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Line 85: cp_commencement_date Igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.Commencement_dt%TYPE,

81: -- inorder to calculate ucas_tariff on the fly added the join with igs_as_grd_sch_grade
82: -- Modified the cursor to exclude excluded subjects and subjects that are excluded specifically for this award.
83: -- Modified the cursor to add subject_code IS NULL for 3224610
84: CURSOR Cur_qual_dets (cp_person_id Igs_uc_qual_dets.person_id%TYPE,
85: cp_commencement_date Igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.Commencement_dt%TYPE,
86: cp_exam_level Igs_uc_qual_dets.Exam_level%TYPE,
87: cp_tariff_calc_type Igs_he_ut_excl_qals.tariff_calc_type_cd%TYPE) IS
88: SELECT uqd.Exam_level,
89: uqd.Subject_code,

Line 115: l_commencement_date Igs_en_stdnt_ps_att. Commencement_dt%TYPE,

111: -- Subquery4 is to filter out Award + subject combination records which are setup for exclusion i.e.
112: -- (both Award is not null and subject is not null in exclude qualifications table).
113: -- Modified the cursor to add subject_code IS NULL for 3224610
114: CURSOR Cur_exam_level (l_person_id igs_uc_qual_dets.person_id%TYPE,
115: l_commencement_date Igs_en_stdnt_ps_att. Commencement_dt%TYPE,
116: cp_tariff_calc_type igs_he_ut_lvl_award.tariff_calc_type_cd%TYPE) IS
117: SELECT DISTINCT Exam_level
118: FROM Igs_uc_qual_dets
119: WHERE Person_id = l_person_id

Line 256: cp_commencement_date igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.commencement_dt%TYPE,

252: -- modified the cursor to include and exclude exam levels that are setup for the calculation type.
253: CURSOR cur_check_dup_awards (cp_person_id igs_uc_qual_dets.person_id%TYPE,
254: cp_exam_level igs_uc_qual_dets.exam_level%TYPE,
255: cp_subject_cd igs_uc_qual_dets.subject_code%TYPE,
256: cp_commencement_date igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.commencement_dt%TYPE,
257: cp_tariff_calc_type igs_he_ut_lvl_award.tariff_calc_type_cd%TYPE) IS
258: SELECT DISTINCT exam_level
259: FROM igs_uc_qual_dets
260: WHERE person_id = cp_person_id

Line 321: ,commencement_dt igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.commencement_dt%TYPE

317: l_group_type VARCHAR2(10);
319: TYPE st_spa_rec is record (
320: student_qual_aim igs_he_st_spa.student_qual_aim%TYPE
321: ,commencement_dt igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.commencement_dt%TYPE
322: ,date_qual_on_entry_calc igs_he_st_spa.date_qual_on_entry_calc%TYPE
323: ,person_id igs_he_st_spa.person_id%TYPE
324: ,course_cd igs_he_st_spa.course_cd%TYPE
325: ,version_number igs_he_st_spa.version_number%TYPE);

Line 347: fnd_dsql.add_text('FROM igs_he_st_spa ihss, igs_en_stdnt_ps_att iespa ');

343: -- basic SQL statement for selecting records to be processed
344: -- modified for bug 4035243
345: fnd_dsql.add_text('SELECT ihss.student_qual_aim , iespa.commencement_dt, ihss.date_qual_on_entry_calc,');
346: fnd_dsql.add_text('ihss.person_id, ihss.course_cd, ihss.version_number ');
347: fnd_dsql.add_text('FROM igs_he_st_spa ihss, igs_en_stdnt_ps_att iespa ');
348: fnd_dsql.add_text('WHERE ihss.person_id = iespa.person_id AND ihss.course_cd = iespa.course_cd ');
349: fnd_dsql.add_text('AND hesa_return_id IS NULL AND hesa_submission_name IS NULL AND hesa_return_name IS NULL ');
350: fnd_dsql.add_text('AND EXISTS (SELECT person_id from igs_uc_qual_dets where person_id = ihss.person_id) ');