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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 5

    g_item_update_txn_subtype       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'IO';
Line: 109

        l_sql_string := 'SELECT inventory_item_id, '||
					'item_name, '||
					'bom_item_type, '||
					'bom_itype_desc, '||
					'primary_unit_of_measure, '||
					'description, '||
					'inventory_item_status_code, '||
					'item_status_desc, '||
					'item_type, '||
					'item_type_desc, '||
					'primary_uom_code, '||
					'start_date_active, '||
					'end_date_active, '||
					'attribute1, '||
					'attribute2, '||
					'attribute3, '||
					'attribute4, '||
					'attribute5, '||
					'attribute6, '||
					'attribute7, '||
					'attribute8, '||
					'attribute9, '||
					'attribute10, '||
					'attribute11, '||
					'attribute12, '||
					'attribute13, '||
					'attribute14, '||
					'attribute15 '||
			'FROM xnb_itemmst_cats_v  '||
			'WHERE organization_id = ''' || p_org_id || '''';
Line: 216

		        -- The item has not been successfully published.  Set indicator 'I' - Insert.

    		   IF (l_cln_stat = 0 )    then
	    		    l_indicator := 'I';
Line: 221

    		   -- The item has been successfully published earlier.  Set indicator 'U' - Update.

    		   ELSIF (l_cln_stat = 1)   then
	    		    l_indicator := 'U';
Line: 230

    		   --The Item_Id in this Array is used to update the Collaboration history
		    	l_item_id(l_rec_count) := l_item_rec.item_id;
Line: 311

		   -- The item has not been successfully published.  Set indicator 'I' - Insert.

		   IF (l_cln_stat = 0 ) then
			l_indicator := 'I';
Line: 316

		   -- The item has been successfully published earlier.  Set indicator 'U' - Update.

		   ELSIF (l_cln_stat = 1) then
			l_indicator := 'U';
Line: 325

		   --The Item_Id in this Array is used to update the Collaboration history
			l_item_id(l_rec_count) := l_item_rec.item_id;
Line: 427

/**** Private API to create and update the collaboration  */

 PROCEDURE create_cln_items (	p_bill_app_code IN VARCHAR2,
				i IN NUMBER,
				cln_result OUT NOCOPY NUMBER)

	    l_key_create varchar2(90);
Line: 436

	    l_key_update varchar2(90);
Line: 437

	    l_parameter_list_update wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t();
Line: 448

            SELECT          party_type,
            INTO            l_party_type,
            FROM            ecx_oag_controlarea_tp_v
            WHERE           transaction_type = g_xnb_transaction_type
            AND             transaction_subtype = g_item_update_txn_subtype;
Line: 487

								p_value => g_item_update_txn_subtype,
								p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list_create);
Line: 519

		          --Update the collaboration for all items and make the status to be success
		          --for the trading partner.

			  l_key_update := 'XNB'||'COLL_UPDATE_'||i||'_'||to_char(SYSDATE,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
Line: 526

          xnb_debug.log('create_cln_items','After creating the key for update');
Line: 533

								p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list_update
Line: 536

          xnb_debug.log('create_cln_items','Document Status update done');
Line: 541

								p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list_update
Line: 544

          xnb_debug.log('create_cln_items','Orig Reference update done');
Line: 550

								p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list_update
Line: 554

          xnb_debug.log('create_cln_items','Reference Id update done');
Line: 559

								p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list_update
Line: 562

          xnb_debug.log('create_cln_items','Message Text update done');
Line: 568

								p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list_update);
Line: 571

          xnb_debug.log('create_cln_items','Transaction Type update done');
Line: 576

								p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list_update);
Line: 579

          xnb_debug.log('create_cln_items','Transaction SubType update done');
Line: 584

								p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list_update);
Line: 589

			   wf_event.raise (	p_event_name => 'oracle.apps.cln.ch.collaboration.update',
						p_event_key => l_key_update,
						p_parameters => l_parameter_list_update);
Line: 594

          xnb_debug.log('create_cln_items','Collaboration Updated for Doc no '|| l_item_id(i));
Line: 649

	    x_sql_string := x_sql_string || ' and trunc(last_update_date)  >= trunc(to_date('''||p_from_date||''',''YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS''))';
Line: 714

		               --Else it is UPDATE

			        IF l_pub_cnt = 0 then

			             wf_event.AddParameterToList (
					                            		p_name =>'PARAMETER1',
					                            		p_value => 'ADD',
					                        	        p_parameterlist => l_wf_parameter_list);
Line: 727

				                            			p_value => 'UPDATE',
				                        		        p_parameterlist => l_wf_parameter_list);
Line: 803

		l_transaction_subtype := g_item_update_txn_subtype;
Line: 809

	           l_sql_string := 'SELECT inventory_item_id, '||
					'item_name, '||
					'bom_item_type, '||
					'bom_itype_desc, '||
					'primary_unit_of_measure, '||
					'description, '||
					'inventory_item_status_code, '||
					'item_status_desc, '||
					'item_type, '||
					'item_type_desc, '||
					'primary_uom_code, '||
					'start_date_active, '||
					'end_date_active, '||
					'attribute1, '||
					'attribute2, '||
					'attribute3, '||
					'attribute4, '||
					'attribute5, '||
					'attribute6, '||
					'attribute7, '||
					'attribute8, '||
					'attribute9, '||
					'attribute10, '||
					'attribute11, '||
					'attribute12, '||
					'attribute13, '||
					'attribute14, '||
					'attribute15 '||
			'FROM xnb_itemmst_cats_v  '||
			'WHERE organization_id = ''' || p_org_id || '''';
Line: 903

		    --Create new collaboration for all items and update the status to be success
		    --for the trading partner.
             xnb_debug.log('publish_item',' Before CLN Items Creation');
Line: 958

		        --Create new collaboration for all items and update the status to be success
		        --for the trading partner.

                FOR i IN 1..l_rec_cnt LOOP
		             create_cln_items (p_bill_app_code, i, cln_result);
Line: 1107

		SELECT			invoiceable_item_flag
		INTO			l_flag
		FROM			mtl_system_items_vl
		WHERE			organization_id = l_org_id
                        and inventory_item_id = l_inv_item_id;