, the function returns the next
73     occurrence value for the group or chain most recently added to the approver list.  If all of the
74     default-null inputs are non-null, the function returns the next occurrence for the group or chain
75     identified by the inputs.
76   */
77   function getHandlerOccurrence(nameIn in varchar2,
78                                 itemClassIn in varchar2 default null,
79                                 itemIdIn in varchar2 default null,
80                                 actionTypeIdIn in integer default null,
81                                 groupOrChainIdIn in integer default null) return integer;
82   function getHandlerRuleType return integer;
83   /*
84     getHandlerState is included in this version of the engine for architectural backwards compatibility
85     for custom handlers only.  The engine's handler-state functionality is deprecated.  Please use
86     package variables to maintain handler state instead.
87   */
88   function getHandlerState(handlerNameIn in varchar2,
89                            parameterIn in varchar2 default null) return varchar2;
90   /*
91     Only call getHandlerSublistOrderNum for action types that always generate approvers within a fixed sublist.
92     This function returns the sublist order number determined by the sublist-ordering mode for the item class
93     to which a rule applies.
94   */
95   function getHandlerSublistOrderNum return integer;
96   /*
97     The following attribute-value-fetching functions only work for attributes
98     that are not of the currency attribute type.  For attributes that may be
99     of that type, use the corresponding getHeaderAttValues or getItemAttValues
100     procedures.
101   */
102   function getHeaderAttValue1(attributeIdIn in integer) return varchar2;
103   function getHeaderAttValue2(attributeNameIn in varchar2) return varchar2;
104   function getItemAttValue1(attributeIdIn in integer,
105                             itemIdIn in varchar2) return varchar2;
106   function getItemAttValue2(attributeNameIn in varchar2,
107                             itemIdIn in varchar2) return varchar2;
108   function getItemClassId(itemClassNameIn in varchar2) return integer;
109   function getItemClassName(itemClassIdIn in integer) return varchar2;
110   function getItemClassOrderNumber(itemClassIdIn in integer) return integer;
111   function getItemClassParMode(itemClassIdIn in integer) return varchar2;
112   function getItemClassSublistMode(itemClassIdIn in integer) return varchar2;
113   function getItemOrderNumber(itemClassNameIn in varchar2,
114                               itemIdIn in varchar2) return integer;
115   /* Call updateTransactionState with fetchInsertionsIn set true, before calling getNextInsertionOrder. */
116   function getNextInsertionOrder return integer;
117   function getNullActionTypeOrderNumber return integer;
118   function getRuntimeGroupCount(groupIdIn in integer) return integer;
119   function getSublistOrderNum(itemClassNameIn in varchar2,
120                               authorityIn in varchar2) return integer;
121   function getTransactionId return varchar2;
122   function getTransactionTypeId return varchar2;
123   function getVariantAttributeValue(attributeIdIn in integer,
124                                     itemClassIn in varchar2,
125                                     itemIdIn in varchar2) return number;
126   /*************************************************************************************
127   procedures
128   *************************************************************************************/
129   procedure checkApprover(approverIn in ame_util.approverRecord2);
130   /*
131     The following procedures are for API use only.  Their output arguments correspond to API
132     output arguments.  The API calls updateApprovalProcessState and then calls one or more
133     of these procedures to populate API output arguments as required.  See also the function
134     getApprovalProcessCompleteYN.
135   */
136   procedure getApprovers(approversOut out nocopy ame_util.approversTable2);
137   /* This procedure will be called by the API's to fetch the approver tree from the engine */
138   procedure getApprovers2(approversOut     out nocopy ame_util.approversTable2
139                          ,approversTreeOut out nocopy ame_util.approversTreeTable);
140   /* Procedure to return applicable rules and their descriptions */
141   procedure getApplicableRules
142     (ruleIdsOut             out nocopy ame_util.idList
143     ,ruleDescriptionsOut    out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
144   procedure getInsertions
145     (positionIn             in            number
146     ,orderTypeIn            in            varchar2 default null
147     ,coaInsertionsYNIn      in            varchar2 default ame_util.booleanTrue
148     ,availableInsertionsOut    out nocopy ame_util.insertionsTable2
149     );
150   procedure getItemAppProcessCompleteYN(itemAppProcessCompleteYNOut out nocopy ame_util.charList);
151   procedure getItemClasses(itemClassesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
152   procedure getItemIds(itemIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
153   procedure getItemIndexes(itemIndexesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList);
154   /* Procedure's to return all itemids and itemclasses or the current transaction */
155   procedure getAllItemClasses(itemClassNamesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
156   procedure getAllItemIds(itemIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
157   procedure getItemSources(itemSourcesOut out nocopy ame_util.longStringList);
158   procedure getProductionIndexes(productionIndexesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList);
159   /* getRepeatedIndexes is Added for asynch */
160   procedure getRepeatedIndexes(repeatedIndexesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList
161                               ,repeatedAppIndexesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList);
162   procedure getRuleDescriptions(ruleDescriptionsOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
163   procedure getRuleIds(ruleIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.idList);
164   procedure getRuleIndexes(ruleIndexesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList);
165   procedure getSourceTypes(sourceTypesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
166   procedure getTransVariableNames(transVariableNamesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
167   procedure getTransVariableValues(transVariableValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
168   procedure getVariableNames(variableNamesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
169   procedure getVariableValues(variableValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
170   /*
171     The following procedures are for the test tab's use and the action-type handlers' use.
172     They let the handlers manipulate the approver list, query for approver insertions and
173     deletions, etc.
174   */
175   /* addApprover adds an approver to the end of the list. */
176   procedure addApprover(approverIn in ame_util.approverRecord2);
177   /*
178     clearHandlerState is included in this version of the engine for architectural backwards compatibility
179     for custom handlers only.  The engine's handler-state functionality is deprecated.  Please use
180     package variables to maintain handler state instead.
181   */
182   procedure clearHandlerState(handlerNameIn in varchar2,
183                               parameterIn in varchar2 default null);
184   /* getAllApprovers is for amem0013.sql backwards compatibility only.  Do not use it elsewhere. */
185   procedure getAllApprovers(approversOut out nocopy ame_util.approversTable);
186   /*
187     getApprovalGroupConfigs returns the input group IDs in groupIdsInOut, as well as the
188     output arguments, sorted first by group order number, second by group ID.  So approval-group
189     handlers can process the groups in the order this procedure returns them.
190     BUG : 4491715 modified to sort sources and approver categories with the group ids
191   */
192   procedure getApprovalGroupConfigs(groupIdsInOut in out nocopy ame_util.idList,
193                                     sourcesInOut in out nocopy ame_util.longStringList,
194                                     approverCategoriesInOut in out nocopy ame_util.charList,
195                                     orderNumbersOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
196                                     votingRegimesOut out nocopy ame_util.charList);
197   /* Only action-type handlers should call the getHandler procedures.  See also the getHandler functions. */
198   /* getHandlerCOAFirstApprover only returns inserted approvers with the ame_util.firstAuthority order type. */
199   procedure getHandlerCOAFirstApprover(itemClassIn in varchar2,
200                                        itemIdIn in varchar2,
201                                        actionTypeIdIn in integer,
202                                        groupOrChainIdIn in integer,
203                                        nameOut out nocopy varchar2,
204                                        origSystemOut out nocopy varchar2,
205                                        origSystemIdOut out nocopy integer,
206                                        displayNameOut out nocopy varchar2,
207                                        sourceOut out nocopy varchar2);
208   /* getHandlerCOAInsertion only returns inserted approvers with the ame_util.afterApprover order type. */
209   procedure getHandlerCOAInsertion(nameIn in varchar2,
210                                    itemClassIn in varchar2,
211                                    itemIdIn in varchar2,
212                                    actionTypeIdIn in integer,
213                                    groupOrChainIdIn in integer,
214                                    occurrenceIn in integer,
215                                    approvalStatusIn in varchar2,
216                                    nameOut out nocopy varchar2,
217                                    origSystemOut out nocopy varchar2,
218                                    origSystemIdOut out nocopy integer,
219                                    displayNameOut out nocopy varchar2,
220                                    sourceOut out nocopy varchar2);
221   procedure getHandlerRules(ruleIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
222                             approverCategoriesOut out nocopy ame_util.charList,
223                             parametersOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList,
224                             parameterTwosOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
225   procedure getHandlerRules2(ruleIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
226                              approverCategoriesOut out nocopy ame_util.charList,
227                              parametersOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
228   procedure getHandlerRules3(ruleIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
229                              ruleIndexesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
230                              parametersOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList,
231                              listModParameterOnesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList,
232                              listModParameterTwosOut out nocopy ame_util.longStringList);
233   /*
234     getHandlerLMApprovers returns the indexes of the approvers in engStApprovers that
235     have the wf_roles.name value listModParameterTwoIn, at the positions within an approval
236     group or chain of authority required by listModParameterOneIn, and satisfying the
237     includeFyiApproversIn and includeApprovalGroupsIn arguments' requirements.  Each
238     matched approver's index is written to approverIndexesOut.  If the calling handler
239     needs to know also the last approver in a chain of forwardees following a matched
240     approver who forwards (with or without approval), the handler should set
241     returnForwardeesIn true.  Then lastForwardeeIndexesOut(i) will be the index of the
242     last forwardee in engStApprovers corresponding to the matched approver at
243     engStApprovers(approverIndexesOut(i)).
244   */
245   procedure getHandlerLMApprovers(listModParameterOneIn in varchar2,
246                                   listModParameterTwoIn in varchar2,
247                                   includeFyiApproversIn in boolean,
248                                   includeApprovalGroupsIn in boolean,
249                                   returnForwardeesIn in boolean,
250                                   approverIndexesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
251                                   lastForwardeeIndexesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList);
252   /*
253     The following attribute-value-fetching procedures work for attributes of all
254     types (including currency types).  If you know the attribute whose value you want
255     to fetch is not of currency type, and either (1) the attribute is header level or
256     (2) you want to fetch its value for just one item ID, you can use one of the
257     getHeaderAttValue or getItemAttValue functions declared above.
258   */
259   procedure getHeaderAttValues1(attributeIdIn in integer,
260                                 attributeValue1Out out nocopy varchar2,
261                                 attributeValue2Out out nocopy varchar2,
262                                 attributeValue3Out out nocopy varchar2);
263   procedure getHeaderAttValues2(attributeNameIn in varchar2,
264                                 attributeValue1Out out nocopy varchar2,
265                                 attributeValue2Out out nocopy varchar2,
266                                 attributeValue3Out out nocopy varchar2);
267   procedure getItemAttValues1(attributeIdIn in integer,
268                               itemIdIn in varchar2,
269                               attributeValue1Out out nocopy varchar2,
270                               attributeValue2Out out nocopy varchar2,
271                               attributeValue3Out out nocopy varchar2);
272   procedure getItemAttValues2(attributeNameIn in varchar2,
273                               itemIdIn in varchar2,
274                               attributeValue1Out out nocopy varchar2,
275                               attributeValue2Out out nocopy varchar2,
276                               attributeValue3Out out nocopy varchar2);
277   procedure getItemAttValues3(attributeIdIn in integer,
278                               itemIndexIn in varchar2,
279                               attributeValue1Out out nocopy varchar2,
280                               attributeValue2Out out nocopy varchar2,
281                               attributeValue3Out out nocopy varchar2);
282   /*
283     Use the getItemClassAttValues procedures to fetch all of the attribute values
284     of a given item class.  Use one of the first two variants for attributes known
285     not to be currency attributes, and one of the other two for attributes of
286     unknown type.
287   */
288   procedure getItemClassAttValues1(attributeIdIn in integer,
289                                    attributeValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.attributeValueList);
290   procedure getItemClassAttValues2(attributeNameIn in varchar2,
291                                    attributeValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.attributeValueList);
292   procedure getItemClassAttValues3(attributeIdIn in integer,
293                                    attributeValues1Out out nocopy ame_util.attributeValueList,
294                                    attributeValues2Out out nocopy ame_util.attributeValueList,
295                                    attributeValues3Out out nocopy ame_util.attributeValueList);
296   procedure getItemClassAttValues4(attributeNameIn in varchar2,
297                                    attributeValues1Out out nocopy ame_util.attributeValueList,
298                                    attributeValues2Out out nocopy ame_util.attributeValueList,
299                                    attributeValues3Out out nocopy ame_util.attributeValueList);
300   procedure getItemClassItemIds(itemClassIdIn in integer,
301                                 itemIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
302   --+
303   procedure getAllProductions(productionsOut out nocopy ame_util2.productionsTable);
304   procedure getProductions(itemClassIn    in  varchar2
305                           ,itemIdIn       in  varchar2
306                           ,productionsOut out nocopy ame_util2.productionsTable);
307   /*
308     Runtime code should call ame_engine.getRuntimeGroupMembers, <<not>> ame_approval_group_pkg.getRuntimeGroupMembers,
312   procedure getRuntimeGroupMembers(groupIdIn in integer,
309     to fetch an approval group's membership.  (The engine version only performs the fetch the first time it is called,
310     in a given PL/SQL context.  Thereafter it returns values cached in an engine package variable.)
311   */
313                                    approverNamesOut out nocopy ame_util.longStringList,
314                                    approverOrderNumbersOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
315                                    approverDisplayNamesOut out nocopy ame_util.longStringList,
316                                    origSystemIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
317                                    origSystemsOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
318   /*
319     Only the test-tab object layer should call getTestTransApplicableRules.  It should first call
320     updateTransactionState.  The itemClassIdsOut and itemIdsOut variables identify the items that
321     satisfy the rules.
322   */
323   procedure getTestTransApplicableRules(ruleItemClassIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
324                                         itemClassIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
325                                         itemIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList,
326                                         ruleIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
327                                         ruleTypesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
328                                         ruleDescriptionsOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
329   /*
330     Only the test-tab object layer should call getTestTransApprovers.  No call to updateTransactionState
331     should precede it.  The approverListStageIn argument should be an integer between one and five
332     (inclusive), indicating which step in the approver-list algorithm the engine should complete before
333     getTestTransApprovers returns the approver list as of that stage.  Here are the stages:
334       stage    operations completed
335       -----    --------------------
336       1        generation of default approver list, accounting for chain-of-authority insertions
337       2        ad-hoc insertions (including surrogates)
338       3        ad-hoc deletions
339       4        elimination of repeated approvers per configuration-variable values
340       5        generation of approver order numbers
341     The test tab should skip stages 2-3 for test transactions.
342   */
343   procedure getTestTransApprovers(isTestTransactionIn in boolean,
344                                   transactionIdIn in varchar2,
345                                   ameApplicationIdIn in integer,
346                                   approverListStageIn in integer,
347                                   approversOut out nocopy ame_util.approversTable2,
348                                   productionIndexesOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
349                                   variableNamesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList,
350                                   variableValuesOut out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
351   /* initializePlsqlContext is for amem0013.sql backwards compatibility only.  Do not use it elsewhere. */
352   procedure initializePlsqlContext(ameApplicationIdIn in integer default null,
353                                    fndApplicationIdIn in integer default null,
354                                    transactionIdIn in varchar2 default null,
355                                    transactionTypeIdIn in varchar2 default null,
356                                    fetchConfigVarsIn in boolean default true,
357                                    fetchOldApproversIn in boolean default true,
358                                    fetchInsertionsIn in boolean default true,
359                                    fetchDeletionsIn in boolean default true,
360                                    fetchAttributeValuesIn in boolean default true,
361                                    fetchInactiveAttValuesIn in boolean default false);
362   /*
363     insertApprover inserts a single approver at an arbitrary location in the current
364     approver list.  Insertion may occur after the last approver.  If adjustMemberOrderNumbersIn
365     is true, insertApprover performs the insertion and then adjusts the member_order_number
366     values of the approvers at and above indexIn, in the same group or chain as approverIn,
367     according to the following rules:
368     1.  If engStApprovers(indexIn) (i.e. approverIn after the insertion) is the only approver
369         in its group or chain, set its member_order_number to one.
370     2.  Otherwise, if the previous approver but not the subsequent approver (if any) is in
371         the same group or chain, set engStApprovers(indexIn).member_order_number to
372         engStApprovers(indexIn - 1).member_order_number + 1.
373     3.  Otherwise, if the next approver but not the previous approver (if any) is in the
374         same group or chain, set engStApprovers(indexIn).member_order_number to
375         engStApprovers(indexIn + 1).member_order_number - 1.
376     4.  Otherwise, if the approvers on either side of engStApprovers(indexIn) have the same
377         member_order_number, set engStApprovers(indexIn).member_order_number to that value.
378         (Basically, preserve parallel group-or-chain ordering if it exists.)
379     5.  Otherwise, set engStApprovers(indexIn).member_order_number to follow the previous
380         approver, and increment the member_order_number values of any subsequent approvers
381         in the same chain, so they follow engStApprovers(indexIn).  (Basically, preserve
382         serial group-or-chain ordering if it exists.)
383   */
384   procedure insertApprover(indexIn in integer,
385                            approverIn in ame_util.approverRecord2,
386                            adjustMemberOrderNumbersIn in boolean default false,
387                            approverLocationIn in boolean default ame_util.lastAmongEquals,
391     insertApprovers inserts a list of approvers at an arbitrary location in the current
388                            inserteeIndexIn in number default null,
389                            currentInsIndex in integer default null);
390   /*
392     approver list.  approversIn(1) will have the index firstIndexIn in engStApprovers.
393     Insertion may occur after the last approver.
394   */
395   procedure insertApprovers(firstIndexIn in integer,
396                             approversIn in ame_util.approversTable2);
397   /*
398     Any API routine that could change transactional data in any of the ame_temp tables
399     must call lockTransaction right after the routine's begin statement, and must call
400     unlockTransaction right before returning (in both cases even if the routine calls another
401     API routine that also calls lockTransaction).  Make sure every possible return calls
402     unlockTransaction, including the exception handlers.
403   */
404   procedure lockTransaction(fndApplicationIdIn in integer,
405                             transactionIdIn in varchar2,
406                             transactionTypeIdIn in varchar2 default null);
407   procedure logTransaction;
408   /* parseFields parses stringIn into strings separated by ame_util.fieldDelimiter. */
409   procedure parseFields(stringIn in varchar2,
410                         fieldsOut out nocopy ame_util.longStringList);
411   procedure updateInsertions(indexIn in integer);
412   procedure processExceptions;
413   /*
414     setHandlerState is included in this version of the engine for architectural backwards compatibility
415     for custom handlers only.  The engine's handler-state functionality is deprecated.  Please use
416     package variables to maintain handler state instead.
417   */
418   procedure setHandlerState(handlerNameIn in varchar2,
419                             parameterIn in varchar2 default null,
420                             stateIn in varchar2 default null);
421   /* Procedure called by LM /substitution handlers to indicate that the rule is applied */
422   procedure setRuleApplied(ruleIndexIn in integer);
423   procedure substituteApprover(approverIndexIn in integer,
424                                nameIn in varchar2,
425                                actionTypeIdIn in varchar2,
426                                ruleIdIn in integer);
427   /*
428     truncateChain truncates the chain of authority in engStApprovers including
429     the approver at approverIndexIn, starting with the first approver after that
430     approver (if any).  If the allowFyiNotifications configuration variable is
431     set to ame_util.yes, truncation means changing to ame_util.fyiApproverCategory
432     the approver_category of the rest of the chain.  Otherwise it means deleting
433     the rest of the chain.  Note that if a routine calls truncateChain repeatedly,
434     it will need to account for the fact that truncation changes the indexes of
435     approvers occurring after the point of truncation.  This suggests sorting the
436     target indexes in descending order, and truncating in that order. . . .
437   */
438   procedure truncateChain(approverIndexIn in integer,
439                           ruleIdIn in integer);
440   procedure unlockTransaction(fndApplicationIdIn in integer,
441                               transactionIdIn in varchar2,
442                               transactionTypeIdIn in varchar2 default null);
443   /*
444     All API calls and test functions should call updateTransactionState to cycle the engine,
445     before calling other engine routines to fetch transaction-state values.
446   */
447   procedure updateTransactionState(isTestTransactionIn in boolean,
448                                    isLocalTransactionIn in boolean,
449                                    fetchConfigVarsIn in boolean,
450                                    fetchOldApproversIn in boolean,
451                                    fetchInsertionsIn in boolean,
452                                    fetchDeletionsIn in boolean,
453                                    fetchAttributeValuesIn in boolean,
454                                    fetchInactiveAttValuesIn in boolean,
455                                    processProductionActionsIn in boolean,
456                                    processProductionRulesIn in boolean,
457                                    updateCurrentApproverListIn in boolean,
458                                    updateOldApproverListIn in boolean,
459                                    processPrioritiesIn in boolean,
460                                    prepareItemDataIn in boolean,
461                                    prepareRuleIdsIn in boolean,
462                                    prepareRuleDescsIn in boolean,
463                                    prepareApproverTreeIn in boolean default false,
464                                    transactionIdIn in varchar2,
465                                    ameApplicationIdIn in integer default null,
466                                    fndApplicationIdIn in integer default null,
467                                    transactionTypeIdIn in varchar2 default null);
468   /* test procedure */
469   procedure testEngine(printContextYNIn in varchar2 default 'N',
470                        printAppRulesYNIn in varchar2 default 'N',
471                        printApproversYNIn in varchar2 default 'N');
472   /* getNext Approvers */
473   procedure getNextApprovers(
474             applicationIdIn   in number
475            ,transactionTypeIn in varchar2
476            ,transactionIdIn   in varchar2
477            ,nextApproversType in number
478            ,flagApproversAsNotifiedIn in varchar2 default ame_util.booleanTrue
479            ,approvalProcessCompleteYNOut out nocopy varchar2
483            ,itemIdsOut                   out nocopy ame_util.stringList
480            ,nextApproversOut             out nocopy ame_util.approversTable2
481            ,itemIndexesOut               out nocopy ame_util.idList
482            ,itemClassesOut               out nocopy ame_util.stringList
484            ,itemSourcesOut               out nocopy ame_util.longStringList
485            ,productionIndexesOut         out nocopy ame_util.idList
486            ,variableNamesOut             out nocopy ame_util.stringList
487            ,variableValuesOut            out nocopy ame_util.stringList
488            ,transVariableNamesOut        out nocopy ame_util.stringList
489            ,transVariableValuesOut       out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
490   /* updateApprovalStatus */
491   procedure updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn in number,
495                                  notificationIn in ame_util2.notificationRecord
492                                  transactionTypeIn in varchar2,
493                                  transactionIdIn in varchar2,
494                                  approverIn in ame_util.approverRecord2,
496                                          default ame_util2.emptyNotificationRecord,
497                                  forwardeeIn in ame_util.approverRecord2 default
498                                              ame_util.emptyApproverRecord2,
499                                  updateItemIn in boolean default false) ;
500   procedure setDeviationReasonDate(reasonIn in varchar2,dateIn in date);
501 end ame_engine;