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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 135

  select last_run_date
  into x_run_date
  from isc_dr_inc
  where fact_name = p_fact_name;
Line: 179

    select distinct master_organization_id
    from mtl_parameters;
Line: 211

      select user_profile_option_name
      into l_profile_name
      from fnd_profile_options_vl
      where profile_option_name = 'CS_INV_VALIDATION_ORG';
Line: 224

    select master_organization_id
    into l_master_org
    from mtl_parameters
    where organization_id = l_org;
Line: 301

  from isc_dr_inc
  where fact_name = 'ISC_DR_REPAIR_ORDERS_F';
Line: 305

  bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Deleted from table ISC_DR_INC', 1 );
Line: 326

  insert /*+ append parallel(isc_dr_repair_orders_f) */
  into isc_dr_repair_orders_f
  ( repair_line_id
  , repair_number
  , repair_organization_id
  , master_organization_id
  , inventory_item_id
  , item_org_id
  , repair_type_id
  , incident_id
  , incident_number
  , customer_id
  , ro_creation_date
  , dbi_ro_creation_date
  , repair_mode
  , date_closed
  , dbi_date_closed
  , promise_date
  , dbi_promise_date
  , flow_status_id
  , status
  , serial_number
  , quantity
  , uom_code
  , created_by
  , creation_date
  , last_update_date
  , last_updated_by
  , last_update_login
  , program_id
  , program_login_id
  , program_application_id
  , request_id
  select  /*+ use_hash(inc, cr) parallel(inc) parallel(cr)*/
  , cr.repair_number
  , nvl(cr.owning_organization_id,-1)
  , l_master_org master_organization_id
  , cr.inventory_item_id
  , cr.inventory_item_id || '-' || l_master_org
  , cr.repair_type_id
  , inc.incident_id
  , inc.incident_number
  , inc.customer_id
  , trunc(cr.creation_date)
  , case
      when cr.creation_date < g_global_start_date then
      else trunc(cr.creation_date)
  , cr.repair_mode
  , cr.date_closed
  , trunc(cr.date_closed)
  , trunc(cr.promise_date)
  , case
      when cr.promise_date < g_global_start_date then
        g_global_start_date - 1
      else trunc(cr.promise_date)
  , cr.flow_status_id
  , cr.status
  , cr.serial_number
  , cr.quantity
  , cr.unit_of_measure
  , l_user_id
  , sysdate
  , sysdate
  , l_user_id
  , l_login_id
  , l_program_id
  , l_program_login_id
  , l_program_application_id
  , l_request_id
    csd_repairs cr
  , cs_incidents_all_b inc
      cr.incident_id = inc.incident_id
  and ( cr.status in ('O','H','D') or
        cr.Date_closed >= g_global_start_date
Line: 410

  bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Inserted ' || l_rowcount || ' rows into ISC_DR_REPAIR_ORDERS_F' , 1 );
Line: 413

  insert into isc_dr_inc
  ( fact_name
  , last_run_date
  , created_by
  , creation_date
  , last_update_date
  , last_updated_by
  , last_update_login
  , program_id
  , program_login_id
  , program_application_id
  , request_id
  , l_run_date
  , l_user_id
  , sysdate
  , sysdate
  , l_user_id
  , l_login_id
  , l_program_id
  , l_program_login_id
  , l_program_application_id
  , l_request_id
Line: 440

  bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Inserted into table ISC_DR_INC', 1 );
Line: 558

    ( select
      cr.repair_line_id                  repair_line_id
    , cr.repair_number                   repair_number
    , nvl(cr.owning_organization_id, -1) organization_id
    , cr.inventory_item_id               inventory_item_id
    , cr.repair_type_id                  repair_type_id
    , inc.incident_id                    incident_id
    , inc.incident_number                incident_number
    , inc.customer_id                    customer_id
    , trunc(cr.creation_date)            ro_creation_date
    , case
        when cr.creation_date < g_global_start_date then
        else trunc(cr.creation_date)
      end                                dbi_ro_creation_date
    , cr.repair_mode                     repair_mode
    , cr.date_closed                     date_closed
    , trunc(cr.date_closed)              dbi_date_closed
    , trunc(cr.promise_date)             promise_date
    , case
        when cr.promise_date < g_global_start_date then
          g_global_start_date - 1
        end                              dbi_promise_date
    , cr.flow_status_id                  flow_status_id
    , cr.status                          status
    , cr.serial_number                   serial_number
    , cr.quantity                        quantity
    , cr.unit_of_measure                 uom_code
      csd_repairs cr
    , cs_incidents_all_b inc
        cr.incident_id = inc.incident_id
    and cr.last_update_date > l_last_run_date
    ) oltp
    ( fact.repair_line_id = oltp.repair_line_id )
  when matched then
    update set
      fact.repair_number             =  oltp.repair_number
    , fact.repair_organization_id    =  oltp.organization_id
    , fact.master_organization_id    =  l_master_org
    , fact.inventory_item_id         =  oltp.inventory_item_id
    , fact.item_org_id               =  oltp.inventory_item_id || '-' || l_master_org
    , fact.repair_type_id            =  oltp.repair_type_id
    , fact.incident_id               =  oltp.incident_id
    , fact.incident_number           =  oltp.incident_number
    , fact.customer_id               =  oltp.customer_id
    , fact.ro_creation_date          =  oltp.ro_creation_date
    , fact.dbi_ro_creation_date      =  oltp.dbi_ro_creation_date
    , fact.date_closed               =  oltp.date_closed
    , fact.dbi_date_closed           =  oltp.dbi_date_closed
    , fact.repair_mode               =  oltp.repair_mode
    , fact.promise_date              =  oltp.promise_date
    , fact.dbi_promise_date          =  oltp.dbi_promise_date
    , fact.flow_status_id            =  oltp.flow_status_id
    , fact.status                    =  oltp.status
    , fact.serial_number             =  oltp.serial_number
    , fact.quantity                  =  oltp.quantity
    , fact.uom_code                  =  oltp.uom_code
    , fact.last_update_date          =  sysdate
    , fact.last_updated_by           =  l_user_id
    , fact.last_update_login         =  l_login_id
    , fact.program_id                =  l_program_id
    , fact.program_login_id          =  l_program_login_id
    , fact.program_application_id    =  l_program_application_id
    , fact.request_id                =  l_request_id
  when not matched then
    ( repair_line_id
    , repair_number
    , repair_organization_id
    , master_organization_id
    , inventory_item_id
    , item_org_id
    , repair_type_id
    , incident_id
    , incident_number
    , customer_id
    , ro_creation_date
    , dbi_ro_creation_date
    , repair_mode
    , date_closed
    , dbi_date_closed
    , promise_date
    , dbi_promise_date
    , flow_status_id
    , status
    , serial_number
    , quantity
    , uom_code
    , created_by
    , creation_date
    , last_update_date
    , last_updated_by
    , last_update_login
    , program_id
    , program_login_id
    , program_application_id
    , request_id
    ( oltp.repair_line_id
    , oltp.repair_number
    , oltp.organization_id
    , l_master_org
    , oltp.inventory_item_id
    , oltp.inventory_item_id || '-' || l_master_org
    , oltp.repair_type_id
    , oltp.incident_id
    , oltp.incident_number
    , oltp.customer_id
    , oltp.ro_creation_date
    , oltp.dbi_ro_creation_date
    , oltp.repair_mode
    , oltp.date_closed
    , oltp.dbi_date_closed
    , oltp.promise_date
    , oltp.dbi_promise_date
    , oltp.flow_status_id
    , oltp.status
    , oltp.serial_number
    , oltp.quantity
    , oltp.uom_code
    , l_user_id
    , sysdate
    , sysdate
    , l_user_id
    , l_login_id
    , l_program_id
    , l_program_login_id
    , l_program_application_id
    , l_request_id
Line: 699

  update isc_dr_inc
    last_run_date           =  l_run_date
  , last_update_date        =  sysdate
  , last_updated_by         =  l_user_id
  , last_update_login       =  l_login_id
  , program_id              =  l_program_id
  , program_login_id        =  l_program_login_id
  , program_application_id  =  l_program_application_id
  , request_id              =  l_request_id
  where fact_name = 'ISC_DR_REPAIR_ORDERS_F';
Line: 711

  bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Updated into table ISC_DR_INC', 1 );