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Line 559: FROM fm_matl_dtl f, gmd_recipes_b r

555: /* Get the matl dtl for the main product */
556: Cursor get_certain_VR_defaults(vRecipe_id NUMBER) IS
557: -- NPD Conv.
558: SELECT inventory_item_id, qty, detail_uom
559: FROM fm_matl_dtl f, gmd_recipes_b r
560: WHERE f.formula_id = r.formula_id
561: AND r.recipe_id = vRecipe_id
562: AND f.line_type = 1
563: AND f.line_no = 1;

Line 568: FROM fm_matl_dtl f, gmd_recipes_b r

565: /* get the matl details for the item passed in */
566: Cursor get_specific_VR_details(vRecipe_id NUMBER, vItem_id NUMBER) IS
567: SELECT qty, detail_uom
568: FROM fm_matl_dtl f, gmd_recipes_b r
569: WHERE f.formula_id = r.formula_id
570: AND r.recipe_id = vRecipe_id
571: AND f.line_type IN (1,2)
572: AND f.inventory_item_id = vItem_id